Shanghai foreign-funded enterprises boosts salary for undergraduates 14:39, October 22, 2010 Em

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Shanghai foreign-funded enterprises boosts salary for undergraduates

14:39, October 22, 2010      

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A survey report shows that the starting salary of 2010 undergraduates working for Shanghai's foreign funded enterprises has exceeded 3,000 yuan per month.

The 2010 China Salary and Incentive Peak Forum was held in Shanghai on Oct. 21, and the survey results regarding salaries of undergraduates working for Shanghai's foreign funded enterprises conducted by CIIC Salary were released during the forum.

The survey results also show that the average starting salary of 2010 undergraduates stood at 3,000 yuan per month, and the average starting salary of undergraduates engaged in fields such as IT, research and development and technology is slightly higher and exceeded the level of previous years, standing at about 3,300 yuan per month.

In addition, the average starting salary of graduates with master's degrees stood at 3,750 yuan per month and the average starting salary of graduates with doctorate degrees reached 5,000 yuan per month.

There were no big differences between the average starting salaries of 2008 and 2009 undergraduates, while the starting salary of 2010 undergraduates is slightly higher than the previous years under the influence of the entire market in 2010. However, the starting salary of graduates with master's degrees slightly declined instead of increase.

The survey also shows that the reputation of graduated colleges and foreign language proficiency are still key factors in determining the level of graduates' starting salaries. European and American enterprises pay more attention to educational background. European enterprises attach particular importance to interview performance of new graduates.

American enterprises will set the level of graduates' salaries by evaluating the reputation of the colleges from which they graduated and their foreign language proficiency. Japanese enterprises care most about the graduates' foreign language proficiency. Of all foreign enterprises, Japanese companies place the highest value on applicants who have overseas study experience.

According to the survey, there was a higher than 8 percent increase in the average salary of foreign enterprises in Shanghai in 2010, slightly higher than the more than 7 percent growth rate in 2009. Furthermore, given a relatively high CPI increase in 2010 that is closely associated with public livelihood, most enterprises have rather high expectations for the salary rise in 2011.

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