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17.554 2002秋季課程:拉丁美洲的政治經濟狀況(Political Economy of Latin America, Fall 2002)

編輯:王博律(Rosa Wang)(簡介並寄信)

Map of South and Latin America. (Image is taken fromhttp://www.sel.barc.usda.gov/.)

This course features extensive lists ofreadings andrelated links.
This class explores the politics of economic reform in Latin America. Topics addressed include: Dependency, Development, and Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism; The Political Consequences of Market-Oriented Reform in Venezuela; The Mexican Peso Crisis; Transitions from Authoritarian Rule in the Southern Cone; Civil-Military Relations; Limits of Democratization; Parties and Elections in Latin America; Religion, Political Mobilization, and Civil Society; and Revolution.
本節中所涵蓋的每週上課材料比實際上課堂用的還多, 教員會依學生興趣來選擇相應教材。
More weeks of material are included in this calendar than are possible to include in the semester. The faculty member selects which weeks of material to address based on student interest.
週 課程單元 必要讀物 建議讀物 文藝相關內容
1 當前拉丁美洲情勢
The Current Latin American Context Wiarda, Howard. 〈拉丁美洲國家的歷史決定因素〉
Wiarda, Howard. "Historical Determinants of the Latin American State." Rueschemeyer, Dietrich, Evelyne Huber Stephens, 與John D. Stephens. 《資本主義發展與民主》, 第 155-225頁。
Rueschemeyer, Dietrich, Evelyne Huber Stephens, and John D. Stephens. Capitalist Development and Democracy. Pp. 155-225. 〈為民主乾杯〉《經濟學人週刊》.
"Two cheers for democracy." The Economist. Shifter, Michael. 〈拉丁美洲的緊張關係與交易〉
Shifter, Michael. "Tensions and trade-offs in Latin America." Katz, Ian. 〈拉丁美洲民主會因為強人產生而破滅嗎?〉
Katz, Ian. "Will a new breed of strongman undermine Latin democracy?" 〈是的,我們沒有明天〉《經濟學人週刊》
"Yes, we have no mananas." The Economist. 〈承諾、能力與多數人的意見〉《經濟學人週刊》
"Commitment, competence and consensus." The Economist. 美洲際開發銀行〈十年轉型後的拉丁美洲〉
Inter-American Development Bank. "Latin America after a Decade of Reforms." Berry, Albert. 〈導論〉
Berry, Albert. "Introduction." Williamson, John. 〈民主與華盛頓共識〉
Williamson, John. "Democracy and the 'Washington Consensus'." Williamson, John.〈拉丁美洲改革是否適當〉
Williamson, John. "Are the Latin American reforms sustainable?" Fischer, Berhard. 〈觀點〉
Fischer, Berhard. "Comment."
Dominguez, Jorge I. 〈拉丁美洲自由政治學與自由市場〉
Dominguez, Jorge I. "Free politics and free markets in Latin America." Conahghan, Catherine M. 〈民意測驗、政治論述與公共領域: 祕魯的富士蓋洛普風暴〉
Conahghan, Catherine M. "Polls, Political Discourse, and the Public Sphere: The Spin on Peru's Fuji-Golpe." Myers, D. J., and R. E. O'Connor.〈民主政治文化的支援策略:以委內瑞拉為例〉
Myers, D. J., and R. E. O'Connor. "Support for Coups in Democratic Political Culture: A Venezuelan Exploration." McCoy, Jennifer.〈委內瑞拉查維茲與查維茲政府的末日〉
McCoy, Jennifer. "Chávez and the End of 'Partyarchy' in Venezuela." Haber, Steven. 〈評估工業化的障礙:墨西哥經濟, 1830-1940〉
Haber, Steven. "Assessing the Obstacles to Industrialization: The Mexican Economy, 1830-1940." Llosa, Mario Vargas. 〈前言〉《另一條路:第三世界看不見的革命》
Llosa, Mario Vargas. "Foreword." In The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. Collier, Ruth Berins, 與 David Collier.《型塑政治競技場:拉丁美洲重要時刻、勞工運動與政府魄力》
Collier, Ruth Berins, and David Collier. Shaping the political arena: critical junctures, the labor movement, and regime dynamics in Latin America. Pereira, Luiz Carlos Bresser. 〈國家介入的經濟改革與周期〉
Pereira, Luiz Carlos Bresser. "Economic Reform and Cycles of State Intervention." Castaneda, Jorge. 《非武裝的烏脫邦》
Castaneda, Jorge. Utopia Unarmed. Gorriti, Gustavo. 〈評論非武裝的烏脫邦. 超越失敗史詩:後烏脫邦下的左派〉
Gorriti, Gustavo. "Commentary on Utopia Unarmed. Beyond the Epics of Failure: The Post-Utopian Left." Turner, Frederick C. 〈重評政治文化〉
Turner, Frederick C. "Reassessing Political Culture."
Allende, Isabel. 《精靈之屋》[或電影版]
Allende, Isabel. The House of the Spirits. [Or movie version.]
2 拉丁美洲依賴與發展中國家
Dependency and Development in Latin America Klaren, Peter F. 〈失信:解讀拉丁美洲發展中國家〉
Klaren, Peter F. "Lost Promise: Explaining Latin American Underdevelopment." Frank, Andre Gunder. 〈低度發展的發展〉
Frank, Andre Gunder. "The Development of Underdevelopment." Santos, Teodoro dos. 〈依賴結構〉
Santos, Teodoro dos. "The Structure of Dependence." Evans, Peter. 〈多國、國有企業與帝國主義轉型:巴西案例研究〉
Evans, Peter. "Multinationals, State-Owned Corporations, and the Transformation of Imperialism: A Brazilian Case Study." Gereffi, Gary. 〈墨西哥毒品企業與毒癮:類固醇荷爾蒙工業案例〉
Gereffi, Gary. "Drug Firms and Dependency in Mexico: The Case of the Steroid Hormone Industry."
Soto, Hernando de. 《另一條路:第三世界看不見的革命》
Soto, Hernando de. The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. Valenzuela, J. Samuel, 與 Arturo Valenzuela. 〈現代化與依賴:拉丁美洲發展中國家研究的另類觀點〉
Valenzuela, J. Samuel, and Arturo Valenzuela. "Modernization and Dependency: Alternative Perspectives in the Study of Latin American Underdevelopment." Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 與 Enzo Falleto. 《拉丁美洲依賴與發展》
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, and Enzo Falleto. Dependency and Development in Latin America. Gereffi, Gary, 與Donald L. Wyman. 《製造奇蹟:拉丁美洲與東亞工業化之路》第 1-51, 90-109, 292-320頁。
Gereffi, Gary, and Donald L. Wyman. Manufacturing Miracles: Paths of Industrialization in Latin America and East Asia. Pp. 1-51, 90-109, 292-320. Gereffi, Gary, 與 Peter Evans. 〈半邊垂的跨國公司、依賴發展與國家政策:比較巴西與墨西哥〉
Gereffi, Gary, and Peter Evans. "Transnational Corporations, Dependent Development, and State Policy in the Semi-Periphery: A Comparison of Brazil and Mexico." Haber, Steven. 〈評估工業化的障礙:墨西哥經濟, 1830-1940〉
Haber, Steven. "Assessing the Obstacles to Industrialization: The Mexican Economy, 1830-1940." Stamer, J. Meyer."區域發展的依賴路徑:巴西Santa Catarina三個工業區的持續與改變〉
Stamer, J. Meyer. "Path dependence in regional development: Persistence and change in three industrial clusters in Santa Catarina, Brazil." Hirschmann, Albert O. 〈發展經濟的起與落〉
Hirschmann, Albert O. "The Rise and Decline of Development Economics." Cardoso, Eliana, 與and Albert Fishlow. 〈拉丁美洲經濟發展:1950-80〉
Cardoso, Eliana, and Albert Fishlow. "Latin American Economic Development: 1950-80." Hirschmann, Albert O. 〈拉丁美洲進口替代工業化的政治經濟學〉
Hirschmann, Albert O. "The Political Economy of Import-Substituting Industrialization in Latin America." Baer, Werner. 〈拉丁美洲進口替代品與工業化:經驗與解讀〉
Baer, Werner. "Import Substitution and Industrialization in Latin America: Experiences and Interpretations." Meller, Patricio, 編 《拉丁美洲發展辯論:新結構主義、新貨幣論與調整過程》第 9-40, 59-75頁。
Meller, Patricio, ed. The Latin American Development Debate: Neostructuralism,
Neomonetarism, and Adjustment Processes. Pp. 9-40, 59-75. Packenham, Robert. 《依賴運動:發展研究中的?助與政治學》
Packenham, Robert. The Dependency Movement: Scholarship and Politics in Development Studies.
Garcia-Marquez, Gabriel. One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Carpentier, Alejo. 《國家的理由》
Carpentier, Alejo. Reasons of State.
3 中美洲依賴與政治學
Dependency and Politics in Central America Wiarda, Howard. 〈社會變遷、政治發展與拉丁美洲傳統〉
Wiarda, Howard. "Social Change, Political Development, and the Latin American Tradition." Lindenberg, Marc. 〈世界經濟循環與中美洲政治不穩定〉
Lindenberg, Marc. "World Economic Cycles and Central American Political Instability." Baloyra-Herp, Enrique A. 〈中美洲的反動暴政〉
Baloyra-Herp, Enrique A. "Reactionary Despotism in Central America." Paige, Jeffrey M. 〈薩爾瓦多的咖啡與毒品〉
Paige, Jeffrey M. "Coffee and Power in El Salvador." Booth, John A. 〈中美洲社會經濟學與國內暴動的政治根源〉
Booth, John A. "The Socioeconomic and Political Roots of National Revolts in Central America."
Johnson, J. J. 《拉丁美洲政治變遷:中間部門的興起》第 1-14 頁。
Johnson, J. J. Political Change in Latin America: The Emergence of the Middle Sectors. Pp. 1-14. Malloy, James M. 〈拉丁美洲專制主義與統合主義:模態樣式〉
Malloy, James M. "Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America: The Modal Pattern." Becker, David G. 〈拉丁美洲發展、民主與依賴: 波札那發展與新中產階級〉
Becker, David G. "Development, democracy, and dependency in Latin America: 'Bonanza development' and the 'new bourgeoisie'." Laguerre, Michel S. 《海地軍隊與社會》
Laguerre, Michel S. The Military and Society in Haiti. Miranda, Carlos R. 《史多斯納爾時代:巴拉圭專制統治》
Miranda, Carlos R. The Stroessner Era: Authoritarian Rule in Paraguay. Booth, John A. 《哥斯大黎加: 探詢民主》
Booth, John A. Costa Rica: Quest for Democracy.
4 依賴、發展與官僚專制主義
Dependency, Development, and Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism Lipset, Seymour Martin. 《政治人》第 27-63頁。
Lipset, Seymour Martin. Political Man. Pp. 27-63. Huntington, Samuel P. 《改變社會的政治制度》第 1-11, 78-92 頁。
Huntington, Samuel P. Political Order in Changing Societies. Pp. 1-11, 78-92. O'Donnell, Guillermo A. 《現代化與官僚專制主義:南美政治研究》第 51-120 頁。
O'Donnell, Guillermo A. Modernization and Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism: Studies in South American Politics. Pp. 51-120. Stepan, Alfred. 〈政治領導階層與政權崩落:巴西〉
Stepan, Alfred. "Political Leadership and Regime Breakdown: Brazil." Stepan, Alfred. 《再思軍事政治:巴西與南部》第 13-29 頁。
Stepan, Alfred. Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone. Pp. 13-29.
Collier, David, 編 《拉丁美洲新專制主義》第 19-32, 363-97 頁。
Collier, David, ed. The New Authoritarianism in Latin America. Pp. 19-32, 363-97. Remmer, Karen L. 〈新世襲財產主義:智利軍事統治下的政治, 1973-87〉第 149-70 頁。
Remmer, Karen L. "Neopatrimonialism: The Politics of Military Rule in Chile, 1973-87." Pp. 149-70. Remmer, Karen L. and G. W. Merks. 〈官僚專制主義重現〉第 3-36 頁。
Remmer, Karen L. and G. W. Merks. "Bureaucratic-Authoritarianism Revisited." Pp. 3-36. Kaufman, Robert R. 〈社會如何改變發展模式或保持其模式:拉丁美洲1930年代與戰後世界反思〉
Kaufman, Robert R. "How societies change developmental models or keep them: reflections on the Latin American experience in the 1930s and the postwar world." McDonald, Ronald H., and J. Mark Ruhl. 《拉丁美洲政黨政治與選舉》第 77-88, 125-45 頁。
McDonald, Ronald H., and J. Mark Ruhl. Party Politics and Elections in Latin America. Pp. 77-88, 125-45. Linz, Juan, and Alfred Stepan. 《民主政權的崩落:拉丁美洲》
Linz, Juan, and Alfred Stepan. The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Latin America. O'Donnell, Guillermo, Philippe C. Schmitter, and Laurence Whitehead. 編 《從專制政治轉變:拉丁美洲》 19-48頁 (阿根廷), 72-94 頁(巴西).
O'Donnell, Guillermo, Philippe C. Schmitter, and Laurence Whitehead. eds. Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Latin America. Pp. 19-48 (Argentina), 72-94 (Brazil). Collier, David, 編 《拉丁美洲新專制主義》第 99-163, 165-253 頁。
Collier, David, ed. The New Authoritarianism in Latin America. Pp. 99-163, 165-253. O'Donnell, Guillermo, Philippe C. Schmitter, 與 Laurence Whitehead, 編 《從專制政治轉變:拉丁美洲》頁 49-71, 148-172, 196-220.
O'Donnell, Guillermo, Philippe C. Schmitter, and Laurence Whitehead, eds. Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Latin America. Pp. 49-71, 148-172, 196-220. Cohen, Youssef. 《激進份子、改革者與反動者:拉丁美洲囚犯的困境與民主潰敗》第 53-118 頁。
Cohen, Youssef. Radicals, reformers, and reactionaries: the prisoner's dilemma and the collapse of democracy in Latin America. Pp. 53-118. Collier, David, 編 《拉丁美洲新專制主義》第 61-97 頁。
Collier, David, ed. The New Authoritarianism in Latin America. Pp. 61-97.
Puig, Manuel. 《蜘蛛女之吻》. [或電影版]
Puig, Manuel. The Kiss of the Spider Woman. [Or movie version]
5 經濟改革政治學
The Politics of Economic Reform Williamson, John. 〈小組討論〉
Williamson, John. "Panel Discussion." Haggard, Stephan, and Robert R. Kaufman. 〈導論〉
Haggard, Stephan, and Robert R. Kaufman. "Introduction." Evans, Peter. 〈國家的問題與解決方案:掠奪、根植自治、與結構變革〉
Evans, Peter. "The State as Problem and Solution: Predation, Embedded Autonomy, and Structural Change." Geddes, Barbara. 〈經濟自由化的政治學〉
Geddes, Barbara. "The Politics of Economic Liberalization." Corrales, Javier. 〈經濟危機可促成經濟改革嗎? 1990年代的阿根廷與委內瑞拉〉
Corrales, Javier. "Do Economic Crises Contribute to Economic Reform? Argentina and Venezuela in the 1990s." Nelson, Joan. 〈危機管理經濟改革與哥斯大黎加民主〉
Nelson, Joan. "Crisis Management, Economic Reform, and Costa Rican Democracy." Lopes, Juarez Brandao. 〈巴西經濟改革〉
Lopes, Juarez Brandão. "Obstacles to Economic Reform in Brazil." Pastor, Manuel. 〈玻利維亞: 高通貨膨脹、穩定與其他〉
Pastor, Manuel. "Bolivia: Hyperinflation, Stabilization, and Beyond." Roxborough, Ian. 〈巴西與墨西哥的通貨膨脹與社會共識〉
Roxborough, Ian. "Inflation and social pacts in Brazil and Mexico."
Conaghan, Catherine M., James M. Malloy, 與 Luis A. Abugattas. 〈商業與'男孩們':中安地斯區域的新自由主義政治〉
Conaghan, Catherine M., James M. Malloy, and Luis A. Abugattas. "Business and the 'Boys': The Politics of Neoliberalism in the Central Andes." Remmer, Karen. 〈民主與經濟危機:拉丁美洲經驗〉
Remmer, Karen. "Democracy and Economic Crisis: The Latin American Experience." Waterbury, John. 〈事件的核心? 公營企業與調整過程〉
Waterbury, John. "The Heart of the Matter? Public Enterprise and the Adjustment Process." Haggard, Stephan, 與 Robert R. Kaufman. 〈中收入國家的通貨膨脹與穩定的政治經濟〉
Haggard, Stephan, and Robert R. Kaufman. "The Political Economy of Inflation and Stabilization in Middle-Income Countries." Weyland, Kurt. 〈嚥下苦藥〉
Weyland, Kurt. "Swallowing the Bitter Pill." Remmer, Karen L. 〈拉丁美洲選舉的政治經濟〉
Remmer, Karen L. "The Political Economy of Elections in Latin America." Schamis, Hector. 〈重構1970年代拉丁美洲專制主義:從官僚專制主義到新保守主義〉
Schamis, Hector. "Reconceptualizing Latin American Authoritarianism in the 1970s: From Bureaucratic Authoritarianism to Neoconservatism." Barbosa, Fernando de Holanda. 〈經濟發展:巴西經驗〉
Barbosa, Fernando de Holanda. "Economic Development: The Brazilian Experience." Williamson, John, 編 《拉丁美洲調整:發生過多少事?》第 7-20, 32-35, 353-419 頁。
Williamson, John, ed. Latin American Adjustment: How Much Has Happened. Pp. 7-20, 32-35, 353-419. Meller, Patricio, 編《拉丁美洲發展辯論》第 79-97, 129-62, 169-90 頁。
Meller, Patricio, ed. The Latin American Development Debate. Pp. 79-97, 129-62, 169-90. Dietz, James L. 〈負債與發展:拉丁美洲未來〉
Dietz, James L. "Debt and Development: The Future of Latin America." Graham, Carol, 與 Moises Naim. 〈拉丁美洲制度改革的政治經濟〉
Graham, Carol, and Moises Naim. "The Political Economy of Institutional Reform in Latin America." Stallings, Barbara. 〈東亞與拉丁美洲的結構調整:文獻選讀〉
Stallings, Barbara. "Structural adjustment in East Asia and Latin America: a selective literature review."
Paz, Octavio. 〈善心的惡魔〉,《異議》 (1979 冬季號)
Paz, Octavio. "The Philanthropic Ogre." Dissent (Winter 1979).
6 委內瑞拉市場導向改革的政治結果
The Political Consequences of Market-oriented Reform in Venezuela 美洲際開發銀行 〈十年轉型後的拉丁美洲〉
Inter-American Development Bank. "Latin America after a Decade of Reforms." Crisp, Brian. 〈委內瑞拉經濟改革的啟示〉
Crisp, Brian. "Lessons from Economic Reform in the Venezuelan Democracy." Gervasoni, Carlos. 〈拉丁美洲市場導向改革的選擇結果〉
Gervasoni, Carlos. "The Electoral Consequences of Market-Oriented Reform in Latin America." Villarreal, Andres. 〈墨西哥市民對經濟與總統的輿論:The Salinas Sexenio.〉
Villarreal, Andres. "Public Opinion of the Economy and the President among Mexico City Residents: The Salinas Sexenio." Smith, Peter H. 〈墨西哥自由貿易的政治影響〉
Smith, Peter H. "The Political Impact of Free Trade on Mexico."
Naim, Moises. 《紙老虎與牛頭人身怪獸:委內瑞拉經濟改革政治》
Naim, Moises. Paper Tigers and Minotaurs: The Politics of Venezuela's Economic Reforms. Collier, George. 〈結構調整與新地方運動:Chiapas 的Zpatista叛亂〉
Collier, George. "Structural adjustment and new regional movements: the Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas." Remmer, Karen L. 〈1980年代拉丁美洲經濟危機的政治影響〉
Remmer, Karen L. "The Political Impact of Economic Crisis in Latin America in the 1980s." Haggard, Stephan, 與 Robert R. Kaufman, 編 《經濟調整的政治學:國際壓力、分配的衝突與國家》第 319-50 頁。
Haggard, Stephan, and Robert R. Kaufman, eds. The Politics of Economic Adjustment:
International Constraints, Distributive Conflicts, and the State. Pp. 319-50. Berry, Albert, 編 《拉丁美洲貧窮、經濟改革與所得分配》第 9-41, 43-78, 235-48 頁。
Berry, Albert, ed. Poverty, economic reform & income distribution in Latin America. Pp. 9-41, 43-78, 235-48. Kay, Bruce H., 〈祕魯的Fuji民萃主義與自由國家〉
Kay, Bruce H., "'Fujipopulism' and the Liberal State in Peru." Walton, John. 〈拉丁美洲負債、抗議與國家〉
Walton, John. "Debt, Protest, and the State in Latin America." Buendia, Jorge."墨西哥經濟改革、輿論與總統核定, 1988-93〉
Buendia, Jorge. "Economic Reform, Public Opinion, and Presidential Approval in Mexico, 1988-93." Smith, William C., 與 Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz, 編 《拉丁美洲政治、社會變遷、與經濟重建》
Smith, William C., and Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz, eds. Politics, social change, and economic restructuring in Latin America. Lustig, Nora. 《墨西哥:重塑經濟》 頁Pp. 61-95, 201-220.
Lustig, Nora. Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy. Pp. 61-95, 201-220. Gamarra, Eduardo A. 〈拉丁美洲市場導向的改革與民主:1990年代挑戰〉
Gamarra, Eduardo A. "Market-Oriented Reforms and Democracy in Latin America: Challenges of the 1990s." 《比較政治學》頁 Pp. 544-591.
Comparative Political Studies. Pp. 544-591. Oxhorn, Philip, 與 Pamela K. Starr. 《拉丁美洲市場與民主:衝突還是集結?》
Oxhorn, Philip, and Pamela K. Starr. Markets & Democracy in Latin America: conflict or convergence? Przeworski, Adam. 《民主與市場:東歐與拉丁美洲政治與經濟改革》
Przeworski, Adam. Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America. Petras, James, with Todd Cavaluzzi, Morris Morley, 與 Steve Vieux. 《左翼再起:拉丁美洲新自由主義時期的階級衝突》 頁Pp. 1-57.
Petras, James, with Todd Cavaluzzi, Morris Morley, and Steve Vieux. The Left Strikes Back: Class Conflict in Latin America in the Age of Neoliberalism. Pp. 1-57. 《美洲際研究與國際事務期刊》
Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs.
7 一團混亂:墨西哥披索危機
Spectacular Screw-ups: The Mexican Peso crisis Oppenheimer, Andres. 《混亂邊緣:游擊隊員、證券經紀人、政客與墨西哥通往繁榮之路》頁Pp. 3-15, 215-34.
Oppenheimer, Andres. Bordering on Chaos: Guerrillas, Stockbrokers, Politicians, and Mexico's Road to Prosperity. Pp. 3-15, 215-34. Pastor, Manuel, 與 Carol Wise. 〈墨西哥國家政策、分配與新自由主義經濟改革〉
Pastor, Manuel, and Carol Wise. "State Policy, Distribution, and Neoliberal Economic Reform in Mexico." Smith, Peter. 〈披索危機的政治界線〉
Smith, Peter. "Political Dimensions of the Peso Crisis." Dresser, Denise. 〈從鋼索落下:墨西哥危機的政治經濟〉
Dresser, Denise. "Falling from the Tightrope: The Political Economy of the Mexican Crisis." de la O, Rogelio Ramirez. 〈1994-95年墨西哥披索危機與經濟蕭條:當時可預防、未來可避免〉
de la O, Rogelio Ramirez. "The Mexican Peso Crisis and Recession of 1994-95: Preventable Then, Avoidable in the Future." Edwards, Sebastian. 〈墨西哥披索危機:我們知道多少?我們什麼時候知道?〉
Edwards, Sebastian. "The Mexican Peso Crisis: How Much Did We Know? When Did We Know It?"
Naim, Moises. 〈墨西哥大事紀〉
Naim, Moises. "Mexico's Larger Story." Williamson, John. 〈墨西哥外債的政策〉
Williamson, John. "Mexican Policy toward Foreign Borrowing." Frieden, Jeffrey. 〈匯率政治學〉
Frieden, Jeffrey. "The Politics of Exchange Rates." Riveros, Luis A. 〈智利結構調整:拉丁美洲相關政策啟示〉
Riveros, Luis A. "Chile's Structural Adjustment: Relevant Policy Lessons for Latin America." Bartell, Ernest. 〈商業領袖的見解與智利民主轉變〉
Bartell, Ernest. "Perceptions by Business Leaders and the Transition to Democracy in Chile." Dresser, Denise. 〈解決新自由主義問題的新民粹主義策略〉
Dresser, Denise. "Neopopulist Solutions to Neoliberal Problems" Lustig, Nora. 《墨西哥:重塑經濟》頁Pp. 143-200.
Lustig, Nora. Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy. Pp. 143-200. Edwards, Sebastian, 與 Moises Naim, 編 《墨西哥1994:剖析新興市場崩潰問題》頁Pp. 95-245.
Edwards, Sebastian, and Moises Naim, eds. Mexico 1994: Anatomy of an Emerging-Market Crash. Pp. 95-245. Santiso, Javier. 〈華爾街與墨西哥危機:新興市場階段分析〉
Santiso, Javier. "Wall Street and the Mexican Crisis: A Temporal Analysis of Emerging Markets." Kessler, Thomas. 〈政治資本:鹽水湖下的墨西哥財政政策〉
Kessler, Thomas. "Political Capital: Mexican Financial Policy under Salinas." Fishlow, Albert. 〈兩個總統的故事:危機管理的政治經濟學〉
Fishlow, Albert. "A Tale of Two Presidents: The Political Economy of Crisis Management." Mendoza, Enrique G. 〈觀點〉
Mendoza, Enrique G. "Comment." Williamson, John, 編 《拉丁美洲調整:發生過多少事? 》第 54-84, 95-8 頁。
Williamson, John, ed. Latin American Adjustment: How Much Has Happened. Pp. 54-84, 95-8
Oppenheimer, Andres. 《混亂邊緣:游擊隊員、證券經紀人、政客與墨西哥通往貧窮之路 》 [書的其他內容].
Oppenheimer, Andres. Bordering on Chaos: Guerrillas, Stockbrokers, Politicians, and Mexico's Road to Prosperity. [Rest of book].
8 南錐地區的專制統治轉型
Transitions from Authoritarian Rule in the Southern Cone Stepan, Alfred. 《再思軍事政治:巴西與南部》頁Pp. 30-67.
Stepan, Alfred. Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone. Pp. 30-67. Dominguez, Jorge I.,與 Abraham F. Lowenthal, 編 《建構民主統治:新南美民主》頁Pp. 147-87.
Dominguez, Jorge I., and Abraham F. Lowenthal, eds. Constructing Democratic Governance: The New South American Democracies. Pp. 147-87. Stallings, Barbara. 〈民主轉型的政治經濟:1980年代智利〉
Stallings, Barbara. "Political Economy of Democratic Transition: Chile in the 1980s." Linz, Juan, 與 Alfred Stepan. 《民主化轉型的問題與統合:南歐、南美與後共產歐洲》頁Pp. 151-165, 190-218.
Linz, Juan, and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Pp. 151-165, 190-218. Wiarda, Howard J. 〈多明尼加共合國:殘留民主與專制主義〉
Wiarda, Howard J. "The Dominican Republic: Mirror Legacies of Democracy and
Authoritarianism." Lagos, Marta.〈新民主的輿論:拉丁美洲的微笑假面〉
Lagos, Marta. "Public Opinion in New Democracies: Latin America's Smiling Mask."
Silva, Eduardo. 〈從獨裁政治到民主:1975-94智利經濟轉型的商業與國家結合〉
Silva, Eduardo. "From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Business-State Nexus in Chile's Economic Transformation, 1975-94." Boylan, Delia. 〈稅收與轉型: 1990年代智利稅務改革政治〉
Boylan, Delia. "Taxation and Transition: The Politics of the 1990 Chilean Tax Reform." Linz, Juan, 與 Alfred Stepan. 《民主化轉型的問題與統合:南歐、南美與後共產歐洲》 頁 166-189.
Linz, Juan, and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Pp. 166-189. Diamond, Larry, and Juan Linz. 〈導論:拉丁美洲政治、社會與民主〉
Diamond, Larry, and Juan Linz. "Introduction: Politics, Society and Democracy in Latin America." Waisman, Carlos H. 〈阿根廷:獨裁工業化與非法化〉
Waisman, Carlos H. "Argentina: Autarkic Industrialization and Illegitimacy." Gillespie, Charles Guy, 與 Luis Eduardo Gonzalez. 〈烏拉圭:舊與自治團體的生存之道〉
Gillespie, Charles Guy, and Luis Eduardo Gonzalez. "Uruguay: The Survival of Old and Autonomous Institutions." Hagopian, Frances. 〈以非民主定義民主?巴西精英、政治公約、統治轉移〉
Hagopian, Frances. "Democracy by Undemocratic Means? Elites, Political Pacts, and Regime Transition in Brazil." Booth, John A.,與 Mitchell A. Seligson, 編 《中美洲選舉與民主》 頁 25-44, 66-83, 244-85.
Booth, John A., and Mitchell A. Seligson, eds. Elections and Democracy in Central America. Pp. 25-44, 66-83, 244-85. Haggard, Stephen, 與 Robert H. Kaufman. 《民主轉型的政治經濟》
Haggard, Stephen, and Robert H. Kaufman. The Political Economy of Democratic Transitions. Remmer, Karen. 〈舊瓶新酒:拉丁美洲民主研究〉
Remmer, Karen. "New Wine in Old Bottlenecks? The Study of Latin American Democracy." O'Donnell, Guillermo, Philippe C. Schmitter, 與 Laurence Whitehead, eds. 《從專制統治轉移:拉丁美洲》頁 3-18.
O'Donnell, Guillermo, Philippe C. Schmitter, and Laurence Whitehead, eds. Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Latin America. Pp 3-18. Malloy, James M., 與 Mitchell A. Seligson, 編 《專制統治者與民主人士:拉丁美洲政權轉移》頁 3-12, 145-63
Malloy, James M., and Mitchell A. Seligson, eds. Authoritarians and Democrats: Regime Transition in Latin America. Pp. 3-12, 145-63 Dominguez, Jorge I., 與 Abraham F. Lowenthal, 編 《建構民主統治:新南美民主》頁 42-98, 118-146.
Dominguez, Jorge I., and Abraham F. Lowenthal, eds. Constructing Democratic Governance: The New South American Democracies. Pp. 42-98, 118-146. Linz, Juan, 與 Alfred Stepan. 《民主化轉型的問題與統合:南歐、南美與後共產歐》 頁 221-230.
Linz, Juan, and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe. Pp. 221-230.
Allende, Isabel. 《英雄戰場》. [或電影版]
Allende, Isabel. Of Love and Shadows. [Or movie version.]
9 民兵關係:巴西、厄瓜多爾、委內瑞拉等
Civil-military Relations: Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, etc. Huntington, Samuel P. 〈施虐者問題〉
Huntington, Samuel P. "The Torturer Problem." Huntington, Samuel P. 〈 執政者問題〉
Huntington, Samuel P. "The Praetorian Problem." Stepan, Alfred. 《再思軍事政治:巴西與南部》頁 68-145.
Stepan, Alfred. Rethinking Military Politics: Brazil and the Southern Cone. Pp. 68-145. Hunter, Wendy. 〈政客對軍人:巴西後專制統治的軍事角力〉
Hunter, Wendy. "Politicians against Soldiers: Contesting the Military in Postauthoritarian Brazil." Cruz, Consuelo, 與 Rut Diamint. 〈拉丁美洲新軍事組織〉
Cruz, Consuelo, and Rut Diamint. "The New Military Autonomy in Latin America." Norden, Deborah L. 〈民主與軍事控制下的委內瑞拉: 從附屬變成叛亂〉
Norden, Deborah L. "Democracy and Military Control in Venezuela: From Subordination to Insurrection." Rohter, Larry. 〈厄瓜多爾民兵警示區成為復活軍團〉
Rohter, Larry. "Ecuador's Coup Alerts Region to a Resurgent Military."
〈厄瓜多爾民主危機〉《紐約時報》 社論
"Ecuador's Endangered Democracy." The New York Times. Editorial. Rohter, Larry. 〈苦難的印地安人讓厄瓜多爾知道戰鬥尚未結束〉
Rohter, Larry. "Bitter Indians Let Ecuador Know Fight Isn't Over." Rial, Juan. 〈拉丁美洲軍隊與公民社會〉
Rial, Juan. "Armies and Civil Society in Latin America." Goodman, Louis A. 〈軍隊角色的過去與現在〉
Goodman, Louis A. "Military Roles Past and Present." Nun, Jose. 〈中級軍事組織再現〉
Nun, José. "The Middle Class Military Coup Revisited." Mendez, Juan E. 〈過去濫用的會計責任〉
Mendez, Juan E. "Accountability for past abuses." Rouquie, Alain. 〈拉丁美洲軍事統治下的去軍事化與制度化〉
Rouquié, Alain. "Demilitarization and the Institutionalization of Military-Dominated Polities in Latin America." Dominguez, Jorge I. 與 Abraham F. Lowenthal, 編 《建構民主統治:1990年代墨西哥、中美洲與加勒比海區》 頁Pp. 3-63, 135-158.
Dominguez, Jorge I. and Abraham F. Lowenthal, eds. Constructing Democratic Governance: Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean in the 1990s. Pp. 3-63, 135-158. Weschler, Lawrence. 《奇蹟, 宇宙:與施虐者和解》
Weschler, Lawrence. A Miracle, A Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers. Lowenthal, Abraham F., 與 J. S. Fitch. 《拉丁美洲軍隊與政治》
Lowenthal, Abraham F., and J. S. Fitch. Armies and Politics in Latin America. Laguerre, Michel S. 《海地軍隊與社會》
Laguerre, Michel S. The Military and Society in Haiti.
電影 Z: 《一件希臘政治悲劇》
The movie Z: A Political Tragedy in Greece.
10 民主的限制:比較觀點談巴西
Limits of Democratization: Brazil in Comparative Perspective Karl, Terry, 與 Philippe C. Schmitter. 〈民主是什麼…與不是什麼…〉
Karl, Terry, and Philippe C. Schmitter. "What Democracy is… and is Not." 〈投票,但不會更多:拉丁美洲民主〉《經濟學人週報》
"The vote, but not always much more: democracy in Latin America." The Economist. Aguiar, Roberto. 〈巴西選舉活動的代價〉
Aguiar, Roberto. "The Cost of Election Campaigns in Brazil." Mainwaring, Scott, 與 Timothy R. Scully. 《建立民主制度:拉丁美洲政黨體系》頁 354-98.
Mainwaring, Scott, and Timothy R. Scully. Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in Latin America. Pp. 354-98. O'Donnell, Guillermo. 〈論國家、民主與一些觀念問題:以拉丁美洲觀點看一些後共產主義國家〉
O'Donnell, Guillermo. "On the state, democratization and some conceptual problems: a Latin American view with glances at some postcommunist countries." Gay, Robert. 〈里約熱內盧鄰近組織與政治變遷〉
Gay, Robert. "Neighborhood Associations and Political Change in Rio de Janeiro." Leeds, Elizabeth. 〈巴西都市外圍的古柯鹼與平行組織:地區性民主化的限制〉
Leeds, Elizabeth. "Cocaine and Parallel Polities in the Brazilian Urban Periphery: Constraints on Local-Level Democratization." Holston, James. 〈法律不當運用:巴西土地與佔用〉
Holston, James. "The Misrule of Law: Land and Usurpation in Brazil."
Hoskin, Gary, 與 Gabriel Murillo-Castano. 〈哥倫比亞可以合作嗎?〉
Hoskin, Gary, and Gabriel Murillo-Castano. "Can Colombia Cope?" Dominguez, Jorge I., 與 Abraham F. Lowenthal, 編 《建構民主統治:新南美民主》 頁 3- 41, 58-71(委內瑞拉、哥倫比亞、與秘魯).
Dominguez, Jorge I., and Abraham F. Lowenthal, eds. Constructing Democratic Governance: The New South American Democracies. Pp. 3- 41, 58-71 (Venezuela, Colombia, and Peru). Hagopian, Frances. 〈政權改變之後:南美專制統治神話、政治代表、與民主的未來〉
Hagopian, Frances. "After Regime Change: Authoritarian Legacies, Political Representation, and the Democratic Future of South America." Fatton, Jr., Robert. 〈民主的傷害:比較觀點論海地〉
Fatton, Jr., Robert. "The Impairments of Democracy: Haiti in Comparative Perspective." Holston, James, 與 Teresa P. R. Caldeira. 〈民主、法律與暴力:巴西公民權的選言〉
Holston, James, and Teresa P. R. Caldeira. "Democracy, Law, and Violence: The Disjunctions of Brazilian Citizenship." Mainwaring, Scott, Guillermo O'Donnell, 與 Samuel Valenzuela. 《論民主統合:以比較觀點論新南美民主》
Mainwaring, Scott, Guillermo O'Donnell, and Samuel Valenzuela. Issues in Democratic Consolidation: The New South American Democracies in Comparative Perspective. Mettenheim, Kurt von, 與 James Malloy. 《深入拉丁美洲民主》
Mettenheim, Kurt von, and James Malloy. Deepening Democracy in Latin America. Oxhorn, Philip D., 與 Graciela Ducatenzeiler. 《哪一種民主?哪一種市場?新自由主義時期的拉丁美洲》
Oxhorn, Philip D., and Graciela Ducatenzeiler. What kind of democracy? What kind of market? Latin America in the age of neoliberalism. Schneider, Ben Ross. 〈Collor下的巴西:危機組織〉
Schneider, Ben Ross. "Brazil under Collor: Anatomy of a Crisis."
電影中央車站 或 P. J. O'Rourke, 地獄假期(菲律賓篇)
The movie Central Station OR P. J. O'Rourke, Holidays in Hell (chapter on the Philippines).
11 重塑祕魯國家與其他地區
Reforming the State in Peru and elsewhere Colburn, Forrest D. 〈拉丁美洲犯罪事件〉
Colburn, Forrest D. "Crime in Latin America." Whitehead, Lawrence. 〈自1930年起的拉丁美洲國家組織〉
Whitehead, Lawrence. "State Organization in Latin America since 1930." de Soto, Hernando. 《另一條路:第三世界看不件的革命》 頁 3-15, 33-57, 131-51, 244-55.
de Soto, Hernando. The Other Path: The Invisible Revolution in the Third World. Pp. 3-15, 33-57, 131-51, 244-55. Mauceri, Philip. 〈祕魯國家重建、統合與新自由'Autogolpe'〉
Mauceri, Philip. "State Reform, Coalitions, and the Neoliberal 'Autogolpe' in Peru." Geddes, Barbara. 〈重塑拉丁美洲民主的遊戲理論模型〉
Geddes, Barbara. "A Game Theoretic Model of Reform in Latin American Democracies."
Geddes, Barbara. 〈建立巴西'國家'組織:1930-64〉
Geddes, Barbara. "Building 'State' Autonomy in Brazil: 1930-64." O'Donnell, Guillermo.〈委任民主〉
O'Donnell, Guillermo. "Delegative Democracy." Weyland, Kurt. 〈新民主下的巴西〉
Weyland, Kurt. "The Brazilian State in the New Democracy." Oszlak, Oscar. 〈拉丁美洲國家構成史〉
Oszlak, Oscar. "Historical Formation of the State in Latin America." 美洲際開發銀行 〈賦稅〉
Inter-American Development Bank. "Taxation." Schneider, Ben Ross. 〈生涯連結:官僚優惠與隔絕的比較分析〉
Schneider, Ben Ross. "The Career Connection: A Comparative Analysis of Bureaucratic Preferences and Insulation." Bird, Richard M. 〈拉丁美洲稅務重塑:近期經驗回顧〉
Bird, Richard M. "Tax Reform in Latin America: A Review of Some Recent Experiences." Smith, Peter H. 〈開發中國家的起與落〉
Smith, Peter H. "The rise and fall of the developmental state." Rus, Jan. 〈社區組織轉型〉
Rus, Jan. "The 'Comunidad Revolucionaria Institucional.'" Haggard, Stephan, 與 Robert R. Kaufman, 編 《經濟調整政治學:國際限制、分配的衝突與國家》頁 139-49, 163-72.
Haggard, Stephan, and Robert R. Kaufman, eds. The Politics of Economic Adjustment: International Constraints, Distributive Conflicts, and the State. Pp. 139-49, 163-72. Cavarozzi, Marcelo. 〈超越民主轉型的拉丁美洲〉
Cavarozzi, Marcelo. "Beyond transitions to democracy in Latin America." Oppenheimer, Andres. 《混亂邊緣:游擊隊員、證券經紀人、政客與墨西哥通往繁榮之路》 頁 83-110.
Oppenheimer, Andres. Bordering on Chaos: Guerrillas, Stockbrokers, Politicians, and Mexico's Road to Prosperity. Pp. 83-110. Weyland, Kurt. 〈拉丁美洲腐敗政治〉
Weyland, Kurt. "The Politics of Corruption in Latin America." Karl, Terry L. 《富庶的迷思:油業興旺與產油國家》
Karl, Terry L. The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States. Colazingari, Silvia, 與 Susan Rose-Ackerman. 〈腐敗的專制民主下:義大利給拉丁美洲的教訓〉
Colazingari, Silvia, and Susan Rose-Ackerman. "Corruption in paternalistic democracy: lessons from Italy for Latin America." Fruhling, Hugo. 〈拉丁美洲法律改革與民主化〉
Fruhling, Hugo. "Judicial Reform and Democratization in Latin America." Little, Walter, 與 Eduardo Posada Carbo, 編 《歐洲與拉丁美洲的政治腐敗》 頁 9-14, 195-295.
Little, Walter, and Eduardo Posada Carbo, eds. Political corruption in Europe and Latin America. Pp. 9-14, 195-295. Morris, Stephen D. 《當代墨西哥貪污與政治》 頁 21-82.
Morris, Stephen D. Corruption & politics in contemporary Mexico. Pp. 21-82. Smith, Peter H. 〈墨西哥毒品交易〉
Smith, Peter H. "Drug Trafficking in Mexico." Toro, Maria Celia.〈觀點〉
Toro, Maria Celia. "Comment."
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. News of a Kidnapping.
12 墨西哥不確定的政治轉變
Ambiguous Political Transition in Mexico Lawson, Chappell. 〈墨西哥未完成的轉變:墨西哥民主化與未專制統治區域〉
Lawson, Chappell. "Mexico's Unfinished Transition: Democratization and Authoritarian Enclaves in Mexico." Bruhn, Kathleen. 《與巨人較量:墨西哥新左派政黨興起與民主的掙扎》頁 39-44, 55-66.
Bruhn, Kathleen. Taking on Goliath: The Emergence of a New Left Party and the Struggle for Democracy in Mexico. Pp. 39-44, 55-66. Krauze, Enrique. 《墨西哥:權力記事:現代墨西哥史》 頁 549-557.
Krauze, Enrique. Mexico: Biography of Power: A History of Modern Mexico. Pp. 549-557. Horcasitas, Juan Molinar. 〈霸權政黨制度下改變權力的平衡:墨西哥為例〉
Horcasitas, Juan Molinar. "Changing the Balance of Power in a Hegemonic Party System: The Case of Mexico." Dresser, Denise. 〈墨西哥:當朝政黨的衰落〉
Dresser, Denise. "Mexico: The Decline of Dominant Party Rule." Middlebrook, Kevin. 〈獨裁政權下的政治自由化〉
Middlebrook, Kevin. "Political Liberalization in an Authoritarian Regime." Lawson, Chappell. 〈墨西哥新政治:1997年大選〉
Lawson, Chappell. "Mexico's New Politics: The Elections of 1997." O'Rourke, P. J. 〈論午餐與戰爭〉
O'Rourke, P. J. "Of Lunch and War."
Cornelius, Wayne, Todd Eisenstadt, 與 Jane Hinley, 編 《墨西哥次國家政治與民主化》 頁 3-16, 269-341.
Cornelius, Wayne, Todd Eisenstadt, and Jane Hinley, eds. Subnational Politics and Democratization in Mexico. Pp. 3-16, 269-341. Camp, Roderic Ai. 〈墨西哥政論家與政治體制的倖存者〉
Camp, Roderic Ai. "The Political Technocrat in Mexico and the Survival of the Political System." Morris, Stephen D. 〈墨西哥政治改革主義〉
Morris, Stephen D. "Political Reformism in Mexico: Past and Present." Cornelius, Wayne. 〈墨西哥政治轉變:打破一黨統治〉
Cornelius, Wayne. "Mexican Politics in Transition: The Breakdown of a One-Party Dominant Regime. Bruhn, Kathleen. 《與巨人較量:墨西哥新左派政黨興起與民主的掙扎》
Bruhn, Kathleen. Taking on Goliath: The Emergence of a New Left Party and the Struggle for Democracy in Mexico. Womack, Jr., John. 〈墨西哥革命戰利品〉
Womack, Jr., John. "The Spoils of the Mexican Revolution."
13 拉丁美洲政黨與大選
Parties and Elections in Latin America Coppedge, Michael.〈墨西哥與委內瑞拉政黨與社會:競爭的重要〉
Coppedge, Michael. "Parties and society in Mexico and Venezuela: Why competition matters." Dix, Robert H. 〈拉丁美洲政黨的民主化與制度化〉
Dix, Robert H. "Democratization and the institutionalization of Latin American political parties." Mainwaring, Scott, 與 Timothy R. Scully. 《建立民主制度:拉丁美洲政黨體制》 頁 1-34, 459-74.
Mainwaring, Scott, and Timothy R. Scully. Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in Latin America. Pp. 1-34, 459-74. Siavelis, Peter, 與 Arturo Valenzuela. 〈選舉操作技巧與民主安定:智利獨裁統治神話〉
Siavelis, Peter, and Arturo Valenzuela. "Electoral Engineering and Democratic Stability: The Legacy of Authoritarian Rule in Chile." Schmidt, Gregory D. 〈祕魯Fujimori 1990年沮喪的勝利:選舉制度、偶發事故與適合的策略〉
Schmidt, Gregory D. "Fujimori's 1990 Upset Victory in Peru: Electoral Rules, Contingencies, and Adaptive Strategies." Angell, Alan, Maria D'Alva Kinzo, 與 Diego Urbaneja. 〈拉丁美洲〉
Angell, Alan, Maria D'Alva Kinzo, and Diego Urbaneja. "Latin America." 美洲間開發銀行〈十年改革後的拉丁美洲〉
Inter-American Development Bank. "Latin America after a Decade of Reforms."
Mainwaring, Scott, 與 Matthew S. Shugart. 〈結論:總統選舉制與政黨體制〉
Mainwaring, Scott, and Matthew S. Shugart. "Conclusion: Presidentialism and the Party System." Remmer, Karen L. 〈拉丁美洲大選的政治經濟學〉
Remmer, Karen L. "The Political Economy of Elections in Latin America." Martz, John D. 〈哥倫比亞與委內瑞拉的政黨精英與領導〉
Martz, John D. "Party Elites and Leadership in Colombia and Venezuela." Dix, Robert H. 〈拉丁美洲分裂結構與政黨體系〉
Dix, Robert H. "Cleavage Structures and Party Systems in Latin America." LeDuc, Lawrence, Richard G. Niemi, 與 Pippa Norris, 編 《比較民主:全球觀點下的選舉與投票》 頁 13-48.
LeDuc, Lawrence, Richard G. Niemi, and Pippa Norris, eds. Comparing Democracies: Elections and Voting in Global Perspective. Pp. 13-48. Ames, Barry. 〈逆轉燕尾現象-1989年巴西總統大選地區政黨組織〉
Ames, Barry. "The Reverse Coattails Effect -- Local Party Organization in the 1989 Brazilian Presidential Election." Mainwaring, Scott, 與 Timothy R. Scully. 《建立民主制度:拉丁每政黨制度》 頁 37-71, 100-99, 298-22, 399-458.
Mainwaring, Scott, and Timothy R. Scully. Building Democratic Institutions: Party Systems in Latin America. Pp. 37-71, 100-99, 298-22, 399-458. Waisbord, Silvio. 〈現世政治:阿根廷選舉活動現代化〉
Waisbord, Silvio. "Secular Politics: The Modernization of Argentine Electioneering." Siavelis, Peter. 〈智利政黨制度的延續與改變:選舉改革的轉型效用〉
Siavelis, Peter. "Continuity and Change in the Chilean Party System: On the Transformational Effects of Electoral Reform." Cansino, Cesar. 〈拉丁美洲政黨政府:理論導向的經驗分析〉
Cansino, Cesar. "Party government in Latin America: theoretical guidelines for an empirical analysis." Lawson, Chappell. 〈為何Cardenas會贏〉
Lawson, Chappell. "Why Cardenas Won." Booth, John A., 與 Mitchell A. Seligson, 編 《中美洲選舉與民主》 頁 45-65, 84-102.
Booth, John A., and Mitchell A. Seligson, eds. Elections and Democracy in Central America. Pp. 45-65, 84-102. Mainwaring, Scott. 〈政客、政黨與選舉制度:比較觀點談巴西〉
Mainwaring, Scott. "Politicians, Parties, and Electoral Systems: Brazil in Comparative Perspective." Martz, John D. 〈競選活動與拉丁美洲民主化:格拉哥倫比亞經驗〉
Martz, John D. "Electoral campaigning and Latin American democratization: the Grancolombian experience."
14 宗教、政治、動員與公民社會
Religion, Political Mobilization, and Civil Society Levine, Daniel. 〈從教會與國家到宗教與政治與再回頭〉
Levine, Daniel. "From Church and State to Religion and Politics and Back Again." Bruncan, Thomas C., 與 W. E. Hewitt. 〈巴西政治轉變的教會影響模式〉
Bruncan, Thomas C., and W. E. Hewitt. "Patterns of Church Influence in Brazil's Political
Transition." Adriance, Madeleine. 〈巴西北部低層社區與郊區動員〉
Adriance, Madeleine. "Base communities and rural mobilization in northern Brazil." Cavendish, James C. 〈基督教為主社區與建構民主:巴西與智利〉
Cavendish, James C. "Christian base communities and the building of democracy: Brazil and Chile." Froehle, Bryan T. 〈拉丁美洲宗教競爭、社區建設與民主:委內瑞拉鄉村宗教組織〉
Froehle, Bryan T. "Religious competition, community building, and democracy in Latin
America: grassroots religious organizations in Venezuela." Smith, Christian. 〈民主精神:拉丁美洲低層社區、新教教會與民主化〉
Smith, Christian. "The Spirit and Democracy: Base Communities, Protestantism, and Democratization in Latin America." Aguilar, Edwin Eloy, Jose Miguel Sandoval, Timothy J. Steigenga, 與 Kenneth Coleman. 〈薩爾瓦多新教教會:傳統智慧對調查證據〉
Aguilar, Edwin Eloy, Jose Miguel Sandoval, Timothy J. Steigenga, and Kenneth Coleman. "Protestantism in El Salvador: Conventional Wisdom versus Survey Evidence." Gaskill, Newton J. 〈再思拉丁美洲新教教會與民主統合〉
Gaskill, Newton J. "Rethinking Protestantism and democratic consolidation in Latin America." Bastian, Jean-Pierre. 〈拉丁美洲新教組織的變形:社會史學觀點〉
Bastian, Jean-Pierre. "The Metamorphosis of Latin American Protestant Groups: A
Sociohistorical Perspective." Susan C. Stokes. 〈政治學與拉丁美洲都市貧窮問題:反省利馬臨時屋地區〉
Susan C. Stokes. "Politics and Latin America's Urban Poor: Reflections from a Lima Shantytown."
Carrilo, Teresa. 〈成衣工業的女性與獨立聯盟〉
Carrilo, Teresa. "Women and Independent Unionism in the Garment Industry." Mainwaring, Scott. 〈巴西都市流行運動、認同與民主化〉
Mainwaring, Scott. "Urban Popular Movements, Identity, and Democratization in Brazil." Cornelius, Wayne A. 〈都市化與政治需求:拉丁美洲城市中的外來貧窮族群的政治特殊化〉
Cornelius, Wayne A. "Urbanization and Political Demand-Making: Political Participation among the Migrant Poor in Latin American Cities." Landin, Leilah. 〈拉丁美洲無政府組織〉
Landin, Leilah. "Nongovernmental Organizations in Latin America." Foweraker, Joe. 〈拉丁美洲社會運動與公民權力〉
Foweraker, Joe. "Social Movements and Citizenship Rights in Latin America." Escobar, Arturo, 與 Sonia E. Alvarez, 編 《拉丁美洲社會運動起緣:認同、策略與民主》 頁 1-8, 317-29.
Escobar, Arturo, and Sonia E. Alvarez, eds. The Making of Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy, and Democracy. Pp. 1-8, 317-29. Foweraker, Joe. Theorizing Social Movements. Pp. 24-114. Payne, Leigh A. 〈巴西商業與民主轉型:新態度與影響〉
Payne, Leigh A. "Brazilian Business and the Democratic Transition: New Attitudes and Influence." Schneider, Ben Ross. 〈民主巴西的創立商業政治〉
Schneider, Ben Ross. "Organized Business Politics in Democratic Brazil." Durand, Francisco, 與 Eduardo Silva. 《拉丁美洲組織商業、經濟變革與民主》
Durand, Francisco, and Eduardo Silva. Organized business, economic change, and democracy in Latin America. Nash, June. 〈玻利維亞採錫社區的文化抵抗運動與階級意識〉
Nash, June. "Cultural Resistance and Class Consciousness in Bolivian Tin-Mining Communities." Middlebrook, Kevin J. 〈墨西哥汽車工業聯盟民主化:評估〉
Middlebrook, Kevin J. "Union Democratization in the Mexican Automobile Industry: An Appraisal." Williams, Heather. 《製造紛爭:墨西哥Barzon債務人運動》
Williams, Heather. Planting trouble: the Barzon debtors' movement in Mexico. Jaquett, Jane S., 編 《拉丁美洲女性運動:參與與民主》
Jaquett, Jane S., ed. The women's movement in Latin America: participation and democracy. Stephen, Lynn. 《拉丁美洲女性與社會運動:力量由下而上》 頁 1-26, 158-94, 243-60.
Stephen, Lynn. Women and Social Movements in Latin America: Power from Below. Pp. 1-26, 158-94, 243-60.
Paz, Octavio. 《寂寞迷宮》
Paz, Octavio. The Labyrinth of Solitude. Paz, Octavio. 〈另一個墨西哥〉, 於《寂寞迷宮與其他作品》
Paz, Octavio. "The Other Mexico." In The Labyrinth of Solitude and Other Writings.
15 革命
Revolution Winn, Peter. 〈革命〉
Winn, Peter. "Making Revolution." Cragan, Margaret, 與 Peter Smith. 〈美洲國家革命〉
Cragan, Margaret, and Peter Smith. "The State of Revolution in the Americas." Anderson, Leslie E. 《現代農民的政治生態學:預測與社群》 頁 xiii-61, 119-73.
Anderson, Leslie E. The Political Ecology of the Modern Peasant: Calculation and Community. Pp. xiii-61, 119-73.
Booth, John A. 〈中美中國家革命之社會經濟學與政治基礎〉
Booth, John A. "The Socioeconomic and Political Roots of National Revolts in Central America." Harvey, Neil. Chiapas《叛亂:土地與民主的掙扎》 頁 8-245.
Harvey, Neil. The Chiapas Rebellion: The Struggle for Land and Democracy. Pp. 8-245. Oppenheimer, Andres. 《混亂邊界:游擊隊、證券經紀人、政客與墨西哥通往繁榮之路》 頁 37-82, 235-262.
Oppenheimer, Andres. Bordering on Chaos: Guerrillas, Stockbrokers, Politicians, and Mexico's Road to Prosperity. Pp. 37-82, 235-262. Rus, Jan. 〈社群革命體制〉
Rus, Jan. "The 'Comunidad Revolucionaria Institucional.'" Collier, George. 《Basta:土地與Chiapas的Zapatista叛亂》 頁 1-154.
Collier, George. Basta: Land and the Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas. Pp. 1-154. LaFeber, Walter. 《必然的革命:美國在中美洲》
LaFeber, Walter. Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America.
16 墨西哥與阿根廷的大眾媒體
The Mass Media in Mexico and Argentina Lawson, Chappell. 《建立第四階級:墨西哥民主化與媒體開放》 頁 1-11, 99-332.
Lawson, Chappell. Building the Fourth Estate: Democratization and Media Opening in Mexico. Pp. 1-11, 99-332. Frank, Sallie. 未定
Frank, Sallie. TBA. Belejack, Barbara. 〈槍桿下的拉丁美洲新聞人〉
Belejack, Barbara. "Latin American journalists under the gun." Simon, Joel. 〈金錢導向熱潮:拉丁美洲新聞人有柔軟度、感暴露醜聞、詳查貪污、甚至推翻總統〉
Simon, Joel. "Hot on the money trail: Latin American journalists are flexing new muscle, exposing scandal, probing corruption, even toppling presidents." Waisbord, Silvio R. 〈敲敲新聞室的門:阿根廷出版與政治醜聞〉
Waisbord, Silvio R. "Knocking on Newsroom Doors: The Press and Political Scandals in Argentina."
Adler, Ilya. 〈墨西哥案例:1988年總統大選時的媒體〉
Adler, Ilya. "The Mexican Case: The Media in the 1988 Presidential Election." Kottack, C. P. 〈巴西電視對價值觀與當地生活的影響〉
Kottack, C. P. "Television's Impact on Values and Local Life in Brazil." Skidmore, Thomas E, 編 《拉丁美洲電視、政治學與民主化過程》
Skidmore, Thomas E, ed. Television, politics, and the transition to democracy in Latin America. Mayobre, Jose Antonio. 〈政治、媒體與現代民主:委內瑞拉為例〉
Mayobre, Jose Antonio. "Politics, Media, and Modern Democracy: The Case of Venezuela." Cole, Richard R, 編 《拉丁美洲傳媒業:新聞業、大眾媒體與社會》
Cole, Richard R, ed. Communication in Latin America: journalism, mass media, and society.
17 半球議題
The Hemispheric Context Gaviria, Cesar. 〈半球的未來〉
Gaviria, Cesar. "The future of the hemisphere." Weintraub, Sidney. 〈美國與拉丁美洲關係〉
Weintraub, Sidney. "U.S.-Latin American Relations." Vasquez, Ian. 〈華府對半球民主之為定的聖戰〉
Vasquez, Ian. "Washington's dubious crusade for hemispheric democracy." Smith, Peter H. 《鷹爪:美國與拉丁美洲關係的機能》 頁 235-291.
Smith, Peter H. Talons of the Eagle: Dynamics of U.S.-Latin American Relations. Pp. 235-291. Keck, Margaret E., 與and Kathryn Sikkink. 〈拉丁美洲人權主張網絡〉
Keck, Margaret E., and Kathryn Sikkink. "Human Rights Advocacy Networks in Latin America." Pagnucco, Ron. 〈拉丁美洲和平與司法的轉型機制與服務〉
Pagnucco, Ron. "The Transnational Strategies of the Service for Peace and Justice in Latin America." Purcell, Susan Kaufman. 〈美國與墨西哥變革本質〉
Purcell, Susan Kaufman. "The Changing Nature of U.S.-Mexico Relations." Palmer, David Scott. 〈秘魯與厄瓜多爾邊境衝突:錯失機會、錯置國家主義與保持多邊和平〉
Palmer, David Scott. "Peru-Ecuador Border Conflict: Missed Opportunities, Misplaced
Nationalism, and Multilateral Peacekeeping."
Whitehead, Laurence. 〈民主化的國際觀點〉
Whitehead, Laurence. "International Aspects of Democratization." Wiarda, Howard J. 〈意見一致、不一致:世紀之交美國對拉丁美洲政策的斷裂〉
Wiarda, Howard J. "Consensus found, consensus lost: disjunctures in US policy toward Latin America at the turn of the century." Lowenthal, Abraham F. 《輸出民主:美國與拉丁美洲》
Lowenthal, Abraham F. Exporting democracy: the United States and Latin America. Pp. 90-263. Hartlyn, Jonathan, Lars Schoultz, 與 Augusto Varas. 《1990年代的美國與拉丁美洲:冷戰之後》
Hartlyn, Jonathan, Lars Schoultz, and Augusto Varas. The United States and Latin America in the 1990s: Beyond the Cold War. Smith, Peter H. 《鷹爪:美國與拉丁美洲關係的機能》 頁 3-234.
Smith, Peter H. Talons of the Eagle: Dynamics of U.S.-Latin American Relations. Pp. 3-234. Wiarda, Howard J. 《民主與不滿:獨立之間與美國對拉丁美洲政策》
Wiarda, Howard J. Democracy and Its Discontents: Development, Interdependence, and U.S. Policy in Latin America. Millett, Richard L. 〈美國與拉丁美洲軍事部署:紛爭的關係〉
Millett, Richard L. "The United States and Latin America's Armed Forces: A Troubled Relationship." Millett, Richard L. 〈超越治權:國際對拉丁美洲民主的救援支持〉
Millett, Richard L. "Beyond sovereignty: international efforts to support Latin American Democracy." Buchanan, Paul. 〈美國西半球的國防政策〉
Buchanan, Paul. "U.S. Defense Policy for the Western Hemisphere." Garza, Rodolfo de la. 〈墨西哥裔美國人與美國外交政策:墨西哥裔美國人與墨西哥關係的未來〉
Garza, Rodolfo de la. "Chicanos and U.S. foreign policy: the future of Chicano-Mexican Relations." Dominguez, Jorge I. 《國際安全與民主:拉丁美洲與加勒比海國家後冷戰時代》
Dominguez, Jorge I. International Security and Democracy: Latin America and the Caribbean in the Post-Cold War Era. Davidow, Jeffrey. 〈美國外交政策對拉丁美洲與加勒比海國家的目標〉
Davidow, Jeffrey. "U.S. foreign policy objectives in Latin America and the Caribbean." Schlesinger, Stephen C., 與 Stephen Kinzer. 《苦果:美國軍隊在瓜地馬拉無法說出的故事》
Schlesinger, Stephen C., and Stephen Kinzer. Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala. Davis, Nathaniel. 《德屬薩爾瓦多的最後兩年》
Davis, Nathaniel. The Last Two Years of Salvador Allende. Knight, Franklin W. 〈治權國家與國家治權〉
Knight, Franklin W. "The state of sovereignty and the sovereignty of states."
Stone, Robert. 《日出之旗》
Stone, Robert. A Flag for Sunrise. Paz, Octavio. 〈墨西哥與美國〉
Paz, Octavio. "Mexico and the United States."