
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 11:06:52
会计报表 statement of account
往来帐目 account current
现在往来帐||存款额 current accout
销货帐 account sales
共同计算帐项 joint account
未决帐项 outstanding account
贷方帐项 credit account||creditor account
借方帐项 debit account||debtor account
应付帐||应付未付帐 account payable
应收帐||应收未收帐 account receivable
新交易||新帐 new account
未决帐||老帐 old account
现金帐 cash account
流水帐 running account
暂记帐||未定帐 suspense account
过期帐||延滞帐 overdue account||pastdue account
杂项帐户 sundry account
详细帐单||明细表 detail account
呆帐 bad account
会计项目 title of account
会计薄||帐薄 account-book
营业报告书||损益计算表 account of budiness||business report
借贷细帐||交验帐 account rendered
明细帐 account stated
与... 银行开立一户头 to open an account with
与... 银行建立交易 to keep account with
继续记帐 to keep account
与... 有交易 to have an account with
作成会计帐||有往来帐项 to make out an account with
清算||清理债务 to make up an account
清洁帐目||与... 停止交易 to close one's account with
结帐 to close an account
清理未付款 to ask an account||to demand an account
结清差额 to balance the account with
清算 to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account
审查帐目||监查帐目 to audit an account
检查帐目 to examine an account
转入A的帐户 to charge the amount to A's account
以计帐方式付款 to pay on account
代理某人||为某人 on one's account||on account of one
为自己计算||独立帐目 on one's own account
由某人收益并负风险 on one's account and risk||for one's account and risk
由某人负担 for one's account||for account of one
按某人指示||列入某人帐户 by order and for account of one
列入5月份帐目 for May account
编入某中帐项下 to pass to the account of||to place to the account of
寄出清算书 to send in an account||to send in render an account
支票薄 cheque book
支票陈票人 cheque drawer
持票人 cheque holder
不记名支票 cheque to bearer||bearer cheque
记名支票||认人支票 cheque to order
到期支票 antedated cheque
未到期支票 postdated cheque
保付支票 certified cheque
未获兑现支票,退票 returned cheque
横线支票 crossed cheque
普通横线 general crossing
特别横线 special crossing
空白支票 blank cheque
失效支票,过期支票 stale cheque
普通支票 open cheque
打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元) a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount
加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元) a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges
支票换现金||兑现 to cash a cheque
清理票款 to clear a cheque
保证兑现 to certify a cheque
填写支票数额 to fill up a cheque
支票上划线 to cross a cheque
开发支票 to make out a cheque
签发支票,开立支票 to draw a cheque||to issue a cheque
透支支票 to overdraw a cheque
背书支票 to endorse a cheque
请付票款||清付票款 to pay a cheque||to honour a cheque
支票退票 to dishonour a cheque
拒付支票 to refuse a cheque
拒付支票 to stop payment of a cheque
提示要求付款 to present for payment
见票即付持票人 payable to bearer
支付指定人 payable to order
已过期||无效 out of date||stale
请给出票人 R/D||refer to drawer
存款不足 N/S||N.S.F.||not sufficient funds||I/F||insufficient funds
文字与数字不一致 words and figures differ
支票交换时间已过 account closed
更改处应加盖印章 alterations require initials
交换时间已过 effects not cleared
停止付款 payment stopped
支票毁损 cheque mutilated
汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money
寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment
寄款人 a remitter
收款人 a remittee
国外汇票 foreign Bill
国内汇票 inland Bill
跟单汇票 documentary bill
空头汇票 accommodation bill
原始汇票 original bill
改写||换新票据 renewed bill
即期汇票 sight bill||bill on demand
... days after date||... days' after date ... 日后付款
... months after date||... months' after date ... 月后付款
见票后... 日付款... days' after sight||... days' sight
见票后... 月付款... months' after sight||... months' sight
同组票据 set of bills
单张汇票 sola of exchange||sole of exchange
远期汇票 usance bill||bill at usance
长期汇票 long bill
短期汇票 short bill
逾期汇票 overdue bill
宽限日期 days of grace
电汇 telegraphic transfer (T.T)
邮汇 postal order||postal note (Am.)||post office order||money order
本票 promissory note (P/N)
押汇负责书||押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation
副保||抵押品||付属担保物 collateral security
担保书 trust receipt||letter of indemnity
承兑||认付 acceptance
单张承兑 general acceptance
有条件承兑 qualified acceptance
附条件认付 conditional acceptance
部分认付 partial acceptance
拒付||退票 dishonour
拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance
由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment
提交 presentation
背书 endorsement||indorsement
无记名背书 general endorsement||blank endorsement
记名式背书 special endorsement||full endorsement
附条件背书 conditional endorsement
限制性背书 restrictive endorsement
无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse
期满||到期 maturity
托收 collection
新汇票||再兑换汇票 re-exchange||re-draft
外汇交易 exchange dealing||exchange deals
汇兑合约 exchange contract
汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract
外汇行情 exchange quotation
交易行情表 course of exchange||exchange table
汇价||兑换率 exchange rate||rate of exchange
官方汇率 official rate
挂牌汇率||名义汇率 nominal rate
现汇汇率 spot rate
电汇汇率||电汇率|| T.T. rate||telegraphic transfer rate
兑现率||兑现汇率 demand rate
长期汇率 long rate
私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill
远期汇票兑换率 forward rate
套价||套汇汇率||裁定外汇行情 cross rate
付款汇率 pence rate
当日汇率||成交价 currency rate
套汇||套价||公断交易率 arbitrage
汇票交割||汇票议付 negotiation of draft
交易人||议付人 negotiator
票据交割||让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill
折扣交割||票据折扣 to discount a bill
票据背书 to endorse a bill
应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000||a balance in our favour of $ 51,000
收到汇款 to receive remittance
填写收据 to make out a receipt
付款方法 mode of payment
现金付款 payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash
以支票支付 payment by cheque
以汇票支付 payment by bill
以物品支付 payment in kind
付清||支付全部货款 payment in full||full payment
支付部分货款||分批付款 payment in part||part payment||partial payment
记帐付款||会计帐目内付款 payment on account
定期付款 payment on term
年分期付款 annual payment
月分期付款 monthly payment||monthly instalment
延滞付款 payment in arrear
预付货||先付 payment in advance||prepayment
延付货款 deferred payment
立即付款 prompt payment||immediate payment
暂付款 suspense payment
延期付款 delay in payment||extension of payment
支付票据 payment bill
名誉支付||干与付款 payment for honour||payment by intervention
结帐||清算||支付 settlement
分期付款 instalment
滞付||拖欠||尾数款未付 arrears
特许拖延付款日 days of grace
保证付款 del credere
付款 to pay||to make payment||to make effect payment
结帐 to settle||to make settlement||to make effect settlement||to square||to balance
支出||付款 to defray||to disburse
结清 to clear off||to pya off
请求付款 to ask for payment||to request payment
恳求付帐 to solicit payment
拖延付款 to defer payment||to delay payment
付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment
还债 to discharge
迅速付款 to pay promptly
付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well||to pay fairly well||to keep the engagements regularly
付款相当慢 to pay slowly||to take extended credit
付款不好 to pay badly||to be generally in arrear with payments
付款颇为恶劣 to pay very badly||to never pay unless forced
拒绝付款 to refuse payment||to refuse to pay||to dishonour a bill
相信能收到款项 We shall look to you for the payment||We shall depend upon you for the payment ||We expect payment from you
惠请付款 kindly pay the amount||please forward payment||please forward a cheque.
我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回该项货款 I shall be obliged to take the necessary steps to legally recover the amount. ||I shall be compelled to take steps to enforce payment.
惠请宽限 let the matter stand over till then.||allow me a short extension of time. ||Kindly postpone the time for payment a little longer.
索取利息 to charge interest
附上利息 to draw interest||to bear interest||to allow interest
生息 to yield interest
生息3% to yield 3%
存款 to deposit in a bank||to put in a bank||to place on deposit||to make deposit
在银行存款 to have money in a bank||to have a bank account||to have money on deposit
向银行提款 to withdraw one's deposit from a bank
换取现金 to convert into money||to turn into cash||to realize
折扣用语 从价格打10%的折扣 to make a discount of 10% off the price||to make 10% discount off the price
打折扣购买 to buy at a discount
打折扣出售 to sell at a discount
打折扣-让价 to reduce||to make a reduction
减价 to deduct||to make a deduction
回扣 to rebate
现金折扣 cash discount
货到付款||现金提货 cash on deliver (C.O.D.)
货到付现款 cash on arrival
即时付款 prompt cash
净价||最低价格付现 net cash
现金付款 ready cash
即期付款 spot cash||cash down||cash on the nail
凭单据付现款 cash against documents
凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading
承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)
付款交单 documents against payment (D/P)
除非另有说明, 30日后全额付现, 如有错误, 请立即通知。
Net cash 30 days unless specified otherwise. Advise promptly if incorrect.
付款条件: 30日后全额付现, 10日后付现打2%折扣, 过期后付款时, 加上利率为6%的利息。
Terms, net cash 30 days, or, less 2% 10 days. Interest charged at the rate of 6% after maturity.
付款条件: 月底后10日后付现2%折扣, 现在付现3%折扣, 否则, 全额付现。
Terms: 2%, 10 days E.O.M., or 3% cash, otherwise strictly net.
追加信用证 additional credit||additional L/C
信用证金额 amount of credit
赊帐金额 credit balance
可撤消信用证 revocable L/C
不可撤消信用证 irrevocable L/C
保兑信用证 confirmed L/C
不保兑信用证 unconfirmed L/C
可转让信用证 assignable L/C||transferable L/C
银行信用证 banker's L/C
有追索权信用证 with recourse L/C
无追索权信用证 without recourse L/C
单一信用证 simple credit
无条件信用证 open credit||free credit
普通信用证 general letter of credit
旅行信用证 circular letter of credit
特别信用证 special letter of credit
信用证底帐 letter of credit ledger
信用证发行帐 letter of credit issued account
信用证金额 amount of credit
信用证余额||信用证结欠 credit balance
开立信用证 to open a credit
通过银行开立信用证 to establish a credit through a bank
电开信用证 to cable a credit
取消信用证 to cancel a credit
开出信用证 to issue a credit
在某银行开立信用证 to arrange a credit with a bank
修改信用证 to amend a credit
延展信用证有效期 to extend a credit
增加信用证面额 to increase a credit
寄出信用证 to send a credit
请发给信用证 to take out a credit
We nave opened a confirmed credit in your favour.
以贵方为受益人, 我们开出不可撤消的的保兑信用证。
We have opened a confirmed and irrevocable credit in your favour.
我们被请求已开出以贵方为受益人的信用证, 特此通知。
We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested to open a credit in your favour.
我们已开出商业信用证, 特此通知。
We intimate to you that we have issued a commercial letter of credit.
请入收款人的户号 account payee
请支付票款 advice to pay cheques
惠请通知该支票的经过 advise fate
金额有错误 accounts differ
文字与数字所记载金额不同 words and figures differ
签名有误|印鉴不符 signatures differ
请明天再次提出为荷 present again tomorrow
保证付款 good for payment
请照会发票人 refer to drawee (R.D.)
无交易 no account
款额不足||存款不足 not sufficient (N.S.)||no sufficient funds (N.S.F.)
已无存款 no funds
如支票不获兑现时, 不必出具拒绝证书。 notto be protested in case of dishonour||protest waived||no protest
需要出具拒绝证书 to be protested
没有通知 no advice
未受指示 no orders
禁止转让||不可转让 non-transferable||not transferable
已付款 received payment||payment received
上开价金已收到 value received||for value received
上开价金系经核算 value in account
上开金额与发票相同 value as per invoice
上开金额与通知书相符 value as per advice
无追索权 without recourse
有追索权||偿还请求权 right of recourse
请求偿还清单||清偿帐户 recourse account
偿还准备金 recourse fund
拒绝偿还||拒绝追索 recourse repudiation
定期存款的条件为年利6%, 存期6个月以上, 只要金额1,000元, 我们均乐意接受。
We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a.
谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份, 面额100,000元, 请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存=折本金加上利息之和。
Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal.
如存款为100元以上, 我们将乐意接受。
We shall be glad to receive deposits of 100 yen and upward.
到目前为止, 我公司应收帐尚有二万美元。兹奉上结算报告书一份, 敬请查收为荷。
Enclosed we hand you a statement of account to date, showing a balance of $20,000 in our favour, which we trust will be found in order.
上开帐目, 现正核对, 如无错误, 将遵照贵公司的指示, 将转入新开的帐户内。
This account is under examination, and if found correct, it shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions.
您昨日函敬悉。兹遵照贵方请求, 同函附上结算报告书, 敬请惠予查收为荷。
Your favour of yesterday was duly received, and we hand you herewith a statement of your account as requested, which we hope you will find correct.
兹奉上棒铁总价为512,000元清单一份, 恳请列入我公司贷方帐项为荷。
We hand you our account on the bar iron, amounting to $512,000, which kindly pass to our credit.
an early remittance will be appreciated.
迟付的60美元, 请速予寄下为荷。
Please let us have your check for the $60 now past overdue.
有鉴于此, 相信贵方将随复函寄来支票, 特此致谢。
With these facts before you , we feel sure that you will send us your check by return mail. Thank you.
我们恳求, 对此部分能速予结帐为荷。
We urge that you make this settlement without delay.
何不立即对此案作一结算? 请在今日将支票随函发出即可。
Why not settle this matter now? Just attach your check to this letter, and send it by today's mail.
为加清本帐目, 我方多次催促, 但未有任何效果。所以为收回本帐款项, 准备向法院起诉, 特此通知。
Having made repeated applications for apyment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we shall take out a summons for recovery of the same
下星期一以前未能清结本件款项, 不得已, 将委任我公司顾问律师处理。
We wish to state that if the account be not paid by Monday next, we shall be forced to place the matter in the hands o four solicitors.
贵方虽多次答应付款结帐, 但迄今尚未结清。如在本月底以前, 尚未拔款结清,只好委托我公司顾问律师处理。
In spite of your repeated promises to let us have a cheque, we are still without a settlement of your outstanding account, and therefore, unless same is settled by the end of this month, we shall be compelled to hand over the matter to our solicitor.
对于此事, 贵方似乎在趁机利用我公司的宽容态度。本函系最后通告所, 复函时请汇足够金额, 以结此帐, 否则只好采取其它途径, 特此函告。
As you seem to take advantage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery.
Herewith we enclose a cheque, value $50,000, which please place to the credit of Mr. K.Kondo, and acknowledge receipt to us in duplicate.
By order and for account of Mr.Satoh, I hand you enclosed a draft for $200,000 at sight, which please pass to the credit of his account.
I send you herewith a cheque, value $250,000, receipt of which please acknowledge.
In settlement of your invoice of 1st May, $125,000, we enclose a draft, on the Mitsuo Bank, for which amount please credit our account and acknowledge receipt.
We acknowledge receipt of your cheque, $100,000, in settlement of the charges on the consignment, and pass this sum to your credit, with best thanks.
We are in due receipt of your favour of yesterday, covering a cheque for $55,000, for which we thank you.
We are duly in receipt of your favour of the 5th May, enclosing a draft, value $51,250, to balance your account.
We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the cheque for $31,250, in settlement of your account to 15th May.
We have this day drawn the following bill of exchange on your esteemed firm- No.123, $500,000, payable at sight.
We have to acquaint you that, in accordance with your instructions, we have this day drawn upon Messrs, tanaka & Co., at 60d/s for $200,000, inclusive of charges.
We advise you that we have drawn on you this day for $100,000, at 3m/d, to the order fo yourself, which we commend to your kind protection.
we have the pleasure to inform you that we have drawn this day on you for $500,000, at 3m/s. for which we have credited you as usual.
因葡萄酒尚未售出, 近期也难有攻观, 我方目前不能遵照齐滕先生的指示将余额向贵方开出汇票或汇给贵方。
As the wines are not yet disposed of, nor likely to be for some time, we cannot obey Mr. Saito's orders as to drawing on you or remitting you the balance at present.
如有机会, 请向本人开出煤炭价款加上保险费的汇票。对于这批出口货物, 为弥补发生损害的损失, 请办理保险并在货值上再加保5%金额
Should you have an opportunity, you may draw on me for the cost of coal, together with that of insurance, which you will be so good as to effect on the outward cargo to its full value, with an addition of five per cent, to cover expenses in case of loss.
为收回款项, 请依照最有利的汇率, 向我方开出见票后60日付款的汇票, 并请同时提供发票、提单及保险单为荷。
For your reimbursement, you will draw on me at sixty days' sight, and at the most favourable exchange, furnishing me at the same time, with an invoice, bill of lading and insurance policy.
对贵方的发票金额, 请向汉堡 A公司开出见票后三个月付款的汇票, 附寄该公司提单一份, 并请该公司办理保险。
For the amount of your invoice, you will be so good as to draw on Messrs. A & Co. of Hamburg, at three months' date, and forward them a bill of lading, requesting them to effect insurance.
兹向贵公司开陈这批货见票后60日付款、面额500,000元汇票一张, 请予承兑为荷。
We have taken the liberty of drawing on you today against this consignment for $500,000 at sixty days' sight, which please protect on presentation.
我同函寄上由Axbridge的布莱克先生付款、见票后30日付款的面额为50美元汇票一张,请向付款人提出后请其承兑, 并予保管, 到期请将金额给我汇来。不胜感激。
I take liberty to trouble you with the enclosed draft for $50, at thirty days' sight, on Mr. Black of Axbridge, which I shall be obliged by your getting accepted, and retaining in your possession until due, at which time you can remit me the amount.
我公司伦敦分公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张, 兹同函奉上, 请承兑后寄还为荷。
Enclosed we hand you a draft, $300,000, drawn on you by our London house. Kindly accept same and return.
同函奉上神户Brown兄弟公司向贵公司开出的汇票一张, 恳请惠予承兑后并及时寄还为荷。
Herewith we hand you a draft from Messrs. Brown & Bros., of Kobe, on your goodselves, which please accept and return to us in due course.
同函奉上由贵城三木银行付款、面额为500,000元的即期汇票一张, 收到后敬请告知为荷。
We hand you enclosed a draft, value $500,000 at sight, on the Mitsuki Bank of your city, receipt of which please acknewledge.
兹同函奉上以Robert父子公司为付款人、面额26.15美元的即期汇票一张, 用以清偿所欠贵方债务。
Enclosed is a sight draft for $26.15 on Messrs. Robert & Sons, which clears off our indebtedness to you.
谨同函奉上以George Bury公司为付款人、面额500美元见票后60日付款的第一联汇票一张, 请办理手续取款后, 记我的贷方帐户为荷。
Enclosed you will receive first of exchange for $500 at sixty days' sight, on George Bury &Co., with which you will please to do the needful, and credit my account accordingly.
同函寄上五张汇票, 金额总计为5,620,000元, 详见注脚。
Enclosed please find five bills of exchange, as noted at foot, amounting to $5,620,000.
贵方9月1日函及所附以George Bury公司为付款人、面额500美元见票后60日付款的汇票一张均已收悉, 现已获得及时承兑, 到期后将记入贵方贷方帐户。
I am favoured with your esteemed letter of the first Sept., encloseing $500 in a bill at sixty days' sight, on George Bury & Co., which, having been duly honoured, will appear to your credit at maturity.
你方由本人指定以Martin公司为付款人的三张汇票, 已由史密斯公司承兑。
Your three drafts on Martin & Co., to my order, have been accepted by Smith & Co.
贵方10月7日开出的, 票面日期30天后付款、由贵方指定付款人的汇票, 将及时获得承兑。
Your draft under date of th 7th Oct., at 30 days' date to your own order, will be duly honoured.
我们很遗憾地声明, 以须藤先生为付款人的票面560,000美元的汇票已遭拒付, 我们不得不要求贵方汇寄567,500美元。包括由此而产生的费用在内。
We regret to state that the bill for $560,000 on Mr. sutoh, hsa been dishonoured by non-payment, and we shall be obliged by your remitting us $567,500, amount of same and charges incurred.
由矢野先生承兑的贵方汇票第2345号、面额2,500,000美元, 已遭拒付, 特此声明。
We state that your draft, No. 2345, for $2,500,000, duly accepted by Mr. Yano, has been dishonoured by non-payment.
3月1日已通知贵方的未获承兑的汇票, 金额1,000,000美元, 虽已到期但未获清偿。我不得不将该票寄还并附寄拒付证书一份以及我的佣金和费用的帐目一份。这笔金额共计1,013,500美元, 我已向贵方开出凭大木先生或指定付款人的即期汇票一张,请查收。
the draft for $1,000,000 which, as I advised you on the 1st March had not been accepted, having since become due and not being discharged, I have now to return it to you with a protest for non-payment, together with an account of my commission and charges, amounting to $1,013,500, for which I have drawn on you at sight, to the order of Mr. Ohki.
我公司小泽先生因急事出差大阪, 5月1日以前不能返回, 故该件请宽延至5月1日, 我们将于5月2日汇款。
Our Mr. Osawa is away in Osaka on an urgent business, and will not return until the 1st May, and so if you will kindly let the matter stand over till then, we will send you a cheque by the first post on the 2nd of the same month.
数日之内我们将有三笔大额近款, 所以我们最迟于下星期一以前定给贵方汇款。
As we expect to receive three large sums within the next few days, days, we will send you some money by Monday at the latest.
对6月1日应付款项, 如果能延些时间, 我将非常感谢。
I shall be very much obliged if you will give me a little more time to settle your account due 1st June
非常遗憾, 本公司目前实在无力结清该帐。
We tegret that we are not able at the moment to make you a settlement.
贵公司要求该帐在7月16日以前结清, 但我公司恐怕无能为力, 我们将乐意接受贵方二个月期的汇票以结清这笔款项。
We are afraid it will be impossible for us to settle your account by the 16th July next--the date you mention--but we shall be willing to accept a bill for the settlement at 2 m/date.
由于目前生意普遍地不景气, 由我公司承兑、10月18日到期、面额1,500美元的汇票将无法兑现。
Owing to the serious depression of trade now prevailing, we shall be unable to meet our acceptance for $1,500, which matures for payment on the 18th Oct.
兹同函奉上贵方的往来帐, 余额为15.7美元, 于本日列入新帐借方内, 敬请核查见复为荷。
Enclosed I wait on you with your account current, balance carried to your debit this day in a new account, $15.7, which Itrust you find correct.
谨同函奉上贵方的往来帐, 我方顺差500美元, 如核查无误, 请列入新帐为荷。
Enclosed I now wait on you with your account current, leaving a balance of $500 in my favour, which if found correct, you will be so good as to pass to a new account.
兹同函寄上贵方的往来帐, 其上显示我方顺差500美元。
I hand you, enclosed, your account current, showing a balance in my fivour of $500.
我们送货后, 顾客直接向我们办分期付款。我们收款时, 要将收据交付顾客。
The customer pays the instalments direct to us, after delivery o fthe articles and we send him the receipts.
您租用我公司的缝纫机一台, 同时送上一张契约书, 记明您应为此每月付款15美元。
You have on hire from us a sewing machine, for which we hold your written agreement to make regular payments at the rate o f$15 per month.
As the machine was hired to you on the understanding that regular payments would be made, we must ask that in future the terms of the afreement should be strictly adhered to.
敬请留意, 我公司对市区的付款日, 订于每周星期三上午11时起至下午3时。但是,我们希望各位债权人至少提前三天派代表与我行接洽清偿金额。
Please note that our pay day for Town Accounts is Wednesday of any Week, between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., but we expect creditors to send representatives to agree to amounts for settlement at least three days prior to calling for their cheques.
提交清算书后15日内付款可打10%的折扣, 超过15日, 依全额付清。
The account is subject to 10% discount if settled within fifteen days of rendering, after which it is strictly net.
1AAA 美国会计学会
3abacus 算盘考试大论坛
5abandonment value 废弃价值
7ability to service debt 偿债能力
8abnormal cost 异常成本
9abnormal spoilage 异常损耗
10above par 超过票面价值
11above the line线上项目
12absolute amount 绝对数,绝对金额
13absolute endorsement 绝对背书
14absolute insolvency 绝对无力偿付
15absolute priority 绝对优先求偿权
16absolute value 绝对值
17absorb 摊配,转并
18absorption account 摊配账户,转并账户
19absorption costing 摊配成本计算法
20abstract 摘要表考试大论坛
21abuse 滥用职权
22abuse of tax shelter 滥用避税项目
24accelerated cost recovery system 加速成本收回制度
25accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法,快速折旧法
26acceleration clause 加速偿付条款,提前偿付条款
28acceptance bill 承兑票据
29acceptance register 承兑票据登记簿
30acceptance sampling验收抽样
31access time 存取时间
32accommodation 融通
33accommodation bill 融通票据
34accommodation endorsement 融通背书
36accountability 经营责任,会计责任
37accountability unit 责任单位
38Accountancy 《会计》杂志
39accountancy 会计
40accountant 会计员,会计师
41accountant general 会计主任,总会计
42accounting in charge 主管会计师
43accountant,s legal liability 会计师的法律责任
44accountant,s report 会计师报告
45accountant,s responsibility 会计师职责
46account form 账户式,账式
48accounting assumption 会计假定,会计假设
49accounting basis 会计基准,会计基本方法
50accounting changes 会计变更
51accounting concept 会计概念
52accounting control 会计控制
53accounting convention 会计常规,会计惯例
54accounting corporation 会计公司
55accounting cycle 会计循环
56accounting data 会计数据
57accounting doctrine 会计信条
58accounting document 会计凭证
59accounting elements 会计要素
60accounting entity 会计主体,会计个体
61accounting entry 会计分录
62accounting equation 会计等式
63accounting event 会计事项
64accounting exposure 会计暴露,会计暴露风险
65accounting firm 会计事务所考试大论坛
66Accounting Hall of Fame 会计名人堂
67accounting harmonization 会计协调化
68accounting identity 会计恒等式
69accounting income 会计收益
70accounting information 会计信息
71accounting information system 会计信息系统
72accounting internationalization 会计国际化
73accounting journals 会计杂志
74accounting legislation 会计法规
75accounting manual 会计手册
76accounting objective 会计目标
77accounting period 会计期
78accounting policies 会计政策
79accounting postulate 会计假设
80accounting practice 会计实务
81accounting principle 会计原则
82Accounting Principle Board 会计原则委员会
83accounting procedures 会计程序
84accounting profession 会计职业,会计专业
85accounting rate of return 会计收益率
86accounting records 会计记录,会计簿籍
87Accounting Review 《会计评论》
88accounting rules 会计规则
89Accounting Series Release 《会计公告文件》
90accounting service 会计服务
91accounting software 会计软件
92accounting standard 会计标准,会计准则
93accounting standardization 会计标准化
94Accounting Standards Board 会计准则委员会(英)
95Accounting Standards Committee 会计准则委员会(英)
96accounting system①会计制度②会计系统
97accounting technique 会计技术
98accounting theory 会计理论
99accounting transaction 会计业务,会计账务
100Accounting Trend and Techniques 《会计趋势和会计技术》
101accounting unit 会计单位
102accounting valuation 会计计价
103accounting year 会计年度
104accounts 会计账簿,会计报表
105account sales 承销清单,承销报告单
106accounts payable 应付账款
107accounts receivable 应收账款
108accounts receivable aging schedule 应收账款账龄分析表
109accounts receivable assigned 已转让应收账款
110accounts receivable collection period应收账款收款期
111accounts receivable discounted 已贴现应收账款
112accounts receivable financing 应收账款筹资,应收账款融资
113accounts receivable management 应收账款管理
114accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转率,应收账款周转次数
115accretion 增殖
116accrual basis accounting 应计制会计,权责发生制会计
117accrued asset 应计资产
118accrued expense 应计费用
119accrued liability 应计负债
120accrued revenue 应计收入
121accumulated depreciation 累计折旧
122accumulated dividend 累计股利
123accumulated earnings tax 累积盈余税,累积收益税
124accumulation 累积,累计
125acid test ratio 酸性试验比率
126acquired company 被盘购公司,被兼并公司
127acquisition 购置,盘购
128acquisition accounting 盘购会计
129acquisition cost 购置成本
130acquisition decision 购置决策
131acquisition excess 盘购超支
132acquisition surplus 盘购盈余
133across-the-board 全面调整
134ACT 预交公司税
135act 法案,法规
136action 起诉,诉讼
137active account 活动账户
138active assets 活动资产
139activity 业务活动,作业
140activity account 作业账户
141activity accounting 作业会计
142activity ratio 业务活动比率
143activity variance 业务活动量差异
144act of bankruptcy 破产法
145act of company 公司法
146act of God 天灾,不可抗力
147actual capital 实际资本
148actual value 实际价值
149actual wage 实际工资
150added value 增值
151added value statement 增值表
152added value tax 增值税
153addition 增置,扩建
154additional depreciation 附加折旧,补提折旧
155additional paid-in capital 附加实缴资本
156additional tax 附加税
157adequate disclosure 充分披露
158adjunct account 附加账户
159adjustable-rate bond 可调整利率债券
160adjusted gross income 调整后收益总额,调整后所得总额
161adjusted trial balance 调整后试算表
162adjusting entry 调整分录
163adjustment 调整
164adjustment account 调整账户
165adjustment bond 调整债券
166administrative accounting 行政管理会计
167administrative budget 行政管理预算
168administrative expense行政管理费用
169ADR 资产折旧年限幅度
170ad valorem tax 从价税
171advance 预付款,垫付款
172advance corporation tax 预交公司税
173advances from customers 预收客户款
174advance to suppliers 预付货款
175adventure 投机经营,短期经营
176adverse opinion 反面意见,否定意见
177adverse variance 不利差异,逆差
178advisory services咨询服务
179affiliated company 联营公司
180affiliation 联营
181after closing trial balance 结账后试算表
182after cost 售后成本
183after date 出票后兑付
184after sight 见票后兑付
185after-tax 税后
186AGA 政府会计师联合会
187age 寿命,账龄,资产使用年限
188age allowance年龄减免
189age analysis 账龄分析
190agency 代理,代理关系
191agency commission 代理佣金
192agency fund 代管基金
193agenda 议事日程,备忘录
194agent 代理商,代理人
195aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表
196aggregate income statement 合并损益表
197AGI 调整后收益总额,调整后所得总额
198aging of accounts receivable应收账款账龄分析
199aging schedule 账龄表
200agio 贴水,折价
201agiotage 汇兑业务,兑换业务
202AGM 年度股东大会
203agreement 协议
204agreement of partnership 合伙协议
205AICPA 美国注册公共会计师协会
206AIS 会计信息系统
207all capital earnings rate 资本总额收益率
208all-inclusive income concept 总括收益概念
209allocation 分摊,分配
210allocation criteria分配标准
213allowance for bad debts 呆账备抵
214allowance for depreciation 折旧备抵账户
215allowance method 备抵法
216all-purpose financial statement 通用财务报表,通用会计报表
217alpha risk 阿尔法风险,第一种审计风险
218altered check 涂改支票
219alternative accounting methods 可选择性会计方法
220alternative proposals 替代方案,备选方案
221amalgamation 企业合并
222American Accounting Association 美国会计学会
223American depository receipts 美国银行证券存单,美国银行证券托存收据
224American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 美国注册会计师协会,美国注册公共会计师协会
225American option 美式期权
226American Stock Exchange 美国股票交易所
228amortized cost 摊余成本
229amount 金额,合计
230amount differ 金额不符
231amount due 到期金额
232amount of 1 dollar 1元的本利和
233analysis 分析
235analytical review 分析性检查
236annual audit 年度审计
237annual closing 年度结账
238annual general meeting 年度股东大会
239annualize 按年折算
240annualized net present value 折算年度净现值
241annual report 年度报告
242annuity 年金
243annuity due期初年金
244annuity in advance预付年金
245annuity in arrears迟付年金
246annuity method of depreciation 年金折旧法
247antedate 填早日期
248anticipation 预计,预列
249anti-dilution clause 防止稀释条款
250anti-pollution investment 消除污染投资
251anti-profiteering tax 反暴利税
252anti-tax avoidance 反避税
253anti-trust legislation 反拖拉斯立法
254A/P 应付账款
255APB 会计原则委员会
256APB Opinion 《会计原则委员会意见书》
258applied overhead 已分配间接费用
259appraisal 估价
260appraisal capital 评估资本
261appraisal surplus 估价盈余
262appraiser 估价员,估价师
263appreciation 增值
264appropriated retained earnings 已拨定留存收益,已指定用途留存收益
265appropriation 拨款,指拨经费
266appropriation account ①拨款账户②留存收益分配账户
267appropriation budget拨款预算
268approval 核定,审批
269approved account 核定账户
270approved bond 核定债券
271A/R 应收账款
272arbitrage 套利,套汇
273arbitrage transaction 套利业务,套汇业务
274arbitration 仲裁,公断
275arithmetical error 算术误差
276arm,s-length price 正常价格,公正价格
277arm,s-length transaction 一臂之隔交易,正常交易
278ARR 会计收益率
280arrestment 财产扣押
281Authur Anderson & Co. 约瑟?安德森会计师事务所,安达信会计师事务所
282article 文件条文,合同条款
283articles of incorporation公司章程
284articles of partnership 合伙契约
285articulate 环接
286articulated concept 环接观念
287artificial intelligence 人工智能
288ASB 审计准则委员会
290Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行
291Asian dollar 亚洲美元
292asking price 索价,卖方报价
293assessed value 估定价值
295asset 资产
296asset cover 资产担保,资产保证
297asset depreciation range 资产折旧年限幅度
298asset-liability view 资产—负债观念
299asset quality 资产质量
300asset retirement 资产退役,资产报废
一、 资产类 Assets
流动资产 Current assets
货币资金 Cash and cash equivalents
现金 Cash
银行存款 Cash in bank
其他货币资金 Other cash and cash equivalents
外埠存款 Other city Cash in bank
银行本票 Cashier''s cheque
银行汇票 Bank draft
信用卡 Credit card
信用证保证金 L/C Guarantee deposits
存出投资款 Refundable deposits
短期投资 Short-term investments
股票 Short-term investments - stock
债券 Short-term investments - corporate bonds
基金 Short-term investments - corporate funds
其他 Short-term investments - other
短期投资跌价准备 Short-term investments falling price reserves
应收款 Account receivable
应收票据 Note receivable
银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance
商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance
应收股利 Dividend receivable
应收利息 Interest receivable
应收账款 Account receivable
其他应收款 Other notes receivable
坏账准备 Bad debt reserves
预付账款 Advance money
应收补贴款 Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable
库存资产 Inventories
物资采购 Supplies purchasing
原材料 Raw materials
包装物 Wrappage
低值易耗品 Low-value consumption goods
材料成本差异 Materials cost variance
自制半成品 Semi-Finished goods
库存商品 Finished goods
商品进销差价 Differences between purchasing and selling price
委托加工物资 Work in process - outsourced
委托代销商品 Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis
受托代销商品 Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis
存货跌价准备 Inventory falling price reserves
分期收款发出商品 Collect money and send out the goods by stages
待摊费用 Deferred and prepaid expenses
长期投资 Long-term investment
长期股权投资 Long-term investment on stocks
股票投资 Investment on stocks
其他股权投资 Other investment on stocks
长期债权投资 Long-term investment on bonds
债券投资 Investmenton bonds
其他债权投资 Other investment on bonds
长期投资减值准备 Long-term investments depreciation reserves
股权投资减值准备 Stock rights investment depreciation reserves
债权投资减值准备 Bcreditor''s rights investment depreciation reserves
委托贷款 Entrust loans
本金 Principal
利息 Interest
减值准备 Depreciation reserves
固定资产 Fixed assets
房屋 Building
建筑物 Structure
机器设备 Machinery equipment
运输设备 Transportation facilities
工具器具 Instruments and implement
累计折旧 Accumulated depreciation
固定资产减值准备 Fixed assets depreciation reserves
房屋、建筑物减值准备 Building/structure depreciation reserves
机器设备减值准备 Machinery equipment depreciation reserves
工程物资 Project goods and material
专用材料 Special-purpose material
专用设备 Special-purpose equipment
预付大型设备款 Prepayments for equipment
为生产准备的工具及器具 Preparative instruments and implement for fabricate
在建工程 Construction-in-process
安装工程 Erection works
在安装设备 Erecting equipment-in-process
技术改造工程 Technical innovation project
大修理工程 General overhaul project
在建工程减值准备 Construction-in-process depreciation reserves
固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets
无形资产 Intangible assets
专利权 Patents
非专利技术 Non-Patents
商标权 Trademarks, Trade names
著作权 Copyrights
土地使用权 Tenure
商誉 Goodwill
无形资产减值准备 Intangible Assets depreciation reserves
专利权减值准备 Patent rights depreciation reserves
商标权减值准备 trademark rights depreciation reserves
未确认融资费用 Unacknowledged financial charges
待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income
待处理财产损溢 Wait deal assets loss or income
待处理流动资产损溢 Wait deal intangible assets loss or income
待处理固定资产损溢 Wait deal fixed assets loss or income
二、负债类 Liability
短期负债 Current liability
短期借款 Short-term borrowing
应付票据 Notes payable
银行承兑汇票 Bank acceptance
商业承兑汇票 Trade acceptance
应付账款 Account payable
预收账款 Deposit received
代销商品款 Proxy sale goods revenue
应付工资 Accrued wages
应付福利费 Accrued welfarism
应付股利 Dividends payable
应交税金 Tax payable
应交增值税 value added tax payable
进项税额 Withholdings on VAT
已交税金 Paying tax
转出未交增值税 Unpaid VAT changeover
减免税款 Tax deduction
销项税额 Substituted money on VAT
出口退税 Tax reimbursement for export
进项税额转出 Changeover withnoldings on VAT
出口抵减内销产品应纳税额 Export deduct domestic sales goods tax
转出多交增值税 Overpaid VAT changeover
未交增值税 Unpaid VAT
应交营业税 Business tax payable
应交消费税 Consumption tax payable
应交资源税 Resources tax payable
应交所得税 Income tax payable
应交土地增值税 Increment tax on land value payable
应交城市维护建设税 Tax for maintaining and building cities
应交房产税 Housing property tax payable
应交土地使用税 Tenure tax payable
应交车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate
tax(VVULPT) payable
应交个人所得税 Personal income tax payable
其他应交款 Other fund in conformity with paying
其他应付款 Other payables
预提费用 Drawing expense in advance
其他负债 Other liabilities
待转资产价值 Pending changerover assets value
预计负债 Anticipation liabilities
长期负债 Long-term Liabilities
长期借款 Long-term loans
一年内到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due within one year
一年后到期的长期借款 Long-term loans due over one year
应付债券 Bonds payable
债券面值 Face value, Par value
债券溢价 Premium on bonds
债券折价 Discount on bonds
应计利息 Accrued interest
长期应付款 Long-term account payable
应付融资租赁款 Accrued financial lease outlay
一年内到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable due within one year
一年后到期的长期应付 Long-term account payable over one year
专项应付款 Special payable
一年内到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable due within one year
一年后到期的专项应付 Long-term special payable over one year
递延税款 Deferral taxes
三     所有者权益类 OWNERS'' EQUITY
资本 Capita
实收资本(或股本) Paid-up capital(or stock)
实收资本 Paicl-up capital
实收股本 Paid-up stock
已归还投资 Investment Returned
资本公积 Capital reserve
资本(或股本)溢价 Cpital(or Stock) premium
接受捐赠非现金资产准备 Receive non-cash donate reserve
股权投资准备 Stock right investment reserves
拨款转入 Allocate sums changeover in
外币资本折算差额 Foreign currency capital
其他资本公积 Other capital reserve
盈余公积 Surplus reserves
法定盈余公积 Legal surplus
任意盈余公积 Free surplus reserves
法定公益金 Legal public welfare fund
储备基金 Reserve fund
企业发展基金 Enterprise expension fund
利润归还投资 Profits capitalizad on return of investment
利润 Profits
本年利润 Current year profits
利润分配 Profit distribution
其他转入 Other chengeover in
提取法定盈余公积 Withdrawal legal surplus
提取法定公益金 Withdrawal legal public welfare funds
提取储备基金 Withdrawal reserve fund
提取企业发展基金 Withdrawal reserve for business expansion
提取职工奖励及福利基金 Withdrawal staff and workers'' bonus and
welfare fund
利润归还投资 Profits capitalizad on return of investment
应付优先股股利 Preferred Stock dividends payable
提取任意盈余公积 Withdrawal other common accumulation fund
应付普通股股利 Common Stock dividends payable
转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利 Common Stock dividends change to
assets(or stock)
未分配利润 Undistributed profit
四、 成本类 Cost
生产成本 Cost of manufacture
基本生产成本 Base cost of manufacture
辅助生产成本 Auxiliary cost of manufacture
制造费用 Manufacturing overhead
材料费 Materials
管理人员工资 Executive Salaries
奖金 Wages
退职金 Retirement allowance
补贴 Bonus
外保劳务费 Outsourcing fee
福利费 Employee benefits/welfare
会议费 Coferemce
加班餐费 Special duties
市内交通费 Business traveling
通讯费 Correspondence
电话费 Correspondence
水电取暖费 Water and Steam
税费 Taxes and dues
租赁费 Rent
管理费 Maintenance
车辆维护费 Vehicles maintenance
油料费 Vehicles maintenance
培训费 Education and training
接待费 Entertainment
图书、印刷费 Books and printing
运费 Transpotation
保险费 Insurance premium
支付手续费 Commission
杂费 Sundry charges
折旧费 Depreciation expense
机物料消耗 Article of consumption
劳动保护费 Labor protection fees
季节性停工损失 Loss on seasonality cessation
劳务成本 Service costs
五、 损益类 Profit and loss
收入 Income
主营业务收入 Prime operating revenue
产品销售收入 Sales revenue
服务收入 Service revenue
其他业务收入 Other operating revenue
材料销售 Sales materials
包装物出租 Wrappage lease
出让资产使用权收入 Remise right of assets revenue
返还所得税 Reimbursement of income tax
其他收入 Other revenue
投资收益 Investment income
短期投资收益 Current investment income
长期投资收益 Long-term investment income
计提的委托贷款减值准备 Withdrawal of entrust loans reserves
补贴收入 Subsidize revenue
国家扶持补贴收入 Subsidize revenue from country
其他补贴收入 Other subsidize revenue
非货币性交易收益 Non-cash deal income
现金溢余 Cash overage
处置固定资产净收益 Net income on disposal of fixed assets
出售无形资产收益 Income on sales of intangible assets
固定资产盘盈 Fixed assets inventory profit
罚款净收入 Net amercement income
支出 Outlay
业务支出 Revenue charges
主营业务成本 Operating costs
产品销售成本 Cost of goods sold
服务成本 Cost of service
主营业务税金及附加 Tax and associate charge
营业税 Sales tax
消费税 Consumption tax
城市维护建设税 Tax for maintaining and building cities
资源税 Resources tax
土地增值税 Increment tax on land value
5405 其他业务支出 Other business expense
销售其他材料成本 Other cost of material sale
其他劳务成本 Other cost of service
其他业务税金及附加费 Other tax and associate charge
费用 Expenses
营业费用 Operating expenses
代销手续费 Consignment commission charge
运杂费 Transpotation
保险费 Insurance premium
展览费 Exhibition fees
广告费 Advertising fees
管理费用 Adminisstrative expenses
职工工资 Staff Salaries
修理费 Repair charge
低值易耗摊销 Article of consumption
办公费 Office allowance
差旅费 Travelling expense
工会经费 Labour union expenditure
研究与开发费 Research and development expense
福利费 Employee benefits/welfare
职工教育经费 Personnel education
待业保险费 Unemployment insurance
劳动保险费 Labour insurance
医疗保险费 Medical insurance
会议费 Coferemce
聘请中介机构费 Intermediary organs
咨询费 Consult fees
诉讼费 Legal cost
业务招待费 Business entertainment
技术转让费 Technology transfer fees
矿产资源补偿费 Mineral resources compensation fees
排污费 Pollution discharge fees
房产税 Housing property tax
车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)
土地使用税 Tenure tax
印花税 Stamp tax
财务费用 Finance charge
利息支出 Interest exchange
汇兑损失 Foreign exchange loss
各项手续费 Charge for trouble
各项专门借款费用 Special-borrowing cost
营业外支出 Nonbusiness expenditure
捐赠支出 Donation outlay
减值准备金 Depreciation reserves
非常损失 Extraordinary loss
处理固定资产净损失 Net loss on disposal of fixed assets
出售无形资产损失 Loss on sales of intangible assets
固定资产盘亏 Fixed assets inventory loss
债务重组损失 Loss on arrangement
罚款支出 Amercement outlay
所得税 Income tax
以前年度损益调整 Prior year income adjustment

会计账目用语 1
statement of account
account current
current account
account sales
joint account
outstanding account
credit account
debtor account
account payable
account receivable
new account
old account
cash account
running account
suspense account
overdue account||pastdue account
sundry account
detail account
bad account
title of account
account of business||business report
account rendered
account stated
与... 银行开立一户头
to open an account with
to keep account with
to keep account
to have an account with
to make out an account with
to make up an account
to close one's account with
to close an account
to ask an account||to demand an account
to balance the account with
to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account
to audit an account
to examine an account
to charge the amount to A's account
to pay on account
on one's account||on account of one
on one's own account
on one's account and risk||for one's account and risk
for one's account||for account of one
by order and for account of one
for May account
render an account
accountant genaral 会计主任
account balancde 结平的帐户
account bill 帐单
account books 帐
account classification 帐户分类
account current 往来帐
account form of balance sheet 帐户式资产负债表
account form of profit and loss statement 帐户式损益表
account payable 应付帐款
account receivable 应收帐款
account of payments 支出表
account of receipts 收入表
account title 帐户名称,会计科目
accounting year 或financial year 会计年度
accounts payable ledger 应付款分类帐Accounting period(会计期间)are related to specific
time periods ,typically one year(通常是一年)
资产负债表:balance sheet 可以不大写b
利润表: income statements (or statements of income)
利润分配表:retained earnings
现金流量表:cash flows
会计账目用语 2
会计报表 statement of account
往来帐目 account current
现在往来帐||存款额 current accout
销货帐 account sales
共同计算帐项 joint account
未决帐项 outstanding account
贷方帐项 credit account||creditor account
借方帐项 debit account||debtor account
应付帐||应付未付帐 account payable
应收帐||应收未收帐 account receivable
新交易||新帐 new account
未决帐||老帐 old account
现金帐 cash account
流水帐 running account
暂记帐||未定帐 suspense account
过期帐||延滞帐 overdue account||pastdue account
杂项帐户 sundry account
详细帐单||明细表 detail account
呆帐 bad account
会计项目 title of account
会计薄||帐薄 account-book
营业报告书||损益计算表 account of budiness||business report
借贷细帐||交验帐 account rendered
明细帐 account stated
与... 银行开立一户头 to open an account with
与... 银行建立交易 to keep account with
继续记帐 to keep account
与... 有交易 to have an account with
作成会计帐||有往来帐项 to make out an account with
清算||清理债务 to make up an account
清洁帐目||与……停止交易 to close one's account with
结帐 to close an account
清理未付款 to ask an account||to demand an account
结清差额 to balance the account with
清算 to settle an account||to liquidate an account||to square an account
审查帐目||监查帐目 to audit an account
检查帐目 to examine an account
转入A的帐户 to charge the amount to A's account
以计帐方式付款 to pay on account
代理某人||为某人 on one's account||on account of one
为自己计算||独立帐目 on one's own account
由某人收益并负风险 on one's account and risk||for one's account and risk
由某人负担 for one's account||for account of one
按某人指示||列入某人帐户 by order and for account of one
列入5月份帐目 for May account
编入某中帐项下 to pass to the account of||to place to the account of
寄出清算书 to send in an account||to send in render an account
支票薄 cheque book
支票陈票人 cheque drawer
持票人 cheque holder
不记名支票 cheque to bearer||bearer cheque
记名支票||认人支票 cheque to order
到期支票 antedated cheque
未到期支票 postdated cheque
保付支票 certified cheque
未获兑现支票,退票 returned cheque
横线支票 crossed cheque
普通横线 general crossing
特别横线 special crossing
空白支票 blank cheque
失效支票,过期支票 stale cheque
普通支票 open cheque
打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元) a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount
加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元) a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges
支票换现金||兑现 to cash a cheque
清理票款 to clear a cheque
保证兑现 to certify a cheque
填写支票数额 to fill up a cheque
支票上划线 to cross a cheque
开发支票 to make out a cheque
签发支票,开立支票 to draw a cheque||to issue a cheque
透支支票 to overdraw a cheque
背书支票 to endorse a cheque
清付票款 to pay a cheque||to honour a cheque
支票退票 to dishonour a cheque
拒付支票 to refuse a cheque
拒付支票 to stop payment of a cheque
提示要求付款 to present for payment
见票即付持票人 payable to bearer
支付指定人 payable to order
已过期||无效 out of date||stale
请给出票人 R/D||refer to drawer
存款不足 N/S||N.S.F.||not sufficient funds||I/F||insufficient funds
文字与数字不一致 words and figures differ
支票交换时间已过 account closed
更改处应加盖印章 alterations require initials
交换时间已过 effects not cleared
停止付款 payment stopped
支票毁损 cheque mutilated
汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money
寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment
寄款人 a remitter
收款人 a remittee
国外汇票 foreign Bill
国内汇票 inland Bill
跟单汇票 documentary bill
空头汇票 accommodation bill
原始汇票 original bill
改写||换新票据 renewed bill
即期汇票 sight bill||bill on demand
... days after date||... days' after date ... 日后付款
... months after date||... months' after date ... 月后付款
见票后……日付款…… days' after sight||... days' sight
见票后……月付款…… months' after sight||... months' sight
同组票据 set of bills
单张汇票 sola of exchange||sole of exchange
远期汇票 usance bill||bill at usance
长期汇票 long bill
短期汇票 short bill
逾期汇票 overdue bill
宽限日期 days of grace
电汇 telegraphic transfer (T.T)
邮汇 postal order||postal note (Am.)||post office order||money order
本票 promissory note (P/N)
押汇负责书||押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation
副保||抵押品||付属担保物 collateral security
担保书 trust receipt||letter of indemnity
承兑||认付 acceptance
单张承兑 general acceptance
有条件承兑 qualified acceptance
附条件认付 conditional acceptance
部分认付 partial acceptance
拒付||退票 dishonour
拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance
由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment
提交 presentation
背书 endorsement||indorsement
无记名背书 general endorsement||blank endorsement
记名式背书 special endorsement||full endorsement
附条件背书 conditional endorsement
限制性背书 restrictive endorsement
无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse
期满||到期 maturity
托收 collection
新汇票||再兑换汇票 re-exchange||re-draft
外汇交易 exchange dealing||exchange deals
汇兑合约 exchange contract
汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract
外汇行情 exchange quotation
交易行情表 course of exchange||exchange table
汇价||兑换率 exchange rate||rate of exchange
官方汇率 official rate
挂牌汇率||名义汇率 nominal rate
现汇汇率 spot rate
电汇汇率||电汇率|| T.T. rate||telegraphic transfer rate
兑现率||兑现汇率 demand rate
长期汇率 long rate
私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill
远期汇票兑换率 forward rate
套价||套汇汇率||裁定外汇行情 cross rate
付款汇率 pence rate
当日汇率||成交价 currency rate
套汇||套价||公断交易率 arbitrage
汇票交割||汇票议付 negotiation of draft
交易人||议付人 negotiator
票据交割||让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill
折扣交割||票据折扣 to discount a bill
票据背书 to endorse a bill
应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000||a balance in our favour of $ 51,000
收到汇款 to receive remittance
填写收据 to make out a receipt
支票薄  cheque book
支票陈票人  cheque drawer
持票人  cheque holder
不记名支票  cheque to bearer/bearer cheque
记名支票/认人支票  cheque to order
到期支票  antedated cheque
未到期支票  postdated cheque
保付支票  certified cheque
未获兑现支票,退票  returned cheque
横线支票  crossed cheque
普通横线  general crossing
特别横线  special crossing
空白支票  blank cheque
失效支票,过期支票  stale cheque
普通支票  open cheque
打10%折扣的10000元支票,(即9000元)  a cheque for $10,000, less 10% discount
加10%费用的10000元支票,(即11000元)  a cheque for $10,000, plus 10% charges
支票换现金/兑现  to cash a cheque
清理票款  to clear a cheque
保证兑现  to certify a cheque
填写支票数额  to fill up a cheque
支票上划线  to cross a cheque
开发支票  to make out a cheque
签发支票,开立支票  to draw a cheque/to issue a cheque
透支支票  to overdraw a cheque
背书支票  to endorse a cheque
请付票款/清付票款  to pay a cheque/to honour a cheque
支票退票  to dishonour a cheque
拒付支票  to refuse a cheque
拒付支票  to stop payment of a cheque
提示要求付款  to present for payment
见票即付持票人  payable to bearer
支付指定人  payable to order
已过期/无效  out of date/stale
请给出票人  R/D/refer to drawer
存款不足  N/S/N.S.F./not sufficient funds/I/F/insufficient funds
文字与数字不一致  words and figures differ
支票交换时间已过  account closed
更改处应加盖印章  alterations require initials
交换时间已过  effects not cleared
停止付款  payment stopped
支票毁损  cheque mutilated
付款方法 mode of payment
现金付款 payment by cash||cash payment||payment by ready cash
以支票支付 payment by cheque
以汇票支付 payment by bill
以物品支付 payment in kind
付清||支付全部货款 payment in full||full payment
支付部分货款||分批付款 payment in part||part payment||partial payment
记帐付款||会计帐目内付款 payment on account
定期付款 payment on term
年分期付款 annual payment
月分期付款 monthly payment||monthly instalment
延滞付款 payment in arrear
预付货||先付 payment in advance||prepayment
延付货款 deferred payment
立即付款 prompt payment||immediate payment
暂付款 suspense payment
延期付款 delay in payment||extension of payment
支付票据 payment bill
名誉支付||干与付款 payment for honour||payment by intervention
结帐||清算||支付 settlement
分期付款 instalment
滞付||拖欠||尾数款未付 arrears
特许拖延付款日 days of grace
保证付款 del credere
付款 to pay||to make payment||to make effect payment
结帐 to settle||to make settlement||to make effect settlement||to square||to balance
支出||付款 to defray||to disburse
结清 to clear off||to pya off
请求付款 to ask for payment||to request payment
恳求付帐 to solicit payment
拖延付款 to defer payment||to delay payment
付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment
还债 to discharge
迅速付款 to pay promptly
付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well||to pay fairly well||to keep the engagements regularly
付款相当慢 to pay slowly||to take extended credit
付款不好 to pay badly||to be generally in arrear with payments
付款颇为恶劣 to pay very badly||to never pay unless forced
拒绝付款 to refuse payment||to refuse to pay||to dishonour a bill
相信能收到款项 We shall look to you for the payment||We shall depend upon you for the payment ||We expect payment from you
惠请付款 kindly pay the amount||please forward payment||please forward a cheque.
我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回该项货款 I shall be obliged to take the necessary steps to legally recover the amount. ||I shall be compelled to take steps to enforce payment.
惠请宽限 let the matter stand over till then.||allow me a short extension of time. ||Kindly postpone the time for payment a little longer.
索取利息 to charge interest
附上利息 to draw interest||to bear interest||to allow interest
生息 to yield interest
生息3% to yield 3%
存款 to deposit in a bank||to put in a bank||to place on deposit||to make deposit
在银行存款 to have money in a bank||to have a bank account||to have money on deposit
向银行提款 to withdraw one's deposit from a bank
换取现金 to convert into money||to turn into cash||to realize
折扣用语  从价格打10%的折扣 to make a discount of 10% off the price||to make 10% discount off the price
打折扣购买 to buy at a discount
打折扣出售 to sell at a discount
打折扣-让价 to reduce||to make a reduction
减价 to deduct||to make a deduction
回扣 to rebate
现金折扣 cash discount
货到付款||现金提货 cash on deliver (C.O.D.)
货到付现款 cash on arrival
即时付款 prompt cash
净价||最低价格付现 net cash
现金付款 ready cash
即期付款 spot cash||cash down||cash on the nail
凭单据付现款 cash against documents
凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading
承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)
付款交单 documents against payment (D/P)
Net cash 30 days unless specified otherwise. Advise promptly if incorrect.
Terms, net cash 30 days, or, less 2% 10 days. Interest charged at the rate of 6% after maturity. 付款条件:月底后10日后付现2%折扣,现在付现3%折扣,否则,全额付现。
Terms: 2%, 10 days E.O.M., or 3% cash, otherwise strictly net.
追加信用证 additional credit||additional L/C
信用证金额 amount of credit
赊帐金额 credit balance
可撤消信用证 revocable L/C
不可撤消信用证 irrevocable L/C
保兑信用证 confirmed L/C
不保兑信用证 unconfirmed L/C
可转让信用证 assignable L/C||transferable L/C
银行信用证 banker's L/C
有追索权信用证 with recourse L/C
无追索权信用证 without recourse L/C
单一信用证 simple credit
无条件信用证 open credit||free credit
普通信用证 general letter of credit
旅行信用证 circular letter of credit
特别信用证 special letter of credit
信用证底帐 letter of credit ledger
信用证发行帐 letter of credit issued account
信用证金额 amount of credit
信用证余额||信用证结欠 credit balance
开立信用证 to open a credit
通过银行开立信用证 to establish a credit through a bank
电开信用证 to cable a credit
取消信用证 to cancel a credit
开出信用证 to issue a credit
在某银行开立信用证 to arrange acredit with a bank
修改信用证 to amend a credit
延展信用证有效期 to extend a credit
增加信用证面额 to increase a credit
寄出信用证 to send a credit
请发给信用证 to take out a credit
We nave opened a confirmed credit in your favour.
We have opened a confirmed and irrevocable credit in your favour.
We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested to open a credit in your favour.
We intimate to you that we have issued a commercial letter of credit.
请入收款人的户号 account payee
请支付票款 advice to pay cheques
惠请通知该支票的经过 advise fate
金额有错误 accounts differ
文字与数字所记载金额不同 words and figures differ
签名有误|印鉴不符 signatures differ
请明天再次提出为荷 present again tomorrow
保证付款 good for payment
请照会发票人 refer to drawee (R.D.)
无交易 no account
款额不足||存款不足 not sufficient (N.S.)||no sufficient funds (N.S.F.)
已无存款 no funds
如支票不获兑现时, 不必出具拒绝证书。 notto be protested in case of dishonour||protest waived||no protest
需要出具拒绝证书 to be protested
没有通知 no advice
未受指示 no orders
禁止转让||不可转让 non-transferable||not transferable
已付款 received payment||payment received
上开价金已收到 value received||for value received
上开价金系经核算 value in account
上开金额与发票相同 value as per invoice
上开金额与通知书相符 value as per advice
无追索权 without recourse
有追索权||偿还请求权 right of recourse
请求偿还清单||清偿帐户 recourse account
偿还准备金 recourse fund
拒绝偿还||拒绝追索 recourse repudiation
We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a.
Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal.
We shall be glad to receive deposits of 100 yen and upward.
Enclosed we hand you a statement of account to date, showing a balance of $20,000 in our favour, which we trust will be found in order.
上开帐目,现正核对, 如无错误,将遵照贵公司的指示,将转入新开的帐户内。
This account is under examination, and if found correct, it shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions.
Your favour of yesterday was duly received, and we hand you herewith a statement of your account as requested, which we hope you will find correct.
We hand you our account on the bar iron, amounting to $512,000, which kindly pass to our credit.
an early remittance will be appreciated.
迟付的60美元, 请速予寄下为荷。
Please let us have your check for the $60 now past overdue.
有鉴于此,相信贵方将随复函寄来支票, 特此致谢。
With these facts before you, we feel sure that you will send us your check by return mail. Thank you.
We urge that you make this settlement without delay.
Why not settle this matter now? Just attach your check to this letter, and send it by today's mail.
Having made repeated applications for apyment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we shall take out a summons for recovery of the same
We wish to state that if the account be not paid by Monday next, we shall be forced to place the matter in the hands o four solicitors.
In spite of your repeated promises to let us have a cheque, we are still without a settlement of your outstanding account, and therefore, unless same is settled by the end of this month, we shall be compelled to hand over the matter to our solicitor.
As you seem to take advantage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post, we shall adopt other measures for its recovery.
Accounting system 会计系统
American Accounting Association 美国会计协会
American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会
Audit 审计
Balance sheet 资产负债表
Bookkeepking 簿记
Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测
Certificate in Internal Auditing 内部审计证书
Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书
Certificate Public Accountant注册会计师
Cost accounting 成本会计
External users 外部使用者
Financial accounting 财务会计
Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会
Financial forecast 财务预测
Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则
General-purpose information 通用目的信息
Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室
Income statement 损益表
Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会
Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会
Integrity 整合性
Internal auditing 内部审计
Internal control structure 内部控制结构
Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署
Internal users 内部使用者
Management accounting 管理会计
Return of investment 投资回报
Return on investment 投资报酬
Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会
Statement of cash flow 现金流量表
Statement of financial position 财务状况表
Tax accounting 税务会计
Accounting equation 会计等式
Articulation 勾稽关系
Assets 资产
Business entity 企业个体
Capital stock 股本
Corporation 公司
Cost principle 成本原则
Creditor 债权人
Deflation 通货紧缩
Disclosure 批露
Expenses 费用
Financial statement 财务报表
Financial activities 筹资活动
Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设
Inflation 通货膨涨
Investing activities 投资活动
Liabilities 负债
Negative cash flow 负现金流量
Operating activities 经营活动
Owner's equity 所有者权益
Partnership 合伙企业
Positive cash flow 正现金流量
Retained earning 留存利润
Revenue 收入
Sole proprietorship 独资企业
Solvency 清偿能力
Stable-dollar assumption 稳定货币假设
Stockholders 股东
Stockholders' equity 股东权益
Window dressing 门面粉饰
Account 帐
销售部 Sales Department (也有其它讲法,如宝洁公司销售部叫客户生意发展部CBD)
客户服务 Customer Service ,例如客服员叫CSR,R for representative
人事部 Human Resource
行政部 Admin.
财务部 Finance & Accounting
产品供应 Product Supply,例如产品调度员叫 P S Planner
助理 Assistant
秘书 secretary
前台接待小姐 Receptionist
文员 clerk ,如会计文员为Accounting Clerk
主任 supervisor
经理 Manager
总经理 GM,General Manager
制造费用 Manufacturing overhead
材料费 Materials
管理人员工资 Executive Salaries
奖金 Wages
退职金 Retirement allowance
补贴 Bonus
外保劳务费 Outsourcing fee
福利费 Employee benefits/welfare
会议费 Coferemce
加班餐费 Special duties
市内交通费 Business traveling
通讯费 Correspondence
电话费 Correspondence
水电取暖费 Water and Steam
税费 Taxes and dues
租赁费 Rent
管理费 Maintenance
车辆维护费 Vehicles maintenance
油料费 Vehicles maintenance
培训费 Education and training
接待费 Entertainment
图书、印刷费 Books and printing
运费 Transpotation
保险费 Insurance premium
支付手续费 Commission
杂费 Sundry charges
折旧费 Depreciation expense
机物料消耗 Article of consumption
劳动保护费 Labor protection fees
总会计师 Finance Controller
高级 Senior 如高级经理为 Senior Manager
营业费用 Operating expenses
代销手续费 Consignment commission charge
运杂费 Transpotation
保险费 Insurance premium
展览费 Exhibition fees
广告费 Advertising fees
管理费用 Adminisstrative expenses
职工工资 Staff Salaries
修理费 Repair charge
低值易耗摊销 Article of consumption
办公费 Office allowance
差旅费 Travelling expense
工会经费 Labour union expenditure
研究与开发费 Research and development expense
福利费 Employee benefits/welfare
职工教育经费 Personnel education
待业保险费 Unemployment insurance
劳动保险费 Labour insurance
医疗保险费 Medical insurance
会议费 Coferemce
聘请中介机构费 Intermediary organs
咨询费 Consult fees
诉讼费 Legal cost
业务招待费 Business entertainment
技术转让费 Technology transfer fees
矿产资源补偿费 Mineral resources compensation fees
排污费 Pollution discharge fees
房产税 Housing property tax
车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT)
土地使用税 Tenure tax
印花税 Stamp tax
财务费用 Finance charge
利息支出 Interest exchange
汇兑损失 Foreign exchange loss
各项手续费 Charge for trouble
各项专门借款费用 Special-borrowing cost
Account 、 Accounting 和Accountant
Account 有很多意思,常见的主要是“说明、解释;计算、帐单;银行帐户”。例如:
1、       He gave me a full  account of his plan。他把计划给我做了完整的说明。
2、       Charge it to my account。把它记在我的帐上。
3、       Cashier: Good  afternoon。 Can I help you ?银行出纳:下午好,能为您做什么?
Man : I'd like to open a bank account .男人:我想开一个银行存款帐户。
还有 account title(帐户名称、会计科目)、income account(收益帐户)、account book(帐簿)等。
在 account 后面加上词缀 ing 就成为 accounting ,其意义也相应变为会计、会计学。例如:
1、Accounting is a process of recording, classifying,summarizing and interpreting of those business activities that can be expressed in monetary terms. 会计是一个以货币形式对经济活动进行记录、分类、汇总以及解释的过程。
2、It has been said that Accounting is the language of business. 据说会计是“商业语言”
3、Accounting is one of the fastest growing profession in the modern business world.会计是当今经济社会中发展最快的职业之一。
4、  Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting are two major specialized fields in Accounting. 财务会计和管理会计是会计的两个主要的专门领域。
其他还有 accounting profession(会计职业)、accounting elements(会计要素)等。
Accountant 比Account只多ant三个字母,其意思是会计师、会计人员。例如:
1、A certified public accountant or CPA, as the term is usually abbreviated, must pass a series of examinations, after which he or she receives a certificate.注册会计师(或,注册会计师的缩写),必须通过一系列考试方可取得证书。
2、Private accountant , also called executive or administrative accountant, handle the financial records of a business.私人会计师,也叫做主管或行政会计师,负责处理公司的财务帐目。
Assets、Liabilities 和Owner's Equity
Assets 这个词表示资产时一定要用复数形式,即词尾要有 “s”。如果不用复数形式,就成为“宝物,天赋、技能”的意思。例如:
1、   Assets are properties that are owned and have monetary values;for instance,cash,inventory,buildings,equipment. 资产是指企业所拥有的、具有货币价值的财产,如现金、存货、建筑物、设备。
2、   Assets are the economic resources that are owned or controlled by a business and can be expressed in monetary units. 资产是由企业拥有或控制并能用货币计量的经济资源。
3、   Assets can be classified into current assets and non-current assets . 资产可以划分为流动资产和非流动资产。
Liabilities 是liability 的复数形式。它的意思是法律上的责任、义务。如 liability for an accident (肇事的责任);liability to pay taxes (纳税的义务)。只有其为复数形式 liabilities 时才表示负债、债务的意思。例如:
1、   Liabilities are the obligations or debt that a business must pay in money or services at some time in the future. 负债是指将来需用货币或服务偿还的债务或履行的义务。
2、   Liabilities are amounts owned to outsiders, such as notes payable, accounts payable, bonds payable. 负债是欠外部的数额,如应付票据、应付帐款、应付债券。
Owner's equity 是由 owner (所有者、业主)和equity (权益)构成为“业主权益”。例如:
1、    Owner's equity represents the owner's interest in or claim upon a business net assets which is the deference between the amount of assets and the amount of liabilities. 业主权益代表业主对企业净资产的权益或要求权,净资产是指企业的资产总额与负债之间的差额。
2、    Capital is the interest of the owners in an enterprise. Also known as owner's equity. 资本是企业所有者的利益,也称为业主权益。
3、    Owner's equity include owner “s investment in a business and accumulated operating results since the beginning of the operation. 业主权益包括业主的投资以及企业自开业以来积累的经营成果。
Assets=Liabilities+Owner's equity
Ledgers 和 Journals
Ledgers 在簿记上是分类帐的意思,可以和其他词汇搭配,构成许多会计词汇。如ledger accounts(分类帐户)、general ledger(总分类帐)、subsidiary ledger(明细分类帐)等。例如:
1、     Ledger accounts are used to record business transactions' effect on an accounting entity. 分类帐户被用来记录交易对会计主体的影响。
2、A ledger account is simply a record of changes (increase and decrease)and balances in value of a specific accounting item. 分类帐户不过是特定会计项目价值的变动(增加与减少)和结余的记录。
3、The general ledger is the book used to list all the accounts established by an organization.
4、Further simplification of the general ledger is brought about by the use of subsidiary ledger.
5、The advantages of subsidiary ledger are as following:
(1)reduces ledger detail ;
(2)permits better division of labor;
(3)permits a different sequence of accounts;
(4)permits better internal control。
Journal 比较常用的意思是“日记、日志;杂志、刊物”,如keep a journal (记日志)、a ship's journal (航海日志),a monthly journal (月刊),单词 diary 也有“日记”的意思,但journal 比 diary 更强调“正式记录”。Journal 在会计词汇上的意思是“日记帐”。例如:
1、In a western accounting system ,the information about each business transaction is initially recorded in an accounting record called a Journal. 在西方会计体系中,有关每笔经济交易的资料最初是记在一本叫做“日记帐”的会计帐上。
2、A journal is a chronological(arrange in order of time ) record of business transactions.  日记帐是对经济交易的序时(即按时间的顺序)记录。
3、In a journal entry, the debits and credits for given transaction are recorded together, but when the transaction is recorded in the ledger, the debits and credits are entered in different  accounts. 在日记帐上记帐时,既定交易的借方和贷方一起被记录,但在分类帐记录中,一笔交易的借方和贷方进入不同的帐户中。
4、A journal may be a general journal or it may be a group of special journals.  日记帐可以是一本通用日记帐,也可以是一组特种日记帐。
Current assets、fixed assets 和 Current liabilities
Current 是一个很有意思的词汇。它既可以是形容词,也可以是名词。作为形容词,current 意思是“通用的、流通的,现在的”,如 current money(通货),current English(现代英语),current fashion(目前流行的风尚);作为名词,current 的意思是“水流、气流,电流,动向、潮流”,如 the current of a river (河的水流),the cold current (寒流),a direct current (直流电),the current of public opinion(舆论的动向)。在这里,还要特别提到英国的两种存款 current account (活期存款,也相当于美国银行中的 checking account )和deposit account (储蓄存款,也相当于美国银行中的 savings account )。如果你到英国银行对柜员说:“Could you tell me what sorts of accounts there are ?”(您能告诉我有几种什么存款吗?)银行柜员就会说:“Well,there are basically two types of  accounts .There's a current account and a deposit account. With the current account you can pay for things by cheque, but you don't earn any interest . With the deposit account ,you earn interest ,but you can't pay for things by cheque……”(基本上有两种存款,一种活期存款,一种储蓄存款;活期存款你可以用支票支付,但没有利息;储蓄存款可以挣到利息,但不能用支票支付。)
Current assets 就是“流动资产”。例如:
1、Current assets are the assets reasonably expected to be converted into cash or used in the current operation of the business.(The current period is generally taken as one year.) Examples are cash, notes receivable, accounts receivable, inventory , and prepaid expenses. 流动资产指的是有充分理由认为在当期经营活动中转换成现金或被使用的资产(一般是一年期)。现金、应收票据、应收帐款、存货以及预付的费用都属于流动资产。
说到流动资产,就不能不提到另一个词汇 fixed assets(固定资产)。例如:
2、Fixed assets are the long-lived assets used in the production of goods or services. These assets, sometime called non-current assets, are used in the operation of business rather than being held for sale. 固定资产是在产品和服务的生产过程中使用的寿命较长的资产。这些资产有时称为非流动资产,是公司经营中为了使用而不是为销售而置备的资产。
Current liabilities 就是“流动负债”。例如:
3、Current liabilities . Debts which must be satisfied from current assets within the next operating period, usually one year. Examples are accounts payable, notes payable, the current portion of long-term debt, and various accrued items such as salaries payable and taxes payable. 流动负债。在下一个经营期间,通常是一年内必须用流动资产偿还的债务。应付帐款、应付票据、长期债务的当期分摊额,以及诸如应付工资和应付税款等种种应计项目都是流动负债。
Receivable 、Payable和 Prepaid
将Receivable 和Payable 两个词稍加比较,不难发现它们后面的四个字母相同,都有-able ,这是英语词汇构成的后缀之一。这个词缀紧接在动词之后,使动词变成形容词,表示“能够…、适于…、可…、应…”。Receive(收到、接受)加上- able 成为receivable,其意义也相应成为“能收的、应收的”;同样pay(付款、支付)加上-able 也相应成为“应付的”。这里要特别提到的是,动词后缀有-able 所形成的形容词,和一般形容词不同,在修饰名词时,它不在名词之前而在名词之后。例如accounts receivable(应收帐款)、accounts payable (应付帐款)、notes receivable(应收票据)、notes payable(应付票据)。下面举出几个句子来操练一下这几个会计词汇:
1、A business with many credit customers would set up the general ledger Accounts Receivable account for all credit customers and a separate account for each credit customer. 有很多赊购客户的企业应设置一个应收帐款总分类帐户,登记所有赊购客户欠的货款,并为每个赊购客户设置一个明细帐户。
2、Accounts Receivable are often classified as current assets. 应收帐款通常归入流动资产。
3、Accounts receivable arise when a business sells goods and service on credit. 当企业以赊帐方式销售产品或提供服务时,就产生应收帐款。
4、A promissory note is regarded as notes receivable for the payee and notes payable for the maker. 本票对受款人来说是应收票据,对出票人来说则是应付票据。
5、Notes receivable which can be collected and converted into cash during next accounting year or operating cycle are classified as current assets and are recorded at face value. 能在下一个会计年度或下一个经营周期收回和转换成现金的应收票据,归入流动资产,并按面值入帐。
6、Accounts payable and notes payable are typical example of current liabilities. 应付帐款和应付票据是流动负债的典型例子。
7、As stated above, accounts payable and notes payable are usually created by a company's economic activities, such as purchases of merchandise and services received in the normal course of business. 如前所述,应付帐款和应付票据通常产生于企业的经营活动,例如在正常经营过程中的赊帐购买商品和接受服务。
Prepaid(预付的) 这个词和前面的Pay 关系非常密切,实际上就是在pay 的过去分词paid 前加上一个前缀pre-,这个前缀表示“前、预先”之意,合起来就是“预付的”。例如:
8、Assume that a business paid a $1200 premium on April 1 for one year's insurance in advance. This represents an increase in one asset (prepaid expense) and a decrease in another asset (cash). Thus, the entry would be :
Dr. Prepaid Expenses—Prepaid Insurance   $1200
Cr. Cash                                  $1200
借:预付费用—预付保险费   1200美圆
贷:现金                   1200美圆
Inventory (存货),在会计英语词汇中是最基本的词汇之一,与这个词汇有关的词汇,比如与存货计价有关的方法,在会计报表及其说明解释中是经常可以见到的,因此,就让我们将它们放在一起来漫谈。例如:
1、Inventory must be measured at the acquisition cost in conformity with the historical cost principle. 存货必须遵循历史成本原则按取得成本计价。
2、In manufacturing business there are three major types of inventories: raw materials, goods in process of manufacture, and finished goods. 对于工业企业而言,主要有三类存货:原材料、半成品和产成品。
Specific identification method (个别辨认法)
3、Under the specific identification method, the specific actual cost is assigned to each unit. 在个别辨认法下,要按每一存货项目辨认实际成本。
4、Average-cost method (平均成本法)
Average cost is computed by dividing the total cost of goods available for sale by the number of units available for sale. 可供销售的商品成本总值除以可供销售的商品数量就得到平均单位成本。
5、First-in, first-out method (先进先出法)
Under the first-in, first-out method, it is assumed that the first units acquired are the first ones sold; ending inventory is valued at the most recent purchase prices. 在先进先出法下,假设企业首先销售最早购入的商品,期末存货按最近的购货价格计价。
6、Last-in, first-out method (后进先出法)
The title of this method suggests that the most recently acquired goods are sold first, and that the ending inventory consists of “old” goods acquired in the earliest purchases. 这种方法的名称意味着最后购进的商品最先销售出去,而期末存货由那些最早购入的“老”存货构成。
Long-term Assets 和 Long-term liabilities
Long-term(长期的)和Assets、Liabilities结合,分别构成Long-term assets(长期资产)和Long-term liabilities(长期负债)。
Long-term assets(长期资产)也有写成Long-lived assets 的,与Fixed assets(固定资产)、Plant and equipment(厂房和设备),甚至还有property(财产)相互重叠。请看几个例句:
1、Long-term assets are characterized by highly economic values, physical and nonphysical substance, useful life of more  than one accounting period. 长期资产有如下特征:经济价值高,具有实物形态或不具有实物形态,使用年限超过一个会计期间。
2、Long-term assets are classified into tangible assets and intangible assets. 长期资产可以分为有形资产和无形资产。
3、Tangible assets include land, buildings, plant and equipment. 有形资产包括土地、房屋、厂房和设备
4、The term plant and equipment is used to describe long-lived assets acquired for use in the operation of the business and not intended for resale to customers. 术语“厂房和设备”用来描述企业为经营使用而购买并不打算再出售给顾客的长期资产。
5、The term fixed assets has long been used in accounting literature to describe all types of plant and equipment. 长期以来,会计文献一直使用“固定资产”这一名词来代表各种厂房和设备。
6、The term intangible assets is used to describe assets which are used in the operation of the business but no physical substance, and non-current. 无形资产是指应用于企业的经营活动,但没有实物形态且非流动的资产。
7、Intangible assets include goodwill, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and franchise. 无形资产包括商誉、专利权、商标、版权,以及专营权。
Long-term assets(长期负债)是企业由于过去交易事实或行为而产生的,并将于一年或超过一年的一个营业周期以上偿还的债务。一般有应付公司债券、应付长期票据等。例如:
8、Long-term liabilities are obligations that do not qualify as current liabilities. Mortgages payable, long-term leases, long-term notes payable, and bond payable are a few examples of long-term liabilities. 长期负债是指不符合流动负债条件的负债。应付抵押借款、长期租赁、应付长期票据,以及应付债券都是长期负债的一些例子。
9、Long-term liabilities are measured in accordance with historical cost principle. 长期负债按照历史成本原则计量。
10、Bonds payable are the typical example of long-term liabilities. 应付债券是长期负债的典型例子。
You can get a 5% discount if you order on a regular basis.
如果你方定期给我方下定单,你方便可得到 5% 的折扣。
If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance. The seller can request thebank finance the transaction by buying the draft. The bank will discount.
注解:discount 在这两句话中的意思一个是折扣,另一个是贴现。折扣是指商品在原价的基础上按百分比降价,贴现则是指未到期的票据向银行融资,银行扣取自买进日至到期日的利息,并收取一定的手续费后,将余下的票面金额付给持票人。