
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/05 02:37:57

dress code着装要求
eg:A district mayor in Budapest has proposed a dress code for City Hall employees.(市政府职员)
something is too rich for my blood.
I bought this at cost.(at cost按成本价)
Bedwetting is common.
bedwetting 尿床
扩:Was this dog potty trained?
potty 便盆

His ideas are all wet.
all wet 大错特错,不实际

wet one's whistle.喝点酒润润嗓子
Italian Minister defends keeping wolves as pets.
But I think this is just a white elephant.

white elephant:中看不中用的东西。

Maybe I'm going out on a limb, but I think I am gonna try it.
go out on a limb.表示有点冒险。(挂在树枝上)
test drive买车时的试驾,也用来表达你想对某种商品试一下

eg:你想买张DVD,可以对老板说,I'd like to give it a test drive.
eg:Do you offer a test drive even if I won't buy this car?
Bon voyage祝你一路顺风
eg: Bon voyage! Don't forget to send me some postcards.
I got this chair from a lawn sale.

国外将不要的东西放在草坪上,并竖一块牌子,写着lawn sale.当有人经过时,看到牌子就知道这户人家在处理旧货,就可以最低的价格买到自己想要的东西。
seven wonders七大奇迹
freeze asset冻结财产
That was the coldest winter on record.

on record有史以来
Mr Bush's overall approval rating has fallen to just 28 percent, reaching an all-time low, while more than twice as many (64 percent) disapprove of the way he's handling his job.

approval rating 支持率
all-time low 历史最低点

all-time high 历史最高点
eg:The stock market hit all-time high since the beginning of the year.
Britons are Europe's most prolific shoplifters.

shoplifter: 购物时顺手牵羊的小偷
eg:He was caught when he was shoplifting.
The happy twosome, who got hitched have been traveling in Europe.

got hitched: 结婚
I've got the severance pay from the company.

severance pay: 解雇费,离职金(sever是切断的意思,不要写成server服务)

severance pay与pension养老金不一样,它是指当员工在没有任何错误或由于工作单位出现财政危机时,公司中途对其解雇,此时企业必须要给员工severance pay离职金。