酸溶解率,acid solubility,在线英语词典,英文翻译,专业英语

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/21 06:21:27
1)  acid solubility酸溶解率2)  acid dissolution酸溶1.Comparative Studies on the Sample Digestion Techniques of Alkali Fusion and Acid Dissolution in the Determination of Major Elements and Trace Elements in Stone;石材主量元素和微量元素测定的酸溶与碱熔分解方法比较2.Experimental study on preparation of polyaluminum chloride from aluminum ash by one-step acid dissolution;铝灰一步酸溶法制备聚合氯化铝的试验研究3.Precise determination of chemical compositions in silicate rocks using ICP AESand ICP MS: A comparative study of sample digestion techniquesof alkali fusion and acid dissolution;硅酸盐岩石化学组成的ICP-AES和ICP-MS准确测定:酸溶与碱熔分解样品方法的对比3)  acid solution酸溶1.The content of Cr in K_(2)TaF_(7) sample is determined by acid solution.用酸溶解K2TaF7试样,在AgNO3存在的情况下,用过硫酸铵将Cr3+氧化成Cr6+,用二苯硫酰二肼显色,比色测定,测定结果稳定,其回收率为98%~104%,可测定样品中的铬低至0。4)  acid solubility酸溶性1.On the basis of the analysis,coating test with different quantities of SiO_2 on the surface of TiO_2 are carried out and applicable properties of samples in these tests have been detected including acid solubility,oil absorption value,tint-re- ducing power,whiteness.从包覆成膜时热力学所决定的包膜量以及工艺本身引入的盐分对包膜量的影响出发,分别探讨了TiO_2表面包覆致密SiO_2膜的最小包膜量与最大包膜量;同时进行TiO_2表面包覆不同量SiO_2时实验样品的酸溶性、吸油量、消色力、白度等性能的研究,在此基础上,确定了TiO_2表面包覆致密SiO_2适宜的包膜量。2.The advantages of the agent are: good plugging,easy usage,high acid solubility,and so on,and can be used for formation damage.DL-93堵剂是以石灰石粉为主体材料复配而成的一种灰白色纤维状酸溶性高失水暂堵剂,经室内评价和现场应用,该堵剂具有封堵效果好、使用方便、酸溶率高等特点,有减少储层损害之功效。3.The acid solubility test of Al 3+ in clay from some uranium ores under microwave is introduced in this paper.对某铀矿石中提取的粘土矿物 ,在微波辐照下作 Al3+的酸溶性试验。5)  dissolution in acetic acid醋酸溶解6)  acid dissolution酸溶过程参考词条盐酸溶解  盐酸溶液  酸溶钒  酸溶液  酸溶置换  硫酸溶液  硝酸溶样  碳酸溶液  草酸溶液  硼酸溶液  转CryIA+CpTI双价基因抗虫棉  美国图书馆自动化研究与顾问协会  补充资料:电导率(见电阻率)