10 simple tips for taking the perfect shot - GE Digital Camera

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/07 17:23:32

1 Get Closer

Some of the best photos you can take are the close up pictures of friends and family. If you’re looking to capture a candid moment, try using the zoom lens to get close. So go ahead, get close, and fill the frame.

2 Take advantage of the grid feature 

The Rule of Thirds is really simple, and the Grid makes everything easy: Just devote 1/3 or 2/3 of the frame to your subject – not 1/2. You can use it up-close. And wide for scenic shots. You don’t have to be exact. But by using the Rule of Thirds, you are helping guide the viewer’s eye to what’s important in the photo. 

3 Don’t aim for the center

Unless you’re very close, the subject’s head should NOT be in the middle of the photo. Now, close up center is not that bad. But with a slight pan, your photo becomes that much more dramatic.

4 Be aware of the background

Be aware of any distracting elements. For instance, you don’t want a tree growing out of the top of someone’s head. Unless, you want to do that on purpose so everyone gets a good laugh later.

5 Have a plan for the group shot

Here’s a good tip for group shots: Elevate! Use a stepladder, or a stool, or a balcony. Any elevation will help you get subject’s faces free and clear of obstructions. With a crowd, it can take a bit of effort to get people to stand in the same place for that group photo. So be ready. Charge the camera. Scout the backgrounds. And make sure you get everyone’s face.

6 Use the color all around you

Vibrant colors make for beautiful photographs, which can help you create spectacular albums and scrapbooks. It can be a red leaf on grass. Or a carousel horse against a sea of lights. Use color wherever you can find it.

7 Don’t forget people in your scenic shot

Consider putting a friend or family member in the foreground for a sense of perspective, you will capture the scene and give it your own stamp of personality.

8 Horizontal or vertical composition?

Just by changing the way you hold the camera, you can change the meaning and focus of the photo. Composing the shot vertically makes the subject exclusively the focus of the photo. However, horizontal framing gives the photo a sense of place. If you’re unsure of which framing would look best, take the photo both ways.

9 Lead the eye with lines

Use lines to draw viewer’s eyes to the main subject the photograph. Depending on how you compose photograph, the lines can lead to a spectacular background … Or something important in the foreground.

10 Get the rowdies to settle down

When taking a picture of a big group of kids (of any age) here’s a tip to get them to behave long enough to get the right shot. It’s easy. Ask for two pictures: one nice and one really goofy. Make sure you get the nice one first.