EveryTrail Pro for iPhone, iPod touch, and iP...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 10:06:16
TRACK, SHARE, EXPLORE... EveryTrail is the best way to share trips,
connect with other travelers and find great new things to do. Plot
your trip, photos and videos right on the map and upload it to
EveryTrail.com, Facebook and Twitter.
People are loving EveryTrail for iPhone. Get in on the Fun!
★★★★★ Unique and very fun to use - TechCrunch
★★★★★ Simple and extremely informative - Mashable
★★★★★ We're addicted! - Fox TappedIn
★★★★★ It’s small, free, and simple - ModernHiker
Create an interactive trip map while you walk, bike, run, hike, drive,
sail, ski or travel other ways. You can plot pictures and videos that
- Hide quoted text -
you take along the way directly onto the map you make. Add your own
colorful commentary for a complete travel story.
Share your adventures with friends by uploading directly from your
phone to Facebook, Twitter and EveryTrail.com, the leading online GPS
travel community. You can also update your own personal blog or
website with the map you make from EveryTrail.com.
Take along over 400,000 trips from other global travelers that will
inspire you on your next adventure—and guide you along the way. You
can leave those heavy outdated guidebooks at home, because EveryTrail
route maps and travel tips will be right at your fingertips wherever
you go.
Track your route with your phone’s GPS capability - see your route
map drawn while you move
Use iOS 4's multitasking capabilities to keep tracking while using
other apps (note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can
dramatically decrease battery life)
Listen to awesome audio guides that give you hands free info at key
POIs along the way
Plot pictures taken with your phone’s camera on your map instantly
OR easily add pics from another camera or photo website later
Add videos to your trip just like pictures (Pro Version only) and
upload them to YouTube from within the app
Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter and EveryTrail right from your phone
Download maps to use offline when data connection is spotty or to
avoid pricey roaming charges (Pro Version only)
View stats while tracking (distance, speed, elevation and more)
View full-screen trip maps, photos and travel logs on EveryTrail.com
Search over 400,000 trips from other world travelers
Find trips near your current location, by activity, length and more
Follow trips on interactive maps while traveling
Track a new trip while following another trip
Save trips (yours and others) on your phone
+ Download and manage maps for offline use
+ Record your own Geotagged Video to add to your trips
+ No Ads
+ Sync ALL your own trips between the app and EveryTrail.com
+ Sync ALL your favorite trips between the app and EveryTrail.com
+ More Pro features to come!
GlobalMotion Media, Inc Web SiteEveryTrail Pro SupportApplication License Agreement
What's New in Version 4.3
Lots of great new stuff:
- Audio guides (these are super cool, check out the free Mt. Diablo
Guide as an example)
- Customize your posts to Twitter & Facebook
- Posts to Facebook are now enhanced with a nifty little map of your
trip right in the feed
- Stats cell in Trip Details screen now updates in real-time when
tracking a trip
- Activity indicator is more visible in the Navigation Bar when
searching for and loading trips
- Fixes for some OpenStreetMaps display and refresh issues
- Lots of small optimizations and bug fixes
Stay tuned, more on the way...
iPhone Screenshots

Customer Reviews
Useful and Fun
by dudeBroh42 Love this app for:
1. Finding awesome new hikes, bike rides and walking tours both when traveling and in my own backyard.
2. Sharing with friends my own routes created using this app.
3. Love the geotagged photos and videos for remembering a spot.
4. The map rotation makes it super easy to follow a trip.
Really excited to use more of the new audio guide functionality in version 4.3.
The audio guides rock
by Cmccarty The audio guides are great. I love listening to the audio as I walk along, it really adds to the experience.
Loving it
by chooyu It's incredibly rewarding to see my exact route plotted on a map, both in real-time on my iphone as well as on the everytrail web site after uploading. Adding videos and photos is simply awesome. The offline map mode is useful for off grid trips. Frequent updates by the developer are great. All in all loving this a lot. Latest Audio guide option is nice!
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