
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/04 17:37:33







































   China's problems are growing but Party congress offers some hope

   Economic, political, social and environmental pressures are exerting ever more powerful pressures on the Chinese government, but the policies outlined at the 17th Communist Party congress in October 2007 suggest that these problems are likely to be overcome, said Professor Zheng Yongnian, Head of Research at the China Policy Institute of The University of Nottingham, in his weekly column in the Singapore newspaper Lianhe Zaobao.

   Prof Zheng said a programme of economic adjustment had been introduced several years ago, but it had had little success, with the government shown to be ineffective in dealing with soaring property and food prices and turbulent stock markets.

   The central government may be aiming for sustainable development but officials at all levels were continuing to go for GDP growth at any price. This clearly showed that "the central government does not yet have effective means of planning and guiding the market economy," Zheng said.

   He also noted that local violence has increased, spurred by industrialisation, urbanisation, globalisation and information technology, while the Party's "qin min" or propeople policies had had the effect of increasing people's awareness of their human rights.

   This had given encouragement to the weakest members of society, but officials had often reacted ineptly, politicising such issues, Zheng said. This had been exacerbated by vast income disparities, so that "there is hatred between social strata, and both rich and poor do not have a stable feeling of prosperity. There is no mutual trust or feeling of concern between various strata and classes, so social clashes often become a manifestation of violence [felt for each other]," he added. Different strata now viewed society solely in the light of their own interests and were interested in shaping society strictly according to these interests, with a proliferation of new schools of thought known as "leftists," "rightists," and "conservatives" that were in competition with factions in the bureaucracy which also had their own views of society, Zheng noted.

   Even more worrying, local government in many areas was sinking into anarchy or was being infiltrated by underworld gangs, resulting in extreme levels of corruption, he said, adding that religious cults were a particularly serious problem in many rural areas and rival sects were often involved in violent clashes. On top of this environmental pressures are far more serious than is officially recognised, with the widely reported problem of polluted rivers and lakes just the tip of the iceberg, Zheng said. He said local groups had sprung up to deal with environmental issues, but local officials often viewed them as a political threat and suppressed them.

   But there was some hope, with a strong emphasis at the Party congress on an action programme which not only stressed development but even more strongly emphasised that the aim of development is the building of a "xiaokang" or well off society in which wealth is not concentrated in the hands of a minority but which aims for, in Deng Xiaoping's words, "common prosperity." This must come about through sustainability, with the aim of creating social harmony through policies of social justice.

   Zheng noted that "socialism and social justice are often the banners raised by the weakest elements of society and the slogans that they shout, but they have now become the Party's action plan, which denotes a huge change."

   Zheng said the recent congress emphasised democracy in its programme for action, and was more detailed than previous such declarations, stressing "intraParty democracy, people's democracy and constitutional democracy", the last implied in stress on the rule of law and on nobody being deemed as being above the law.

   He said intraParty democracy meant combatting privilege and evergrowing corruption, while "people's democracy", which could also be referred to as "social democracy", meant inclusivity, from the emerging middle class to the weaker members of society. "Without social participation, the social justice and fairness mentioned above are pie in the sky," Zheng said.

   The Party had unfurled a banner declaring these principles, he added, but "an action programme must not remain at the stage of mere words, but must be manifested in action."

   "No matter whether it is a matter of implementing the Party's policies or of Chinese society [in general], people are hoping for action. Only through action can the 17th Party Congress's programme be implemented, and only through action can the ever multiplying problems [facing China] be addressed and solved. "But at the implementation stage too, the Chinese Communist Party still faces huge challenges...And in the Chinese political system the power to implement [policy] is a matter of personnel," Zheng added, referring to leadership changes at various levels that are still needed. This is an English summary of Professor Zheng Yongnian column's of 25 December, 2007, by Michael Rank for CPI.