
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 07:13:58
事实上,我们的一些最值得骄傲的产品正是在这段时间完成的。我们推出了Windows 2000这一前所未有的最可靠的个人电脑操作系统。我们推出了.Net战略,使网络服务的新世界成为可能。最近我们又推出了新一代的办公软件Office XP。并且,我们还将推出Windows XP, Xbox以及写字板电脑 - 所有这些产品将数码世界的精髓带入家庭与工作。今天的判决确认了我们继续推出这些重要的、创新性的产品的权利。
Thank you for coming today. We're still reviewing the details of the ruling from the Court of Appeals, but it's clear that it reverses and significantly narrows the District Court's decision. The ruling lifts the cloud of breakup over the company, reverses the tying claim and says clearly that we did not attempt to monopolize the browser market.
The central issue in this case was the fundamental principle that every company must have the ability to innovate and improve its products. We're very pleased that this ruling reverses the lower court ruling and sets a much higher standard for these issues than the lower court applied. It sets a high bar for any ruling against the inclusion of new features in software products.
The legal process can be hard on anyone who goes through it, and the last four years have been challenging for all of us here at Microsoft -- and for me personally. But despite the many twists and turns of the case, I've always had faith in our company, in our employees and in the magic of the software we're creating.
Throughout the last 25 years, we've built our business on the vision of making the PC and its benefits available to everyone, everywhere. We've also created opportunity for lots of other companies. Literally thousands of hardware and software companies work with Microsoft, using our tools and services to build their businesses. These past few years, we've done even more to partner and communicate with companies throughout the industry. We recognize that as a successful company, we have an important responsibility to the broader industry. We take that responsibility very seriously, and we will continue to work hard to provide great opportunity for our industry partners and consumers.
During this case, it was very important to us to stay focused on our product work. In fact, I believe we've done some of our best work during this time period. We built Windows 2000, the most reliable PC operating system ever. We launched our .NET strategy, making possible a new world of Web services. We recently released Office XP, the next generation of office software. And we'll soon unveil Windows XP, Xbox, and Tablet PC -- all products that bring the best of the digital world to home and work. Today's decision is consistent with our ability to go forward with these crucial and innovative products.
Today's decision overturned much of the District Court's ruling, but not all of it -- and naturally we'll be reviewing the ruling in the days ahead and determining what actions we need to take in response to these issues. Most of the licensing provisions cited by the Court were discontinued years ago. However, we will be making a review of our licensing provisions in light of today's decision. We will also continue to work hard to resolve the remaining issues without the need for continued litigation.
I'm incredibly optimistic about the future. I believe that breakthrough software will continue to improve how we do business, communicate and work with information. Software will enable computers to see, listen, and learn, taking PC technology to new levels of intelligence and ease of use. These advances are only possible because companies have the freedom to keep innovating.
I want to close by thanking the thousands of people who have expressed support for Microsoft through their letters, calls and e-mails. That support has meant a great deal to us here.
I also want to thank the employees for their belief in the company and the amazing job they have done during difficult circumstances. Microsoft's employees stayed focused on finding the next breakthroughs and building great products, and that's what really counts.
Thank you.
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