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流 行 美 语(Popular American)
--- 听美国之音 学流行美语
流行美语(Popular American),这个短小精悍的英语教学节目每次五分钟,生动活泼,幽默轻松。节目通过两个大学生的对话来教授美国年轻人常用的俚语,有的在字典上还查不到。
01 bummed; chilled out
02 ditch; to hit the spot
03 big gun; to quarterback
04 broke; lame
05 shot; damage
06 drag; trip
07 choke; money
08 hang out; hard-headed
09 all-nighter; cram
10 drained; wired
100 blast; lighten up
11 kick back; one-track mind
12 ticked off; close
13 keep cool; screw up
14 pig out; bigmouth
15 what‘s up; no brainer
16 goof off; to hit the sack
17 bum; turn off
18 lucky break; mellow
19 neat; sharp
20 jerk; street smart
21 hit; to roll
22 couch potato; nuts
23 bomb; mess up
24 take a hike; to blow off
25 cop; to freak out
26 ace; peanuts
27 buck; whatever
28 rip off; straight answer
29 loser; to bug
30 play hooky; to snap
31 sketchy; sucker
32 fishy; to luck out
33 wimps; guts
34 nerd; cheesy
35 wasted; to get a kick...
36 chip in; snail mail
37 uptight; to get it
38 flip out; off my back
39 veg out; in my face
40 to be into; geek
41 psycho; laid back
42 take it easy; to chew out
43 rule; to blow money...
44 a big deal; to give it a shot
45 packed; hype
46 no way; to bet
47 busted; creep
48 redneck; in the sticks
49 under the weather...
50 piece of junk; cheap
今天我们开始播送[流行美语]。在这个节目里,我们要请大家听Michael 和李华的对话,他们俩都是纽约大学的学生。 Michael 是美国人,但是他听得懂中文。他和李华在这个新学期 里不约而同地都选了摄影课。现在是清早7:50,俩人在课堂门口碰到了。请注意他们讲话中用的两个常用语:bummed 和 chill。
M: Hey, Li Hua, what are you doing here? You taking this class too?
L: 对,我选了摄影课。可是这节课那么早,我最讨厌起大早。
M: Yeah, I‘m really bummed that I have to get up so early! I‘m also bummed out that Dr. Johnson is teaching this class. I‘ve heard she‘s really tough.
L: 嗨,Michael, 什么是 bummed? 我记得Bum 不是指无家可归的人吗?
M: Yeah, that is true. But here I used bummed and bummed out. They both mean to be unhappy or upset.
L: 噢,你看,就这一个字就把我弄糊涂了。原来是 bummed, 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,感到烦恼。嗨,Michael, 你刚才说什么来着?
M: I‘m really bummed that I have to get up so early! I‘m also bummed out that Professor Johnson is teaching this class.
L: 现在我清楚了,你是说要那么早起床实在叫你不高兴, Johnson博士教这门课也让你不高兴,因为她很严格。 嗨,要是女同学拒绝你的邀请,那你就会更难受, 对不对?
M: Ha ha. Very funny. But you are right, if I got turned down for a date I‘d be bummed. I‘m also bummed that summer vacation is over.
L: 嘿,我可了解你,要是遭到女同学的拒绝,你肯定会垂头丧气的。 你连暑假结束也会感到烦恼。不过,这个单词很有用。我希望学期结束时,我不会因为分数不好而感到 bummed out。
M: Me too. Hey, I got an idea. Let‘s go to the student center and relax after class.
L: 我当然知道 Johnson 博士有多严格。好吧,下了课我们去学生中心休息一下。
M: Glad class is over! I‘m ready to chill for the rest of the morning. I haven‘t had a chance to chill out these last few days, getting ready for school and all.
L: 什么? 你说上完课很高兴,但是为什么一上午你会发冷呢?
M: Oh, no! Chill or chill out here means to relax. Chill,
L: 噢,chill 或者chill out 在这里是指休息。刚才你还说开学前没有机会 chill out, 到底是什么意思?
M: I said: "I haven‘t had a chance to chill out these last few days getting ready for school."
L: 原来你是说:过去几天为了准备开学而没有机会休息。
M: You normally go someplace calm and peaceful where you can relax. I like to chill out at the cafe with a book sometimes. And I know that you like to chill at the museum.
L: 打棒球不能说是 chill out。不错,要到比较安静的地方才能休息。 每个人还不一样,你喜欢坐在咖啡馆里看书,你知道我喜欢到博物馆去。能不能说到酒吧间去 chill out?
M: Sure, but we usually only say that if the bar is quiet and not too crowded.
L: 对,要是酒吧间人不多,也不闹,那就能这样说。这个单词太好了。谢谢你教我。我想今晚我到我的朋友家去 chill out。
M: Sounds great! Ah, look at the time. I need to go meet my friend at the bookstore. Sorry that I have to go, I‘m really bummed to have to leave you!
L: 得了,你要去书店跟朋友一起买书,你就走吧,别说什么跟我分手很难受这种话。走吧,下回我们到别的地方去玩。
M: Cool. Have fun chilling tonight at your friends‘. See you later!
L: 我今晚在朋友家肯定会玩得很高兴, Bye!
Michael和李华在对话里用了两个常用语,一个是:bummed 或者是 bummed out, 意思是不高兴,烦恼;另一个是:chill 或者是 chill out, 意思是休息,放松,或者玩。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
今天李华和Michael在对话里使用的两个常用语,一个是:to ditch,另一个是:to hit the spot。现在Michael 正在图书馆里做功课,李华来找他。
L: 嗨,Michael, 功课做得怎么样了?
M: I can‘t think. It‘s too noisy. Let‘s ditch this place.
L: 你没法动脑筋,因为这儿太闹。你还说什么来啦?Ditch this place,什么意思呀?
M: Ditch! To ditch means to quickly leave a place you no longer want to be.
L: 噢,to ditch 就是你不想再呆在那个地方,想赶快离开。你的意思就是要马上离开图书馆。不对啊,ditch 这个字不是可以解释为地上挖的沟吗?你说的 ditch 是同一个字?
M: Yes, it is. Same word, same spelling, but a different meaning.
L: 原来是同一个字,同样拼法,但意思不同。噢, Michael, 再举个例子给我听,好吗?
M: If we want to get away from someone you could say, "Let‘s ditch him," which means to leave someone behind.
L: 你的意思是 to ditch 不仅可以指地方,还能指人。 上次我们跟 Mary 一起去看电影,看完电影我们俩没跟 Mary 打招呼就走了,这就可以说:We ditched Mary,对不对?
M: That‘s correct.
L: 要是你干活干腻了,不想干了,那该说。。。
M: To ditch work.
L: 不想去开会。。。
M: To ditch the meeting. You can also say: to ditch the concert.
L: 我知道,那是不想去音乐会。要是和朋友约好了,可是又不想去了,那该怎么说呀?
M: To ditch my friend. Hey, can we ditch the library now! I am really tired and could use some coffee.
L: Ok, ok。让我们离开这图书馆吧。你累了,想喝咖啡。走,去校园外的那个咖啡馆吧。
L: 好,咖啡馆到了。
M: Yep, here‘s the coffee shop. Li Hua, what do you want, my treat this time.
L: 你请我啊? 那太好了。我要一杯咖啡就行了。
M: Sounds good. Two coffees please. Here‘s your coffee, Li Hua.
L: Thanks!
M: No problem. Oh, so hot! Be careful. Good coffee, really hits the spot. I feel more awake now.
L: 对,咖啡是不错,你已经觉得清醒点儿啦!我可不信咖啡的作用就那么快!对了,刚才你说: " It really hits the spot? To hit the spot 不是击中要害吗? 你刚才说的好象不是这个意思。你怎么老是说一些怪里怪气的话。
M: Hit the spot means to satisfy one‘s need. I really needed some coffee earlier so it really hit the spot.
L: 原来hit the spot 就是满足一个人的需要。你刚才很想喝咖啡,喝了就感到非常过隐,很痛快。Hit the spot 是哪三个字组成的?
M: Hit-the-spot. For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the spot."
L: 中文里也有这个说法。肚子非常饿的时候去吃饭。吃饱了就感到心满意足。洗个热水澡真痛快,那该怎么说?
M: A hot bath would hit the spot.
L: 吃个汉堡包真过隐,该怎么说?
M: A burger would hit the spot. Let‘s go, I‘m hungry.
L: 好家伙, 喝了咖啡,又肚子饿了, 要去吃汉堡包。这回我可不奉陪了, I have to ditch you now. 再见了!
M: Ok. Bye. 再见。
Michael 和李华在对话中用了to ditch 和 to hit the spot. To ditch表示 要离开某个人,因为你不想跟他在一起了;或表示要马上离开一 个不想再呆的地方。To hit the spot 是感到过隐,觉得很痛快。这次[流行美语]就播讲到这里。下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael是纽约大学的美国学生,他同时也在一家建筑公司实习。他的中国同学李华今天要去他的公司看他。Michael听得懂中文,但是说还有点困难。Michael和李华在今天的对话里会用两个常用语,一个是:big gun; 另一个是to quarterback。Michael现在在办公室门口和李华打招呼。
M: Hey, Li Hua, Come on in. How‘re you doing?
L: 我挺好。你怎么样?对了,你下午想干什么?
M: Ah, I‘ve got a meeting with the big guns this afternoon. They want to talk to me about continuing to work here after graduation.
L: 我听懂了你后面的一句话,他们要跟你谈关于毕业后回来工作的 事。那真是太好了。可是,你刚才说今天下午要跟谁开会?
M: Yea, I ‘m meeting with my bosses. Sometimes we call them the big guns of the office.
L: 噢,你要跟你的几个老板开会。你们把老板叫做the big guns!
M: It‘s an expression that can be used to describe powerful people.
L: 噢, 那是指权力很大的人, 也就是大人物。那么,总统的顾问能 称为big guns吗?
M: Yes, a president‘s advisors are big guns. But it can also be used in sports. In soccer the stars of a team are the big guns.
L: Big guns 还能用在体育方面。
M: OK, let me show you around the rest if the office.
L: 你要带我去看看这公司的大楼,那太好了。Let‘s go!
M: This is the conference room. We had a meeting here yesterday on our plan for a new building. The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.
L: 等等,你说这是会议室,你们昨天在这里开了一个会, 讨论盖 一 栋新楼的计划。可是,你还说那项目主任是踢美式足球的,是quarterback,四分卫,对不对?
M: No, no, no! Quarterback here is a verb, meaning to lead. The word quarterback is borrowed from American football, where the quarterback leads the team.
L: 噢,quarterback 在这里是动词,意思是领导。你说这里的 quarterback 是从美式足球里借来用的,因为quarterback在球队里是 主力。你刚才是怎么说的?
M: The project leader quarterbacked the meeting.
L: 现在我听清楚了,你刚才说的是:项目领导人主持会议。
那么,to quarterback 还能用在别处吗?
M: To quarterback is business slang. If someone is responsible for a group working on a new project that individual is quarterbacking the team.
L: 知道了,to quarterback 是用在商业方面的。要是某人负责一个新 项目,这个人就是在领导这个项目的小组。要是某人在一个法律事务所主持会议,那该怎么说呢?
M: Someone quarterbacked the meeting at the law firm.
L: 你们公司的一位重要领导主持会议,讨论公司的收入报告,这又 该怎么说?
M: The company‘s big gun quarterbacked the meeting about their revenue report. Hey, I need to get back to work. I‘ll call you later.
L: 好吧,那就再见吧!希望你将来成为a big gun.
M: Oh, yea, I‘m sure soon I‘ll be quarterbacking every meeting and every project.
L: 你真的当真呐! 还想主持所有会议,总管所有项目。得啦,再 见吧!
Michael 和李华在对话中用了两个常用语, 一个是:the big guns, 意思是大人物,对决策有重大影响的人;另一个是:to quarterback,意思是主持会议,或总管项目。这次[流行美语]就播讲到这里。下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
[流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael和李华这两个大学生今天在 纽约的百老汇逛马路。那里戏院很多。李华看到一个 剧院在演歌 舞剧[音乐之声],于是她苦苦哀求Michael陪她去看。Michael 在学中 文。他喜欢李华跟他讲中文,可以让他练习听力。他在今天的对话 里会用到"broke"和“lame"这两个词。
L: Michael,你看,这个剧院在演[音乐之声]!我一直想看这个歌 舞剧。
M: I know, it‘s a popular show.
L: 谁都喜欢[音乐之声]。Michael,今天晚上我们没有功课,我们去 看,好吗?
M: Sorry, Li Hua, I‘m broke. Maybe another time.
L: Broke? 你受伤啦?
M: No, no, no! I did not break anything. Here broke means to have no money.
L: 噢,你没有摔断骨头,把我吓一跳。Broke在这里的意思是没有 钱。上回我妈妈出了车祸,花了好多钱修车,她就没钱了。 这也可以说 ...
M: Yes, your mom was broke!
L: 我哥哥付了学费,还买了好多书,他现在也是没钱了。
M: Your brother is now broke! I know your sister spent all her money to buy a computer, so she is now broke too.
L: 你怎么知道我姐姐买了一台电脑,把所有的钱都花完了?
M: You told me yourself, you just forgot!
L: 我告诉过你?我真是忘了。可是我不信你没有钱,你不是刚开始 给一个公司打工,前几天还发了工资吗?
M: Ok, ok, I‘m not broke. We can go see the show.
L: 我知道你有钱!太好了,太好了,谢谢你Michael。
L: 这两个座位还挺好的。
M: Yea, pretty good. Li Hua, do you know why I didn‘t want to come to the show? Because I think musicals are lame.
L: Lame? Lame 是什么意思呀?
M: When you say something is lame you mean that it is silly or it is uninteresting.
L: 噢,说什么东西 lame 就是说没有意思,无聊。还有什么事情你 觉得是无聊的?
M: Saturday morning classes are lame!
L: 你是说星期六早上上课是个馊主意?
M: Yes, having class on a weekend is lame because it‘s a silly idea.
L: 对,我也同意,周末上课太没劲了!谁出的这个主意,是够傻的。
对了,Michael, 上回你交不出家庭作业也找了个很牵强的借口, 你当时是怎么对教授说的?
M: I told our professor that my dog ate my homework. Yes, I agree, that was a lame excuse.
L: 对了,你对教授说你的狗把你的家庭作业给吃了。谁都不会相信 你这种话。那你刚才不想来看歌舞剧,借口说没钱,那也是 lame excuse?
M: Yes, it was an inadequate excuse because I do have money.
L: 我知道你有钱,只是为了不想看歌舞剧而找个借口才说没钱的。
M: You can also say...
L: 行了,行了,我懂了。别说话了,演出开始了。
M: Ok, but don‘t give me any lame excuses next time I want to do something!
L: 下回不管你要干什么,我绝对不会用这种牵强的借口。
M: Seriously, after buying these tickets I really am broke!
L: 买了这两张票,你真的没钱啦? 得, 下回我请客。
Michael 和李华在今天的对话里用了broke这个词, broke在这里的意 思是没有钱了。他们还用了一个词:lame, 意思是无聊,没有 意思,或者是不合适的。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
今天Michael和李华要开车去新泽西州看一个朋友,跟他一起过周末。 新泽西州紧挨着纽约,开车只要一个小时就到了。请注意他们俩人讲话当中用的两个词: shot 和 damage。现在他们正准备上车。
M: Hey, Li Hua, are you ready to go?
L: 行,我准备好了,可以走了。
M: Ok, let‘s go!
L: 哟,怎么啦?
M: I think my engine is shot. This is not good.
L: 什么? 有人开枪把你车打坏啦?
M: No! You‘re right, shot does mean to have used a gun, but here shot means something is broken.
L: 对啊,shot是指开枪,原来这儿的意思不同,这儿是指什么东西坏了。那我的电脑坏了,也能用shot这个字啊?
M: Sure. My computer is shot. You can say almost anything is shot.
L: 什么东西坏了都能这样说?
M: Yes, if you hurt your knee, you can say: My knee is shot, or if you hurt your shoulder, you can say: My shoulder is shot.
L: 噢, 要是你的膝盖受伤了,你就可以说:My knee is shot; 要是你的肩膀受了伤,那你就说:My shoulder is shot.
M: Let‘s go rent a car. I don‘t want our whole day to be shot.
L: 对,还是去租一辆车吧。 噢,毁了一整天也能这样说呀!
M: Yep. Let‘s go!
L: Michael, 这辆车真不错,挺稳的。再开半小时就到了,太好了!
M: Yeah, I‘m glad too, but the damage for renting the car is pretty bad.
L: 什么?这辆租的车也坏了?哟,那怎么办呐!
M: No, the rental car is not damaged! The word damage does mean that, but damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something.
L: 租的车没有坏,真把我吓一跳。原来又是我的英文有问题。 Damage 这个字很普通,大家都知道是指什么东西坏了。可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。
M: Yes, renting the car is expensive, so the damage is bad. We usually say the damage is bad or not bad.
L: 我知道了,价钱贵就是:the damage is bad。 价钱不高,那就是: the damage is not bad. 再给我举个例子吧。
M: When you pay for dinner at a restaurant, you can ask: What‘s the damage?
L: 噢,在饭店里吃完晚饭要付钱的时候可以问:“What‘s the damage?" 所以租车很贵,the damage is bad. Michael, 别担心,我可以帮你付一点。
M: You don‘t have to, Li Hua. I know the damage for your new computer was pretty bad.
L: 你真好心,知道我买新电脑花了不少钱,所以不要我帮你付。 Michael, 没关系,我能付一点,你还要去修车,也很贵的。
M: Thanks, Li Hua. But I hope the damage for fixing my car won‘t be too bad.
L: 我也希望你修车不至于太贵。得了,别说钱了,赶快开吧。
M: OK, I‘ll drive fast so that the rest of our day won‘t be shot.
L: 对了,别浪费时间了,我也不想把一天的时间全浪费了。
今天Michael 教了李华两个年轻人常用的词,一个是shot。 Shot 是指什么东西坏了,或者人体的某个部位受伤了;另外一个词 是damage。这里的damage不是指损坏,而是指为某样东西,或某个交易付的钱。谢谢各位和我们一起学习[流行美语],下次节 目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
今天,Michael 和他的中国同学李华约好了在中央公园见面。他们在对话中会用到两个词:drag 和 trip。
L: 对不起, Michael,我迟到了。地铁误点了。
M: Hey, Li Hua. Don‘t apologize, it‘s a nice day to just sit here and relax.
L: 对,坐在这里休息休息是挺好的。我也很喜欢这个公园。不过,我们得到大都市艺术博物馆去看摄影展览呐!
M: Oh, do we have to go? I hate going to the museum on such a nice day, it‘s such a drag.
L: 哟,你觉得这么好的天气去博物馆太没意思,就不想去了? Michael,你答应过我,要是我到这儿来,你就跟我一起去。你说什 么drag不drag的,我又没法把你拽着一起去!
M: No, to call something a drag means it is tiresome.
L: 噢,在中文里就是没劲,没意思。Michael,drag不是拉东西的拉吗? 你说的drag跟这个drag是同一个字吗?
M: Yeah, Li Hua, same word. As another example, we could also call our professor Dr. Smith a drag.
L: 噢,还可以说我们的教授Smith博士没劲,没意思。这我可不知 道,我并不觉得他枯燥无味。
M: Of course you would say that. After all, on the first day of class all you did was talk about how cute he was.
L: 你说我第一天上完他的课后,口口声声夸他长得帅?你别瞎说八道了。
M: Oh, Li Hua, you‘re such a drag. You did say he‘s cute.
L: 非要说我认为他很帅。还说我没劲。算了,不跟你说了。 Michael,我去看展览了,不管你去不去。
M: All right, all right, I‘ll come.
( Michael 和李华看完了摄影展)。
L: 这个摄影展览真好,可是我还在生你的气呢!
M: Ok, I‘m sorry. Actually, I really enjoyed the photography exhibit. I thought it was a trip.
L: 我也很喜欢这种超现实主义的艺术。等等,你为什么把看展览叫/ 做旅行呢?我们又没有离开纽约。
M: No, the word trip does mean travel, but here it means something that is unusual, in a good way.
L: 对,trip这个字很普通,是指旅行。原来你说的trip是指不寻常, 但又很好的意思。 噢,我想起来了。以前有一个教授告诉过我, 美国年轻人在60和70年代盛行反潮流的行为。Trip 这个词就来自 那个时候,是指吸毒后产生的幻觉。对不对?
M: Yeah, but its meaning has changed.
L: 现在的意思不一样了。可我现在就知道我们刚才去看的摄影展览可以说是a trip,中文可以说是与众不同吧。其他还有什么也能用trip这个词来形容的呢?
M: Well, look at that guy over there, sitting on the bench. The long hair and wild clothes. I really like his outfit, so I would call him a trip. But some people may not like this.
L: 噢,坐在长板凳上的那个留着长头发,穿着很怪的男人? 你喜欢他的衣服,所以你认为他与众不同,别有风味。对不起,我可不欣赏。
M: That‘s ok, everyone is different.
L: 对,每个人的爱好不一样。你再给我举个例子吧。
M: I would also call our photography class professor a trip, her style is a trip.
L: 对,她是与众不同,她上课的时候总是很激动,跟别的教授不一 样。我的男朋友是学小提琴的,他常常练琴练得忘了吃饭,他也能算是个trip吧?
M: Yeah, he is also a trip. I can‘t imagine you would like someone who is a drag.
L: 这你可说对了。你要是一个枯燥无味的人,我才不跟你一起出去玩呢。得了,我们该回去做功课了,尽管没劲,书还得念呐。
M: Ok, let‘s go!
今天Michael教了李华两个常用的词,一个是:drag,意思是没意思, 枯燥;另一个是:trip,意思是与众不同,别出心裁,但是含有褒意。 今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华今天去看篮球比赛。球赛是在纽约大型室内体育馆[麦迪逊广场花园]举行,这场比赛是华盛顿的球队对纽约的球队。 Michael到中国去学过中文,他让李华跟他讲中文,以便练习听力。 现在他们俩正在排队进入体育馆。今天他们在对话中会用choke和 money这两个词。
L: 嗨,Michael,谢谢你买到这么好的票!我真高兴能到[麦迪逊广场]来 看球。这可是有名的体育馆哟!
M: No problem! I am really happy you could come. Yeah, I love coming to the Garden to watch basketball games.
L: 你也喜欢来这里看篮球比赛啊,那太好了。今天是纽约队比华盛顿队, 你看结局会怎样?
M:Well, Li Hua, I think New York is going to lose. Knowing them, their going to choke.
L: 你说纽约队会输? 你还说什么 choke? 你是说他们吃饭时会噎着啦? 这跟输球有什么关系,我不懂。
M:No, no, no! They‘re not going to choke on their food! It‘s the same word with the same spelling, but it has a different meaning. Here, choke means to fail under pressure.
L:噢,我懂了。 你说的choke 是指纽约队会抵挡不住华盛顿球队的压力而输掉, 对吗?
M: Yes! And choke has many uses. How else do you think it can be used?
L: Choke 可以用在很多地方。考试考糟了,可以用choke 这个字吧?
M: Yes! In fact, I choked on a test last week.
L:你上星期考试考糊了?嘿,Michael, 我还知道怎么用choke这个字。你 不是老想请那个姑娘出去玩吗?你请她,她连电话都不回,这可真让你choked了,对不对?
M:It seems like you really understand this word! Yeah, but it doesn‘t matter with that girl because I don‘t like her anyway.
L: 噢,你说得可真轻松,没关系,因为你不喜欢她。好,那你告诉我你喜欢哪个女孩呐?
M:Oh, that doesn‘t matter. Let‘s go to our seats!
L: 好,好, 去找位置吧!
L: Michael,你看,纽约队看来不会输,他们赢了两个球,现在还剩十秒了。只要纽约队不失去球,他们就不会输。
M:I think that New York is going to win. Maybe they won‘t choke after all.
L:你也认为纽约队可能不会输?等等,你看, 纽约队丢了球!这下他们完 了!华盛顿队要求暂停,他们还有赢的机会。
M:Washington is going to win. Michael Jordan will make the last shot. He is money.
L: 你认为华盛顿球队会赢,Michael Jordan 会投进最后一个球。你说 "He is money "是说他会赚钱吗?
M:No, by money, here I mean that he performs consistently at a high level.
L: 噢,这儿的money不是指钱,是指他打球一直保持在高水平上,一直打得很棒。
M:Yes, you could say Yao Ming is money too.
L: 姚明当然很棒,所以也可以说:Yao Ming is money。那我们班的 Steven,他考试总是考得很好,也能说,He is money?
M:Yup. He‘s money. You can also call things money. For example, this pizza we are eating is money.
L: 原来凡是好的东西都可以说是money。我们正在吃的比萨饼是很好吃, 所以也可以说是money.
M:Do you think the coffee shop we like to go to is money?
L: 我们常去的咖啡馆当然非常好,我一有空就想去。
M: Michael Jordan won the game! I told you he is money!
L: Michael Jordan赢得了比赛,他就是棒。
M:Let‘s get going, though. I have to study for a test. I don‘t want to choke on the test again.
L: 好吧,你快回去准备考试吧,我知道你要再考糊,就麻烦了。
Michael和李华今天在对话里用的两个词意思是相对的。 To choke是糟糕,失败的意思;而money是保持高水平,非常棒的意思。最好大家都不要choke,都成为money,那就太棒了。今天的[流行美语]就到此结束, 我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
[流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael今天和李华约好了去纽约中国城吃饭。李华刚刚到Michael的住处。他们在对话中会用到 hang out和hard headed这两个常用语。
L:嗨,Michael, 走吧!
M:I‘m coming. Hey, come on in for a minute and sit down.
M:I‘m not ready yet. Just hang out for a minute.
M:No, no, no!! Just wait for a few minutes.
M:No, you don‘t understand. Hang out means to pass time while you‘re waiting.
L:噢,hang out是等一会儿的意思?
M:Yes, but it can also mean to spend time with your friends. For example, you and I hang out a lot.
L:跟朋友一起玩也能说是hang out,对,我们是经常在一起活动。
M:Ok. So hang out while I go get ready.
M:Ha, ha. Ok, I ‘m ready.
M:Let‘s go to Good Fortune. Do you mind if some of my other friends hang out with us?
L:好,新世界饭馆挺好。你说你还有几个朋友也要跟我们一起吃饭呀? 当然没关系了,我一直认为玩的时候人多一些好。
L:Michael, 你知道该往哪儿走吗?我想我们还是问一下路吧,你好象是迷路了。
M:I‘m not lost. I think I know where we are.
L:还硬说你没有迷路呢!Michael, 别这么顽固嘛!问一下路有怎么啦?你真是讨厌。
M:Are you calling me hard headed?
M:Hard headed does mean stubbon, they have the same meaning. It‘s an expression people use sometimes.
L: 我说呢,我刚才还真不懂什么头硬不硬。原来hard headed就是顽固。有人用hard headed这个说法?我怎么没听说过? 不过,你要是问了路我就不会说你顽固了。美国男人呐,都一样,都很顽固。他们硬着头皮,就是不肯问路。
M:I know where we are. We‘re really close to the restaurant.
L:你还不认为你迷路,你知道离新世界饭馆很近了。好吧,那我就听你的吧。 对了,Michael, 我跟我弟弟说什么他都不听,非常顽固,我能说是 hard headed吗?
M:Yeah, I remember meeting him, he is certainly hard headed.
L:对,你见过他。上回在公园里,他非要去跟一个不认识的女孩搭讪,我们叫他不要去,他不听,结果给人瞪了一眼,落个没趣。这真可以说是hard headed吧?
M:Sure. But remember, hard headed is only an adjetive to describe people.
L:噢,hard headed 只能形容人呀?我看,用hard headed来形容你是再合适不过了。走了那么多路,饭馆在哪里呐?
M:I think it‘s just down this block.
L:你还认为在这条街上。Michael, 你就在这儿等等吧,我去问路。你啊, 真是hard headed, 顽固不化。
今天Michael和李华在谈话中用了两个常用语,一个是:hang out, 意思是等一等,或跟朋友一起玩;另一个常用语是:hard headed, 意思是:顽固,固执。 谢谢大家和我们一起学习[流行美语],下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
[流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael是一个在纽约上大学的美国年轻人,他经常跟中国学生李华一起玩。Michael向李华学中文,李华向 Michael 学英文。Michael 正在准备考试,有很多功课要做,但是李华要他出去休息休息,两人约好下午在动物园见面。他们在对话中会用这两个词:all-nighter和cram。
L: 嗨,Michael. 我在这儿!
M: Hey, Li Hua. Oh, the elephant house, let‘s go in and take a look.
L: 噢,那是大象馆啊? 好, 进去看看。 不行,不行,这儿太臭 了。走吧!
M: Oh, yeah. Let‘s get out of here. In fact, I‘ve got a lot of studying to do. I‘m going to need to pull an all-nighter.
L: 我知道你有很多功课,但是你在准备考试的时候也总得休息休息 嘛。我听说这次考试会很难。你刚才说 all-nighter 是不是开夜车 的意思呀?
M: Yeah, that‘s what I meant. Li Hua, you‘re smart!
L: 我是猜出来的, all的意思是整个,全部,nighter和 night 很像。我想一个人要整夜学习,那不就是开夜车吗?但是,有一点我不太懂,你说:to pull an all-nighter,什么是pull ?
M: Pull means to get yourself through a difficult time.
L: 噢, pull an all-nighter, 就是迫使自己整夜念书,因为要这样做是很辛苦的。
M: Yep. You wouldn‘t have to pull an all-nighter because you have been studying all semester, I haven‘t been.
L: 这你可说对了。我不需要开夜车,因为我整个一学期都在学习。 你要开夜车,因为你平时不学习。
M: I know, I know, you‘re a better student than I am.
L: Michael, 我真喜欢纽约的秋天, 空气很清新。你要是能跟我一起玩,不用回去念书,那该多好啊!
M: I don‘t want to go study either, but I should.
L: 对啊, 你 要是上星期多花点时间念书不就好了嘛。现在你得临时抱佛脚了。
M: I perform better on tests when I cram.
L: Cram? Cram是把什么东西塞进去的意思,跟学习有什么关系呢?
M: Well, it‘s sort of the same meaning. I‘m going to do a lot of studying at the last minute, that‘s what it means to cram.
L: 意思差不多?噢,我知道了!Cram就是我们中文里说的填鸭式方法,就是硬把食品塞给鸭子吃,这样鸭子就长得肥。北京烤鸭 就是用这种鸭子做的。你说的cram 是临时抱佛脚,在考试前猛记猛背,把知识往脑子里塞。你还认为这是好办法?
M: Well, everyone‘s different. Cramming works for me.
L: 你认为临时抱佛脚对你来说行得通。可是,Michael,想把半学期的内容在一个晚上记住,这样做可真傻。
M: Stop being my mother, Li Hua!
L: 我才不想当你妈呢, 你不听我的话,那就算了。Michael, cram这个词是否还能用在别的场合呢?
M: Not really. It‘s only used to describe studying for a test, usually college or high-school level.
L: 噢,只能指大学生或中学生在考试前开夜车,临时抱佛脚。
M: And that‘s what I need to do, right now. It‘s getting late and I know I will have to pull an all-nighter.
L: 好吧,我明天早上给你打电话。
M: No, don‘t worry about me, I‘m sure I will still be cramming.
L: 哟,你还准备开夜车开到天亮呐? Ok, well, good luck!
今天李华向Michael学了两个常用语,一个是:all-nighter, 意思是开夜车;另一个是:cram, 这是指中学生或大学生在考试前临时抱佛脚。 今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华都在纽约上大学,最近他们结束了期中考试,今天准 备坐火车去华盛顿参观访问。现在Michael正在火车站等李华。今天 他们在谈话中会用到两个常用语:drained和wired.
M:The train is just about to leave. Good thing you got here in time.
M:Only about four hours. I‘m probably going to sleep the entire way.
L:(train leaving station, announcer in background) 你想在火车上睡觉? 不行,你睡觉我跟谁说话呐?
M:Li Hua, you are full of energy. But I‘m drained, I‘m going to sleep.
L:我是精力充沛。可你说你是什么? Drained?
M:Yeah. Drained, it means exhausted.
M:The word can be used two ways. To be physically drained and emotionally drained. For example, if a couple fight all the time, they would be emotionally tired, which you can also call drained.
M:Yeah, you understand. You don‘t even seem drained after the mid-terms.
M:Yeah, you were emotionally drained. Well, if you don‘t want me to sleep on the train, we‘d better go get more coffee. Let‘s go to the Cafe Car.
L: 那好呀,走,去食品车厢买咖啡!
M:This coffee is going to keep me awake the entire trip.
L:这杯咖啡就能让你一路上不困啦? 我可不行,到华盛顿之前,我至少还要喝两杯。
M:Geez, Li Hua, I don‘t think I will be nearly as wired as you are.
L:Wired? 我猜这是说我精力旺盛, 是不是?
M:You are right. This word has a couple of meanings. One means to be energetic and the other means to have nervous energy.
L:这么说,wired可以指对某件事很兴奋,也可以说对某件事感到紧张而努 力去做。 要是我精力充沛,可以说:I am wired; 要是在大考前我感到很紧张而抓紧时间复习功课,也可以说:I‘m wired。 是这个意思吗?
M:Yeah, that‘s right. But it has one other meaning as well. Wired means to be connected to something, such as being wired into the Internet, or being wired into a discussion.
L:噢,跟什么东西联系在一起也可以说是wired, 例如和因特网连接。你最后说的 wired into a discussion 我不太懂,那是什么意思啊?
M:You have been participating in the meetings to make decisions about our college, right?
M:Ok, your participation in the college‘s meetings and being involved in those decisions means you are wired into the discussion.
L:噢,我参加这些会议,参预决策的讨论,这就可以说:I‘m wired into the discussion.
M:Yep. After all this coffee I have had, I don‘t feel so drained. In fact, after the next cup, I think I‘m going to be pretty wired.
L:喝了咖啡你就不感到那么累了。再喝一杯,你就精神百倍了。那好,我 再去给你买一杯, 要不要?
M:Thanks so much, Li Hua!
今天Michael和李华在谈话中用了两个意思相对的词,一个是drained,意思是非常累;另一个是wired,意思是精力充沛. 这次[流行美语]就到此结束,下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华今天在华盛顿的国家建筑博物馆参加一个建筑会议。今天,请大家注意他们对话里用的两个常用语:kick back和one track mind 。
L: 期中考试完了有这么一个周末真不错,尽管我们得参加这次大会, 我也觉得挺不错。
M: I‘m glad we made it to DC. It‘s a good time to just kick back and relax.
L: 我也很高兴能到华盛顿来,正好可以休息一下。不过,你刚才说 kick back是什么意思呀? 肯定不是要踢什么东西吧?
M: No, I don‘t! I just mean to relax with my friend, you.
L: 噢,跟朋友一起玩, 也就是说跟我玩。你是说,kick back 就是把 腿跷起来,痛痛快快地休息,是这个意思吗?
M: Yes. Last weekend we were in New York and kicked back with your friends, remember?
L: 对,上个周末我们是去纽约跟我的朋友一起玩了。不过,我以前 也听人说过kick back,但那是指贪污受贿。
M: Yeah, it can be used that way as well. When one person pays someone else in return for a job or a contract.
L: 这么说,kick back可以解释为休息,也可以解释为给某人一些钱, 以换取一个工作职位或其他好处。这两个意思完全不同。
M: When you mean corruption, kickback is one word. When it means to relax, kick back is two words.
L: 在指贿赂的时候,kickback是一个字,在指休息,轻松的时候, kick back 是两个字,就差这么一点点。对,我那天在 报上看到一 个公司总裁把合同给了一个给他回扣的承包商。
M: Yeah, that company executive got a kickback. Well, enough about kickback. Do you want to go to any of the panels this afternoon?
L: 你问我下午要不要去参加 小组讨论? 去那个讨论东方建筑特色的小 组吧! 尽管我很想到咖啡馆去休息休息。
M: Ok, maybe once we are done with the panel we can go out and do something fun.
L: 好主意, 小组讨论会结束后我们可以出去玩。
L: 好了,Michael,会开完了。我们得计划一下今天上哪儿去。不过, 我先得喝杯咖啡。
M: Ok, ok. Geez, you have such a one track mind sometimes. Do you know what a one track mind is?
L: 我不知道,但是我知道你在取笑我。
M: No, I‘m not making fun of you. One track mind means you are only thinking about one thing all the time. Today all you have been thinking about is coffee. You should remember this phrase, it‘s commonly used.
L: 噢,one track mind还是常用的说法,所以我得记住。你认识我的 朋友王光吧? 她成天工作,从来不想别的事。你能说她是one track mind 吗?
M: Yeah, you can say that. It‘s amazing how much she works, never does much of anything else.
L: 对,她就是这样,工作狂。你们男人也都是one track mind。脑子 里总是想着女孩子。
M: Yeah, there‘s one particular girl I think about.
L: 你老想一个女孩子? 谁呀?
M: Here‘s your coffee shop, two coffees please!
Michael和李华今天在对话中用了kick back。当kickback作为一 个词的时候,意思是贪污受贿;当kick back用作kick和back两个字的 时候,意思是休息,和某人一起玩。他们在对话中还用了one track mind,意思是脑子里光想一件事。 这次[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
在纽约上大学的Michael和李华今天在华盛顿参观名胜古迹。他们在对话里会用到两个常用语:ticked off ,另一个是close。
L: Michael, 大家都说纽约人开车不守规矩,我看华盛顿的人也好不了多少。刚才那辆车差一点撞到我!
M: Yeah, I saw that. Crossing the streets in New York and Washington is dangerous. But getting ticked off about it won‘t do you any good.
L: 对,在纽约和华盛顿穿马路是很危险。你说什么对我没好处? Ticked off?
M: Yes, Ticked off means to get angry or annoyed at something. Getting angry at the drivers will not do you any good.
L: 噢,ticked off的意思是为什么事情生气。 你刚才说的是我对开车的人生气没有什么好处。看来让我ticked off的事还挺多。
M: Yeah, like when your boyfriend broke up with you right before we started classes.
L: 你还提醒我这事!我以前那男朋友刚开学就跟我分手,当时我真的非常生气。不过,Michael,我觉得你也很爱生气。
M: Well, I got pretty ticked off a few days ago when the professor gave me a low score on the exam.
L: 对,和你同班的中国同学王光告诉我你那天非常生气,因为那个教授给你的考试判分判得很低。Ticked off这个说法很好,以前我就知道用angry这个字。
M: Hey, are you hungry? We haven‘t eaten in a while.
L: 刚才好生气,连肚子饿也忘了。走,去吃点东西吧!
M: Now that we have eaten, let‘s walk to the White House. It‘s not too far from here.
L: 到白宫去?太好了,除了照片外,我还没有看到过真的白宫呢!
M: Watch out Li Hua! Get back!
L: 哟! 我的天哪!我的天哪!真吓死我了!我以为这下我可完了!
M: Oh, my god! Are you okay? Geez, that was really a close call.
L: Michael, 我都差一点被车撞了, 而你还在说什么close call,这跟打电话根本没有关系!
M: No, that‘s not what I meant by close call. I meant that the car nearly hit you.
L: 对啊,那车差一点就撞上我了,这就是 close call?
M: Actually, Li Hua, close call means that you narrowly avoided danger. Something bad could have happened to you, but you narrowly avoided a bad situation.
L: 原来close call就是说,差一点发生倒霉的事,我算是逃避了这倒霉事。我可以说,今天我差一点没被汽车撞了。对不对?
M: Yeah, that‘s right.
L: 那close call是不是一定用在跟生命危险有关的场合呢?
M: Not really. Let me give you another example. The paper you and I turned in this week was almost late. That was also a close call.
L: 对,那个教授让我们在星期二前把学术报告交给他,我们是星期一晚上去交的,差一点就过了限期,这也可以说是close call。 下回我可再也不敢这么做了。
M: Here we are! The White House!
L: 太好了! 白宫到了, 那我们赶快走把。
今天 Michael 和李华在对话中用的一个常用语是ticked off, 意思是为了什么事情生气; 另一个是close call,意思 是差一点没发生倒霉的事,或是差一点完不成该做的事。 [流行美语]就学习到这里, 我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华已经从华盛顿返回纽约。今天是星期六,他们一起到纽约的 Meadowlands去看冰球。Michael和李华这两个大学生,一个讲英文,一个讲中文,旁边的人听起来很奇怪,可是他们自己已经习惯了这种方式。今天他们在谈话中会用两个常用语:keep cool和screw up。
L:Michael,谢谢你带我到Meadowlands来看冰球,Meadowlands可是有名的地方呐! 而且我从来还没有看过冰球呢!
(Starting buzzer)
M:Sometimes these games get really rough!
M:Wow, look at them! It‘s only five minutes into the game and they are already pushing and shoving.
M:Yeah, they really need to keep cool out there.
L: Michael, 这是冰球,在冰上打球,当时是冷的咯,你在说什么呀?
M:Li Hua, that‘s not what I meant. Keep cool means to calm down。Keep, means to hold and cool, meaning cold.
L: 噢,keep cool就是要冷静一点, 你是说这些球员不要火气那么大,需要保持冷静。对,他们要是老打架,最好的球员就会被禁止打球的。
M:Yeah. Another example, remember last week when you got into an argument with the professor over your mid-term grade?
M:Right now Li Hua, you need to keep cool.
M:I can‘t believe how poorly they are playing.
L:你说他们打得不好呀? 说实话,我根本看不懂。我只知道当地的球队输了三分,这就输了很多啦!
M:Yeah, they have really managed to screw up this game.
L:"Screw up"? 我不懂,这是什么意思?
M:"Screw up" means not to play well. The home team is certainly messing up.
L:噢,"Screw up" 就是打得不好。
M:"Screw up," it means to mess up.
M:No, it can be used to describe a lot of things. For example, I screw up on tests all the time.
L:噢,你考试老考糟也能用screw up来表示呀!这么说,"screw up" 可以用的范围很广。 要是说一个人工作没有做好呢?
M:He screwed up at work.
L:你老是和别人的关系搞不好,也能说是screw up吧?
M:Yes, that‘s why I don‘t date anymore. Because I screw up all the time.
L:原来是因为老跟别人搞不好关系,所以你就不交女朋友了。 Michael,你也别跟自己太过不去了。
M:I do screw up a lot; I make mistakes all the time.
M:Look, they are playing like that! What is wrong with these players.
L:嗨, 这些球员真的很糟糕,你看,他们已经输了四分啦!
M:I hate this! They can‘t manage not to screw up tonight.
L:Michael, 尽管他们screw up,我们还是要keep cool! 也许还有希望扭转局势。
李华今天从Michael那儿学到了两个常用语, 一个是:keep cool,意思是:冷静一些,别太激动;另一个常用语是:screw up, 意思是把事情弄糟了。今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次再会。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael 和李华这两个大学生,一个讲英文,一个讲中文,旁边的人听起来很奇怪,可是他们俩已经习惯了。今天他们来到中央公园,李华会学到两个常用语:pig out 和 bigmouth。
L: Michael, 感恩节你过得好吗?
M: It was good to be with my family, but I was disappointed that you couldn‘t be there.
L: 我知道,跟家人在一起总是高兴的事。谢谢你邀请我,但是我早就答应了另一个朋友,所以没法去你家,明年我一定去你家。
M: Ok, well. It was a great meal, we all pigged out.
L: 你们感恩节吃猪肉呀?我还以为感恩节都是吃火鸡呢。
M: Yeah, most people do have turkey. Pig out means to eat a large amount of food, not that we actually ate pig.
L: 噢,pig out就是吃好多东西, 不是指吃猪肉呀?
M: Yes, pigs eat a lot and that‘s where the expression pig out comes from. I did eat like a pig on Thanksgiving.
L: 我猜也是, pig out肯定是因为猪吃好多东西而形成的常用语。 Michael,我看你呀,不仅是感恩节,你平时就吃好多。上星期, 你每天晚上都吃得象头猪一样。
M: Um, I certainly did.
L: Pig out这个说法只能指吃东西啊?能不能用在别的地方?
M: No, not really. But don‘t forget that when you use it in the past tense, pig out should be pigged out.
L: 那是过去时态,要是说你到了圣诞节假日又要大吃大喝了,那该怎么说?
M: You will pig out during the Christmas holidays.
L: 嗨,我是在说你,我才不会吃那么多东西呢!
Michael, 是不是每年都有这么多人来中央公园滑冰?
M: Yes, it‘s free. My friend Josh said he would be coming to ice-skate with his girlfriend Emily today. Oh, By the way, Li Hua, did you tell Simon that Josh and Emily are getting married soon? I just need...
L: 是,那天我不小心告诉了Simon。我知道Josh和Emily现在还不想 公开他们准备结婚的计划,不过我真不是故意的。
M: Geez, Li Hua, you have such a bigmouth!
L: 你生气了?肯定是骂我。说我是bigmouth,大嘴巴!你是说我吃 很多东西吗?
M: No, I‘m saying you talk a lot about other people‘s business!
L: 噢, 你不是说我嘴巴大,而是说我多嘴,爱嚼舌头,谈论别人。
M: That makes you a bigmouth.
L: 我们女孩子都喜欢谈论别人。不过,Michael,我从来没在书上看 到过这个词,是不是一般在口语里用?
M: Yes, it is usually used in informal speech.
L: Michael,我真不应该那么多嘴,把 Josh和Emily准备结婚的事告诉 别人。
M: Well, don‘t worry about it. I tend to pig out and you‘re a bigmouth. Everyone has their faults.
L: 哟,你倒是想得开,人人有缺点,你爱象猪那样吃,我爱谈论别人。这样就好象什么事也没了!
M: Just don‘t be a person who eats like a pig and also is a bigmouth.
L: 对,这两个缺点都有那就糟了。 走吧,该会学校去念书了。
今天Michael和李华在纽约中央公园,一面看许多人滑冰,一面聊天。李华从Michael 那儿学到了两个常用语,一个是pig out,就是吃很多东西的意思;另一个是bigmouth,就是多嘴的人。今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次节目再会。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
你们大家可能都已经认识了Michael和李华这两个大学生了。Michael讲英文,李华是个中国学生,能讲英文,但是她还在不断地跟Michael学。大家可千万不要认为这两个在纽约的大学生老是到外面去玩。其实他们学习都很努力,现在他们就要在李华的宿舍里一起念书,准备考试。李华今天会学到两个常用语,一个是:what‘s up,这是一个用来打招呼的通俗说法。 另一个是: no brainer,意思是某件事很容易, 不用动脑子就能做成。
L: 嗨,Michael,快进来。
M: Hey, Li Hua, what‘s up?
L: 什么?
M: What‘s up? What are you doing?
L: What‘s up? 我倒是听人这么说过,可是我还没有弄清楚这句话到 底是什么意思,我应该怎么回答?
M: What‘s up is really a common greeting.
L: 噢,what‘s up就是一般打招呼,不是指我的头上是什么呐?
M: No. It‘s like saying, "What is happening in your life?"
L: 我知道了,what‘s up就是中文里我们说的:怎么样?
M: Well, it‘s really only spoken language.
L: 要是我去看一个我已经有两个月没见的朋友,我在见到她的时 候我可以说What‘s up,对吗?
M: Yes, definitely!
L: 那别人对我说what‘s up?, 我又该怎么回答呢?
M: You can explain what‘s going on in your life, or you could say something as simple as: Not much.
L: 要是你问我,What‘s up? 我就可以说: Oh, not much, just getting ready for our test. 意思就是:噢,没什么,就是在准备我们的考 试。
M: That‘s good usage. You can really say anything.
L: 对,你怎么回答都行。 好吧,我们该学习了。
M: You stress too much, this test will be a no brainer.
L: 你是说我压力太大,没有脑子? 你知道我脑子很灵的呀!
M: Smarter than me, that‘s for sure. What I mean is that this test will be really easy. No brainer means something that reqires little or no thought.
L: 好,你承认我比你聪明。不过,我还得跟你学英文。你说,no brainer就是某件事很容易,不需要动脑子就行呀?
M: Yeah.
L: 我知道了。象我哥哥那天去买车,运气好,碰到一个公司半价出 售。 在这种情况下决定买不买,不就是no brainer吗?
M: That‘s right.
L: 那次那个漂亮女孩邀你出去玩,你接受不接受邀请不也是很容易 定的吗?
M: Yeah, that was a really easy decision, could be called no brainer. Of course I would go out with her.
L: 对,决定是容易做,但是你到头来还是不喜欢她。
M: That‘s true. When the University gave you a scholarship to come study here in New York, it was a no brainer for you too.
L: 当然啦,大学给我奖学金来纽约念书,作这种决定还要动脑筋 啊?更何况我学习成绩那么好。
M: So then why are you bothering to study?
L: 这还用问? 再聪明的人也得念书嘛!
M: On, ok, let‘s get back to work.
李华今天学到了两个常用语,一个是:what‘s up? 这是一个用来打招呼的通俗说法; 另一个是:no brainer,意思是某件事很容易,不用动脑子就能做成。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里。再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华今天早上都有课,现在正往课堂走。李华今天会学到两个常用语:to goof off 和to hit the sack。
L: Michael, 别往我头上扔雪块,行吗?你怎么象个小孩呀!
M: Li Hua, I‘m just goofing off.
L: 你就是讨厌。 我不懂什么是goofing off.
M: Actually Li Hua, to goof off does mean that I‘m acting stupid and not being serious. Goof is a verb.
L: 噢,to goof off 就是干无聊的事,那你确实很无聊,老向我扔雪 块。
M: To goof off is a great term. Young people use it a lot. It is often used to describe how young people are behaving.
L: 年轻人经常用to goof off来形容别人的行为?我记得念中学时班 上有个学生老是打断老师的话,喜欢开玩笑,你可以说这个学生 是goofing off吗?
M: Yeah, that‘s right. Children or young people often goof off. Do you remember when we were at the movies and those high school students threw candy at the screen, you could say they were goofing off.
L: 对,没错,小孩和年轻人经常会做一些无聊的事开玩笑。我才不会忘掉我们那次去看电影的事呢。那几个中学生往银幕上扔糖果, 真是太无聊了,他们还以为好玩呢。
M: To tell you the truth, when I went to the library in high school with my roommates we would usually waste time and ended up goofing off.
L: 你是说,你念中学时跟同学去图书馆念书,结果在那儿互相扔纸球?
M: Yeah, that‘s right.
L: 怪不得你一开始考不上大学呢! 行,教室到了,下课等我一起去图书馆,可千万不要goof off。
( Michael和李华下课以后)
L: 这课真是枯燥无味。我最讨厌晚上上课,每次上完课,我都感到很累。
M: That‘s right. Even though it‘s not that late, I‘m ready to hit the sack!
L: 你说什么?你要去捅一个口袋?Sack不是麻袋吗?我以为你很累了,而你现在要去运动?
M: No, no. It‘s a colloquial saying. I mean I‘m going to bed. Sack, here means bed, and hit means going to.
L: 噢,原来to hit the sack是指去睡觉,sack在这里是指床, hit是去 床上睡觉的意思。 那我要坐下,能不能说 to hit the chair?
M: No, not really. This phrase -- to hit the sack -- has a pretty limited meaning.
L: 哟,to hit the sack只能指去睡觉,别的地方还不能用!那要是我 午想睡个午睡,能不能说:I want to hit the sack?
M: No, it‘s usually used to talk about going to bed at night, after a long day at work or school.
L: 午睡也不能用,只能指一天工作和学习后晚上去睡觉。那现在我 已经上了一天的学,再加上晚上上了这堂枯燥无味的课,我可 以说:It‘s time for me to hit the sack。 对不对?
M: That‘s correct, Li Hua. But don‘t forget that we have a test tomorrow.
L: 我当然不会忘掉明天的考试。
M: Ok, now go hit the sack, but after tomorrow‘s test we will have to study seriously for next week‘s test, no more goofing off.
L: 明天考试后你想好好学习,为下星期的考试作准备。没问题,我 帮你准备,我们俩都会考得很好。
M: Yeah, I‘m going to hit the sack. Bye, Li Hua!
Michael 今天教了李华两个常用语,一个是:to goof off,意思是做一些无聊的事,开玩笑;另一个是:to hit the sack,这是指晚上上床睡觉。这次[流行美语] 今天就学习到这里,我们下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
现在大家可能都已经很熟悉Michael和李华了吧!他们俩都在纽约上大学。纽约有许多酒吧都是爱尔兰移民开的。今天Michael要带李华去看一个酒吧。Michael在讲话时会用两个常用语:to bum和turn-off。
L: 嗨,这儿好热闹啊!Michael, 在爱尔兰酒吧里大家喝些什么呢?
M: People normally drink a large beer that is usually served warm.
L: 我可从来没喝过热的啤酒,一大杯也喝不了,要一小杯行不行?
M: Well, you can order whatever you want, but I need to bum a couple of dollars, if you don‘t mind.
L: 随便我要什么都行呀!那好,就来一小杯。对了,你刚才说要是我不在意的话,你想bum a couple of dollars, 那是什么意思啊?
M: What I mean is, can I borrow a couple of dollars from you.
L: 原来你要问我借几块钱!
M: Yes. But don‘t use this word for big things. For example, you would not ask your friend, “Can I bum your car?”
L: 噢,在问别人借大的,象汽车之类的东西时,不能用bum这个字,bum 只能用在问人借小东西的时候。
M: Yeah, it‘s usually used when asking for something small, like a piece of gum or candy.
L: 哟,你们美国人,怎么一片口香糖,一颗糖还要借啊?难道真的还要还吗?
M: No, small things you don‘t need to return, such as gum and candies.
L: 这很重要,因为在这种情况下,我们中国人就不说借了,我们大概会说:给一颗糖吧。
M: You are right Li Hua. But if you feel cold at a friend‘s home and you asked to bum a sweater, then you would return it when you were going to leave.
L: 对,要是在朋友家感到冷要借一件毛衣,那一般都应该还的。所以,这要看情况,对不对?
M: Yes, if you will let me bum a couple bucks tonight, I promise to pay you back tomorrow.
L: 行,行,行,就借你两块钱,你问服务员要酒吧,我来付钱。可明天别忘了还我。
M: Okay. Two beers please!
L: 我以前有一个朋友,每次跟她一起出去,不管去看电影,还是去 喝咖啡,她总是问我借钱。
M: A girl I used to hang out with acted the same way. Whenever a group of us went out, she would always ask to bum money. It got to be a real turn-off.
L: 你也碰到过这样的人哪? 等等,a real turn-off? 这是什么意思 呀?把什么东西关掉?
M: No, a turn-off is something that repels someone.
L: 噢, 是一个让人讨厌的什么东西。 是不是指一个人的性格里有什么地方让你不喜欢他?
M: Yes, that‘s right. Let me give you an example. Your ex-boyfriend always smoked cigarettes around you, that was a real turn-off.
L: 是啊,我以前的男朋友跟我在一起的时候老是抽烟,那真是讨厌。
M: A girl I once dated always interrupted me whenever I was talking. That was a real turn-off.
L: 对,你告诉过我,你从前的女朋友老是打断你的话,让你很讨厌。 我还有一个朋友把脏衣服在房间里到处乱扔, that was also a turn-off.
M: See, you‘ve learned how to use turn-off. By the way, I also have dirty clothes lying around my apartment. Does that bother you?
L: 哼,你也把脏衣服到处乱扔?你要是不打扫乾净的话,别想请 我到你家去。
M: Ok, I‘ll try to clean it up.
各位听众,今天李华从Michael 那里学到了两个常用语,一个是: to bum,意思是借钱或其他东西;另一个是:a turn-off,意思是让人讨厌的地方。这次就到此结束,下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
大家到现在都认识 Michael这个美国学生了,他不断在学中文,他很喜欢听他的中国同学李华讲中文。李华呢,在和Michael接触中也学了不少英文。现在他们俩刚上完课,正从课堂里走出来。今天李华会学到两个常用语: lucky break和mellow。
L: 今天教授把考卷发回给我们了,Michael,你考得好吗?
M: I did much better than I expected. It was a lucky break that I knew most of the answers.
L: 你考得比你预期的好,那太好了。不过,你说什么又是lucky,又是break的?Lucky不是好运气吗?Break是休息,对不对?
M: Lucky break together means something good that happens that you were not expecting.
L: 噢,lucky和break这两个词放在一起,它的意思就是没有预料到的好运气。Michael,你刚才那句话是怎么说来着?
M: I said: it was a lucky break that I knew most of the answers.
L: 我懂了。你是说,你没有想到运气会那么好,大多数考题的答案你刚好都知道。
M: Yeah, that‘s right. If you understand, give me an example.
L: 哼,我当然懂了,你还要考考我呐? 那天我开车开的飞快, 警察让我把车停下来。可是他只给了我一个警告,而没有给我罚单,我可没想到会有这种好运气。这可以说是一个lucky break吧?
M: That was a lucky break. I think it was because the police officer found you attractive.
L: 警察因为看我漂亮才不给我开票?你别开玩笑了!不过,那次可 运气,否则至少要罚我五十美元。让我想想还有什么例子可以 用lucky break这个说法的。
M: Well, the paper that‘s due in two days, I.....
L: 对了,教授要我们在两天后交报告,Michael,你还没有开始动手 吧!幸好教授推迟了限期,让我们下星期一交。这对你来说真是个lucky break吧?
M: Let‘s go to lunch to celebrate our good luck.
L: 好呀, 去吃午饭,庆祝我们的好运气。
L: 啊呀,这个地方太闹了!
M: Yeah, you‘re right. It‘ll be hard for us to have a conversation here. Let‘s go to a place that‘s more mellow.
L: 对,在这里讲话都听不到。到别的地方去吧。Michael,你刚才讲什么more mellow?
M: I said that let‘s go to a place that‘s more mellow, meaning someplace more calm and relaxing.
L: 噢,more mellow的意思是比较平静,比较放松。那也就是说到一个不太闹的地方去,对不对?
M: Yeah, you can use the word mellow to describe a person too.
L: Mellow也可以用来形容一个人,那今天我们的教授很平静,我可不可以说:She was mellow today!
M: Yeah, let‘s go the cafe near the library.
L: 太好了,这个地方很安静。我们来看看菜单。哟,你看,再过五分钟就开始减价了,三明治今天半价。我们运气可真好呀!
M: Well, we found the mellow place and we pay half price. Really a lucky break. Worth celebrating too.
L: 对,找到安静的地方,还只付半价。真值得庆祝。你多吃点吧, 晚饭就别吃了。
M: Ok. Good idea!
这俩个小年轻还在狼吞虎咽地吃三明治。今天他们在讲话中用了lucky break 和mellow这两个常用语,这是美国人在日常生活中经常用的,大家不妨也在口语中试着用用。今天的[流行美语]就到此结束, 谢谢大家,我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
L: Michael,我能够把你拽着一起去听这个演讲,真不容易。今天讲 话的这个人在数学和艺术方面都有博士学位。他讲话的题目就 是:数学和艺术的关系。
M: I‘m sure the lecture will be really neat.
L: 什么? Neat? 那不是整齐,乾净的意思吗?
M: No. Neat, it‘s a word used here to describe something that is good.
L: 噢,neat在这里是指某样东西很好,那你为什么不直接说好,而 非要说neat呢?
M: Neat is very conversational.
L: Neat这个词很口语化!那是不是任何时候我要说什么东西好都可以 用neat这个词呐?
M: Neat can be used to describe an idea, a concept.
L: Neat可以用来指一个好的主意,好的概念。今天讲演的内容就是 数学和艺术的会合。这是一个很好的概念。
M: Well, Li Hua, you find the concept interesting, right?
L: 对,我觉得这个概念很有意思。
M: Well, if it holds your interest and you like the idea, then you can call it neat.
L: 噢,只要我有兴趣,觉得是个好主意,我就可以说: That‘s neat!
M: You‘re right.
L: 如果我跟一些朋友出去玩,有人建议去喝茶,聊天。要是我觉得 很好的话,我也可以说:That‘s a neat idea.
M: Certainly. Hey, we are running pretty late. Let‘s hurry up.
L: 哟,对了,太晚了。赶快走吧!
L: 我觉得他讲得真好。我从来没有想到数学和艺术有那么多关系。 他讲得很清楚。现在我对这个题目懂了好多。
M: Yeah, I really agree. The speaker was really intelligent, you could say he is sharp.
L: Sharp,不是指一把刀快不快的意思吗? 那天有 个人说我很sharp, 当时我也不懂他是什么意思。那么说,他是在说我好咯!
M: Absolutely!Sharp is an adjective that can be used to describe a person who is really smart.
L: 你是说,sharp这个词可以用来形容一个非常聪明的人,也就是 脑子很敏锐的人。那我们的朋友王涛总是得到好分数,我可以 说:He‘s very sharp。
M: He certainly is.
L: 那这个词sharp是不是跟形容刀快不快的sharp是同一个字呢?
M: Same word.
L: 你能不能用sharp这个词来指一本很好的书?
M: No, it is not used to describe things, only people. You could not call my apartment sharp.
L: 噢,sharp用在这个意思的时候只能形容人,不能指东西。我还不 能说你的宿舍很sharp。 Michael,你那宿舍乱得象猪窝,怎么打扫 也称不上sharp了。
M: I know. My mother said the same thing.
L: 你看,我没说错吧!连你妈都这么说。不过,Michael,尽管我老 是跟你开玩笑,我倒觉得你很sharp,脑子很清楚,很快。
M: Thanks, Li Hua. I think you‘re very sharp too.
今天李华在跟Michael的谈话中学到了两个常用语, 一个是neat,意思是很好的主意,很好的计划;另一个是 sharp,意思是一个人脑子很聪明。这次[流行美语]就到此结束,谢谢大家和我们一起学习,下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华今天坐地铁去书店买书。现在他们正在地铁上。Michael今天会教李华两个常用语:jerk和street smart。
L: Michael, 我们是这一站下车吗?
M: Yeah.
L: 哟,这人怎么回事呀,直往人群里挤。在纽约,一般人都会站在 一边好让别人下车。
M: People are usually a lot more courteous. That one guy was a real jerk.
L: 对,人们一般都很有礼貌的。那个人真是讨厌。你刚才说他是什 么来着?
M: Jerk. Jerk is someone who is mean and inconsiderate.
L: 原来Jerk就是很粗鲁,不顾别人的人。那依我看哪,好多人都是 jerk。有的人开车,在靠近别人车子很近的地方硬要挤到别人前面 去。这些人也可以说是jerks,对吗?
M: They certainly are. But be careful, this word is very mean.
L: 噢,叫人jerk是很不礼貌的,那用这个词的时候可真是要小心。 Michael,谢谢你告诉我,否则我要是随便叫人jerk,那就会出问题 了。
M: See that man across the street? The one who‘s shouting and yelling at the little girl? He must be a real jerk.
L: 看见了。一个大人对着那么小的女孩大叫大嚷,绝对是个讨厌的 人。Michael,虽然你有时候也很讨厌,不过我想你还没到那个程度。
M: Well, thanks, I guess.
L: Michael,我从来没有在这个站下过车。我们该往哪儿走呀?
M: To the right, this way.
L: 往右拐? 你知道书店在哪里吗? 好吧,那我就跟着你走。
嗨,Michael,你以前没去那个书店买过书,你怎么知道它在哪儿 呢?你好象什么地方都认识,总是知道要往那里走。
M: Well, I grew up in the city. I guess you could say I‘m street smart.
L: 我知道你是在纽约长大的。你说你是street smart?Street是街道, smart是聪明,这两个词放在一起是什么意思呀?
M: It means I know how city life operates, I know how to deal with different situations.
L: Street smart就是知道在大城市生活该怎么处置一些事情,应该如何 应付各种不同的情况。那么,street smart是不是和保护自己,不要被 坏人袭击也有关系哪?
M: Yes, being street smart also means you know how to be careful, for example, at night time.
L: 噢,street smart也是指一个人知道应该怎样小心,例如夜晚在外 面活动的时候。要是你在纽约,或在北京都知道在地铁上如何防 止小偷,那也能称为street smart,是不是?
M: Yes, that would be street smart. For instance, if you walk at night, you‘ve got to be alert if anyone is behind you.
L: 对,晚上在外面走路是要注意后面有没有人,有的话,要观察这 个人是不是另有企图。Michael,你去中国好几次了,你在中国是 不是也很street smart? 比如说,在中国买东西的时候往往可以讨 价还价。你是一个外国人,他们大概会对你提高价格吧?
M: No way, I had heard about that before I went to China. So I was pretty street smart and knew how to bargin.
L: 原来你去中国前已经听说了,所以你知道怎么样和别人讨价还价。 Michael,我发现你非常street smart,也不是一个jerk。
今天李华学到了两个常用语,一个是:jerk;另一个是:street smart。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里,下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
在纽约上大学的Michael明天要考试,可是他的中国同学李华一定要他去参加一个聚会。李华今天学到的两个常用语是:hit 和to roll。
L:Michael,你答应跟我一起来参加聚会,我得谢谢你呀! 你知道吗,我不太习惯在这种场合和那些不认识的人交谈。 嗨, Michael,那不是你的朋友Steve吗?我听说,只要有party 他一定参加。
M:Yeah, he‘s the hit of all these parties.
L:他是什么?Hit? Hit不是打人吗?
M:No, "hit" here means he is the most popular person at these parties. "Hit" is a word used to describe someone or something that makes a favorable impression.
M:Yeah, things can also be called a hit. For instance, you can say "that song is a hit with teenagers".
L:对了,有的歌曲非常热门,这也能称为hit。 你刚才说:“That song is a hit with teeangers”, 意思是:“青少年特别喜欢的一首歌。” 这么说,“年轻人喜欢的一首歌”就是。。。
M:That song is a hit with young people.
L: 一个受欢迎的电视节目也能说是hit吗?
M:Yes, you can! A hit TV program.
L:Michael, 我听说好多女孩儿都很喜欢你!
M:No, that‘s not true!
L:我认识的女孩都说你很帅!我想她们那么喜欢你,你恐怕还不知道自己是a hit with girls!
M:Oh, stop it, Li Hua! You‘re embarrassing me.
Music bridge
L:Michael, 我们来了有两个小时了吧! 我倒是认识了几个很有意思的人。
M:Yeah, the people here are pretty cool, but I‘m getting tired. I‘ve got a test tomorrow that I haven‘t prepared for yet. Do you think we can go pretty soon?
L:对,这儿的人都挺好。怎么啦,你累了,想走了?我知道, 你还没有准备好明天的考试。其实,我也有点累了。我们随时都可以走。
M:Okay, let‘s roll!
L:什么? Let‘s roll? 滚回去啊?
M:Oh no, "let‘s roll" here means "let‘s leave!"
L:To roll也能表示要离开?
M:Yes, if you‘re doing one thing, you can say "to roll" when you want to start something new.
L:等等,让我看看我是不是懂你的意思了。要是你在做一件事,过了一会儿,你不想继续做下去,而是想做别的事了,这时你就可以说to roll。
M:That‘s correct.
L:怪不得上次开舞会的时候,我们班上的那个高个子George 对他的女朋友说:Let‘s roll! 后来我听说他们去看电影了。当时我还听不懂let‘s roll是什么意思。
M:"Let‘s roll" is very popular, especially among young people. Well, Li Hua, I really do think it‘s time to roll.
M :A hit singer will be coming? I‘d like to stay, but I really have to prepare for my test.
M+L:Let‘s roll!
Music bridge
今天李华学的一个常用语是:hit, 这是指受欢迎的,人们喜欢的人或东西;另一个常用语是:to roll, 也就是开始准备做一件事。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里,下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael是个美国学生,在纽约上大学。他的一个要好同学是从中国大陆来的李华。今天Michael刚好在校园里碰到李华。李华会在谈话中学到两个常用语:couch potato和nuts。
L:嗨,Michael, 你上哪儿去呀?
M:I‘m going to meet Jon at the subway. You‘ve met Jon, haven‘t you?
M:Yes. I want to drag him out to do something. You know, he‘s such a couch potato.
L:他是什么? Couch potato? 什么是couch potato? 他爱吃土豆?
M:No, couch potato is an expression used to describe someone who sits in front of the TV all the time eating junk food, such as potato chips.
L:噢,原来coach potato是指一个人老坐在电视机前吃零食。 这个常用语挺有趣。那couch potato是不是只能指人呀?
M:Yes, it is only used to describe people, those who are lazy and unmotivated.
L:噢,只能指人,指那些懒懒散散,没有动力的人。好,下回我就叫我哥哥couch potato。他老是看电视,一看就看到三更半夜,吃的东西撒在地毯上,沙发上,到处都是。
M:My father‘s like that too. My mother is always angry with him. But he doesn‘t care.
M:But sometimes, after a really hard week at school, I also just want to collapse and be a couch potato.
L:一个星期在学校念书实在很累了,回家当一回couch potato, 我想这还是可以的,只要不是每天这样就行了。
M: Yes, I agree. Li Hua, would you like to join us? Jon and I are going to play tennis.
M:That‘s wonderful. You know, some people think I‘m nuts to have a friend like Jon.
L:有的人认为你是什么? Nuts?Nuts不是花生,杏仁那样的果仁吗?你跟Jon交朋友跟吃花生有什么关系呀?
M:No, nuts here means someone who is crazy.
M:That‘s right. Jon can be rude, and he also argues a lot. Sometimes he does drive me nuts.
L:他看起来不象会对别人无礼,爱跟人争论的人哪!你刚才说drives me nuts 是什么意思啊?
M:Drives me nuts means he makes me crazy.
L:噢,还可以说drive me nuts, 或者是drive someone nuts。嗨,Michael, 那天我上移民局去办手续,排队好长,我站了一小时,我真是火死了。我能说:They drove me nuts 吗?
M:Of course. You know, my mother used to make me clean my room every night when I was in high school and that drove me nuts.
M:Oh, yes, she is nuts. She spent $200 for a dress, and it‘s ugly.
L:对,张红这个人是有点问题,化两百美元买件难看的衣服。不过,Michael,你总是批评别人买的东西。 You sometimes drive me nuts too.
M:Li Hua, I think you are learning these words too fast.
今天李华学了两个常用语,一个是:couch potato,指那些常坐着看电视,吃零食的人;另一个是:nuts,就是说一个人不正常,做的事很怪。今天的[流行美语]就到此结束,再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
[流行美语]又和大家见面了。Michael这个美国学生今天好象什么事都不太顺当。他的中国同学李华也发现他好象有心事。到底是什么事呢?你听了Michael和李华的对话就知道了。他们在对话中会用到两个美国年轻人常用的说法, 一个是to bomb;另一个是to mess up。
L: Michael, 怎么啦?你好象有心事。
M: I think I just bombed my history test. I don‘t think I‘m going to pass.
L: 噢,你怕刚才历史测验会不及格。嗨,没必要,这又不是大考。 Michael,你刚才说什么"bombed my history test",bomb不是炸弹,或 是爆炸吗?你可不要开这样的玩笑,现在大家对安全问题都很敏感。
M: No, I said I bombed my test, that means I did very poorly, and probably will get a very low mark.
L: 考得不好,分数低,这我都听懂了,就是那个词bomb用在这里 有点怪。我想,这就是中文里说的考试考糊了。那除了考试外还 能用在哪里呢?
M: Well, sometimes we might say a movie or a play "bombed". That means that no one wanted to see it, and it probably lost a lot of money.
L: 噢,还可以指电影,或话剧太次,没有人要看,卖座率太低。我上 星期去看了一次电影,剧院里没几个人。后来我才看到报纸评论 说这部电影太糟了。我能不能说:"The movie I saw last week bombed"?
M: Sounds like it bombed to me. Remember the play we went to a few weeks ago? The actors were terrible!
L: 对,你说几个星期前去看的那场话剧,有几个话剧演员简直是 太糟了。That play really bombed! 我说得对不对?
M: Absolutely! Hey listen, Li Hua, can we please change the subject? I don‘t want to think about failure right now. What would you like to eat? It‘s my treat.
L: 你不要再谈这种丧气的事情,没问题!要请我吃饭,行,我 吃沙拉和三明治。不过,Michael,你真是得省点钱,要是老是考 试不及格,研究院会把你开除的!
M: Please! Don‘t mention tests!
L: 跟你开玩笑嘛!
M: Ah, here‘s my hamburger. Ack! They messed up my order! There are onions on this burger!
L: 你说什么呀? 他们把你的汉堡包怎么啦?
M: I told them not to put onions on my burger, but they forgot. Therefore I said that they "messed up my order". I can also just say "they messed up."
L: 噢,你叫他们不要放洋葱,他们忘了。所以,to mess up就是做 错了事,对吗?
M: That‘s right. Also, "to mess up something" can mean to break or damage something.
L: 噢,to mess up something还可以指把什么东西弄坏了。昨天,和 我同房间的学生问我借自行车,等她还我的时候,自行车的链子 断了。我是不是可以说:"She messed up my bike"?
M: Sure! Hey, you‘d better tell her to buy you a new chain.
L: 对啊,我是让她去买新链子,可是她说都是我不好让她差一点没 出严重的车祸。
M: What? She broke your bicycle, and she‘s angry at you? That‘s just wrong!
L: 她就是那样的人,上回她把借来的电视机给弄坏了。
M: She messed up the TV she borrowed? You don‘t need a roommate like her.
L: 虽然她弄坏了我的自行车,其他方面她还是很好的。嗨, Michael,你能帮我修自行车吗?
M: Well, I‘m really out of luck today. I bombed my test, they messed up my burger, and now I have to repair your bike!
L: 这也算什么倒霉呀!没几分钟你就修好了。我先谢谢你了!
M: Ok, ok!
今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:to bomb,另一个是:to mess up。这次[流行美语]就到此结束, 我们下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
李华是在纽约上大学的中国学生。现在她正在和Michael这个美国学生谈有关她学习方面的问题。今天Michael 会教李华两个常用语:to take a hike 和 to blow off。
L: Michael,我真烦死了,我们那个经济学教授非要我们分成小组来完成一个项目,可小组里一个同学嘛一声不啃,另一个我说什么他都反对。
M: If I were you, I would have told him to take a hike.
L: 你要对他说什么? Take a hike? 是什么意思啊?
M: Take a hike is to tell someone to leave, or to tell someone to leave you alone.
L: Take a hike就是叫谁走开,或者是告诉某人不要来打搅我。对吗?
M: That‘s correct. In fact, you told me there‘s that one guy who always bothers you in the study hall. You should tell him to take a hike.
L: 我知道你在说谁。我在自修室里念书的时候,那个人经老是要来跟 我说话。可是他往往很不客气。
M: Why don‘t you tell him to take a hike?
L: 我不好意思对别人说这种话。 那样很不礼貌,是不是?
M: Sometimes you can use "take a hike" in a joking manner. For instance, when my friend kept teasing me about the way I dressed the other day, I told him to take a hike.
L: 我那天是听见你那朋友在笑话你穿的衣服,可是,当时你说take a hike,我不知道是什么意思。现在想起来,你好象是用开玩笑的口气说的。
M: Li Hua, give me an example. I want to see if you know how to use it.
L: 哼,你要考我! Michael, 你经常跟我开玩笑,说我老买衣服,下次你再要这样,我就要对你说:Take a hike.
M: Yes, Li Hua, I suppose you could.
L: Michael, 你昨晚上不是说好要跟Bob去看电影吗?你怎么一个晚上都呆在家里呢?
M: Bob and I did make plans to go out last night. But he blew me off. He decided to go out with his girlfriend. It wasn‘t the first time he blew me off.
L: 原来说好去看电影,到最后一分钟打电话给你说要和女朋友出去 玩。Michael,你刚才说了两遍blew me off ? 是不是取消原定约会的意思?
M: Yes, to blow off means to break off plans you had with someone.
L: 也就是说你和Bob约好去看电影,可是他为了跟女朋友玩而把你给甩了。
M: You‘re right.
L: To blow off 还能用在什么场合呢?
M: If someone has been friendly to you in the past, but he suddenly seems to ignore you, you can say that person blew you off.
L: 噢,to blow off 还可以指某人突然对你很冷淡。
M: Yes. For instance, when I was at a party last weekend, Nancy acted like she didn‘t even know who I was. I can say Nancy blew me off.
L: Nancy上个周末在聚会上看见你好象不认识你?这不可能,她不是跟你很好的吗?
M: Yes, but that‘s ok. Li Hua, you can also use this phrase to talk about things you blow off, such as something you don‘t want to do.
L: 我不想做什么事,也可以用to blow off。我不是告诉你我不想参加 那经济学的小组吗?可是,要是我blow it off,我这门课就会不及格。
M: Yeah, there are some things in life you just shouldn‘t blow off.
L: 唉,生活中有些事是非得做的,就象和你一起吃午饭一样。
M: Oh, Li Hua, take a hike.
在今天的对话中,Michael教了李华两个常用语,一个是:take a hike,意思是叫某人走开;另一个是to blow off,这是指取消约会,或者是不做自己不想做的事。这次的[流行美语]就到此结束,我们下次再会。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
李华是在纽约上大学的中国学生。今天她的美国同学Michael 陪她练习开车,准备去考驾照。他们在路上几次遇到惊险的情况,尽管这样, 李华还是学到了两个常用语,一个是:cop; 另一个是:to freak out.
M:Your driving is getting better, Li Hua. Hey, you‘d better slow down. This is a 35 mile per hour zone.
M:Calm down, Li Hua. Just find a parking lot and stop the car. The cop will follow us, and come over to your window to talk to you.
L:哪儿有停车的地方呀! 行,就停在这里吧!你刚才说谁会过来跟我说话?是警察吗?
M:That‘s right. "Cop" means police officer.
M:Calm down! Sometimes the cops stop people just to warn them, not to give them a ticket. You weren‘t going very fast anyway.
L: 你说警察可能过来只是警告我一下,不一定会给我罚单呀?但愿如此,我好象是没有开太快。Michael, 你刚才说“cops", 那警车里到底有几个警察呀?
M:When I say "the cops", I mean the police in general. I‘m not talking about any cop in particular.
L:噢,cop 这个名词用复数的时候,cops, 可以总的指警察,而不是指某个警察。 我就把车停这儿吧。 Michael, 我能称呼警察“cop”吗?
M:No! The word "cop" is too informal. You should show respect when talking to the cops. Call him "officer", don‘t call him "cop"!
M:Li Hua, don‘t worry. I‘m sure this isn‘t very serious.
M:See, Li Hua, I was right. The cop didn‘t give you a ticket.
L:谢天谢地,他没有给我罚单。 他要罚我好多钱的话,那我就糟糕了。
M:I told you not to freak out. If a cop sees that you are nervous, he will be even more suspicious of you.
M:No, I told you not to "freak out". "Freak out" means to panic or to act crazy and excited.
L:是啊, 我经常听到一些人说 freak out, 原来是指过于激动,显得非常紧张。对不对?
M:That‘s right. Actually, I was the one who should have been freaking out!
M:Because this is my car, and you only have a learner‘s permit. I‘d be responsible if you got in trouble.
L:这我就不懂了。是的,这是你的车,我只有一张学开车的许可证。可是,我开车出了问题,为什么警察会怪你呀?你为什么要freak out?
M:Hey! Li Hua, look out for that car!
L:Don‘t freak out, Michael. 我看见那辆车了。不过,那车差一点就撞到我们了!
M:Oh, man! that was close! That guy is crazy! I wish the cops were here to see that!
L:对,刚才是够险的,警察要看到他那么开车,准要给他罚单。不过,今天已经和警察打过交道了,够了。再要跟cops打交道,那我可真是要freak out了。
M:Me too. Now, drive carefully!
今天这两个年轻人真是够惊险的。不过,李华学到了两个非常有用的词汇: cop, 警察;to freak out,非常紧张和激动。这次<流行美语>到此结束,我们下次再会。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
大家可能还记得Michael 这个美国学生以往几次考试都考糟了,这一次情况可大不相同。今天他和他的中国同学李华约好了在图书馆见面。李华会学到两个常用语,一个是:to ace;另一个是:peanuts。
L: 嗨, Michael,今天考得怎么样?
M: Not bad! I aced today‘s history test!
L: 你历史测验又考糟啦?那你还那么高兴!
M: No, Li Hua, I didn‘t bomb my test. I said "I aced the test". I did very well on it!
L: 你考得很好,那太好了,Michael!最近你每天都到图书馆来念书, 我知道你会考得比以前好的。你刚才用的是哪个字啊?
M: Ace. Here, ace is a verb, and you can add a "d" to make it past tense.
L: 噢,在这里,ace是个动词,过去时就是在后面加一个字母 "d",变成 了aced。这个字是不是和扑克牌里的那张牌A,或者叫“尖子”的那 张牌一样的呢?
M: That‘s right. The "ace" card is usually the highest value in a card game. Therefore, "ace" means to do well.
L: 对,在玩扑克的时候ace往往是价值最高的一张牌,所以ace就是 指某件事做的很好。那ace作为动词还能用在什么场合呢?
M: Usually we can use "ace" to describe how we did on a test, or on things similar to tests. For example, I can say I aced my last job interview.
L: 噢,一般都用在和测验考试之类的情况,你上次找工作去面谈谈 得很好也能用“ace" 这个词。再说一遍你刚才说的那句话,好 吗?
M: I aced my last job interview.
L: 你大概回答问题答得很好,所以老板就要你了。
M: That‘s right. Li Hua, if someone is very good at something, we can call him an "ace". I can say, for example, you are an ace at taking tests.
L: I‘m an ace at taking tests, 你说我非常会考试!这也不见得,我考糊 的时候也有的。不过,比你少一点就是了。
M: Yes, you‘re right!
L: Michael, 借我$.75 买杯咖啡好吗?
M: Well, okay. Li Hua, how much money do you earn as a teaching assistant, if you don‘t mind my asking?
L: 你当然不在意你问我赚多少钱。 当助教的工资很低,才8美元一 小时。
M: Eight dollars? That‘s peanuts!
L: Peanuts? Peanuts不是花生吗?你是什么意思呀?
M: That‘s really not much! You only make eight dollars an hour? Your wages are very low, so I said that‘s "peanuts"!
L: 原来你的意思是我的工资很低。你说的peanuts是不是和我们吃的 花生一个字吗?
M: That‘s right.
L: 我在想另外找个工作呢。我的同学王燕在图书馆工作,一个小时 就有十美元。
M: That‘s still peanuts compared with the teaching assistants in other departments. I make about 13 dollars an hour as a graduate assistant.
L: 哟,你一个小时赚13美元呐! 真不公平,你赚那么多钱,而我 只赚peanuts.
M: I don‘t see how you can live on so little money.
L: 赚那么点钱是怎么过的日子呀?我还有奖学金呐,每个月给我四 百美元生活费。
M: Too bad you don‘t really make peanuts, at least you can eat those...
L: 你真想要我赚花生,靠吃花生过日子呀。Michael, 你真废话!
M: I‘m just kidding!
今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:to ace,就是某件事做得很好,特别是象考试之类的事;另一个是:peanuts,这里不是指花生,而是指数量很小,价值很低。今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华都为今天的考试苦苦准备了整整一个星期。他们俩刚考完,都觉得自己考得不错。俩人决定去看一场电影,轻松轻松。李华会学到两个常用语,一个是:buck; 另一个是:whatever。
M: Li Hua, are you going to get any snacks before the movie begins?
L: 你说什么?噢,电影还没有开场,你问我要不要买点吃的?嗯, 我本想买一杯可乐,可是买了票,没钱了,算了吧!
M: Don‘t worry about it! I‘ll buy you one. It‘s only a few bucks.
L: 你说什么?一杯可乐不是$2.75吗?你说 "only a few bucks"?
M: Yes. "Buck" is an informal way to say "dollar".
L: 哟,"buck" 就是"dollar"!是非正式的名称。 嗨,昨天我要买一块 糖,你给我一美元,那我就可以说:“You gave me a buck",对不 对?
M: That‘s right. And the other day, I lent you a few bucks for lunch. And last week, you borrowed ten bucks so you could buy a chemistry textbook, and...
L: 得啦, 你用不着提醒我,我知道,那天借了你几块钱吃午饭, 上星期借你十块钱买化学书,不就是借了两回吗!你怎么啦,怕 我不还?
M: No, I‘m not reminding you, I just wanted to give you some examples.
L: 得了吧!要给我举例子,跟钱有关的事多着呢,为什么非要举我 问你借钱的例子!
M: Ok, don‘t be mad at me. Hey, since you now know what "buck" means, why don‘t you give me an example.
L: 要我给你举个例子,行,那还不容易呀! 你看我这件毛衣,款 式很新型,纯毛的,还是名牌,你猜多钱?Five bucks!
M: Five bucks! I can‘t believe it!
L: 清仓大减价嘛! 可是,Michael,我去商店的时候,停车停错了地 方,吃了一张罚票, it costs me 50 bucks!
M: Oh! So your sweater actually costs you 55 bucks! That‘s expensive!
L: 真倒霉!得了,别说了。去买可乐吧!电影都快开场了。
L: Michael,这电影可真棒!
M: What? Are you kidding? That was the stupidest movie I‘ve ever seen. I would have rather spent the seven bucks on a good meal.
L: 你从来没看过这么傻的电影?你宁可花这七块钱去好好吃顿饭! Michael, 你真怪!我非常喜欢Piers Brosnan,他长得多帅呀!
M: Handsome? Whatever! He‘s got to be over 50 years old now!
L: Michael, 你说 “whatever",在这里是什么意思呀?比如说:You can buy whatever you want." 意思是:你想买什么都行。可是,你 刚才说一个字“ whatever”,口气不同,好象意思也不一样。
M: The word "whatever" I said is the same as in your example, But when someone says "whatever" like this: "whatever," he is being sarcastic. He thinks what you just said is nonsense.
L: 噢,原来是这么回事。你说的whatever和我举的例子里的 whatever 是一个字, 可是,说的语调不一样就表示说话的人在讽 刺对方,认为对方说的是废话。好,又学会一个词。不过, Michael,你不喜欢这部电影是不是你认为Piers Brosnan不够帅? 你 是妒忌他吧?
M: Whatever! Piers Brosnan is an old man and he‘s getting fat. I couldn‘t possibly be jealous of him.
L: 得了吧!对,Piers Brosnan年级不小了,也比以前胖了。可是我 认为他还是很帅。你自己不也比以前胖了嘛。
M: I‘m fat? Whatever! This movie was a waste of seven bucks!
L: 唉,非要说看这部电影是浪费七块美元。 得了,Michael, 你还是 省点钱吧,没准我下回还要问你借呢!
M: Whatever!
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今天是星期六,Michael和李华到购物中心去买东西。李华喜欢买衣服,Michael喜欢看电脑, 所以他们决定各自先去买东西,然后中午在吃饭的地方碰头。今天李华会学到两个常用语:to rip off和straight answer。
L: 嗨, Michael, 在这儿!
M: Hi, Li Hua! Hey, what did you buy?
L: 今天我真高兴,你看,买了那么多衣服才花了我七十五美元。那 店要关门了,东西全都半价。Michael, 你买了什么?
M: I bought a pair of tennis shoes. When I bought them, I thought it was a good deal, but later I saw the same pair at another store for much less. I got ripped off.
L: 你买了一双网球鞋。让我看看。挺好的嘛!Michael, 你刚才说的 最后一句话我没有听懂,什么是got ripped off? 是不是上当受骗的 意思?
M: Yes, to be ripped off means to be cheated.
L: 你看,我还猜对了。Michael, 你为什么不把买的网球鞋去退掉, 再到便宜的店去买呢?
M: I wanted to do that, but when I went back to the first store, I saw a sign that said "All Sales are Final". So, I guess there‘s nothing I can really do about it.
L: 哟,还不让退货,这可真倒霉。那你买鞋的时候怎么没看见不让 退货的牌子呢?
M: I was just too eager to buy these shoes. If you buy something and then find out that it is of poor quality, you can also say you were ripped off.
L: 噢,买了东西后发现质量很差也可以说to be riffed off。对了,我上 个月从网上买了一部DVD电影,可是我在看电影的时候好几次都卡住 了,害得我连结尾都没看上。
M: I guess I‘m not the only one who got ripped off.
L: 买东西真是要小心。得了,我们去买饭吧!
L: 时间不早了,该回去了。搭地铁去吧!
M: Sure! That was fun, Li Hua, but I have to stop spending so much money.
L: 我也不该花那么多钱。嗨,Michael, 你不是申请去一个公司实习, 他们会付你一些工资的吗?那他们有没有决定要雇用你啊?
M: No, they just keep telling me that they will let me know soon. I wish the company would just give me a straight answer.
L: Straight answer? 是什么意思啊?
M: Well, if you are looking for a straight answer, that means you want someone to give you a direct answer and tell you the truth.
L: 噢,straight answer就是直接了当,或者是实事求是的回答。
M: That‘s right. For instance, I could see that my last roommate was unhappy living in our apartment, I asked him why, but I could never get him to give me a straight answer.
L: 为什么你以前同宿舍的人既不高兴和你住在一起可是又不告诉你 真正的原因呢?后来他不是搬出去了吗?
M: Yes, he did give me a straight answer after he moved out. It turned out he wanted to move in with his girlfriend.
L: 他搬出去以后才老实地告诉你他是要搬去和女朋友一起住。 我 还以为他不喜欢你把屋子弄得乱糟糟的呢。
M: Li Hua, I think you are the only one who is bothered by that. Well, this is our stop. Do you still want to come over to my messy apartment? Give me a straight answer.
L: 我才不信只有我一个人批评你把屋子弄得乱七八糟。不管你家乱 不乱,我当然得去呀,我的书还在你哪里嘛!
今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是:to rip off,意思是受骗,上当;另一个是:straight answer,意思是坦率,老实的回答。 这次[流行美语]就到此结束,我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
大家都知道Michael这个美国学生正在学中文。他和中国学生李华约好每个星期至少在一起活动一次。今天他们决定到一个公园去滑冰。李华会学到两个常用语:loser 和to bug。
L: 今天的天气真好呀!正是运动的好天气。我已经好久都没有滑冰 了。
M: You‘re a very good skater. I just keep falling down.
L: 学滑冰总是会摔跤的。多练习练习就好了。
M: I know, but I feel like such a loser. I keep getting passed by little kids. They laugh at me.
L: 小孩肯定比我们滑得快,别怕他们笑话你。你刚才说你觉得自己 是什么? Loser? 滑冰又不是比赛,怎么会输掉呢?
M: I said I feel like a loser, it means that I feel like a failure. It doesn‘t mean I lost a game.
L: 你是说loser就是一个人做某件事总是做不好。嗯, 我们在中文 里常说:“我怎么老学不好,真是个笨蛋”。这跟loser的意思 差不多吧?不过,Michael,我肯定你在滑冰方面不是个笨蛋,你只 要多练习就行了。
M: Thanks for the encouragement, Li Hua. But I‘ve always been kind of a loser at sports. Growing up, I was always picked last for the baseball and soccer teams.
L: 原来你在体育方面从小就不行。不过,Michael, 在其他方面你 一点也不笨。
M: What do you mean, Li Hua?
L: 这还不明白吗?女孩子都很喜欢你呀,你还有其他好多朋友呀。
M: You‘re right, I do have a lot of friends. But if they could see how many times I fell down today, I‘m sure they would not want be friends with such a loser.
L: 得了吧,Michael,要说笨蛋,那天晚上我们见到的那个人才是呢。 他自以为挺帅,老是想去和女孩子搭讪,可是,谁都知道他是个 没出息的人,谁都不要和他交朋友。Michael,我们能叫这种人 loser吗?
M: Yeah, very good, Li Hua. That guy really is a loser. He never studies at all. I think he‘s in college just to party.
L: 他从来不念书呀?Michael,你还滑不滑?
M: I guess so...Just wait up for me, in case I fall down again. Okay, let‘s go!
L: Michael,运动一下真舒服。
M: Yeah, you had been bugging me about going skating for so long, I guess it was about time that I came along with you.
L: 什么是bugging ? Bug不是小虫子吗?
M: No, bugging means to bother or annoy someone about something. I didn‘t mean it in a serious way, I was just kidding.
L: 噢,to bug就是为了某件事去麻烦别人,让人讨厌。 Michael, 你 再举一个例子好吗?
M: Sure. You can say that something is bugging you, such as an assignment that you haven‘t been able to finish or a problem that you cannot solve. You could also...
L: 等等,让我先弄清楚你说的。你是说,我没能完成的功课, 或者解决不了的问题都可以用to bug这个动词。那就是说:"This assignment is bugging me",或者是:“This problem is bugging me",对 不对?
M: Yes, you can also say that a habit someone has really bugs you.
L: 我知道,象Mary,她老是打断我说话,让我很烦,很讨厌。
M: You could say "It really bugs me when Mary interrupts me in the middle of a sentence." I can also say it really bugs me when you try to tell me what to do.
L: 嗨,我告诉你该怎么做是为了你好。老实说,it bugs me that you never listen to me.
M: It seems that you‘ve learned how to use "loser" and "to bug". Let‘s go home.
李华今天学了一个名词“loser",指一个人老是不会做某件事;她还学了一个动词“to bug",意思是为了一件事老是去麻烦别人,让人讨厌。这次这次[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael这个美国学生由于各方面的压力太大而情绪不太好。 今天他想去找李华一起出去放松放松。现在他正在敲李华的门。Michael会教李华两个常用语:to play hooky和to snap。
M:Yes, I‘m supposed to be in class right now. But I didn‘t read the assignment for class today, and I just didn‘t feel like going, so I decided to play hooky.
M:No, to play hooky means to skip class.
L:噢,原来to play hooky是指逃学,旷课。我还以为是玩什么游戏呢!Michael, 你要进来坐会儿吗?
M:Actually, I was going to the student center to hang out and have lunch. I was wondering if you would like to come with me.
M:It seems like you have been working a lot lately. I have an idea! Why don‘t you call in to work and tell them you‘re sick! You can also play hooky from work.
L:我最近工作是很忙。Michael,你的意思是让我打电话给工作的地方说我生病,这样就可以不去上班?这也可以说是to play hooky?
M:Yes, you can play hooky from school or from work.
L:你可真能出馊主意!自己逃学还不算,还要我装病不去工作。不行,我工作的地方星期一总是很忙的,而且上星期我真的生病,请了两天假。I don‘t want to play hooky from work. 我说得对不对,Michael?
M:Yes, very good. I guess you‘d better go to work then. It‘s too bad I can‘t spend more time with you. Well, if you have only one hour for lunch, we‘d better hurry.
L:Michael, 你很幸运,没有象我那么多的压力。我得自己赚钱付学费,还要养活自己。你可以随便play hooky, 我可不行。
M:Hey, I may play hooky once in a while, but I usually study hard. Do you think I don‘t feel any pressure to get good grades? If I don‘t do well, I won‘t get a good job later on.
M:I‘m sorry, Li Hua. I didn‘t mean to snap at you. It‘s just that right now I‘m so stressed. That‘s part of the reason why I didn‘t go to class today.
L:没关系,我知道你最近压力很大。你说 “I didn‘t mean to snap at you", 那是什么意思呀?是不是指你很生气地跟我说话?
M:Yeah, to snap, s-n-a-p. To snap at someone means to yell at someone or talk to them in an angry way.
L:to snap at someone 就是对某人大声嚷嚷,或者很生气地和某人说话。Michael,你一般不对人那么讲话的。我想可能是你最近压力太大了。
M:Yeah, but that‘s no excuse for snapping at you. I know you didn‘t mean to make me angry.
L:我是没有让你生气的意思。 没关系,每个人都有情绪不好的时候嘛!Michael, 我以前好象听到别人用过to snap at someone, 可不太清楚它的意思。有一次,一个小孩说他打破了什么东西。。。
M:His mother must have snapped at him when he broke something at home.
M:Past tense for snap is s-n-a-p-p-e-d. I can say, "I snapped at you but I apologized."
L:得了,不用道歉了。啊呀,不好了,时间到了,我得去上班了。See you later, Michael!
M:Bye, Li Hua!
今天李华又从Michael那儿学到两个常用语,to play hooky就是逃学,或者装病不去上班;to snap就是对某人嚷嚷,很生气地对某人说话。这次<流行美语>播送完了,下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
今天是四月一号愚人节。李华到处去找Michael, 有事商量。今天她会学到两个常用语,sketchy和sucker。
M:What? I don‘t believe her. That story sounds sketchy.
M:That‘s right. I said her story is "sketchy" . That means it is suspicious and cannot be trusted.
M: Well, for one thing, the police usually don‘t care about visas. They are too busy looking for serious criminals.
M:Also, I don‘t think the police or immigration officers would go to your house. That sounds very sketchy.
L: 对,Michael, 你可真行呐! 要是签证有问题,移民局一般会先给我一封信,他们才不会到家去找我呢。这真是越说越不可信了。
M:But if you want to know what‘s really sketchy, you should remember what day it is.
L:今天是什么日子呀?噢。。。今天是四月一号愚人节! 哟,我的老天爷呀,我没想到小陈会跟我开这个玩笑。
M:Heh heh, your roommate is pretty sketchy too, if you ask me.
L:等等,你也能说一个人sketchy? 你觉得小陈这个人不太可信?对,她的话确实是靠不住。上星期在聚会上见到的那个人,死跟着我不放,楞要送我回家,我能不能说,that guy was very sketchy?
M:Yes, that guy was very sketchy. You have to be careful around sketchy people like that.
L:对了,我得打电话告诉小陈我没上她的当, 借你的手机用一用,行吗?
M:What did you say to your roommate just now? You were talking so fast in Chinese that I couldn‘t understand.
M:She believed that? She is such a sucker!
M:No, no... a sucker is someone who believes people who lie to her, and can be easily tricked .
L:Sucker这个词我在学校里经常听到,可就不是太清楚究竟是什么意思。原来sucker 是指很容易上当,很轻信别人的人。我一开始相信了小陈的话,那我不就是个sucker咯!
M:Sure, everyone is a sucker at one time or another...
L:那倒是的,每个人有时难免会当傻瓜。我记得你在电脑上收到很多电子邮件的广告,说你可以在家工作赚很多钱,当时你还很相信这些广告呢。You were such a sucker!
M: Hey, my phone is ringing. Li Hua, it‘s for you. I think it‘s your roommate.
L:是小陈?让我跟她说话。 (李华接电话)是呀!我不管你告诉他什么。我们相爱,我们要同居。什么?我不管你说什么,我不要跟骗我的人住在一起。 (关电话)
M:Your roommate is a real sucker! She still believes your story even after talking to her brother?
今天Michael 教李华学会了两个常用语,一个是:sketchy,意思是一个人,或者是一个人说的话不可信,值得怀疑;另一个是:sucker, 指一个很轻信,很容易上当的人。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael在纽约上大学,他父母住在华盛顿,这个周末他请李华到他父母家作客。今天,李华会学到两个常用语:fishy和to luck out。
L: Michael, 谢谢你请我到你家来过周末。有机会和一个美国家庭一 起过周末对我来说是很有意义的。你的爸爸妈妈人真好,我也很 喜欢你的妹妹。
M: She‘s not usually so nice. Normally all she does is complain. I think there‘s something fishy going on.
L: 噢,你说她平时没有象这两天讨人喜欢呀?她老是爱抱怨,这我 倒是看不出来。你说,there‘s something fishy going on, 那是什么 意思呀?Fish不是鱼吗?
M: Oh, fishy is fish with a "y". It means there is something suspicious going on.
L: 你的意思是,你妹妹表现得那么好,和平时不一样,你觉得有点 可疑。为什么呢?
M: Because she always acts this way when she is trying to get our parents to let her do something.
L: 对,有些孩子是这样的。当他们想问家长要什么的时候就会表现 得出奇的好。要求满足了, 一切又照常了。
M: I can say something is fishy if I think someone is lying about something.
L: 这我就清楚了,你要是认为某个人在骗你,你就可以说:It seems fishy.
M: That‘s right.
L: 比方说,我那天接到一个旅行社的电话,说我得了一个奖。他说我可 以到四个地方去旅行一个星期只要二百美元,但是要我马上付这笔 钱。我当时就觉得可疑,I thought something was fishy, 对不对?
M: You‘re absolutely right. Let me tell you something, the travel company probably doesn‘t even exist. After you pay them, you won‘t be able to find them anymore.
L: 哟,幸亏我没上当。原来是骗局,等我付了钱,他们就消失了! 这可太气人了!
M: You really have to be careful whenever you smell something fishy.
( Michael和李华在飞机场)
L: Michael, 一个周末过得真快。好象刚到,现在又要搭飞机走了。
M: Look, half of the flights are canceled because of the snow, but ours is still on time. We really lucked out.
L: 噢,因为下雪,所以一半的航班都被取消了,我们的却还按时飞。 真是运气。你刚才说的lucked out大概就是运气的意思吧?
M: Yes, it means we were really fortunate.
L: 那每当我觉得运气好的时候,我都能用to luck out来表示吗?
M: Yes, for example, I can say I really lucked out on that test last week. I didn‘t study very much for it, but I still knew all the answers on the test.
L: 上星期的考试,我可没有考好。你没怎么念书倒是都能答出考题, you really lucked out on that test. 我可没有这种运气。我要不念书就 考不好。
M: Hold on a second, I think they just called my name. I hope nothing‘s wrong.
L: 对,我也听到他们叫你的名字呢,快去看看,有什么问题。
L: 怎么回事,Michael, 票子没有问题吧?
M: No, in fact I lucked out again. I dropped my wallet at the ticket counter. They just wanted to return it to me.
L: 哟,你钱包掉了还不知道,柜台捡到了还主动还给你。你哪 来那么好的运气呐!You really lucked out this time! 钱包里有多少钱 哪?
M: Not much, only ten bucks! Come on Li Hua, let‘s board the plane.
李华今天学到了两个常用语,一个是:fishy,意思是怀疑对方不老实,有花招;另一个是:to luck out,这是指没有料到的运气。 这里[流行美语]就学习到这里。我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
L: Michael,我很紧张。我不敢去和系主任谈话。。。 我看就算了吧, 我不要去要求加工资了。
M: What? Don‘t be such a wimp, Li Hua! You have to talk to her, if you want to get a raise.
L: 你刚才说什么? Don‘t be什么?
M: I said don‘t be a wimp. A wimp is a weak person, a coward, or someone who can‘t take pain. If you don‘t talk to your boss, then you are a wimp!
L: 噢,wimp就是软弱的人,胆小鬼,或者是怕痛的人。所以,你说要是我不和系主任谈,我就是胆小鬼。 哎,你这么说我太不公平了。 你才是a wimp。上星期你去捐血,针还没有碰到你, 你就哇哇大 叫,你不是wimp是什么?
M: I was not! You were a wimp when you crashed your bicycle. You cried because you hurt your arm!
L: 我那次骑自行车摔倒,受伤可严重了。不管怎么样,女孩子哭并不意味着她是一个软弱的人。
M: But you are a wimp! Remember yesterday, you couldn‘t open a bag of potato chips, because you‘re so weak!
L: 我昨天打不开一包土豆片,我没有力气,这也算是wimp? 我才不是呐!有一次,我们从学校走回你的家,一共三公里, 你至少在当中休息了两次。这才是软弱的表现呢!
M: All right, all right, stop goofing around. You need to go talk to your boss. If you don‘t go in there, you‘ll be a wimp with no money.
L: 对,我要不进去谈就加不了工资,人家肯定会说我没有骨气。看来,我别无选择,我就得进去要求系主任给我们加工资。
M: Well, Li Hua, how did it go?
L: 一点问题都没有。系主任同意我们应该增加工资。她说她会去争 取足够的资金给我们提高工资到每小时十二点五美元。
M: Wow! That‘s not bad Li Hua. It took a lot of guts to go in there like that.
L: Guts? 进去谈要许多什么?你说我什么嘛?你可别说我坏话。。。
M: No, no, when I say it took a lot of guts, I mean you had to be brave to do that!
L: 噢,guts就是勇气。Guts 不就是动物的内脏吗?是这个字吗?
M: That‘s right! You can say someone has a lot of guts. That means he is brave.
L: 嗯, a lot of guts就是有勇气。你刚才说it took a lot of guts to go in there。所以,it takes guts to do something就是要做某件事一定要 有勇气。
M: That‘s right. For instance: It took a lot of guts for you to come to the U.S. by yourself.
L: 对,我一个人独自到美国来是要有勇气才行的。你上回在我朋友 家唱卡拉OK,这也是要有勇气的呀!
M: You are right. Americans usually don‘t like to sing in public if they can‘t sing very well.
L: 好多中国人也不喜欢在大庭广众唱歌呀。这确实是要有勇气的。你那 天是因为喝了酒才敢唱。否则,你就是个wimp!
M: So are you! You only had enough guts today because I was here to support you. Usually you are a wimp!
L: 对,你陪我一起来给我壮胆,所以我才有勇气找系主任谈话。不 过呢,我至少没有在走回家的路上喘不过气来。 You are a wimp!
M: I guess we both are!
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Michael和李华白天上了好几门课,晚饭后又做功课。李华决定到Michael 的住处去休息一下,看一会电视。今天Michael 会教李华两个常用语:nerd 和cheesy。
M: Are you okay, Li Hua? What‘s wrong? Why are you crying?
L: 我没事。这个电视剧让人挺伤心的。我一看这种电视剧就会哭,真是 没办法。
M: You are such a nerd.
L: 你叫我什么?A nerd? 我知道那不是什么好话,可是nerd到底是什 么意思呢?
M: If you call someone a nerd, it means you think he is weird and not cool. It can be used in many different situations.
L: 噢,nerd是指那种跟一般人不一样,有点怪的人。Nerd可以用在 许多不同场合。那象你今天穿了这套衣服,怪怪的,我就可以 说:You‘re a nerd。 对不对?
M: Me? A nerd? Well, yes, you could call me a nerd.
L: 我肯定好多人都叫你a nerd。
M: As a matter of fact, when I was growing up, a lot of kids called me a nerd because I didn‘t fit in.
L: 你小的时候不合群,所以许多人都叫你nerd。我看你现在很合 群嘛。看不出你小时候是个nerd。你到底是怎么个不合群呢?
M: Well, as you know I was never very good at sports, and I never knew how to fit in with the cool kids.
L: 对,你好象告诉过我你从小就不太喜欢体育,跟那些很受欢迎的 同学也合不到一起。所以,你就成了一个nerd。
M: A typical nerd is someone who wears glasses and carries a lot of books.
L: 噢,那就是书呆子的形象,戴着眼镜,拿着许多书。
M: That‘s right. If someone is always studying, or seems to know the answers to everything, you can call him a nerd.
L: 老念书,什么都知道的人,那不就是书呆子吗?Michael,我看你 有的时候穿衣服有点怪,也许人家会叫你nerd,可是你绝对不会 成为书呆子。
M: I guess so! Li Hua, That TV show is so cheesy. I don‘t know why it‘s so popular.
L: 这个电视剧好多人都喜欢,包括我在内 。可你又在说什么批评的 话, 我不知道cheesy是什么意思,但是我知道你在说它不好。
M: Cheesy means tacky or dumb. It‘s usually used to describe a TV show, movie, or something someone says.
L: 噢,cheesy就是很俗气,质量很次,很愚蠢。人们经常用cheesy 这个词来形容电视节目,电影或者某个人说的话。
M: I think the new TV soap opera on Channel 6 is so cheesy. It is fake and the things they say on the shows are so weird. I don‘t know why these shows are so popular.
L: 对,我也看了六频道那个新的电视连续剧。情节是很虚假,对话 也很怪。可是你想知道为什么那么多人喜欢看吗?我来告诉你。看这 种电视剧总想知道结局嘛。我有的时候还会流泪的呢。
M: How can those cheesy TV shows make you cry? You‘re such a nerd.
L: 什么? 你说我是个nerd?
M: Don‘t be mad, Li Hua. But you are a nerd. No one cries while watching these cheesy TV shows!
L: 我才不信呢。你们这些不流眼泪的人缺乏感情,你们才是nerd。 我不 跟你说了,我要回去了。
M: No, no, Li Hua. Wait, at least you have to finish watching this cheesy TV show so that you know who‘s going to marry whom.
L: 对了,不看完这个电视剧,不知道结局,我也睡不着。那就看 吧!
看来今天李华真是生气了,因为Michael说她是个nerd, 也就是说她这个人有点怪。后来她同意继续在Michael 家看完那个很cheesy的电视节目。Cheesy 就是很俗气, 没有水平的意思。这次[流行美语]就学习到这里。我们下次再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
昨天晚上Michael 和一个老同学一起出去玩, 两个人都喝得酩酊大醉。现在李华来找他一起去看一个新的艺术展览。李华会学到两个常用语:wasted和 to get a kick out of something。
L: 嗨, Michael,快走吧,该去看展览了!
M: Give me a moment, Li Hua. Last night a friend and I went out to a bar and got wasted, so I don‘t feel very good right now.
L: Got wasted? 你说你们浪费了好多钱呀?
M: No, Li Hua, when I say we got wasted I mean we got very very drunk.
L: 噢,你们到酒吧去了。你说的wasted意思是喝酒喝得酩酊大醉, 不是指浪费。
M: We were so wasted that we couldn‘t even stand up straight.
L: 你们真是要命,喝得站都站不直。干吗要喝那么多呢?这么喝对你身体不好的。
M: I know. My best friend from high school came to visit, and we usually get wasted when we meet.
L: 中学时的好朋友来看你,一高兴就喝多了,这我可以理解。在中国,老同学见面的时候,我们总是会开个party, 往往喝好多酒, 可是我们不见得会醉到象你这种程度。
M: Ugh. It always seems like a lot of fun when I get completely wasted, but the next day, I regret it.
L: 是啊,喝得大醉的时候觉得很好玩,到第二天你就后悔了。得了,你得换换衣服,吃点东西。我们得早点去,否则人会太多了。
M: Eat something? Are you kidding? I can‘t even open my eyes without feeling sick.
L: 哟,你睁开眼睛就想吐呀?那是不能吃东西。Michael,幸好今天是星期六,否则你整天就不能上课,什么事也做不了。
M: Yes, I‘m in graduate school, and I can‘t afford to miss too many classes.
L: 研究生要缺太多课可不是开玩笑的。得了,我看你还是先洗一个澡,再喝点茶,这样可能会好些。
M: Okay, I‘ll try.
L: Michael,你觉得怎么样,好点吗?快,我们走吧!
M: Li Hua, don‘t speak so loudly. I still have a headache. I think you get a kick out of watching me suffer.
L: 你说什么?你想踢我?
M: No, I said you get a kick out of watching me suffer. That means, you enjoy watching me suffer.
L: 噢,to get a kick out of something意思就是为了什么事感到很开心。 这个kick跟踢球的kick是同一个字吗?
M: That‘s right.
L: 我干吗看见你难受我就高兴呢? 你是自作自受!
M: I know, I know...you‘re a good friend. You get a kick out of helping people, not watching them suffer.
L: 这你说得还象样,我才不愿意看见别人难受,我很高兴帮助别人。 帮助象你这样的美国学生学中文我就很高兴。
M: I‘m so useless. I only get a kick out of doing stupid things, like getting wasted or watching old cartoons.
L: 偶然喝醉一次,看看老的卡通片也不能说自己没有用嘛。你看到你的学生英语有进步,不也让你很高兴吗?
M: Yes, I guess I do get a kick out of watching my students learn.
L: Michael, 走吧! 嗨,看完展览要不要再去喝个酩酊大醉呀?
M: Arrrgh! Li Hua, you really do get a kick out of tormenting me. I‘ll never get wasted for the rest of my life. I promise.
L: 我只是开个玩笑而已。不过,我倒是希望你这辈子再也不要喝那么多酒了!
别看Michael 昨晚喝醉了,今天还晕乎乎的。可是他教了李华两个很有用的常用语,一个是:wasted,那是指喝得大醉;另一个是:to get a kick out of something,那就是为某件事感到很高兴。这次的[流行美语]就到此结束,下次节目再见。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
Michael和李华好几天没见了,今天刚好在校园里碰到,两个人就聊起来了。李华会学到两个常用语:to chip in和snail mail。
L: 嗨,Michael,Bob明天开生日party, 你去吗?
M: Yes, I‘m going with a few friends. We decided to chip in and buy him a leather jacket. He‘s been talking about buying a jacket for a long time.
L: 你要和几个朋友一起去参加 party,还要给他买一件皮夹克。可是皮夹克很贵,你们是不是准备大家凑钱给他买?你刚才说chip in是不是就是这个意思呀?
M: That‘s right. To chip in, means to each contribute money to buy something.
L: 那就是我们中国人说的凑钱买东西。
M: Usually you say "chip in" if each person in a group of people gives some money to buy someone a present.
L: 要是每个人都出一些钱给谁买个礼物,人们一般就会说to chip in。
M: To give you another example, my mother said her colleagues always chip in to buy gifts to celebrate someone‘s birthday or when someone has a new baby.
L: 你妈妈的同事往往会凑钱买礼物给过生日的同事,或者给刚生孩子的同事。这跟上面你说的几个朋友凑钱给Bob买皮夹克差不多。To chip in还可以用在其它什么场合吗?
M: You can also use "to chip in" if you are going out with a group of people for dinner or a drink.
L: 噢,几个朋友一起出去吃饭,喝酒,每个人出一些钱来付帐也可以说是chip in。
M: Yes, the guys and I usually each chip in a few dollars when we go out for pizza on Friday nights。Last week, I paid 10 dollars, Bob chipped in $4, John gave $2. There is one guy who never chips in. He‘s cheap. It really makes me mad.
L: 等等,上星期五你们几个人出去吃比萨饼,你付了十美元,Bob出了四美元,John出了两美元。还有一个小气鬼,从来不出钱。他真好意思!Why don‘t you ditch him, 甩了他不得了!
M: Oh, we‘ve been friends for many years, and it‘s only a few bucks!
L: 哟,既然朋友多年,也就几块钱的事,你不愿意甩了他,那你就别生气啊!Michael, 你手里拿的是什么?好象是信吧!现在还有人写信呀?
M: I got two letters today from a couple of old friends! I hardly ever get snail mail anymore.
L: 你收到两个老朋友给你的来信。你说什么?Snail mail, snail不就是蜗牛吗?mail 就是信。 信和蜗牛又有什么关系呀?
M: "Snail" is an animal known for its slow movement. "Snail mail" means real letters that you get in your mailbox.
L: 噢,我知道了。蜗牛走的很慢,所以snail mail就是指通过邮局寄的信。以前怎么没有听说snail mail这个说法呢?
M: Well, ever since e-mail became popular, people have used "snail mail" to talk about paper mail, because it is slower than e-mail.
L: 对,邮局寄的信和电子邮件相比真是要慢多了。叫它“蜗牛信”倒也挺形象的。
M: Yes, everyone is so busy nowadays, no one seems to have time to write snail mail anymore.
L: 你说得一点不错。大家都很忙,没有多少人还会坐在那儿写信。邮局里送来的邮件不是账单,就是广告。这些也能叫做snail mail 吗?
M: No, only a letter written to you by a friend or family member can really be called "snail mail".
L: 噢,人们只有把亲友写的信叫做snail mail。说起写信,我真是应该给我爸爸妈妈写信了。
M: I‘m just too lazy to write snail mail. I think I‘ll go write some e-mails.
L: 你的亲友都在美国,都有电脑。我的父母在中国,他们还没有电脑,所以,I have to write snail mails to them。我得走了,下回再聊吧!
M: Okay, bye!
李华今天学到两个常用语,一个是:to chip in, 意思是凑钱买什么东西,或者是凑钱付大家一起吃饭的钱。另一个是:snail mai,这是指通过邮局寄的信。今天的[流行美语]就学习到这里,我们下次节目再会。
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李华到美国来念书还不到一年,纽约有好多地方她还没有去过。今天Michael 带李华到一个夜总会去玩。李华有点紧张,但是她会学到两个常用语:uptight和to get it 。
M:Hey Li Hua, why are you sitting over here next to the bar? Why don‘t you go out and dance?
M:Oh come on! Don‘t be so uptight! Everyone is having a good time except for you.
M:I said, don‘t be uptight. Uptight means tense, irritable, or unable to relax.
L:Uptight 就是紧张,显得烦躁,不能放松。Uptight 这个词是怎么拼的?
M:Uptight, u-p-t-i-g-h-t. You really are uptight! We‘re at a dance club, and you‘re still trying to learn English!
M:Hmph. You‘re never this uptight when you are with your Chinese friends. You‘re never afraid to sing karaoke, even it sounds so bad!
L:跟中国朋友在一起我当然不紧张咯,我跟他们都很熟嘛。我知道我唱卡拉OK 唱得很难听,但是我也不怕。
M:Hmm. Sometimes if I feel a bit uptight, I have a few beers. That helps me relax.
L:Michael, 你得小心,不要在感到紧张的时候为了放松而喝酒。这样你会越喝越多的。
M:I don‘t always drink when I feel uptight. Just sometimes.
M:Stop being so uptight, have a drink. Come on, I‘ll buy you something.
L:行,行。让我想想。。。我要一个Jack and Coke.
M:Be right back!
M:I don‘t get it, Li Hua. I thought You liked to dance.
L:你没有什么?Don‘t get 什么?
M:I said "I don‘t get it". Don‘t - get- it. That means I don‘t understand.
L:噢,don‘t get it 就是不懂。那要是我想学什么,可是又弄不清楚,弄不懂,我就可以说:“I don‘t get it." 对吗?
M:That‘s right! Like my dog, Ralph. I tried to teach him to sit whenever I tell him to. But he still doesn‘t understand me. He doesn‘t get it.
L:等等,你要训练你的狗,叫它坐哪里就坐哪里,它弄不懂你的要求,这也能说:He doesn‘t get it.
M:Yes. If I tell you a joke, and you understand it, you can say: "I get it."
L:要是我懂你说的笑话,我可以说:“I get it." 可是,Michael, 你说的笑话,我大多数都听不懂。
M:There you go again...you are always so uptight.
L:听不懂你的笑话也怪我紧张呀? Michael, you don‘t get it, 我根本就不紧张。
M:Wait, I get it! You‘re being uptight because Zhao Lifeng is dancing over there. Everyone says you like him!
L:什么!说我喜欢赵立封!他在那儿跟别人跳舞,所以我就很紧张。 Michael, you really don‘t get it at all. 赵立封是我好朋友的男朋友,我要跟他跳舞,我的好朋友就会生气。何况我也不喜欢他。
M:Whatever you say, Li Hua. But you still don‘t have to be so uptight. You can dance with me.
L:好吧,我跟你跳舞,这样你就不会再说我uptight 了。 (dance music)
今天李华学到两个常用语:to get it, or don‘t get it 意思是懂某件事,或弄不懂某件事;另一个是:uptight,也就是一个人显得很紧张。
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李华来laundromat洗衣服,正巧碰上也在那儿洗衣服的Michael. 在他们二人一起洗衣服的时候,Michael教给了李华两个流行的美语:Flip out和 off my back。
L: Michael,最近你跟邻居处的如何?他们每天晚上还是吵的很厉害吗?
M: It’s funny you should mention that. Last night they had their music turned on so loud that I finally just flipped out and went over and yelled at them.
L: 你做的对,你终于去吼他们了。可是你刚才说你flipped out,那是什么意思啊? 是不是指你气疯了的意思?
M:Yeah, to flip out means to go crazy because you are very angry about something. People sometimes flip out because they just can‘t stand something anymore.
L: 你在忍了好多个星期整日震天价响的吵声之后,终于忍无可忍对他们大发雷霆了。
M: Yes. I really don’t like to complain to my neighbors, but it was so loud that my windows were shaking.
L: 我真不敢相信在昨晚之前你早没有气疯。你怎么能够读书呢?更别说晚上睡觉了。
M: Well, it is pretty difficult.
L: 我要是你的话,早在八百年前就发火了。对了,你能不能再给我举个例子来说明怎么用 flip out?
M: Let me see. Well, do you remember I told you about the time I left my keys in the door of my apartment overnight? When my roommate found the keys in the morning, he totally flipped out.
M: Yeah, he was so angry that I thought he was going to kill me. He said that, since we don’t live in a very good neighborhood, I should be more careful. He said I had put both of our lives in danger.
L: 他我想你该更小心点,不过我认为你是无心之失,他实在不必生那么大气flipped out。
M: Well, my roommate was always getting angry at me for one thing or another. I am glad he doesn’t live with me anymore.
L: Hey, Michael, 你的衣服是不是洗好了?
M: Yeah, I have to put my clothes in the dryer.
L: So, Michael, 你告诉我你怒气冲天地对你邻居大吼大叫,可是你没告诉我他们的反应是什么。
M: Not very well. The girl just yelled at me and said “get off my back”. I think I’m going to have to talk to the apartment company.
L: 我的老天,他们非但没向你道歉,居然还朝着你吼。不过那个女孩说“get off my back”是什么意思啊?
M: To “get off my back” means to leave me alone or stop bugging me about something.
L: Oh,要是你说“get off my back”, 就是表示:别管我闲事或是说别为了什么事来烦我。
M: She told me to get off her back, because they were just having some friends over and listening to some music.
L: 说所以当你告诉别人get off your back, 也就是要他别来烦你的时候,同时表示你认为你根本没做甚么错事。
M: That’s right, Li Hua. Well, her roommate was a little more polite to me. She said they would turn down the music a little bit. But a couple hours later, they turned it back up again.
L:现在你要怎么办啊? Michael?
M: I think I’ve got to talk to the apartment company now. I don’t care if that girl told me to get off her back.
L: 我想既然你的邻居根本不理会你,那就是唯一可行的办法了。有了什么结果再告诉我, Michael!
今天在洗衣时,Michael告诉李华说他的邻居实在太吵了,以致他因为太愤怒flip out而去吼骂邻居,但是他的邻居恼羞成怒,要他get off her back,也就是要 Michael别管她闲事,别再烦她。
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M: Man, last night I just vegged out in front of the TV all night.
L: 你说什么? 你说你在电视机前面vegged out? 是不是说你在电视机前面吃生菜?
M: No, no, no It doesn‘t have anything to do with vegetables! To veg out, V-E-G O-U-T, means to sit around and do nothing.
L: 噢,原来如此。“to veg out”意思是说无所事事,呆坐在那里。那你干吗不出去呢?
M: I was supposed to go out with some friends, but I was too tired after being at work all day. That‘s why I ended up vegging out in front of the TV all day.
L: 啊,原来你是太累了,昨晚你除了呆坐在家里,什么也没干。那么veg out 和英语里面另外一个形容:老是坐在电视机前的人是个couch potato一不一样呢?
M: Yes, it is similar to being a couch potato. However, if you are vegging out, that does not necessarily mean you are watching TV or eating like a couch potato does.
L: 那样的话,要是我去了公园,呆坐在那儿,啥事也没干, 那还能不能说我在公园里vegging out呢?
M: No, if you veg out you usually do so at home. You may be reading, listening to music, watching TV or just sitting there. Basically, your are not thinking of anything very complicated.。
L: 所以说要是你veg out的话,通常都是赋闲在家呆坐的。如果你累了一天,或者一直辛苦地在做一件事,看来你多半会翘起二郎腿,什么事也不做,休闲休闲了。
M: Yes, that‘s true. People often veg out after a long day of working or studying. Sometimes, they veg out when they should be working or studying, but then don‘t feel like it.
L: 噢,这样的话,听起来好像是当一个人该做某件事,却投闲置散,拖到以后再去做,那就是veg out了。
M: Yeah, you can also say“vegged”for short, as in “I totally just vegged last night in front of the TV.”
L: 迈可,让咱们先停下来歇会儿吧。
L: 我真难以相信你星期六还得上班,我以为你是星期一到星期五上班呢。
M: Usually, I do only have to work from Monday through Friday. But my supervisor has really been in my face about getting this project done. I needed to get it done by Monday, so I decided to come in over the weekend.
L: 我懂得,你是说你的领导一直在逼着你做完你的工作。可是你是怎么说的? In my face? 那是什么意思啊?
M: To say that my supervisor was “in my face” means that he has been giving me a lot of pressure about finishing the project. Just imagine someone who is standing close to your face, demanding that you finish something.
L: 要是你说某人是in your face的话,听起来可不是什么好事。像是他不断地在提醒你该做什么事。看来你的领导是个很难处的人啊。
M: Actually, he is not that bad. I really like him as a person. He is just very demanding when it comes to finishing work on time. He has an “in your face” personality.
L:这样说来,你也可以说某人有“in your face”的个性呐。
M: Yes, that means they have a very aggressive, direct personality. Someone like that usually doesn‘t care what other people think about their ideas.
L: 这样形容一个人的个性,听起来不太尊敬。
M: You’re right, it‘s not a very nice thing to say about someone. You probably shouldn‘t tell someone directly that you think they have been in your face about something.
L: 谈到“in my face”,大太阳正照在我脸上,可真把我晒得够呛,咱们到里边儿去找个阴凉地方吧。
M: Okay, how about getting some ice cream? There‘s an ice cream store right over there.
L: 好主意,咱们走吧。
今天迈可和李华一块儿去买东西,李华学了两个新词儿:"veg out"和“in my face”."veg out"是说什么事也不做,完全轻松一下;“in my face”是一种咄咄逼人的态度或者个性。
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这一天迈可准备和李华一起温习功课,在他们两人对话的时候,李华学到了两个新词儿:“to be into” 和“geek”.
L: Hi迈可! 我马上要考试了,你帮我温习一下功课好吗?Hey, 你在看什么书啊? Hmmph! 是本漫画?
M: Yes, it is a comic book. I really used to be into comic books when I was a high school student, but now I don’t have much time to read them
L: “Be into” 漫画书,你是指你总是把头埋进漫画书里边儿?
M: Well, not exactly. Be. B-E. Into. I-N-T-O. “to be into” means to be very interested in something, and to know a lot about it.
L: Oh, 你指的是一种嗜好。可是我以为只有儿童才看漫画书的。你未免年纪太大了点儿吧?
M: Please! Comic books are not only for children. A lot of people my age are into comic books. And in Japan, everyone reads them, young or old.
L: 我想你对 漫画书很有兴趣也没什么不好。而且你还有其它好些兴趣。
M: That’s right! I am into dancing. I am also into camping and watching sports。
L: 我就不喜欢看运动节目。我倒是对连续剧兴趣很浓。I
M: Why are you still into soap operas? They are soooo boring! At least the people who play sports are real!
L: 你看你的漫画书,我看我的连续剧。不论如何,我还有些真正的嗜好。举例来说,我就对中国书法就非常有兴趣,只不过,老实说,我的字老写不好。
M: That’s not true! I think your calligraphy is very good. You have been into calligraphy for a long time, haven’t you?
L: 不错,我很小的时候,我妈妈就逼着我练字。那时候,我一点也不喜欢,可是现在我真感激她那时逼着我练字。
M: Also, you are into learning English.
L: 那倒也是,不过那可不是我的嗜好。在中国,我们从中学就开始学英语了。
M: Well, at least you are lucky you started young. I have only been into learning Chinese for a couple of years, and my Chinese is terrible!
L: 不,迈可,那你可说的不对,你的普通话说的挺好的。
L: 迈可,你是不是该停下来,别再看那漫画书,该开始复习功课了。
M: Li Hua, you sound like my mother. Anyway, I can’t put this comic book down. I am such a comic book geek.
L: 你说你是什么?一个“geek”? 那是什么意思?
M: Well, a "geek" is soomeone who spends all of their time with their special interests or hobbies. They are mor concerned about their hobbies than being "cool" or making friends.
L: geek是怎么拼?的这个字听起来好怪噢。
M: Geek. G-E-E-K.
L: 这样的话,我能不能说篮球名将Michael Jordan 是一个篮球 geek?
M: Well, not really. Geeks are not usually into playing sports. They like things like comic books, computers, collecting stamps, reading science fiction books。
L: 这样说来,一个 geek所喜欢的东西别人未必喜欢。他们专心注意的是用脑筋和想象力的东西,但是不需要身体动得太多。
M: That sounds about right. Geeks often put their hobbies before other things, such as their social life, meeting girls, gaining a useful education.
L: Aha! 你就是一个地道的 geek! 你就情愿看漫画书而不肯学习。有的时候你宁愿在家玩儿电子游戏而不肯外出跟朋友们混在一起。
M: Gee, thanks Li Hua. Anyway, I am not completely a geek. I do study hard most of the time. I do like to dance, and I do have a lot of female friends.
L: 好了,好了算你是半个geek. 对了,我有个表弟就是一个geek。他老是看武打电影和玩电子游戏。他从不穿一件像样的衣服,他也不在乎找不找到工作。
M: Yes, your cousin sounds like a real geek to me. A lazy geek.
L: 可是他至少不像你那样是一个漫画书geek!
M: I am into comic books. So what?
今天迈可和李华二人本来是要在一起温习功课的,结果聊起了:“to be into” 和“geek”这两个新词儿。李华现在明白了“to be into” 就是一个人对一件事物特别有兴趣,也对那件事物特别懂。“geek”是说一个人只花时间在他发生浓厚兴趣的嗜好上,别的都不管不顾。
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今天李华和Michael一起吃午饭 的时候,聊起了李华的室友小陈。Michael在谈话中教给李华两个年轻人常用的词:psycho和laid back。
M: Hey Li Hua. You look a little upset about something. What‘s up?
L: 哎,还不是我的室友,她今天又找我的麻烦,说是以后再也 不让我做中国菜,因为她受不了厨房里的油烟味。
M: She said what? Your roommate is a psycho! She‘s crazy!
L: 你刚才说她是什么?
M: I called her a psycho. P-S-Y-C-H-O.
L: 我猜想,a psycho 就是中文里常说的“神经病”,对吧?
M: That‘ right. Also, psycho was the name of a famous movie about a crazy person who killed people in a hotel.
L: 嗯,我听说过[惊魂记]这部电影。不过,你说我室友是个 psycho,你不是真的以为她发疯了吧?
M: Well, I guess she isn‘t crazy. Usually we just call someone with strange behavior, and a bad unpredictable temper, a psycho.
L: Bad, unpredictable temper,无缘无故乱发脾气,哎呀,这简直说的 就是我室友嘛。Michael,再给我举几个psycho的例子好吗?
M: Well, my last boss was a real psycho. One time, I came to work one minute late, and he yelled at me in front of everyone.
L: 真的? 他当着很多人的面骂你啊。这种人真是有毛病。哎,你 可不可以想想看,还有什么psycho的例子呢?
M: Well, ask any American, and they‘ll probably tell you about some famous serial killer, they are psychos.
L: 噢,psycho也可以真的指一个心理变态的杀人狂。
M: That‘s right. We might call someone who kills people for no reason a psycho.
L: 这么说, 我那个室友倒是没那么严重了,可我总得想办法和她 好好相处,你说对不对, Michael?
M: Well, when is your apartment lease going to expire? You can always ditch your psycho roommate and find a new one.
L: 好主意,我们公寓的租约还有两个月就到期了。到时候我就可以 搬出去了。
### ### ###
M: Well, let‘s look at the roommate wanted ads in the paper.
L: 你说我们来看看“寻找室友”的广告啊。让我来看看,这条广告 说Wanted: friendly, laid back female roommate to share a two bedroom apartment。Michael,这个“laid back”是什么意思啊?
M: Laid back, laid, L-A-I-D; back, B-A-C-K. Describes someone who does not get angry or excited easily. This person doesn‘t want a psycho roommate.
L: 噢,laid back 是形容一个人个性比较随和,不会轻易发脾气。 Michael,你觉不觉得我脾气很好,很容易相处啊?
M: Well, I guess so. Usually you are laid back. But, not always...
L: 你这是什么意思,干吗吞吞吐吐的,有话直说嘛。
M: Well, remember when you got angry at your roommate for breaking your bicycle and then blaming you?
L: 我承认那次我很生气,但那是因为我的室友先对我无理取闹啊。
M: And you certainly weren‘t very laid back when she tricked you on April Fool‘s day.
L: 就是嘛, 那次也是因为她在愚人节捉弄我才惹我发脾气的。
M: Well and then your roommate.......
L: 够了,够了,别再提我的室友了,我每次生气都是被她害的。
M: You‘re right, Li Hua. She‘s the problem, not you. You‘d better find a new, laid back roommate.
L: 对,我们赶快看广告吧。 你看这个广告说:Asian girl, seeks female roommate for two bedroom apartment. Call Xiaoli Chen. 我的天 哪,这是我室友嘛 。她居然在瞒着我登广告。真把我气死了。
今天李华学会两个新词,一个是psycho,指的是一个人行为反常,爱发脾气;另一个是laid back,就是个性比较随和的意思。
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李华前段时间通过了驾驶执照的考试, 现在可以自己开车了。迈可也坐在她的车里,从他们二人的对话中,李华学到了两个常用语: take it easy和to chew out。
L: 考完试了,现在有了驾照真好。我觉得我能够去任何地方,做 任何想做的事了。
M: I know what you mean. American kids feel the same way when they turn 16 and get their licenses. Too bad you don‘t have a car.
L: 那有什么关系,我可以跟你借啊,对不对?哎呀 Hey! What do you think you are doing? Do you want to be killed? Michael,你看那个 骑自行车的孩子,我差点儿撞了他!
M: Hey, hey, take it easy Li Hua! You really scared that kid. He looked really scared.
L: Michael, 你刚才说什么?什么easy?
M: I said take it easy! That means you need to calm down, not get too excited.
L: Take it easy? Take it easy是冷静下来,别太气了的意思? Take是T- A-K-E. It是I-T. Easy是E-A-S-Y,对吧?
M: Yes, you‘ve got it. That boy was almost in a very bad accident, and he was startled. You don‘t need to make him feel worse.
L: 你说的不错,看样子他都快哭了。
M: Hey, Li Hua, you‘re going to be driving on your own soon. I hope you learn to take it easy and not get angry at everyone.
L: 你说的对。要是我冷静开车的话,也许我的车会开的更好。
M: I‘m sure you will. You just finished a difficult test. You should take it easy. Let‘s go get some lunch, my treat.
L: 你要请客啊?行,我是应该放松放松了。 我要好好享受今天剩 下的时间。
M: Man, Li Hua, you really chewed that kid out.
L: 你指的是刚才骑车的那个小孩?你说我对他怎么了?
M: You chewed him out! I mean you yelled and got angry at him. Chewed, C-H-E-W-E-D; Out, O-U-T.
L: 噢,你是说我发脾气大骂了那个孩子,是吧?
M: That‘s right. If someone gets angry and yells at you, and starts criticizing your behavior, they are chewing you out.
L: 原来如此,我也不知道为什么我大骂那个小孩,大概是当时我也 害怕的缘故。
M: Are you upset about something else? You seem to have a bad temper today.
L: 我是有点气,因为昨天刘教授对我生气。因为我该教中文的课, 我去晚了五分钟。刘教授就对我大发脾气。
M: That‘s too bad. I don‘t like being chewed out like that either. Especially when I know I was wrong.
L: Hey, 那可不是我的错,我自行车的链子又脱落了。 为什么发生 这类事情你总是怪我?
M: Hey, take it easy, Li Hua! Don‘t chew me out! I was talking about myself, not you.
L: 我的天,是我不对,不知道我今天是怎么回事。我想跟每个人 发脾气。
M: You must be stressed. First, Professor Liu chewed you out, then you almost ran over the kid on the bike.
L: 你说的对,我真不该对任何人都发脾气。我应该开开心心的。
M: At least you should be happier than I am. Yesterday, my roommate chewed me out. He said I always make a mess in the living room, and he is tired of cleaning up after me.
L: 也许你是把房子弄得很乱,可是你室友也不该对你发脾气啊。
M: He was right, though. I really need to get rid of my bad habits.
今天李华学到了两个常用语,一个是Take it easy,意思是冷静下来,或者放轻松些。另一个是to chew out,意思是发脾气骂人。
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今天是周末,Michael和李华去 打台球。李华一边玩一边还学了两个年轻人常用的词:to rule和to blow money on something.
L: 哎呀,我不想玩了。我老是输给你,这样玩还有什么意思啊。
M: Hey! You don‘t need to get angry just because I rule at the pool table!
L: 啊? 你在台球桌上做了什么?你是不是耍了什么花招,怕我生气啊?
M: Absolutely not! I said that I rule the pool table. That means that I am the best at playing pool. I can defeat anyone. Rule, R-U-L-E.
L: 噢,我明白了, rule在这里指的是你玩台球玩得最棒,可以打败任何人。对不对,Michael?
M: That‘s right! I am king of the pool table! I rule!
L: 嘿,你不要那么得意好不好。你忘了那天打乒乓球,你连连败在 我的手下。你呀,对乒乓球这种体育运动简直是一窍不通。
M: Sport? Ping-pong is not a sport! It‘s a game! You might rule at that little game. But I rule at pool, a man‘s game!
L: 你在瞎说什么啊。我不跟你争了。你还是多给我解释解释 rule 这个词吧。
M: Well, I can say "I rule the pool table"; that means that I dominate the game. Or I can say "I rule at" doing something. In either case it means the same thing: I am the best!
L: 好了,好了,就算你是最棒的吧。那 rule 还有什么别的用法呢?
M: Sometimes we just say something or someone rules without adding any other words. For instance, I can say "Chinese food rules!", that means I think it is great.
L: 噢,那如果我说:Michael Jordan rules!,就表示我认为他是最棒的篮球运动员,对不对?
M: That‘s right. When we say a person rules, that means we think they are the best, or at least that they are impressive.
L: 哎,Michael,你看那边有个人老往我们这边看,没准他是想和你比赛,怎么样,敢不敢跟他比?
M: Whatever, I rule the pool table, no matter who I play against!
L: Michael,你打得怎么样, 输了还是赢了?
M: Not so well. Say, Li Hua, can I borrow five dollars? I just blew my money on playing pool with them, and I need to put gas in the car so we can get home.
L: 你说你的钱怎么了?哎呀,你是不是在赌博啊?
M: No, I said I blew my money on pool. That means I spent all of my money very quickly. Blew, B-L-E-W. It‘s the past tense for blow.
L: 噢,“blow money on something”就是为了做某件事很快把口袋里 的钱花光了。
M: That‘s right. Like when we were at the mall the other day, and you blew a whole week‘s pay on shoes.
L: 我是花了一星期的工资买鞋,可你不觉得我买的鞋价廉物美,所以不能说我浪费啊。
M: Well, I guess sometimes it‘s ok to blow one‘s money on something useful.
L: 就是嘛。哎,我倒是想起了一个你乱花钱的例子,记不记得你大 学一年级的时候到赌城拉斯维加斯,blew all of your money on black jack。
M: Ha ha ha....what a wonderful memory. but, I‘ll never blow all of my money like that again. I am older and wiser now.
L: 得了吧,你年龄的确是越来越大,可脑筋并没有越来越聪明。要 不然你今天怎么会玩台球把钱都花光呢?
M: Those guys are good. They play quickly, and they both beat me several times. Also, we agreed that the loser had to pay for the pool table. So of course I blew all of my money very quickly.
今天Michael可是够倒霉的,输了球,还花光了钱;不过李华倒 是收获不小,她今天学到两个很有用的词,一个是:to rule,是很棒的意思,另一个是:to blow one‘s money on something,意思是把钱都浪费在了某样东西上。
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今天李华和 Michael二人一起开车到市中心,他们想要找个停车的空位。在他们二人对话中,李华会学到两个常用语:a big deal和give it a shot。
M: Man, I hate trying to park my car in this city! There are never any spaces. Hey look! There‘s one!
L: 啊!我看到了那个位子。 Um, Michael, 可是我不知道我该不该停 那儿。我的停车技术很 差,我怕出差错把车给撞了。
M: Don‘t worry about it! You have to learn this sooner or later. Give it a shot!
L: 你说什么?Give what? 我该把车干吗?
M: I said give it a shot, that means try or give it a try. We say give a shot when we ask someone to try something they are not sure they can do.
L: 噢,你用的字 shot, S-H-O-T. 就好像开枪射击的那个 shot,是不 是?
M: That‘s right. For instance, when you are taking a test, and you are not sure of the answer to a question, you still have to give it a shot and try to guess the correct answer.
L: 奥,give it a shot原来指的是尽量试试,即使你没有多大信心。
M: That‘s right. Now you try and use this phrase. Go ahead, give it a shot!
L: Hmm, 如果说你想要申请一个很好的工作,可是又怕自己得不到,你就可以说:Give it a shot! 反正你也不会有什么损失的。
M: You‘ve got it.
L: 那还有没有其它场合可以用shot这个字的?
M: Well, we might also say give it your best shot.
L: 好,所以我们也可以说“give it your best shot”, 意思就是全力以赴去试一下。
M: That‘s right. Now you‘d better move your car into that space. We shouldn‘t sit here in the middle of the road. Go ahead and park, give it a shot!
L: 好,我就试试。
L: 我的天, Michael,我撞到哪里了?
M: Don‘t worry Li Hua, it‘s not a big deal. The bumper just hit the parking meter.
L: 你说不大什么?不管撞倒哪儿都不得了啊。
M: No no, I said its not a big deal. That means it‘s not very serious.
L: Oh, 那“big deal”是哪两个字,怎么拼?
M: Big, B-I-G; Deal, D-E-A-L. If something is a big deal it is very serious, or very important to someone.
L: 奥,我明白了,当我撞上停车计时表,你说 its not a big deal,你的意思是说没什么大不了的。我并没有造成多大损害。
M: Yeah, at least I don‘t think you did. Maybe you scratched the bumper or the parking meter. You didn‘t really damage the car or meter, so it‘s not a big deal.
L: 原来如此,但愿你说的对。哎,还有,要是不用 not 这个字可以 吗?
M: Sure you can, for instance, it was a big deal for me when I turned 16 and got a drivers license.
L: 对。对美国青年人来说,拿到驾驶执照可真是一件大事。
M: Looks like you understand how to use this phrase. Why don‘t you make another sentence?
L: 好,我就用它造句子: It was a very big deal for Chinese people when Beijing got the chance to host the 2008 Summer Olympics.
M: It sure was! I remember on TV, I saw a lot of people in Beijing partying when that happened.
L: 哎呀,别多说了。我得赶快把车停好。
M: Yep, if a cop sees you stopping traffic, he might think it is a big deal. Move out of the space and try to park again. Give it another shot!
今天李华学到了两个常用语:a big deal 和give it a shot。A big deal是指很重大,或者严重的事。Give it a shot 指的是尽力去试。
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今天Michael和李华二人到了纽约一个公园去看烟火,李华学到了两个新词:packed和 hype。
L: 我老天,这个公园可真挤,但愿我们能够找到个地方坐下。
M: Yeah, it‘s really packed today. I‘ve never seen this many people here.
L: 你是怎么说的?你是说人好多吗?
M: Yes, I said the park is packed. That means it is crowded, there are a lot of people here.
L: 噢,我懂了,你说的 packed,P-A-C-K-E-D 这个字,就是通常你 说打包的pack那个字吧?
M: That‘s right. Here we say "be packed" to show that a place is full of people, just like a box packed full of stuff.
L: 我想我懂了,那中国人口很多,我是不是可以说China is packed?
M: No, that‘s not really right: China has a lot of people, but China is also a very big place. We usually use packed to describe a small place full of people.
L: 嗯,原来如此,好像在中国春节期间,每班火车都挤的满满的, 那我就可以说:在春节前那个星期the trains are packed,对不对?
M: That‘s right. Around Spring Festival, the buses are packed as well, right?
L: 那当然了,事实上,中国的公共汽车永远都是挤的满满的, 很 难找到个座位,至少在各个大都市都是这样。
M: So, in China what other kinds of places might be packed with people?
L: Well,我记得我去看[泰坦尼克号]那部电影时,电影院是挤的很 满,好像每个人都要看哪部电影似的。
M: Ewww. I don‘t really understand why people liked that movie so much. I thought it was boring.
L: 管它是啥原因,Michael,反正中国各地的电影院总是很挤就 是了。
M: Hey, the show is starting.
L: 哎,Michael,你觉得今天的烟火如何?
M: Well I guess they were ok, but I was hoping they would be better.
L: 你觉得还可以更好一些?可是我觉得已经很好了。
M: But there was so much hype about this show! Every newspaper said it was going to be the greatest fireworks display in New York history!
L: 你说太多什么?你说这次烟火怎么了?
M: I said there was a lot of hype, H-Y-P-E. Hype means a lot of excitement or praise about something that you might hear about before you see it.
L: Oh,所以hype就是指大家总是把一件事说的比实际情况还要好。 对不对?
M: Yeah, that‘s right. For instance, there was a lot of hype about Titanic, but I don‘t think it was as good as the hype said it would be.
L: Hmm,你说the hype about Titanic,因此我们就应该说 there is hype about something,对不对?
M: That‘s right. For example, I remember hearing a lot of hype about the Forbidden City in Beijing, but I didn‘t think it was very interesting.
L: 你说什么?你居然说北京故宫不好,那可是中国保存历史古迹的 一颗 明珠哎。
M: I didn‘t say it wasn‘t important to Chinese history. I just didn‘t think it was very fun to visit, at least not as fun as all the hype said it would be.
L: Michael,谁管你怎么想的呢。哎,你说报上对今天的烟火作了很 多宣传,到底是怎么说的呢?
M: Well, the newspapers said it was going to be larger and more exciting than anything ever shown in the city before. But really I think that was just hype. This year wasn‘t much different from last year.
L: Michael,要是你总是听人宣传的话,你一定会失望的。
M: I guess you are right.
今天Michael 和李华到纽约一个公园去看烟火, Michael说这个公园是packed,也就是十分拥挤的意思。另外Michael也不是太喜欢这次的烟火表演,因为他说报纸作了过多的渲染,也就是hype这个词的含义。
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Michael和李华在复习功课,做完功课后他们准备去看电影。在今天的对话中,李华会学到两个常用语:no way和to bet。
L: Michael,准备好了吗?我们要去看电影了。Anna正开车来接我们 呢。
M: Yeah I‘m ready...let me get this call though. Hello? Sorry, I can‘t come to work right now. I have to pick up a friend from the airport. Yep. Sorry I can‘t help out. OK.
L: 哎呀,Michael,你怎么能骗你同事说你要去机场接人呢? 我觉 得他们可能真的很需要帮手,你就去吧。我们可以下次再看电影 嘛。
M: What? No way! I‘m not going to help him!
L: 你说什么?no way 是什么意思啊?
M: No way means that there is no way I will do that. It means that I refuse completely.
L: 噢,我知道了, No, N-O, way, 是W-A-Y, 就是绝对不行的意思, 好象中文里的门儿都没有。 你真的不能帮帮他吗?
M: No way! That guy is just lazy. He is always trying to escape from work and find other people to do his job for him. Nobody trusts him.
L: 可是不管怎么说,我还是觉得同事之间还是应该互相帮忙啊。
M: Really? Well what if Professor Wang called right now and said he needs you to help him grade Chinese test papers all afternoon?
L: No way! 我才不干呢,我以前帮过他好几次忙,可他从来都不付 给我工资,更气人的是他连声谢谢都不肯说。
M: Well anyway, Anna and I have been waiting for a long time to see this movie. There is no way I‘m changing my plans.
L: 我明白了,我看你是喜欢Anna,不想错过和她一起看电影的机会 吧。
M: What? No way!
L: 哎,你怎么又说 no way, 这回我又没要求你做任何事情啊。
M: Oh, well sometimes no way also means that‘s not true or absolutely not. It shows that you disagree with something that somebody said.
L: 得了,我就是觉得你喜欢Anna。
M: No way!
M: Hmm, Anna still isn‘t here. I bet the traffic is bad.
L: 啊?你说什么?
M: I said "I bet the traffic is bad". That means I think, or I‘m pretty sure that the traffic is bad. Bet, B-E-T, as in to bet money.
L: 噢,bet 本来的意思是下赌注,例如赌钱,不过在这里是认为或 相信的意思。
M: That‘s right. When you bet money, you can‘t always be 100% sure about your bet.
L: 对啊,赌钱的人不可能100% 地预料到下赌注的结果, 所以说, 如果你说“I bet”,表示你是在推测。
M: That‘s right. Anyway, I‘m not worried about Anna, I bet she ‘ll arrive any minute now.
L: I bet you are right. Anna从来不迟到。哎,你觉得这部电影会好看 吗?
M: I don‘t know. It‘s an action movie, so I bet you won‘t like it very much.
L: 谁说的,其实我也很喜欢动作片啊,当然除了那些烂片子。
M: I bet you‘ll say it is stupid no matter how good it really is. You always say action movies are stupid.
L: Whatever. 我听好多人说这部电影好看,我想今天电影院一定满 座。
M: Hey, look, there‘s a red car down the street. I bet that‘s Anna.
L: No way. Anna 的车比这辆车小多了。
M: Looks like I was right. Let‘s hurry.
L: I bet Anna 她一定很高兴见到你。
M: No way! Stop joking around like that, ok?
今天李华学到了两个常用语,no way表示不可能;to bet是确信的意思。
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L: Michael,发生什么事儿啦,为什么有这么多警察在这儿啊?
M: The police just busted someone for trying to steal my neighbor‘s car.
L: 你说警察把那个小偷怎么样了? 把他打伤了吗?
M: No, they busted him. Busted, B-U-S-T-E-D. Busted is the past tense of to bust; it means to catch someone doing something they shouldn‘t be doing.
L: 噢,原来 busted someone for doing something 就是干坏事的人被抓到 了。
M: That‘s right. You can say "They busted him for something", or you can just say "they busted him".
L: Michael,你认识那个小偷吗?
M: Sure! They busted the man who lives in the apartment above mine!
L: 他就住你家楼上啊?
M: Yes, I saw the police put him into a car and drive away.
L: 哎呀,好可怕。原来你楼上一直住着个小偷。哎,Michael,bust 这个词是不是只能指警察抓罪犯呢?
M: Not at all. Anyone who catches someone doing something wrong is busting them.
L: 噢,我们普通人抓到别人干坏事也可以说“busted someone doing something wrong”。哎,我可不可以说“The teacher busted my classmate for cheating on the English test.”
M: Yes, that‘s perfect. When you were little, did anyone ever bust you for doing something wrong?
L: 当然了。有一回我逃课去逛街被阿姨看到告诉了我妈妈,害得我 挨了一顿骂。
M: That‘s not too bad. Once when I was in school, the teacher busted me for selling candy to my classmates.
L: 啊?你向同学兜售糖果,幸亏你被抓到了,要不然不知道你还会 干什么坏事呢。
L: Michael,想想真是奇怪,你楼上住了个罪犯你居然一直都不知道。
M: Yeah, but I‘m not surprised. I always thought that guy was a creep.
L: A creep? 是小偷的意思吗?
M: No, that‘s not what I said. I said he‘s a creep, C-R-E-E-P. A creep is someone who looks and acts in a way that makes people suspicious and uncomfortable.
L: 噢,a creep 就是指一个人鬼鬼祟祟,令人怀疑。那你为什么觉得 那个人是个 creep 呢?
M: Well, he was never a friendly neighbor. He was always frowning, and wouldn‘t say hello to people. That‘s one reason I thought he was a creep.
L: 可是这也不能说他就是个 creep 啊。 因为有很多人平常都是皱 着眉头,从来不和别人打招呼,可是不一定有什么坏心啊。
M: Sometimes he would try to sell us things. And even though we refused to buy his stuff, he just wouldn‘t leave us alone. That‘s why my neighbors didn‘t like him. They all thought he was a little weird.
L: 啊,他还硬向你们推销东西。难怪你们怀疑他有什么不良动机。 所以你才说他是个 creep。
M: You‘ve got it. You give me an example.
L: 我们班有个男生很讨厌,所有的女生都觉得他是个 creep。
M: Ok. Why is he a creep?
L: 他看人的眼神不对头,还有啊,他脸上总是一副皮笑肉不笑的表 情,喜欢和女生开那种很肉麻的玩笑。
M: Yes, he definitely sounds like a creep to me.
L: 哎,Michael,我今天早上看到你和Alice在咖啡厅喝咖啡,你早上 不是有上课吗?
M: Oh, you busted me! Please keep quiet about that, ok? I told my professor I had to visit a sick aunt in the hospital.
L: 什么?你这个人哪,迟早有一天会被教授抓到你说谎。
今天李华学会两个新词,一个是 busted,就是做坏事被抓到的意思,另一个是 creep ,指的是一个人的行为举止鬼鬼祟祟。
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今天李华从 Michael那儿学到了两个新词 redneck 和 in the sticks。
M: Come in!
L: Hi Michael! 真抱歉,我没先告诉你就来了。你的电话一直占线, 所以我没法打电话给你。
M: That‘s no big deal. I was on the phone with my friend Bob who lives in Georgia. He is such a redneck!
L: 原来这样。对了,你把你朋友叫什么来着?你说他是什么啊?
M: I said he‘s a redneck, R-E-D-N-E-C-K.
L: 一个红的脖子? 这是什么意思啊?
M: A redneck is someone from the countryside who lives a country lifestyle.
L: 所以你叫一个人 redneck就是说他是乡下人或很土气。哎,这样 说别人很不礼貌吧。
M: Well, maybe. If you call someone a redneck, it means you think that they are not very cultured or sophisticated.
L: 你就因为你朋友住在乡下,你就开他玩笑说他是redneck ,未免 不太好吧。
M: I‘m not really making fun of him. Some people are proud to be rednecks. Bob likes to call himself that.
L: 你说叫他redneck,Bob他还很得意呀。那我就不懂了。在中国, 大多数住在乡下的人都巴不得往城里跑呢。
M: Well, the U.S. is different. Being a redneck doesn‘t mean being poor or uneducated. It is a way of living, I guess.
L: 那么rednecks到底像什么呢?你来说说。
M: Let me see, how can I describe them? When we say someone is a redneck we mean they are from the south, and speak with a southern accent。
L: 现在我懂了, redneck 呢一般是指美国南方人,或者说话有南方 口音的人。不过说真的,那些南方口音我真的听不太懂。
M: Also, rednecks like life in the countryside. They enjoy sports such as hunting or fishing. They like living in areas with lots of open space.
L: Hmm, rednecks他们不住在 城市,他们更享受乡下的生活。
M: Exactly. Also, most rednecks have blue-collar jobs, or work on a farm. By the way, Li Hua, be careful how you use this word. Some people might get angry if you call them a redneck.
### ### ###
L: 哎,对了,Michael,你那个红脖子朋友Bob为什么事打电话给你 啊?
M: Well, he asked me if I wanted to visit him this summer. I‘m not sure if I really want to go though.
L: 真的吗? 为什么你不想去呢?
M: He lives out in the sticks. There‘s nothing for me to do out there.
L: 他生活在那儿?The sticks 是什么地方啊?
M: Oh, when I say in the sticks, that just means in a rural area, far from a big city.
L: 噢,原来是指乡下啊。哎哟,只不过离开城市几天,这样你也受 不了啊?
M: Well, I am used to city life. I don‘t know how to fish or hunt, and I really don‘t like farm work. I don‘t think I would like living in the sticks.
L: 你觉得你不适合乡下的生活啊,不过偶尔去呼吸一下新鲜空气不 是挺好的吗?
M: I guess. Maybe I should visit him.
L: 要是有人自称是 redneck 的话,他也许觉得生活在乡下 in the sticks 也是很值得自豪的了?
M: Actually, the phrase in the sticks is not very polite. You shouldn‘t tell someone that they live in the sticks unless you are just joking with them.
L: 奥,说别人 live in the sticks 并不是很好,除非你是在开玩笑啊?
M: You are right. Usually when you say something is in the sticks you mean it is far from anything civilized.
L: 其实美国人并不懂得什么是真正的乡下。就算他们住在乡下好了, 只要一开车就到城里了嘛。
M: That‘s true. Still, some places out in the sticks are pretty far from a big city, even if you drive a car.
今天李华学到了两个新词:redneck 和 in the sticks 。Redneck 是指乡下人。 In the sticks 则是指远离城市的农村地区。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
在今天的对话中Michael会教李华两个常用语:一个是under the weather,另一个是to grab a bite to eat。
M: Hello?
L: 喂,Michael,你今天怎么了?我怎么在学校没看到你,打电话到你上班的地方也没人接。你没事儿吧?
M: Oh, its nothing. I am just a little under the weather today, so I decided to take the rest of the day off and really rest.
L: 什么?你说天气不好,所以你就请一天假。天气好好的吗,你干吗撒谎呢?
M: No no, I said "I am under the weather today". Under, U-N-D-E-R; The Weather, W-E-A-T-H-E-R. Under the weather, it means sick.
L: 噢,under the weather就是生病的意思啊,那你还不赶快看医生啊?
M: Oh, don‘t worry. It‘s not very serious. Usually when someone says that they are under the weather, they mean they feel bad, but are not very sick.
L: 你的病不严重,那我就放心了。可是你为什么今天觉得under the weather呢?
M: Last night I went out to eat with a friend. After dinner, it started to rain heavily. We didn‘t have umbrellas, and I had to walk to a long way back to my car in the rain. I think I caught a cold, so now I feel under the weather.
L: 难怪了,你吃完饭就淋着雨走了那么长的路。哎呀,你以后可千万小心,万一得了什么大病那该怎么办呢?
M: It‘s ok, Li Hua. I can take care of myself. That‘s why I am resting at home. That reminds me, how is your mother doing? Didn‘t you say she was under the weather last week?
L: 噢,我妈妈现在好多了。不过上星期可真把我们吓坏了。上星期一她突然说不舒服,提前下班,第二天就开始咳嗽,浑身发软。
M: Oh no! You must have been worried she had SARS.
L: 没错,我家里人都担心她感染了萨斯。所以每个人都嚷着自己 under the weather,不过啊,第二天我妈妈的情况好转,他们每个人也都觉得自己好了。
M: They were all thinking about SARS, so they also felt under the weather. In fact, they were all ok.
L: 就是啊,他们觉得自己under the weather,我看纯粹是心理作用。
M: So why were you trying to call me at work today?
L: 我打电话想问问你今天晚上要不要一快去吃饭。
M: Well, I‘d like to, but I really think I should stay at home tonight. Maybe this weekend we can grab a bite to eat.
L: 你说我们这个周末吃什么?
M: I said we can "grab a bite to eat". Grab, G-R-A-B; a bite, B-I-T-E; to eat, E-A-T. It means we can go out and have a quick meal somewhere this weekend.
L: 噢,grab a bite to eat就是随便到那个餐馆吃一顿,对不对。
M: That‘s about right. To be exact, it means to find some quick and simple food, like fast food.
L: 啊?尤其指吃快餐啊,我可不想这样随便grab a bite to eat 。我想去个有气氛的好餐馆。再说了,Michael,你也不应该老吃垃圾食物。
M: I know, I know. It‘s just that I often don‘t have a lot of time between classes and work. So at lunchtime, I usually have to go to a fast food place and grab a bite to eat. I don‘t have time to go anywhere else.
L: 如果你觉得中午时间很紧,那你就因该在家里把午饭准备好带到学校。你看,你每天到外面grab a bite to eat,那样你的开销多大啊。
M: I don‘t always grab a bite to eat at fast food places. Sometimes I make lunch at home. But it takes a lot of time in the evening, and sometimes I am busy then, too.
L: Michael,你真是太不会照顾自己了,冒着雨乱跑,整天吃垃圾食品,难怪你会under the weather,以后你真的要好好照顾自己呢。
今天Michael身体有点不舒服,就是under the weather:Michael约李华等他身体好了一起去grab a bite to eat,也就是随便到外面吃点快餐。
VOA慢速英语网  www.voanews.cn www.voanews.com.cn
piece of junk
今天李华到Michael家里借用他的电脑。李华会学到了两个新词儿:piece of junk 和cheap。
M: Ok Li Hua, let me see if I can find that webpage for you.
L: Wow, 你的电脑上网真够慢的, 不知道是哪儿出问题了。
M: Actually, it‘s not the Internet connection, it is my computer. Its an old piece of junk and it is very very slow.
L: 它是一片什么啊?你的电脑出什么问题啦?
M: I said it‘s a "piece of junk". Piece, P-I-E-C-E; of junk. J-U-N-K. A piece of junk is something that is old and broken, or just doesn‘t work well.
L: 噢!我想起来了,junk就是你要丢掉的废物,像是旧的车胎或破烂的自行车。
M: That‘s right. In fact, I‘d say my car is a piece of junk too. It‘s ten years old, it doesn‘t start half the time, and pieces are always falling off of it.
L: 你的车可不是一堆破烂呢。你倒是应该好好保养它。我叔叔在中国有辆用了二十多年的旧车,到现在还不是走得挺好的。
M: Well, some older cars are more simple in design, and easier to fix. It is hard to find parts for my car, and it isn‘t really worth the cost to fix it.
L: 嗯,那倒是。现在好些东西过几年之后就变成废物了,就好像我的‘随身听’一样。
M: Your walkman is a piece of junk? I‘ve had a Sony walkman for ten years, and it still works well!
L: 我的那一台可真的不行了,现在一动也不动;有的时候还把我的录音带给弄坏了。我真是应该买个新的了。
M: Yes, you probably should. If it damages your tapes, it‘s not worth using.
L: 别管我的了,你的电脑该怎么办? 为什么不去买个新的来呢?像你这样的学生可得有台好电脑才行啊。
M: I might. Hey, wait a minute! What would I do with my old piece of junk computer? Maybe give it to a certain friend of mine?
L: 嘿,我可没那么说,不过要是还能用的话,我倒乐于拿走,也许我还可以用它来做功课。
L: 哎,Michael, 现在你不想换电脑了是不是?
M: Well, I could, but I am also too cheap to spend money to buy a new one.
L: 等等,你说你是便宜的?我以为只能说东西是便宜的,你是不是说你太穷了啊?
M: No no, that‘s not what I mean, even though that is true. When I say that a person is cheap, that means that they always try to avoid spending money, or always buy the least expensive thing they can find.
L: 噢,原来说一个人cheap就是说他很抠啊。嘿,那我还真得说你是够cheap的了。Michael, 你就是那种在餐馆里为了省一两块钱只叫杯白水当饮料的人。
M: What? You are calling me cheap!
L: 怎么了? 这句话冒犯你了吗?
M: Oh, sorry. I should have told you: it is not very nice to call a person cheap. It also means that someone is not generous, or doesn‘t understand quality.
L: 噢,原来cheap还有爱捡便宜的意思。难怪你不喜欢被人说 cheap。
M: Anyway, I could say you are cheap, because you always use old things that other people give you. Like your bicycle, or that watch you have..
L: 可是,单单因为我不肯花钱,并不表示我就cheap啊。我只是个穷学生嘛。
M: Yeah, I shouldn‘t say you are cheap, that‘s not very nice. My roommate is really cheap, though. Nobody likes to go out to eat with him.
L: 真的吗?他怎么啦?
M: Well, if three or four of us order a pizza together, he always adds up exactly how much each person owes. He counts every cent!
L: 哇,那他也真够呛的,算那么清楚啊。
M: And he also never gives a full tip to restaurant waiters. He always gives them a little bit less than he should.
L: 他不肯给服务员该给的小费?我想我从这家伙身上了解到cheap的含义了。
今天李华从 Michael那儿学到了两个新词儿。Piece of junk就是指没用的废物;cheap在这里指小气、不肯花钱。
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