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unit 1 收得领地Day 1 牛刀小试——计算类概述
虽然近五年来十次四级听力考试计算类的题型在小对话中出现的频率不高,但有可能这次你会遇见咯!所以不得不防之。相对其他题型而言,计算类是四级听力中的基础题(可分为计算题、细节辨认题、等值转换题),也应该是你的抢分题,故不可“大意失荆州”。地球人都知道四级中听力的计算类不是在考咱们连小学生一年级都会做的加减乘除,测评大家的IQ,醉翁之意不在酒,而是在考大家对英语听力的反应速度,只要意识到这一点,现在你就要学会如何运用技巧来所谓的“抓鱼”了——核心在于抓住关键的细节所在之处,in a other word,你要知道根据题意该听什么,怎么把它去听准。
M: When does the next shuttle bus leave?
W: You have just missed one by 20 minutes. We have a bus every 45 minutes, so you’ll have to wait for a while.
Q: How long does the man need to wait for the next bus?
A) 25 minutes B) 65 minutes
C) 20 minutes D) 45 minutes
【解析】 当你看见这四个选项,不难发现这一题是在考与时间有关的内容,并且从选项当中可以推测到是考时间的加减关系,因为其中三个选项都是正确答案的干扰选项,说到这里,你就要做好充分的思想准备。原文中除了听清20和45两个数字之外,重要的是明白其之间的联系,通过missed知道已经错过,而介词“by”专门用在计算题表差额;通过every知道每辆车之间45分钟,问的是wait for the next bus 还得等多长时间,很清楚这里是减法的计算关系,所以选择A。
M: I wonder if Jack will come here by 11 o’clock.
W: His wife said he left home at 10:30, so he should be here at 11:20 at the latest.
Q: What time did Jack leave home?
A) 11:20 B) 10:30 C) 10:50 D) 11:30
【解析】 原文中出现三个数字,11:00是Man觉得杰克应该到的时间;10:30是杰克的妻子说他离开家的时间;11:20是Woman认为杰克应该到的时间。我们再来看问题,选B是对号入座。
【死马活医】 如果没听清,这里就要充分运用技巧来猜选,时间中的B和C选项,可以合并小时“10”;时间中的B和D选项,可以合并分钟“30”,通过合并同列项方法,就能猜选答案为B。
M: These postcards cost 60 cents a dozen.
W: Two dozen should certainly do.
Q: How many postcards will the man buy?
A) 60 B) 12 C) 24 D) 16
【解析】 第一句话是“声东击西”,60美分一打,问题并不是我们所期待的考多少钱,考价格,而是在问数量,第二句话提到数量,但前面加了pair,意味着要乘以2。除了清楚这些还不够,dozen是英语中数字的代用词,表示12。所以选C。
1. What time…? 5. How far…?
2. How much/many…? 6. How often…?
3. How long…? 7. How old…?
4. When…?
1. A) 6 B) 15 C) 20 D) 21
2. A) 5:00 B) 5:15 C) 5:30 D) 5:45
3. A) $ 2 B) $ 20 C) $ 12 D) $ 10
4. A) 5:00 B) 5:15 C) 5:30 D) 5:45
5. A) in 5 minutes B) in 10 minutes
C) in 15 minutes D) in 25 minutes
1. 【选D】原文重现
M: Tom must be over twenty now.
W: I think so, when I left Paris six years ago, he was already fifteen.
Q: How old is Tom now?
2. 【选B】原文重现 1997.1
M: What’s the time for departure?
W: 5:30. That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage.
Q: At what time did the conversation take place?
3. 【选C】原文重现
W: Good evening , sir. Why not try our dry beer. Two dollars for each bottle, and twenty for a dozen.
M: Well, a dozen is too much for me. Give me a half.
Q: How much does the man need to pay?
4. 【选C】原文重现
W: It’s five already, I suppose the meeting will be postponed to 5:45.
M: Well, the secretary said something unexpected happened. The meeting will begin in 30 minutes.
Q: When will the meeting begin?
5. 【选D】原文重现
W: Excuse me, sir. Does the No.1 bus stop here?
M: Yes, but the bus only runs every half hour and one just went by five minutes ago.
Q: When will the No.1 bus come?
unit 1 收得领地Day 2 计 算 题
计 算 题
① 数字单位
百 hundred 千 thousand
百万 million 十亿 billion
② 不定数目
about 接近,大约 around 在……周围,差不多
almost 几乎 or so 大约
more than 比……更多 less than 比……更少
below 在……以下,不及 under 未满,少于
③ 时刻表述
3:15 a quarter past three(英)或three fifteen(美)
9:30 half past nine(英)或nine thirty(美)
15:00 fifteen o’clock(英)或three p.m(美)
00:10 ten past midnight(美)
④ 年、月、日的读法
2004年10月13日 October the thirteenth two thousand and four
前天 the day before yesterday
后天 the day after tomorrow
每隔一天 every other day或every two days
每天 daily 每周 weekly 每月 monthly 每年 annual
⑤ 分数和小数的读法
1/3 one third 2/5 two fifths 4.45 four point four five
⑥ 与价格、货币相关的词汇
美元 dollar 美分 cent
英镑 pound 便士 penny
欧元 European dollar/euro 钞票 bill
硬币 coin 零钱 change
$17.56 seventeen dollars fifty-six cents / seventeen fifty-six
打折 on sale/discount/off 七折 30% off
半价 half price 两倍 double
三倍 triple
⑦ 与容量、重量、长度相关的词汇
加仑 gallon 品脱 pint
盎司 ounce 夸脱 quart
磅 pound 英尺 foot /feet( pl.)
英寸 inch 码 yard
英里 mile
⑧ 电话号码的读法
8848390 double eight four eight three nine zero/o
⑨ 三位数的读法
147 one hundred and forty seven
⑩ 字母与数字的并列读法
AVT64HO a v t six four h o
【例1】 1997.6
W: Here’s a 10-dollar bill, give me two tickets for tonight’s show please.
M: Sure. Two tickets and here’s $1.40 change.
Q: How much does one ticket cost?
A) $1.40 B) $4.30 C) $6.40 D) $8.60
【预测】 看见选项带有“$”的符号,可断定这题是考与钱有关的内容,选项中的B和D又是倍数关系,往往为货币倍数计算题,所以确定B、D为最可疑选项。
【解析】 原文中出现4个数字,首先,聪明的你必须分清楚它们分别代表什么,之间有什么联系:“10”代表一张面值10美元(bill)的应付钞票,“2”代表要买的2张门票(tickets),“1.40”代表所找的1.40元零钱(change),“1”代表问题中问到的1张门票值多少钱(cost)。再来计算,不难发现 (10-1.40)/2=4.30,答案为B选项。
【例2】 1997.1
M: What’s the time for departure?
W: 5:30.That only leaves us 15 minutes to go through the customs and check our baggage.
Q: At what time did this conversation take place?
A) 5:00 B) 5:15 C) 5:30 D) 5:45
【预测】 通过选项发现此题的答案小时都为5,分钟各不同,可预测到这题肯定是考分钟的加减运算,并且分钟之间差额按顺序都有15分钟,故判断原文中可能会围绕“fifteen minutes”的计算。
【解析】 原文中共出现两个数字,因此在听的过程中注意与这两个时间有关的动作或事件。5:30代表航班起飞的时间,明白leave代表只剩下15分通关的意思,不难听出它们之间的加减关系,所以A和C可以排除,剩下用减法,答案为B。
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said, both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C], [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Example: You will hear:
You will read: A) At the office B) In the waiting room
C) At the airport D) In a restaurant
From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This conversation is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) “At the office” is the best answer. You should choose A) on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre .
1. A) At 10:30 B) At 10:25
C) At 10:40 D) At 10:45
2. A) More than an hour and a half B) Not more than half an hour
C) More than two hours D) Less than an hour and a half
3. A) $1.00 B) $2.00 C) $3.00 D) $4.00
4. A) 25 B) 5 C) 15 D) 20
5. A) half an hour B) one hour
C) two hours D) three hours
6. A) Tuesday B) Wednesday C) Thursday D) Friday
7. A) Sunday B) Wednesday C) Tuesday D) Friday
8. A) 36 B) 38 C) 40 D) 42
9. A) March 12th B) March 19th
C) March 26th D) March 28th
10.A) 10 minutes B) 15 minutes
C) 20 minutes D) 30 minutes
1. 【选C】原文重现(时间)
M: So when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can’t wait here forever.
W: It’s 10:30 already. They’re supposed to be here by now. I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.
Q: When is the train leaving?
leave alone 听其自然,不要去管 leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带
leave off (使)停止;停下来 leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略
2. 【选D】原文重现(时间)
W: How much time did you have for writing the paper?
M: We were given three hours, but I finished up in less than half the time.
Q: How long did it take the man to write his paper?
finish up 结束;完成 finish up with 以……结束;最后有……
finish with 完成,结束
3. 【选C】原文重现(价格)
M: Does a half gallon of milk sell for $2.00?
W: Right, but if you buy two half-gallons now, the second is only half-price.
Q: How much will the man pay for a gallon of milk now?
pay for 付款 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报
pay off 还清 pay respect to 考虑,关心,重视
4. 【选A】原文重现(数量)
M: How many students enjoyed the party the day before yesterday?
W: Twenty were expected to come, but five more appeared.
Q: How many students actually showed up for the party?
show up 出现,显现 show in 领入,领进来
show off 炫耀,卖弄 show...around... 带领(某人)参观……
5. 【选D】原文重现(小时)
M: Come on, hurry up, we can save an hour if we can catch the express train!
W: Yes, it takes only two hours to get to Manchester.
Q: How long will take the man and woman get to Manchester if they take the ordinary train?
get to 到达 get along (with sb.) (与某人)相处融洽
get into 进入 get down 下来,落下
get back 回来
6. 【选C】原文重现(星期)
W: I wonder if you can finish your homework by Tuesday morning?
M: Sorry, Ms. Ford . I don’t think I can finish it so early. I need two days more.
Q: When will the man hand in his homework?
hand in 交进来,交纳 hand down 把……传下来;传给
hand over 交出,移交;让与 hand on 传下来,依次传递
7. 【选B】原文重现(星期)
M: Today is already Tuesday. The package should have arrived two days ago.
W: Your Mum sent it last Friday. It takes five days to come to America from China by air. Be patient, honey.
Q: When should the package arrive according to the woman?
8. 【选C】原文重现(温度)
M: Do you think it’s usually this hot at this time of the year? The temperature is 38 right now.
W: Not really. It can be two degrees higher.
Q: What’s the highest temperature in the year?
9. 【选C】原文重现(日期)
M: How long can I keep the book, please?
W: It’s March 12th today and you have to return it in two weeks’ time.
Q: When must the man return the book?
10. 【选A】原文重现(时间)
M: Why are you in such a hurry?
W: We’re already late for the play. It starts at 7:50. It takes us 30 minutes to get there, and it’s already half past seven.
Q: How late will they be for the play if they leave now?
unit 1 收得领地Day 3 细节辨认题
数字细节的辨认是数字类最简单的一种,直接就能在听力原文中找到答案,但往往也是许多考生丢分的所在之处。原因是在原文中有很多干扰信息,其迷惑性极高,容易使人掉入其陷阱当中。所以遇到这种题型,首先务必明确其所有相关数字它们分别代表什么,并且关键是问什么,做好相应笔记,不要张冠李戴,盲目作答。尤其是要分清数字中“-teen”和“-ty”等之类读法的区别:前者为重读音节“ee”发长元音/ i:/,而后者不是。
【例1】 2001.6
M: I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 o’clock.
W: Her husband said she left home at 4:30, she should be here at 5:10,maybe 5:15 at the latest.
Q: What time did Suzy leave home?
A) 5:15 B) 5:10 C) 4:30 D) 5:00
【解析】 首先辨清问题是Suzy什么时候从家里出发,Suzy的丈夫说她4:30离家,所以C正确,A、B、D都为干扰选项,A是Suzy最晚需要到达的时间,B是Suzy应该到达的时间,D是预先计划到达的时间。
W: Tom, you know that America covers an area of 9 million square kilometers?
M: That’s right. I also know the continental United States stretches 5,418 kilometers from the east to the west.
Q: What is the breadth of the continental USA from the east to the west?
A) 5,418 kilometers B) 5,481 kilometers
C) 9,000 kilometers D) 3,592 kilometers
【预测】 看到这种选项,表明其答案在原文播音中一定会放出,应做好相应 笔记。
【解析】 通过合并同类项方法可以排除选项C,因为四位数前两位都是54,难点在于分清18和80的读法区别至关重要:eighteen & eighty。所以选A,正确四位数读法为five thousand four hundred and eighteen。
1. A) 9:30 B) 10:15 C) 10:50 D) 14:15
2. A) 7:50 B) 7:45 C) 8:00 D) 8:10
3. A) 700,000 B) 717,130 C) 717,300 D) 770,300
4. A) Once a week B) Twice a week
C) Three times a week D) Four times a week
5. A) 713 B) 730 C) 733 D) 731
6. A) 564-5055 B) 564-6055
C) 565-6055 D) 564-5066
7. A) Eight a.m to six p.m B) Eight a.m to twelve noon
C) Nine a.m to twelve noon D) Nine a.m to six p.m
8. A) $ 15 B) $45 C) $ 50 D) $ 65
9. A) 218 B) 280 C) 224 D) 242
10. A) 8:00 B) 8:10 C) 8:15 D) 8:30
1. 【选B】原文重现
M: Is there a regular train service to Rome , aside from the additional one at 14:15 tomorrow?
W: Yes, there is a train every morning at 9:30 that arrives in Rome at 10:15.
Q: When does the train usually arrive in Rome every morning?
come across 遇见;发现 come after 跟在……后面;跟踪
come at 袭击;向……扑来 come for 来接人;来取物
2. 【选D】原文重现
M: My watch says it’s ten to eight now, and my brother’s watch says a quarter to eight, but the clock by the elevator says eight ten.
W: Well, let me have a look! Then the clock by the elevator is correct.
Q: What’s the time according to the woman?
have a look 看一看 have a race 赛一赛
have a rest 休息一下
3. 【选C】原文重现
M: I can hardly believe that city has a population of 700,000.
W: To be more exact, there are 717,300 people there.
Q: What is the population of that city?
4. 【选B】原文重现
M: Your daughter seems to have made much progress in playing piano. Did she attend any piano classes?
W: Yes, she took lessons twice a week, but from next week on, she will go to the class on Monday evenings only.
Q: How often did the woman’s daughter have piano lessons?
attend 出席,参加 attend on 照顾,侍候
attend to 专心;照顾,护理
5. 【选A】原文重现
M: Are we supposed to leave at 7:30?
W: I’m not sure, all I know is that the flight number is 713.
Q: What is the flight number they are going to take?
take away 拿走 take apart 拆开
take care 小心;照料;保管 take charge 掌管,负责,看管
6. 【选B】原文重现
M: I want to make a person to person call to Frank in Washington D.C.. The number is 564-6055.
W: One moment, please. I’ll get that number for you.
Q: What number should the woman dial?
7. 【选C】原文重现
M: I hope that the library will be open.
W: The sign says: eight a.m to six p.m weekdays. Nine a.m to twelve noon Saturdays. Closed Sundays.
Q: When will the library be open on Saturdays?
8. 【选A】原文重现
M: What’s wrong with you? You look so upset.
W: Not with me. Tony never keeps his word. He promised to return the $50 to me last month, but he only gave me $15 last week.
Q: How much did Tony return to the woman?
keep one’s word 言而有信 keep from 阻止;使免于;隐瞒
keep on 继续(做某事);反复 keep off 避开;不让……接近
keep away 使离开
9. 【选B】原文重现
M: How much does your dress cost?
W: I bought it in Wall-Mart. It was so expensive, and cost 280 yuan. I found the same item in a Chinese store and 20% cheaper.
Q: How much did the woman pay for her dress?
10. 【选D】原文重现
M: What time does the film start? I hope we can be there on time.
W: At 8:30, We still have 15 minutes to get there.
Q: What time dose the film start?
start 开始 start off 出发,动身;开始
start up 突然站起,惊起
unit 1 收得领地Day 4 等值转换题
① 时间的代用词
quarter 一刻钟、四分之一、季度 a dozen 一打、十二个
score 二十 monthly 一月一次
daily 一日一次 weekly 每周一次
fortnight 两星期 decade 十年
century 世纪、百年 millennium 千年
② 倍数、货币的代用词
double、twice 两倍 fivefold 五倍
half 一半 a quarter 25美分
a dime 10美分 a nickel 5美分
W: We have worked for a fortnight. And really need a break.
M: How about seeing a play? I hear “Spiderman” is on at the National Theatre.
Q: How long have they been working?
A) Four nights B) Forty nights
C) Fourteen days D) Four days
【解析】 这题当中应区分fortnight和four nights之间的发音。fortnight代表两个星期,也就是十四天,所以C为正确答案。
M: Lisa, you know that Tom was late twice this week.
W: It’s ok, the class is so boring, I was late three times that often and Mark was late six times.
Q: How many times was Tom late?
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 6
【解析】 Twice 是英语数字2的代用词,分清问的是Tom,答案为B。
1. A) Ten years B) Twenty years
C) Forty years D) A hundred years
2. A) 10 years B) 15 years C) 20 years D) 40 years
3. A) 4 B) 8 C) 1 D) 2
4. A) 5 cents B) 10 cents C) 15 cents D) 20 cents
5. A) 25 months B) 5 months
C) 12 months D) 6 months
6. A) $4 B) $25 C) $5 D) $29
7. A) 5 cents B) 15 cents C) 20 cents D) 25 cents
8. A) $0.5 B) $2.50 C) $3 D) $1
9. A) 5:25 B) 5:55 C) 5:40 D) 5:30
10.A) $10 B) $40 C) $30 D) $25
1. 【选A】原文重现
M: Our university will be celebrating its hundredth anniversary next Monday. Shall we go back for a visit?
W: I’d love to. It’s been a decade since we left.
Q: How long ago did they graduate from school?
go back 回去 go about 从事,着手做;闲逛
go over 过一遍,复习 go into 进入;投入;调查
2. 【选C】原文重现
M: I have been working in this school for a score of years.
W: Well, my mum has been working here twice as long as you.
Q: How long has the man been working in that school?
3. 【选D】原文重现
W: What do you think are the chances I’ll get the job?
M: Well, I’m talking to four today. We’ll be hiring half.
Q: How many people will be employed?
apply for 提出申请 apply to 向……申请或要求
4. 【选B】原文重现
M: I want to send a telegram to San Francisco. How much does it cost?
W: Five dollars for the first 15 words and a dime for each additional word.
Q: How much will each additional word cost?
5. 【选D】原文重现
W: You’re thinner than you used to be, aren’t you?
M: You bet I am! I’ve been dieting for half a year. I’ve lost 25 pounds and I feel great.
Q: How long has the man been dieting ?
6. 【选C】原文重现
W: I thought this kind of film cost four dollars each roll.
M: It used to, but the price has gone up 25%.
Q: How much does one roll of the film cost now?
go up 上升;(物价等)上涨 go down 下去;(船等)下沉
7. 【选A】原文重现
M: Do I have enough postage on this package ?
W: Let’s see. You already have three-fifteen cent stamps and two twenty-five cent stamps on it .You only need another nickel.
Q: How much else will the man pay for the postage ?
pay for 付款 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报
pay off 还清 pay out 付出(款项等)
8. 【选B】原文重现
M: How much are the tickets?
W: They’re one dollar each for the general public, but student tickets are only a quarter.
Q: How much will the man pay for two students ticket and two general public?
9. 【选A】原文重现
W: Please hurry up, my train is leaving at a quarter to six.
M: No problem, Madam. I’ll get you there in five minutes. And fifteen minutes is enough for you to board the station.
Q: What time is it now?
10. 【选B】原文重现
W: Jake, what a nice shirt, where did you get it?
M: I bought it from Carrefour Supermarket. All the man’s clothes are on sale for the National Day. It costs only 20 dollars. I saved a half compared with Wal-mart.
Q: How much is the shirt in Wal-mart?
unit 1 收得领地Day 5 发音训练--元音
元 音
音 标 例 词
单元音 前元音 /A/ cat
/e/ bed
/i/ sit
/i:/ seat
中元音 /E/ about
/E:/ bird
后元音 /B:/ car
/Q/ but
/C/ hot
/C:/ born
/u/ put
/u:/ moon
双元音 /ai/ why
/ei/ say
/au/ cow
/Eu/ go
/iE/ real
/ZE/ pair
/uE/ sure
/Ci/ boy
1. My sister works in the ticket office.
2. These have been his sweet dreams all these years.
3. Let’s get ready for the lecture.
4. Who is that fat man standing at the back?
5. The farm is far from the park.
6. He loves nothing but money.
7. The manager’s daughter will go to Canada next Saturday.
8. The early bird catches the worm.
9. Tom is eating a hot dog in the doorway.
10. She is working like a horse for the boss.
11. The cook took some sugar and put it in the soup.
12. This is a chance once in a blue moon.
13. She is light-hearted but short-sighted.
14. He became famous in the late 1980s.
15. How about going to the south for the holiday?
16. It’s so cold at home.
17. She is all ears and hearing you clearly.
18. What did you do to get in the boss’s hair?
19. I am quite sure that the watch is made of pure gold.
20. Unemployment has become one of the serious problems.
A) having an interview.
B) Filling out a form.
C) Talking with his friend.
D) Asking for information.
A) Skating.
B) Swimming.
C) Boating and Swimming.
D) Boating and Skating.
1. 【选B】原文重现 1996.1
M: Let me see. I’ve printed my family name, first name, date of birth and address. Anything else?
W: No. That’s all right. We’ll fill in the rest of it if you just sign your name on the bottom.
Q: What has the man been doing?
2. 【选B】原文重现 1997.6
M: Boating and skating are my favourite sports.
W: I like swimming but not boating or skating.
Q: Which sport does the woman like?
unit 1 收得领地Day 6 牛刀小试——关键词类概述
M: How about the food I ordered? I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes already.
W: I’m very sorry, sir. I will be back with your order in a minute.
Q: What’s the woman’s job?
A) A shop assistant B) A telephone operator
C) A waitress D) A clerk
【解析】 在原文播放之前,应扩展联想到有关shop assistant、telephone operator、waitress、clerk四种职业的词汇如(food, order, number, shop, hotel等),为选择正确答案作好充分准备。抓住原文中关键信息词order、wait,可推断出场景发生在餐厅,女士谈话的语气和用词“sorry sir”来分析其职业为服务员。选择C。
W: I often mistake Tim for Bob. Can you tell them apart?
M: No, they look so much alike that they even confused their mother sometimes when they were young.
Q: What is the probable relationship between Tim and Bob?
A) They are twins B) They are classmates
C) They are friends D) They are colleagues
【解析】 你的脑海中是否对twins、classmates、friends、colleagues积累了足够的信息词汇尤其重要(alike, homework, job等)。女士经常把Tim 和Bob认错,并问男士有什么区别(apart),抓住男士回答的信息词look alike、their mother不难判断其关系是双胞胎。所以答案是A。
M: Oh, dear! I’m starving, I can’t walk any farther. (2001.6)
W: Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat.
Q: Where are the two people?
A) At home B) In a restaurant
C) In a car D) On the street
【解析】 注意选项中的有关home、restaurant、car、street关键词汇来判断正确答案。原文中的walk, across the street是本题的关键信息词,所以选择D。同样提到的starving、restaurant是他们将要去的地方(小陷阱咯!),而不是现在的所在处。
1. A) In the woman’s department. B) In a department.
C) On the third floor. D) At a man’s store.
2. A) A railway porter. B) A telephone operator.
C) A bus conductor. D) A postal clerk.
3. A) Driver and passenger. B) Policeman and driver.
C) Customer and waitress. D) Teacher and student.
4. A) A Policeman. B) A driver.
C) A boss. D) A teacher.
5. A) Manager and clerk. B) Director and secretary.
C) Professor and student. D) Father and daughter.
1. 【选B】原文重现
W: I’d like to buy a new dress.
M: The women’s department is up on the second floor, Madam.
Q: Where is this conversation taking place?
2. 【选D】原文重现 1997.6
W: Excuse me, sir. I’m going to send this parcel to London, What’s the postage for it?
M: Let me see. It’s one pound and fifty.
Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to?
3. 【选A】原文重现
W: I’m going to Wood Street, but I don’t know where it is.
M: Don’t worry, I’ll tell you where to get off.
Q: What is the most likely relationship between the two speakers?
4. 【选A】原文重现
M: Miss, don’t you know it’s forbidden to talk on your cell phone?
W: Sorry, sir. I won’t do that again.
Q: What might the man be?
5. 【选C】原文重现
W: When should I hand in my term paper, sir?
M: Since it must be a type-written one with 30 pages, you can hand it in next month.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
unit 1 收得领地Day 7 职业身份题
① 老师与学生(teacher and students)
homework作业 textbook课本 hand in交 page页
lecture讲座 take course上课 pass通过 fail不及格
mark分数 read读 write写 recite背诵
type打字 score分数 tuition学费
② 医生与病人(doctor and patient)
fever发烧 headache头疼 cough咳嗽 toothache牙痛
hurt伤 prescription药方 pills药片 have a rest休息
stay in bed卧床 operation手术
③ 售货员与顾客(assistants and shoppers)
on sale减价 cheap便宜 expensive昂贵 fit well合适
fashion流行 new style新款式 color颜色 size尺寸
customer顾客 bargain还价 cashier(商店)出纳
discount打折 receipt收据
④ 侍者和客人(waiters and customers)
menu菜单 order订 bill账单 tip小费
wine葡萄酒 juice汁 dessert甜点心 hamburger汉堡
coffee咖啡 salad沙拉 steak牛排 soup汤
sandwich三明治 brandy白兰地酒 whisky威士忌酒
⑤ 邮局、银行职员和顾客(clerks and clients)
letter信 mail邮件 zip code邮政编码 postcard明信片
postage邮费 stamp邮票 deposit存放 check支票
loan贷款 currency货币 credit card信用卡 account账目
cash现金 exchange rate汇率
⑥ 老板和秘书(boss and secretary)
schedule时间表 appointment约会 type打字 letter信件
fill in form填表 file文件 fax传真
⑦ 图书馆管理员和学生(library staff and student)
book shelf书架 novel小说 periodical杂志 borrow借
renew续借 return还 overdue到期未付 on time按时
⑧ 司机和乘客(driver and passenger)
taxi出租车 fare车费 get off下车 get on上车
change零钱 station车站 stop停
① Who is the woman most probably speaking to?
② What’s the man’s job?
③ What does the woman probably do?
④ What is the profession of the man?
【例1】 1997.6
W: Excuse me, sir. I’m going to send this parcel to London. What’s the postage for it?
M: Let me see. It’s one pound and fifty.
Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to?
A) A railway porter B) A bus conductor
C) A taxi driver D) A postal clerk
【解析】 提前对四个选项(railway porter、bus conductor、taxi driver、postal clerk)积累相关词汇,再来听一听,你会发现本题关键信息词send this parcel, postage可推断出对话的场景是在邮局,所以男士的身份是D选项a postal clerk。
M: Here is a prescription for some pills. Come back and see me if you still don’t feel well.
W: Thank you very much for seeing me.
Q: What’s the man’s job?
A) Patient B) Doctor
C) Pharmacist D) Physicist
【解析】 通过四个选项不难发现这题肯定是考有关于病的职业,patient、doctor是常见的对应考点,极有可能答案在这两个选项里面,考生一定要听清问的是谁的职业,不要张冠李戴。
这位男士提到prescription for some pills(药方),并且后面的语气see me if you still don’t feel well(如果不舒服再来找我),很明显man的身份是医生B。
1. A) He is a newsman. B) He is a mathematician.
C) He is an engineer. D) He is a teacher.
2. A) Travel agency clerk. B) Office secretary.
C) Hotel receptionist. D) Hotel manager.
3. A) A driver. B) A car saleswoman.
C) A customs official. D) A receptionist.
4. A) A policewoman. B) An accountant.
C) A salesman. D) A bank teller.
5. A) A pilot. B) Office worker.
C) A driver. D) A police woman.
6. A) A reporter B) A student
C) A teacher D) A historian
7. A) A cashier B) A customer C) Her friend D) A driver
8. A) Patient B) Mechanic C) Surgeon D) Dentist
9. A) A salesman B) A guest C) A manager D) A waiter
10.A) A secretary B) A boss
C) A teacher D) A student
1. 【选A】原文重现
M: I thought Tim majored in mathematics in college. Now he’s just found a new job as a journalist in a news agency?
W: That’s true. After working as an engineer for three years, he changed his major.
Q: What is Tim’s job now?
2. 【选C】原文重现
M: Excuse me, Do you have a single room with a bath for tonight?
W: Just a second, sir. Sorry, I’m afraid that we haven’t any singles left, but we could let you have a twin-bed room for the same price.
Q: What is the woman’s job?
3. 【选B】原文重现
M: Hello, this is John. Smith. May I speak to my sister Joy, please?
W: I’m sorry, she has just gone out with one of her customers to show her a new car.
Q: What kind of work does Joy do?
go out 出去 go over 过一遍,复习
go against 违反;反对;不利于 go down 下去;(船等)下沉
4. 【选D】原文重现
W: I need two IDs and your account number before I can cash your check, sir.
M: Sure, here’s my passport and driver’s license. And my account number is on this card.
Q: What does the woman probably do?
5. 【选C】原文重现
M: Can you speed up a little? I’ll be late for my flight.
W: Take it easy, sir. Everything will be fine, we’ll make it on time.
Q: What is the woman?
speed up 使加速,增加速度
6. 【选B】原文重现
M: Are there any more questions on this lesson? Yes, Catherine?
W: Dr. Smith, who do you think will win the battle?
Q: Who most probably is Catherine?
7. 【选A】原文重现
W: That’s $8.50, and 7% sales tax. Total,$ 9.09, sir.
M: Here’s a $10 bill.
Q: Whom is the man talking to?
8. 【选C】原文重现
W: Can you come to my birthday party tonight, Uncle Brown?
M: I’d love to, but I can’t. I’ll be operating on a patient at 6 o’ clock.
Q: What is the profession of the man?
operate on 给……动手术 dentist 牙医
surgeon 外科医生 physician 内科医生
9. 【选D】原文重现
M: May I take your dinner order now, Mrs. Bower?
W: Thank you, Frank, but I’m waiting for my husband to join me.
Q: Who is Frank?
join in 参加(活动) join up 连接起来
join hands with 互相合作,携起手来
10. 【选B】原文重现
M: When do you want this material finished? Mrs. Smith?
W: Tomorrow morning will be fine. Make five copies , do remember.
Q: What is the woman?
unit 1 收得领地Day 8 人物关系题
① 夫妻、恋人常用亲昵温柔的语气:
dear darling
② 店员与顾客常用的客气的语气:
sir madam
Can I…? What would you like to have?
③ 下属对老板常用恭敬伏贴的语气:
Mr. Mrs.
Ok Could you please…?
④ 亲朋好友常用简洁随便的语气:
Hi! What’s up?
Some water?
⑤ 父母、老师教训子女、学生常用严厉的语气:
Don’t you remember…? What are you doing?
⑥ 医生询问病人的语气:
You need take… What’s the trouble with you?
【例1】 2003.1
W: John. What are you doing on your computer? Don’t you remember your promise?
M: This is not a game. It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A) Colleagues B) Husband and wife
C) Employer and employee D) Mother and son
【解析】 播音之前考生需对选项(colleagues、husband and wife、employer and employee、mother and son)提前作好预测原文内容的信息词汇准备。这题需掌握对话双方的特殊身份语言及口气:原文中“扩大我的词汇量”明显提示说话者是学生,根据女士的话及含有教训的口气“不记得你作的保证?”可推知其身份为家长,所以两者的关系应为母子。选择D。
【例2】 2001.6
W: I heard you got full marks in the maths exam. Congratulations!
M: Thanks! I’m sure you also did a good job.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A) A math teacher and his colleague B) A teacher and his student
C) A student and his classmate D) A librarian and a student
【解析】 通过选项可以断定原文内容是发生在学校里,留意对话双方的口气线索尤为重要。女士说她听说男士在数学考试中得了满分,男士说“you also did a good job.”指的是女士考得也不错,抓住关键提示词“also”,便可判断其关系是同学。答案为C。
1. A) Shop assistant and customer B) Waitress and customer
C) Employee and manager D) Boss and employee
2. A) Lawyer and client B) Boss and secretary
C) Teacher and student D) Customer and waitress
3. A) Teacher and student B) Policewoman and thief
C) Policewoman and driver D) Mother and son
4. A) Relatives B) Roommates
C) Colleagues D) Neighbours
5. A) Dentist and patient B) Patient and doctor
C) Lawyer and client D) Teacher and student
6. A) Wife and husband B) Waitress and customer
C) Mother and son D) Student and classmate
7. A) Husband and wife B) Friends
C) Boss and secretary D) Employee and manager
8. A) Salesman and customer B) Boss and secretary
C) Mother and son D) Waiter and customer
9. A) Waitress and customer B) Doctor and patient
C) Customer and repairman D) Boss and secretary
10.A) Customer and airline clerk B) Saleswoman and customer
C) Daughter and father D) Wife and husband
1. 【选A】原文重现
W: Can I help you , sir?
M: Well, I’d like to buy a pair of shoes. How much are they?
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
2. 【选B】原文重现
M: Make ten copies for me and five copies for Mr. Bruce.
W: Certainly, sir. As soon as I make the final corrections on the original.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
3. 【选C】原文重现
W: Sir, you should have stopped when I first signaled.
M: I am sorry I didn’t notice that. Must I get a ticket?
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?
4. 【选D】原文重现
W: I’ve just brought your ladder back. Thanks for lending it to me. Where shall I leave it?
M: Just lean it against the wall there. Use the ladder again any time.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between these two speakers?
5. 【选B】原文重现
M: I think I’m running a temperature. I feel terrible.
W: Well, you’d better take an examination right now. Would you take off your overcoat, please?
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?
6. 【选C】原文重现
W: Go to bed early and get some rest, Tom.
M: But I have to do more exercises, we’re going to have a test tomorrow morning. I must pass it.
Q: What is the most likely relationship between the two speakers?
7. 【选A】原文重现
M: Honey! we must hurry or we will be late for the party.
W: My dear, I don’t know where my ring is, I should wear it at the party.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?
8. 【选D】原文重现
W: Have you got a table for two?
M: Yes, madam. This way, please.
Q: What is the most likely relationship between the two speakers?
9. 【选C】原文重现
W: How long will it take you to fix my watch?
M: I’ll call you when it’s ready, but it shouldn’t take longer than a week.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?
10. 【选A】原文重现
M: Excuse me, can you tell me when the latest flight for Chicago was?
W: Half an hour ago.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the man and woman?
unit 1 收得领地Day 9 地点场景题
地点场景题是历年四级考试中必考之题,做这类题时,应根据其对话内容,抓住其中的关键场景特点,以此辨认对话发生的场所。如:通过class, examination, teacher等词断定谈话是在学校,通过waiter, menu, tip等词判断对话发生在饭店。另外注意相关地点及场所的名词前的介词,如:in a bank, at the airport, on the floor。以下是相关地点和场所文章中经常出现的信息词:
① bank银行
deposit存款 interest利息 check支票
open an account开户 money exchange兑钱 currency通货
ATM自动取款机 overdraw透支 teller出纳
② post office邮局
letter信 stamp邮票 envelope信封
postage邮费 ordinary mail普通邮递 express mail特快邮递
zip code邮政编码 package包裹 registered letter挂号信
airmail航空邮件 telegram电报 overweight超重的
③ railway station火车站
platform站台 waiting-room候车室 inquiry office咨询室
ticket office售票点 one-way ticket单程车票
return ticket/round-trip ticket双程票
④ airport飞机场
plane飞机 waiting lounge休息室 duty-free shop免税商店
first class头等舱 business class商务舱 economy class经济舱
direct flight直航 domestic flight国内航班 international flight国际航班
air hostess空姐 No Smoking area禁烟区 seatbelt安全带
take off起飞 land降落 gate number门号
departure出发 arrival到达 luggage office行李房
see off给(某人)送行
⑤ restaurant饭店
menu菜单 waiter男服务员 waitress女服务员
pay the bill买单 main dish主菜 appetizer开胃菜
dessert甜点心 a table for four四人桌 well-done十成熟
tender嫩的 rare稀少的 reserve a table订桌
beef牛肉 mutton羊肉 pork猪肉
steak牛排 chicken鸡肉 salad沙拉
cabbage卷心菜 potato马铃薯 tomato西红柿
fish鱼 sandwich三明治 pizza比萨
hamburger汉堡 apple pie苹果派 tray碟
fork叉 knife小刀 spoon匙
coffee咖啡 soup汤 shrimp虾
⑥ hotel宾馆
single room with bath带洗手间的单人房 double room双人房
suite一套房 presidential suite总统套房 lobby大厅
check in登记 check out结账 room number房间号码
receptionist接待员 reserve a room订房 fill a form填表
⑦ library图书馆
borrow a book借书 return a book还书 renew续借
catalog目录 index索引 title书名
author作者 subject科目 library card借书证
periodical期刊 magazine杂志 journal日报
reference book参考书 dictionary词典 science fiction科幻小说
⑧ hospital医院
prescribe some medicines开药方 flu感冒
run a fever发烧 nose congestion鼻塞 take the temperature测体温
sore throat喉痛 cough咳嗽 pills药片
indigestion消化不良 headache头疼 toothache牙疼
stomachache胃痛 cancer癌症 clinic诊所
injection注射 surgeon外科医生 physician内科医生
dentist牙医 operation手术 treatment治疗
intensive care unit重症监护室 emergency room急诊室
⑨ school学校
campus校园 dormitory宿舍 gymnasium体育馆/健身房
auditorium礼堂 drop out退学 required course必修课
optional/elective course选修课 thesis论文
graduation毕业 deadline最后期限
undergraduate student大学肄业生 postgraduate student研究生
lecturer讲师 tutor家教 professor教授
term学期 tuition学费 group discussion集体讨论
seminar研讨会 mid-term exam中考 quiz小测试
final exam终考 freshman新生 sophomore大二学生
junior大三学生 senior大四学生
⑩ telephone office电话亭
operator接线员 long distance call长途 dial a number拨号
leave a message留话 wrong number错号 ring sb. up给某人打电话
the line is busy线路忙 yellow pages黄页 telephone directory电话号簿
hang up挂断 extension number分号
customs house海关
passport护照 visa签证 overweight超重
hardware store五金店
tool工具 nail钉子 steel ruler钢尺
wire电线 scissors剪刀 hammer铁锤
boss老板 secretary秘书 employee受雇者
employer雇主 applicant申请人 candidate候选人
vacation假期 interview面试 qualification资格
type a letter打字 send a fax发传真 arrange the file整理文件
computer电脑 printer打印机 copier复印机
resume简历 job experience工作经验
salary薪水 wage工资 income收入
judge法官 lawyer律师 jury陪审团
crime犯罪 guilty有罪 not guilty无罪
innocent清白的 accuse控诉 sentence判决
① Where does this conversation must probably/likely take place?
② Where are the man and woman at the moment?
③ Where are the two speakers?
④ Where did it happen?
⑤ Where is the man probably going to work?
【例1】 2001.1
M: Can you tell me the title of this oil painting?
W: Sorry, I don’t know for sure. But I guess it’s an early 18th century work. Let me look it up in the catalog.
Q: Where does their conversation most probably take place?
A) At a bookstore B) In a workshop
C) At an art gallery D) In a department store
【解析】 提前积累地点(bookstore、workshop、art gallery、department store)相关信息词汇。原文中出现的oil painting,18th century work与C选项中的art gallery(美术馆)词汇同现。所以选答案C。
【例2】 2002.1
W: You seem very confident about the job interview, don’t you?
M: Yes, I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit in a clothing store. I had my hair cut. I have studied almost everything about finance and economics.
Q: Where is the man probably going to work?
A) In a bank B) In a school
C) In a clothing store D) In a barbershop
【解析】 播音前积累地点(bank、school、clothing store、barbershop)相关信息词汇。这题陷阱极多,我们来一一分解:had studied是过去完成时,仅表示面试前的知识准备,而非在学校工作;bought a good suit和had my hair cut也是面试前的过去动作,而不是将要去的地方;finance and economics是银行中的信息词,也是M学习的科目,故选A。
1. A) At a newsstand. B) At a car dealer’s.
C) At a publishing house. D) At a newspaper office.
2. A) At a theatre. B) At a booking office.
C) At a railway station. D) At a restaurant.
3. A) On the street. B) In a post office.
C) In a shopping mall. D) In a department store.
4. A) At a police-station. B) In an elevator.
C) On a busy street. D) At a disco.
5. A) In a bank. B) In a post office.
C) In a theatre. D) At the airport.
6. A) At a restaurant. B) At home.
C) At a clothing Store. D) At the laundry.
7. A) In a museum. B) In a zoo.
C) In a theatre. D) In a jungle.
8. A) In a hotel. B) In the street.
C) At a dinning table. D) At the man’s home.
9. A) At home. B) At the riverside.
C) At the health center. D) At his office.
10.A) To the school. B) To a friend’s house.
C) To the post office. D) Home.
1. 【选D】原文重现 2002.6
M: Excuse me, I’d like to place an advertisement for a used car in the Sunday edition of your paper.
W: OK. But you have to run your advertisement all week. We can’t quote the rates for just Sunday.
Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?
2. 【选D】原文重现
W: George, look at the long waiting line. I’m glad you’ve made a reservation.
M: More and more people enjoy eating out now. Besides, this place is especially popular with overseas students.
Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?
look at 看;瞧 look after 照看,照顾
look for 寻找 look on 旁观;观看;面向
3. 【选A】原文重现
M: Excuse me, is there any post-office near here?
W: Yes, see that big shopping mall? There is one on the second floor.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
4. 【选D】原文重现
W: Do you come to this place often?
M: I used to. But recently I’ve worked a lot of overtime, and I don’t have enough time to enjoy myself.
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
5. 【选B】原文重现
W: How long will it take to get there if I send it by ordinary mail?
M: It’ll take about 5 days. Will you do that?
Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
6. 【选C】原文重现
W: Well, How do you like it?
M: I prefer the white shirt, but I want a bigger one.
Q: Where is the man at the moment?
7. 【选B】原文重现
W: Look at the zebras running around on the rocks together.
M: Yes. The environment seems to suit them very well. Let’s go over and see the monkeys now.
Q: Where are the man and woman?
8. 【选A】原文重现
W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you?
M: So do I. Let me call Room Service. Hello, Room Service? Please send a menu to 320 right away.
Q: Where are the two speakers?
send away 撵走;开除;解雇 send for 派人去叫(请)
send off 寄出;为……送行;解雇 send up 发射
9. 【选D】原文重现
M: Hello, this is John Hopkins at the Riverside Health Center. I’d like to speak to Mr. Jones.
W: I’m sorry, Mr. Hopkins. My husband isn’t at home. But I can give you his office phone number. He won’t be back until six o’clock.
Q: Where does Mrs. Jones think her husband is now?
speak to 同……谈话,对……讲话
speak out 大声讲;清楚地说
speak up 大声说
speak for 代表……讲话;要求得到
10. 【选C】原文重现
M: Can you stay for dinner?
W: I’d love to. But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from school.
Q: Where will the woman go first?
pick up 拾起,接人 pick off 摘下,摘掉
pick out 选出,拣出
unit 1 收得领地Day 10 发音训练--辅音
辅 音
音 标 例 词
爆破音 /p/ pen
/b/ beg
/t/ tea
/d/ desk
/k/ key
/g/ good
摩擦音 /s/ so
/z/ zero
/W/ three
/T/ then
/h/ house
/r/ red
/f/ foot
/v/ very
/F/ ship
/V/ measure

音 标 例 词
破擦音 /tF/ chair
/dV / joke
/tr/ tree
/dr/ dress
/ts/ hats
/dz/ hands
鼻音 /m / man
/n / nose
/N / sung
舌边音 /l/ love
半元音 /j / yes
/w/ wet
1. Take it out and give it to the boss.
2. My brother lives in the south of France.
3. You still have a hope.
4. Why did you choose this job?
5. The milkman is losing his way.
6. The girl has a rough road to go.
7. I will pay for this television in cash.
8. When did you visit London with your girl friend?
9. One of my dreams is to travel around the world.
10. I don’t like cats, but dogs.
A) A movie. B) A lecture. C) A play. D) A speech.
A) A writer. B) A teacher. C) A reporter. D) A student.
1. 【选C】原文重现 2000.6
M: I was terribly embarrassed when some of the audience got up and left in the middle of the performance.
W: Well, some people just can’t seem to appreciate real-life drama.
Q: What are they talking about?
2. 【选C】原文重现 1996.6
W: Good evening, Professor David. My name is Susan Gray. I’m with the local newspaper. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
M: Not at all. Go ahead, please.
Q: What is Susan Gray?
unit 1 收得领地Day 11
观点态度题 2004.1
M: I think you’d better find another partner. I love table tennis, but I don’ think I’m improving.
W: Look, Paul, it’s still too early to quit. Nobody expects you to be a superstar. Just keep going and you’ll get the hang of it.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) The man should not dream of being a superstar.
B) The man didn’t practice hard enough.
C) The man should find a new partner.
D) The man should not give up.
【解析】 通过四个选项可以断定这题是在考“the man”应该怎么样,所以应注意女方的建议极为重要。原文中女士指出“It’s still too early to quit”(现在放弃还早)和“Just keep going and you’ll get the hang of it”(应该继续努力,会成功的)和答案D相对应,所以选D,其他选项都与原文不符。
行为活动题 2003.6
M: I haven’t got my scores on the GRE test yet. Do you think I should call to make inquiries?
W: There’s no hurry. The test scores are released at least 8 weeks after the test.
Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?
A) Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks.
B) Call to check his scores.
C) Be Patient and wait.
D) Inquire when the test scores are released.
【解析】 女士在回答男士是否应该询问时,提到“there’s no hurry”表示不用着急的状态,然后解释考试分数至少在8周之后才会通知,C为相对应的选项(耐心等等)。
事实状况题 2003.1
M: You really seem to enjoy your literature class?
W: You’re right. It has opened a new world for me. I’m exposed to the thoughts of some of the world’s best writers. I’ve never read so much in my life.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) She’s learned a lot from the literature class.
B) She’s written some books about world classics.
C) She met some of the world’s best writers.
D) She’s just back from a trip round the world.
【解析】 选项中都提到“she”,很明显是考对话中woman的状况,应留意女士的对话。原文中男士提到女士看上去“enjoy your literature class”,女士在回答中“You’re right, It has opened a new world of me(进入全新的世界)、exposed to the thoughts of…(了解世界大师的思想)、never read so much(从来没读过这么多)”反应女士受益匪浅,所以选A。并没有提到B写书、C亲自见到大师、D周游世界,都应予以排除。
1. A) Quit delivering flowers. B) Work at a restaurnt.
C) Bring her flowers every day. D) Leave his job to work for her.
2. A) The woman is watching an exciting film with the man.
B) The woman can’t take a photo of the man.
C) The woman is running toward the lake.
D) The woman is filming the lake.
3. A) She is sure who is going to win.
B) Now it is a good time to start the game.
C) The game has been going on for a long time.
D) The same team always wins.
4. A) They are a bargain worth to buy.
B) They are of poor quality.
C) They can be purchased at a lower price somewhere else.
D) They are over priced.
5. A) The professor’s presentation was not convincing enough.
B) The professor’s lecture notes were too complicated.
C) The professor spoke with a strong accent.
D) The professor spoke too fast.
1. 【选D】原文重现
M: Washing dishes in the restaurant every day is really boring.
W: Why don’t you quit and deliver flowers for me?
Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?
2. 【选B】原文重现
M: Look! The view is fantastic, could you take a picture of me with the lake as a background?
W: I’m afraid I’ve just run out of film.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
3. 【选C】原文重现 1996.1
M: Let’s see if the basketball game has started yet.
W: Started? It must be clear who is winning by now.
Q: What does the woman mean?
4. 【选B】原文重现
M: Look at the wooden tables, don’t you think they are a good buy?
W: Quality is more important than price. Let’s go somewhere else.
Q: What does the woman mean?
5. 【选D】原文重现
M: The presentation made by Professor Jackson was too complicated to understand.
W: Well, I think he didn’t speak slowly enough for us to take notes.
Q: What is the woman’s complaint?
unit 1 收得领地Day 12 观点态度题
观点态度题是指正确答案与原文中的观点态度一致,做这种题型除了理解对话中的大意之外,还需注意问题中问的是男士还是女士的观点,以免张冠李戴。这类题往往选项中会给出相关线索,如四个选项都出现“she”,可以推测此题是考有关女士的观点,所以在听原文中应注重Woman的阐述;如果四个选项都出现“she would”,则问题是男士建议女士怎么做,则应着重听男士的话;如四个选项都出现“his house”,可以推测此题是考对话双方对他的房子的看法,所以在听原文时应注重双方在对房子的观点上。
【例1】 2001.1
W: Professor White’s presentation seemed to go on forever. I was barely able to stay awake.
M: How could you sleep through it? It’s one of the best I have ever heard on this topic.
Q: What does the man think of Professor White’s presentation?
A) He finds the presentation hard to follow.
B) He considers the presentation very dull.
C) He thinks Professor White has chosen an interesting topic.
D) He speaks highly of the presentation.
【解析】 四个选项都出现“he”,可以推断这题考的就是男士的观点,应对男士的话加以关注。
男士说到“It’s one of the best…”意为最好之一,与D选项高度评价相对应。A、B都是女士的观点,不要张冠李戴咯,C说讲得有趣,原文没有提到。
【例2】 2001.1
W: The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.
M: So do I. I can’t see any scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too.
Q: What does the man think of the woman’s car?
A) Her car can stand any crash. B) Her car is not as good as his.
C) Her car is maintained as well as his. D) Her car is kept in good condition.
【解析】 四个选项都出现“her car”,可以推测此题是在考对她的车有哪些看法,所以应注意相关车的信息。第一句话女士说修理场工作人员认为自己“I take good care of my car(车保养的很好)”,男士回答“so do I”,内外都很干净,所以D是男士的观点。
1. A) Tony could not continue the experiment.
B) Tony finished the experiment last night.
C) Tony thought the experiment was well done.
D) Tony had expected the experiment to be easier.
2. A) His injury kept him at home.
B) He didn’t think it necessary.
C) He was too weak to see the doctor.
D) He failed to make an appointment.
3. A) He wishes to have more courses like it.
B) He finds it hard to follow the teacher.
C) He wishes the teacher would talk more.
D) He doesn’t like the teacher’s accent.
4. A) She does not agree with Jack.
B) Jack’s performance is disappointing.
C) Most people will find basketball boring.
D) She shares Jack’s opinion.
5. A) He wants to get a new position.
B) He is asking the woman for help.
C) He has left the woman a good impression.
D) He enjoys letter writing.
6. A) She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.
B) She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.
C) She is unhappy to have to drive such a long way every day.
D) She enjoys it because she’s good at driving.
7. A) The service is slow.
B) The food is perfect.
C) The prices are high.
D) The food is poor.
8. A) She is surprised she worked as a programmer.
B) She wonders why she kept the job.
C) She doesn’t know when her classes started.
D) She doubts she makes much money now.
9. A) The woman be more careful next time.
B) They try to think of a solution.
C) They come downstairs.
D) The woman find a spare key.
10.A) Stay in the dormitory.
B) Move out.
C) Live with her.
D) Live at home.
1. 【选D】原文重现 2001.6
W: Hi, Tony. How did your experiment go yesterday?
M: Well, it wasn’t as easy as I had thought. I have to continue doing it tonight.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
2. 【选B】原文重现 2001.6
W: Why didn’t you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you first twisted your ankle?
M: The injury didn’t seem serious then. I decided to go today, because my foot still hurt when I put my weight on it.
Q: Why didn’t the man see the doctor earlier?
put on 穿上;戴上 put off 推迟,拖延;阻碍
put up with 容忍;忍受 put away 放好,把……收起来
3. 【选B】原文重现 2002.6
W: You took an optional course this semester, didn’t you? How is it going?
M: Terrible. It seems like the more the professor talks, the less I understand.
Q: How does the man feel about the course?
4. 【选A】原文重现 2002.6
M: Jack seems to think that this year’s basketball season will be disappointing.
W: That’s his opinion. Most others think differently.
Q: What does the woman mean?
5. 【选A】原文重现 2002.6
M: I spent so much time polishing my letter of application.
W: It’s worthwhile to make the effort. You know just how important it is to give a good impression.
Q: What do we know about the man?
6. 【选B】原文重现 2003.1
M: I hear you drive a long way to work every day.
W: Oh, yes. It’s about 60 miles, but it doesn’t seem that far. The road is not bad and there’s not much traffic.
Q: How does the woman feel about driving to work?
7. 【选D】原文重现
W: Have you ever been to that new-Italian restarant?
M: Yes, the service is quick. And the prices are good. But the food there isn’t anything to speak of.
Q: What does the man mean?
8. 【选B】原文重现
M: Mary earned a lot of money as a programmer in the summer.
W: I don’t doubt it. But what surprises me is that she is still working since the class started.
Q: What does the woman mean?
9. 【选B】原文重现
W: I’ve just locked my keys in my room. Now what should I do?
M: I can’t believe it. You’re always so careless. Anyhow, let’s calm down and try to figure things out.
Q: What does the man suggest?
figure out 合计;计算出;断定 figure for 谋取,企图获取
figure into 列入;包括进 figure on 把……估计在内;指望
10. 【选B】原文重现
W: I don’t think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy.
M: I know what you mean.
Q: What does the man think the woman should do?
unit 1 收得领地Day 13 行为活动题
【例1】 2004.6
M: Mr. Brown asked me to tell you that he is sorry he can’t come to meet you in person. He is really too busy to make the trip.
W: That’s Okay. I’m glad you’ve come in his place.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
A) The man is late for the trip because he is busy.
B) The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person.
C) The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr. Brown.
D) The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come.
【解析】 对话中“he can’t come to meet you”、“you’ve come in his place”和答案C中“on behalf of …”为同义表达方式,都表示替某人去见某人。
【例2】 2001.1
M: I’m worried about those classes I missed when I was sick.
W: I’ll try to bring you up to date on what we’ve done.
Q: What does the woman mean?
A) She’s bought the man a pair of glasses today.
B) She will help the man to catch up.
C) She is worried about the man’s health.
D) She has bought the man an up-to-date map.
【预测】 选项中都提到“she”,不难预测判断此题是考女士的行为去向。
【解析】 原文中的“bring you up to date”和答案B的“help the man to catch up”都表示“帮某人赶上……”,均为同义转述。A选项的glasses是对原文的classes在读音上的干扰;C、D都是误解。
1. A) They go to the seaside. B) They set off early.
C) They go sightseeing. D) They wait for a fine day.
2. A) Wear a new dress. B) Make a silk dress.
C) Attend a party . D) Go shopping.
3. A) Play a tape recorder. B) Repair a typewriter.
C) Take a picture. D) Start a car.
4. A) The woman is meeting the man at the airport.
B) They are complaining about the poor airport service.
C) They are discussing their plan for Christmas.
D) The man is seeing the woman off.
5. A) She plans to go to graduate school.
B) She will drop out of school.
C) She will stop working and concentrate on her studies.
D) She will take a part-time job.
6. A) Having a break.
B) Continuing the meeting.
C) Moving on to the next item.
D) Waiting a little longer.
7. A) The weather forecast says it will be fine.
B) The weather doesn’t count in their plan.
C) They will not do as planned in case of rain.
D) They will postpone their program if it rains.
8. A) They are both anxious to try Italian food.
B) They are likely to have dinner together.
C) The man will treat the woman to dinner tonight.
D) The woman refused to have dinner with the man.
9. A) The man will be punished for his lateness.
B) Proffessor Smith is always punctual.
C) The woman thinks that the man is playing a joke on her.
D) The woman suggests the man give a watch to proffessor Smith.
10. A) The man gave up easily.
B) The woman asked the man to give up looking for a house.
C) It’s taken the man much effort and time to find the house.
D) It was the last time the man looked for a house.
1. 【选B】原文重现 2001.1
M: It seems that we’ll have another fine day tomorrow. Let’s go to the seaside.
W: Ok, but we’ll have to leave very early, or else we’ll get caught in the traffic.
Q: What does the woman suggest?
2. 【选C】原文重现 2001.6
W: I don’t know what I’m going to wear to the party. All of my clothes look so old and I can’t afford something new.
M: Why don’t you wear your black silk dress?
Q: What is the woman going to do?
3. 【选A】原文重现 2002.1
M: Did you check the power plug and press the play button?
W: Yes, the power indicator was on, and it was running, but somehow the sound didn’t come through.
Q: What was the woman probably trying to do?
4. 【选D】原文重现 2002.1
W: Airports are sad places.
M: Sometimes, I guess. But we’ll keep in touch. And I will fly over to see you at Christmas.
Q: What are the speakers doing?
keep in touch 保持联系 keep away 站开;使离开
keep down 控制;压服;缩减开支 keep from 阻止;使免于;隐瞒
keep on 继续(做某事);反复
5. 【选C】原文重现 2002.1
M: Are you going to return to your present job after the vacation?
W: No, I plan to graduate next semester. That means I’ll have to be a full-time student.
Q: What will the woman do?
6. 【选A】原文重现 2002.6
W: I think we’ve covered everything. How about a cup of coffee before we move on the next item?
M: Good idea. I really can’t wait another minute.
Q: What does the woman suggest doing?
move on 继续向前移动 move off 离去,走掉
move over 挪过去 move away 搬开;搬走
7. 【选C】原文重现 2002.6
W: But what happens if it rains? What are we going to do then?
M: We’ll have to count on good weather. But if it does rain, the whole thing will have to be cancelled.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
count on 依靠;期待,指望 count in 把…计算在内
count out 点…的数 count up 把…加起来,共计
8. 【选B】原文重现 2003.1
M: Mary, would you join me for dinner tonight?
W: You treated me last weekend, now it’s my turn. Shall we try something Italian?
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
9. 【选B】原文重现
M: It seems that I’m going to be late again. I do hope Proffessor Smith won’t start class on time.
W: Are you kidding? You can even set your watch by the time he starts class.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
10. 【选C】原文重现
M: Did I tell you we’d found a house finally?
W: Really? I thought you finally gave up looking.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
unit 1 收得领地Day 14 事实状况题
【例1】 2000.6
M: How are you getting on with your essay, Mary? I’m having a real hard time with mine.
W: After two sleepless nights, I’m finally through with it.
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
A) The man thought the essay was easy.
B) They both had a hard time writing the essay.
C) The woman thought the essay was easy.
D) Neither of them has finished the assignment yet.
【预测】 选项都提到essay,听时一定注意关于双方essay的看法。
【解析】 两人对话均对这个论文发表意见“having a real hard time(费了九牛二虎之力)”、“two sleepless nights(熬了两个通宵)”,可见两者都觉得论文难写,与B答案相对应。A、C与原文相反。女士说“I’m finally through with it”表示已经写完,故排除D。
【例2】 2000.6
W: Where did you say you found this bag?
M: It was lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building.
Q: Where did the man find the bag?
A) In the park. B) Between two buildings.
C) In his apartment. D) Under a huge tree.
【解析】 原文中男士说到包的位置是在树下,所以选D。树的位置“between the park and the apartment building”可知A、B、C均为错误选项。
1. A) The weather is mild compared to the past years.
B) They are having the coldest winter ever.
C) The weather will soon get warmer.
D) The weather may get ever colder.
2. A) A mystery story.
B) The hiring of a shop assistant.
C) The search for a reliable witness.
D) An unsolved case of robbery.
3. A) Quality paper.
B) A typewriter.
C) A bookshelf.
D) Some stocks.
4. A) He was late for school on the first day.
B) He had a funny face.
C) He was the first person she met at school.
D) He liked to show off in class.
5. A) She can’t put up with the noise.
B) She wants to save money to buy the piano.
C) The present apartment is too expensive.
D) She has found a job in neighboring area.
6. A) The woman rejected the man’s apology.
B) The woman appreciated the man’s offer.
C) The man had forgotten the whole thing.
D) The man had hurt the woman’s feelings.
7. A) He needs another job as research assistant.
B) He asked Professor Williams for assistance.
C) He assists Professor Williams with his teaching.
D) He is doing research with Professor Williams.
8. A) The man went to a wrong check-in counter.
B) The man has just missed his flight.
C) The plane will leave at 9:14.
D) The plane’s departure time remains unknown.
9. A) It’s only for rent, not for sale. B) It’s not as good as advertised.
C) It’s being redecorated. D) It’s no longer available.
10.A) She contacts her parents occasionally.
B) She phones her parents regularly at weekends.
C) She visits her parents at weekends when the fares are down.
D) She often calls her parents regardless of the rates.
1. 【选D】原文重现 2000.6
W: It’s so cold. We haven’t had such a severe winter for so long, have we?
M: Yes, the forecast says it’s going to get worse before it warms up.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
2. 【选D】原文重现 2000.6
M: You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, weren’t you?
W: Me? You must have made a mistake. I was at home that night.
Q: What are they talking about?
hang about 闲荡;聚在……临近 hang back 犹豫,踌躇,畏缩不前
hang on 抓紧不放;坚持下去 hang up 把……挂起来
3. 【选A】原文重现
W: I’m looking for quality paper to type my essay. I don’t see any on the shelf.
M: I saw some in the stock room this morning. I’ll go and check.
Q: What does the woman want?
look for 寻找 look in 顺便看望,顺便访问
look out 当心;注意 look up (在词典参考书中)查寻
4. 【选A】原文重现
M: Do you know James? He’s in your class.
W: Certainly. In fact, He was the first person I got to know in my class. I still remember the look on his face when he showed up late on the first day of school.
Q: Why did the woman remember James so well?
show up 使显现 show off 炫耀,卖弄
show in 领入,领进来 show...around... 带领(某人)参观……
5. 【选A】原文重现 2001.6
M: I hear you are moving into a new apartment soon?
W: Yes, but it is more expensive. My present neighbor plays the piano all night long.
Q: Why is the woman moving?
6. 【选D】原文重现 2002.1
M: Juana, I am awfully sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Shall we have a beer and forget the whole thing?
W: Ok, we can drop it this time. But don’t do it again.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
7. 【选C】原文重现 2002.1
W: John, are you doing research for Professor Williams this semester?
M: Actually, I am working as his teaching assistant.
Q: What does the man mean?
8. 【选D】原文重现 2002.6
M: Is this the check-in counter for flight 914 to Los Angeles?
W: Yes. But I’m sorry the flight is delayed because of a minor mechanical problem. Please wait for further notice.
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
wait for 等候 wait on 服侍(某人)
wait up for 为……而等候着睡不着
9. 【选D】原文重现 2003.1
W: Good afternoon. I’m calling to inquire about the four-bedroom house you advertised in the newspaper.
M: I’m sorry, but it’s already sold.
Q: What do we learn about the house from the conversation?
inquire about 询问,打听
inquire after 问起(某人)的健康情况
inquire for 询问(商店、地点等)
10. 【选B】原文重现 2003.1
M: Do you still keep in touch with your parents regularly after all these years?
W: Yes, of course. I call them at weekends when the rates are down fifty percent.
Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
unit 1 收得领地Day 15 发音训练——连读音
an old man kick it out
warm up shut up
look out of put on
A) He enjoys reading letters.
B) He has been job-hunting.
C) He is offering the woman a job.
D) He is working for a company.
A) Looking for a young lady.
B) Looking for her wrist watch.
C) Looking for a young gentleman.
D) Looking for a man wearing a wrist watch.
A) He has got a heart attack.
B) He has unharmed
C) He was badly hurt.
D) He has fully recovered from the shock.
1. 【选B】原文重现 1996.1
W: Hi, Mike! What’s that you are reading?
M: It’s a letter from a company where I applied for a job. They’ll offer me a job after I graduate.
Q: What can we learn about Mike?
2. 【选C】原文重现 1996.1
W: Excuse me, sir. But have you seen a young gentleman looking for his wrist watch?
M: A young man, madam?
Q: What’s the woman doing?
3. 【选D】原文重现 1996.6
W: Were you hurt in the accident?
M: I was shocked at the time, but wasn’t hurt at all. My bike was totally damaged though.
Q: What do we know about the man?
unit 1 收得领地Day 16 牛刀小试—暗示、转折、引申类概述
这类题一般是根据对话双方谈话所涉及的内容,问话人提问某一方对某事、某人、某物的态度和看法,其特点是考生无法从对话中直接得到答案,而是透过对话内容的暗示、转折或引申推断出正确答案。所以此类题难度最大,历年出题频率也很高。做这类题要格外认真,尽快抓住四个选项的共同点,对所听的内容进行归纳、分析、 判断。
M: I like the color of this shirt, do you have a larger size?
W: This is the largest in this color, other colors come in all sizes.
Q: What does the woman imply?
A) The man could buy a shirt of a different color.
B) The size of the shirt is all right for the man.
C) The size the man wants will arrive soon.
D) The man could come some time later.
【解析】 通过A、B、C三个选项都有关于shirt的大小或颜色,所以你应该马上联想起颜色类:红red、蓝blue、绿green、黄yellow及尺寸大large、小small等词汇,在原文中女士表明这种颜色的shirt是最大码,其他颜色的有各种尺寸,言外之意:男士可以选择其他的颜色,所以选A。其他选项与原文不符。
W: The letter we received yesterday says that John is expecting to arrive here at six o’clock.
M: I hope so. But I’m afraid that we won’t be able to meet him at the airport.
Q: What can we learn from this conversation?
A) We received John’s letter at six.
B) John well arrive by train.
C) The man will meet John at the airport.
D) John is expected to be here by plane.
【预测】 通过选项分析这题是围绕John要来,是坐飞机还是坐火车,有没有人去接一系列话题。
【解析】 原文中女士说到昨天收到John的信说6点会来,故排除A,男士说话中but后面是此题的核心:他不能去机场去接John,所以选D,B、C不攻自破。
W: Tom! I thought you wouldn’t come for this party.
M: Such a party animal like me wouldn’t come? Wild horses couldn’t keep me away!
Q: What does the man mean?
A) He is an animal. B) He came to this party on a horse.
C) No doubt he will come. D) He hates wild horse.
【预测】 通过选项分析此题关于he去否,出现animal、horse让人匪夷所思。是不是很怪,好好听题吧。
【解析】 女士说没想到Tom会去晚会,Tom回答说wild horse couldn’t keep me away是句谚语,意思是野马也挡不住我来,言下之意,他肯定会来,所以选C,其他都不对。
1. A) He gets nervous very easily. B) He is an inexperienced speaker.
C) He is an awful speaker. D) He hasn’t prepared his speech well.
2. A) She didn’t like the books the man bought.
B) There wasn’t a large selection at the bookstore.
C) The man bought a lot of books instead of a few.
D) She wanted to see what the man bought.
3. A) Doctor Lemon is waiting for a patient.
B) Doctor Lemon is busy at the moment.
C) Doctor Lemon has lost his patience.
D) Doctor Lemon has gone out to visit a patient.
4. A) The woman isn’t a skillful typist.
B) The woman should work as hard as Mary.
C) The woman should do the typing for Mary.
D) The woman would understand if she did Mary’s job.
5. A) The woman is seeing a doctor.
B) The woman is a close friend of the man.
C) The woman is tired of her work.
D) The woman has been working too hard.
1. 【选B】原文重现
W: Tom looks awfully nervous, doesn’t he?
M: Yes, I’m afraid he is not used to making speeches.
Q: What does the man think of Tom?
2. 【选C】原文重现
M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them?
W: A few! It looks like you bought out the whole bookstore.
Q: What does the woman mean?
3. 【选B】原文重现
M: Would you get me through to Doctor Lemon please?
W: I’m sorry. He is with a patient.
Q: What does the woman mean?
4. 【选D】原文重现
W: Mary is always complaining about her job.
M: Maybe if you try to type letters every day you’d see what it’s like.
Q: What does the man mean?
5. 【选A】原文重现
M: Hello, Mrs.White. What can I do for you?
W: I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I’m always feeling tired. I’m usually worn out at the end of the day.
Q: What do we learn from the conversaton?
unit 1 收得领地Day 17 暗 示 题
暗 示 题
【例1】 2000.6
M: Would you like a copy of Professor Smith’s article?
W: Thanks, If it’s not too much trouble.
Q: What does the woman imply?
A) She is not interested in the article.
B) She has given the man much trouble.
C) She would like to have a copy of the article.
D) She doesn’t want to take the trouble to read the article.
【解析】 女士在回答是否需要帮助时用到“if it’s not too much trouble(如果不会带来太多麻烦的话)”,暗示礼貌地接受,也是西方礼仪文化的一部分,所以选择C。
【例2】 2004.1
M: I’m exhausted; I stayed up the whole night studying for my midterm maths exam.
W: But why do you always wait until the last minute?
Q: What does the woman imply?
A) The man is usually the last to hand in his test paper.
B) The man has made a mess of his midterm exam.
C) The man has bad study habits.
D) The man is a diligent student.
【解析】 原文中的“Why do you always wait until the last minute(临时抱佛脚)”,暗示男士总是临近考试才学习,因此选项C“他学习习惯不好”为正确答案,其他选项都不符。
1. A) He doesn’t enjoy business trips as much as he used to.
B) He doesn’t think he is capable of doing the job.
C) He thinks the pay is too low to support his family.
D) He wants to spend more time with his family.
2. A) It’s awfully dull. B) It’s really exciting.
C) It’s very exhausting. D) It’s quite challenging.
3. A) He is going to give a talk on fishing.
B) He thinks fishing is a good way to kill time.
C) He has the same hobby as Susan’s father.
D) He is eager to meet Susan’s parents.
4. A) She has to post a letter instead.
B) She has turned down the man’s request.
C) She’s not sure if the computer is fixed.
D) She can’t send the message right now.
5. A) He didn’t get the book he needed.
B) He had no idea where the book was.
C) The library is closed on weekends.
D) He was not allowed to check out the book.
6. A) She thought there were no tickets left for the show.
B) She thought the seats on the left side were fully occupied.
C) The show was planned a long time ago.
D) The audience were deeply impressed by the show.
7. A) Mr. Long’s briefing was unnecessarily long.
B) The woman should have been more attentive.
C) Mr. Long’s briefing was not relevant to the mission.
D) The woman needn’t have attended the briefing.
8. A) Go on with the game. B) Draw pictures on the computer.
C) Review his lessons. D) Have a good rest.
9. A) John will be late. B) John won’t come.
C) John will be on time. D) Nobody except John will come.
10.A) The exam was easier than the previous one.
B) Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam.
C) Joe probably failed in the exam.
D) The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.
1. 【选D】原文重现 2000.6
W: If I were you, I would have accepted the job.
M: I turned down the offer because it would mean frequent business trips away from my family.
Q: Why didn’t the man accept the job?
turn down (收音机等)关小;拒绝
turn up (收音机等)调大;出现;找到
turn over (机器等)运转;翻过来
turn away 走开;把脸转过去
2. 【选A】原文重现 2000.6
M: Wouldn’t you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to children?
W: I don’t think it would be as boring as working in an office. Teaching is most stimulating.
Q: What does the woman imply about office work?
3. 【选C】原文重现
W: Hey, Dan, I hear you’re meeting Susan’s parents for the first time.
M: Yeah, next weekend. Fortunately, her father loves to fish, so we’ll have something to talk about.
Q: What can be inferred about Dan?
talk about 谈到;谈论 talk into 说服;劝说某人做某事
talk over 商谈,商量 talk with 与……交谈,试图说服
4. 【选D】原文重现 2002.1
M: Jessica, could you forward this email to all the club members?
W: Sorry, the computer broke down this morning , I will do it for you as soon as I have it fixed.
Q: What does the woman imply?
break down 打破;发生故障;中止
break away 突然离开;逃跑,脱身
break off (使)折断;中断;断绝
break up 打碎;(关系)破裂
5. 【选A】原文重现 2002.1
W: Did you find the book for your reading assignment in the library?
M: It closed before I got there. I had no idea it closed so early on weekend.
Q: What does the man mean?
6. 【选A】原文重现 2002.1
M: I heard there are a few seats left for the show tonight.
W: Really? I was under the impression that the tickets were sold out a long time ago.
Q: What do we know from the woman’s reply?
sell out 售完 sell off 廉价出清(存货) sell up 卖光
7. 【选B】原文重现
W: Mrs. Long’s briefing seemed to go on forever. I was barely able to stay awake.
M: How could you sleep through that? It was very important to the mission we are going to carry out.
Q: What does the man imply?
carry out 进行,开展;执行 carry off 拿走,夺去……的生命
carry back 运回;使回想起 carry away 运走,使失去自制力
8. 【选C】原文重现 2002.6
W: Mark is playing computer games.
M: Should he do that when the final exam is drawing near?
Q: What does the man think Mark should do?
draw near 接近,临近 draw up 起草,制订
draw into 使卷入 draw out 拉长;掏出(手帕等)
9. 【选C】原文重现
M: Do you think John will come to our party on time tonight?
W: If John doesn’t, then nobody will.
Q: What does the woman mean?
10. 【选C】原文重现 2003.1
W: Listen to me, Joe. The exam is already a thing of the past. Just forget about it.
M: That is easier said than done.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?
unit 1 收得领地Day 18 转 折 题
转 折 题
转折题看似比较难,搞的考生摸不着头脑,其实你要抓住其内在的规律便可迎刃而解。所谓转折,代表意思的改变,往往答案关键线索之处在转折词的后面。当你听到原文中出现显性转折词but(四级听力出现频率最高,考生应注意其在句子里面的发音连读和爆破), or , otherwise , however , anyhow 等,及隐性如:In fact, to tell the truth, frankly speaking, to be honest, sounds great, I’d love to, I’m afraid to, That’s great等,就需对前面的信息180度大转弯,再来判断正确答案。
【例1】 2000.6
W: Did you visit the Television Tower when you had your vacation in Shanghai last summer?
M: I couldn’t make it last June. But I finally visited it two months later. I plan to visit it again sometime next year.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
A) He saw the big tower he visited on TV .
B) He has visited the TV tower twice.
C) He has visited the TV tower once.
D) He will visit the TV tower in June.
【预测】 选项是关于谁去了TV tower没有,去过几次的干扰。
【解析】 男士说去年6月,没有游览成电视塔,很多同学看见否定就掉进这个陷阱(couldn’t),后面but转折的话才是要点,提到两个月后去了,计划明年还去一次,所以实际只游览了一次。因此选C。
【例2】 2001.6
M: How did you like yesterday’s play?
W: Generally speaking, it was quite good. The part of the secretary was played wonderfully, but I think the man who played the boss was too dramatic to be realistic.
Q: How does the woman feel about the man?
A) He played his part quite well. B) He was not dramatic enough.
C) He performed better than the secretary D) He exaggerated his part.
【解析】 关于整个play女士觉得quite good,不要在这里上当。but 后面的是关键,“the boss”的角色太戏剧化,不像是真的,说明表演过头。所以选D。其他选项都相反。
1. A) The assignment looks easy, but actually it’s quite difficult.
B) The assignment is too difficult for them to complete on time.
C) They cannot finish the assignment until Thursday
D) They have plenty of time to work on the assignment.
2. A) He was kept in hospital for a long time.
B) He was slightly injured in a traffic accident.
C) He was seriously wounded in a mine explosion.
D) He was fined for speeding.
3. A) She will go to cinema with the man.
B) She couldn’t go with the man.
C) She is going to visit one of her friends.
D) She hopes the man can stay with her.
4. A) The election will go to nowhere.
B) He will call the woman as soon as possible.
C) The result will come out very late.
D) The woman should go to bed early.
5. A) There is no more left.
B) It doesn’t appeal to her.
C) It’s incredibly delicious.
D) She has already tasted it.
6. A) The exam was easy.
B) The exam was hard.
C) The exam time was too long.
D) The last question was especially hard.
7. A) Go to the concert.
B) Stay at home.
C) Fix his bike.
D) Do homework.
8. A) It’s not as hard as expected.
B) It’s too tough for some students.
C) It’s much more difficult than people think.
D) It’s believed to be the hardest optional course.
9. A) Type letters.
B) Go out.
C) Help the man with his work.
D) Stay at home.
10. A) Ask Tom to send an invitation.
B) Get the Johnsons’ address.
C) Invite Tom to the party.
D) Tell Tom to pick up the Johnsons.
1. 【选D】原文重现 2003.1
M: Ow, that’s a big assignment we got for the English class?
W: Well, it’s not as bad as it looks. It isn’t due until Thursday morning.
Q: What does the woman mean?
2. 【选B】原文重现
W: John! Haven’t seen you for quite a while. Are you well?
M: Oh, yes. But luck seemed to go against me. I had a car accident. Only some minor injuries though.
Q: What happened to John?
go against 违反;反对;不利于 go about 从事,着手做;闲逛
go after 追逐,追求;设法得到 go on 继续
3. 【选B】原文重现
M: I’m going to see a historical movie named King Arthur. Would you go with me?
W: I’d love to, but one of my friends is already on his way to visit me.
Q: What does the woman mean?
4. 【选B】原文重现
W: Please do keep me informed as soon as you get the final result of the election.
M: Of course, unless I fall asleep on the way to the phone.
Q: What does the man mean?
5. 【选B】原文重现
M: Would you like to try the banana pie, it’s incredible.
W: Well, to tell the truth, I don’t care much for dessert.
Q: What does the woman say about the banana pie?
6. 【选B】原文重现
W: What did you think of the final exam?
M: I was expecting it to be easy, but I barely had time to get to the last question.
Q: What does the man think of the final exam?
7. 【选C】原文重现
W: Would you like to go with me to a concert tonight?
M: I’d love to, but I have to fix my bike first.
Q: What is the man going to do first?
8. 【选C】原文重现 2003.6
W: Is that optional course as hard as everybody says?
M: It’s actually even worse, believe it or not.
Q: What does the man say about the course?
9. 【选A】原文重现
M: If you help me with this work. I can have it done in about ten minutes.
W: I wish I could. But my father told me to type these letters before four o’clock.
Q: What is the woman going to do?
10. 【选B】原文重现
W: I want to ask the Johnsons to come to the party. Do you know their address?
M: No. But I like them to come. I think Tom can give you their address.
Q: What is the woman going to do?
unit 1 收得领地Day 19 引申题
引 申 题
Wild horse couldn’t keep me away. 野马也挡不住我——非去不可。
I’m counting the days. 我在数着天数——急迫希望。
The last thing in the world. 这是世上最后一件要做的事——不愿意。
Day in and day out. 早出晚归——很忙。
Give me a hand. 帮我一个忙。
【例1】 2000.6
M: Prof. Kennedy has been very busy this semester. As far as I know, he works until midnight every day.
W: I wouldn’t have troubled him so much if I had known he was so busy.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
A) The woman has trouble getting along with the professor.
B) The woman regrets having taken up much of the professor’s time.
C) The woman knows the professor has been busy.
D) The woman knows the professor has run into trouble.
【预测】 四个选项都是在描述woman,所以女士的话很关键。注意听辨。
【解析】 男士说教授很忙,女士没有直接回答,而是说早知道就不麻烦他了,言下之意,就是不应该去打扰他,所以选B。其他选项都不符。
【例2】 1996.1
W: Weren’t you nervous when the professor called on you in the class?
M: I’d say I was shaking all over.
Q: How did the man feel when he was called on?
A) Worried and frightened. B) Very relaxed.
C) Quite unhappy. D) Angry with the professor.
【预测】 从D选项中透露出的关键词professor说明该题有可能是学校上课的场景,注意回忆该场景的单词。
【解析】 女士问男士当被教授点名时是否紧张,男士未做正面回答,而是说听说被叫到时在发抖,言下之意,就是紧张和害怕,故选A。
1. A) Help the man.
B) Talk to Mr. Miller.
C) Go home.
D) Type some letters.
2. A) He doesn’t like rock ’n roll.
B) He likes rock ’n roll only.
C) He is not sure whether he likes rock ’n roll.
D) It’s a long way to get to the record store.
3. A) Jack doesn’t like his job now.
B) Jack keeps extremely busy now.
C) Jack works hard.
D) Jack doesn’t want chang his job right now.
4. A) He’s been in the program for several days.
B) He is working hard on the program.
C) He works only during the day.
D) He will probably never finish.
5. A) To save money for a long time.
B) To buy a new car.
C) To purchase a used car.
D) To get a second car.
6. A) He went mountain climbing last year.
B) He’s always wanted to climb that mountain.
C) This is the last time that he will climb a mountain.
D) He definitely does not want to go.
7. A) She doesn’t care how the movie ended.
B) She would rather see a horror film.
C) She generally dislikes that type of movie.
D) She wasn’t really very frightened.
8. A) She’s spending time going over her accounts.
B) She’s going home for only a few days.
C) She’s excited about going home.
D) She’s counting the number of the vacation days.
9. A) To buy more presents.
B) To drive the woman to the store.
C) To pay for the presents.
D) To return the presents to the store.
10. A) He had been kept away by a wild horse.
B) He wouldn’t come because he had to repair his house.
C) Nothing could prevent him from coming.
D) He had been kept out of the house for some time.
1. 【选D】原文重现
M: If you give me a hand, I can get this work done in about 30 minutes.
W: I would, but Mr. Miller told me to type these letters before I go home.
Q: What’s the woman going to do?
2. 【选A】原文重现
W: You are not much of a rock and roll fan, are you?
M: It’s far from being my favorite kind of music. That’s for sure.
Q: What does the man imply?
3. 【选A】原文重现
W: How does Jack like his new job?
M: He’s taking one day at a time.
Q: What does the man suggest?
take one day at a time 做一天和尚撞一天钟
4. 【选B】原文重现
M: When is Jack going to finish writing that program?
W: I don’t know. He’s been working on it day in and day out.
Q: What does the woman say about Jack?
work on 从事于(某工作) work off 排除;清理;卖掉
work out 算出;制订出 work up 逐步引起;激起;整理
5. 【选B】原文重现
W: I can’t decide whether to buy a new car or try to find a second-hand one.
M: If you buy a new one, you’ll probably save money in the long run.
Q: What does the man suggest to the woman?
6. 【选D】原文重现
W: Would you like to go mountain climbing with us?
M: That’s the last thing in the world that I’d ever want to do.
Q: What does the man mean?
7. 【选C】原文重现
M: I’m not surprised you didn’t like that movie. I found it really frightening myself.
W: I don’t care much for horror movies as a rule.
Q: What does the woman mean?
8. 【选C】原文重现
M: Is your roommate looking forward to going home for the summer?
W: She’s counting the days.
Q: What can be inferred about the woman’s roommate?
look forward to 盼望,期待;预期 look for 寻找
look after 照看,照顾 look down upon 蔑视,看不起
9. 【选D】原文重现
W: I’m afraid I paid too much for these presents, but I just can’t stand the thought of driving all the way back to the store to return them.
M: Well, I’ll be glad to take care of that a little later on.
Q: What is the man going to do?
take care of 照顾;保管 take for 认为,以为;误认为
take it easy 别着急;别紧张
10. 【选C】原文重现
W: Hello, Henry, I was afraid you weren’t coming.
M: Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. Has everybody come?
Q: What is implied in Henry’s response?
unit 1 收得领地Day 20 发音训练——失爆
① 一个爆破音后面紧接另一个爆破音时,前面的爆破音不完全爆破,而后面的一个则需要爆破。
② 当爆破音后紧接着摩擦音或破擦音时,有轻微爆破。
③ 当爆破音在鼻辅音和边辅音前有轻微爆破。
① blackboard
a bad cold
take care
② bedroom
right choice
put the book on the desk
③ midnight
I would like…
1. A) Place another order.
B) Wait patiently.
C) Call to check it.
D) Go and find the furniture.
2. A) It was boring.
B) It was entertaining.
C) It was touching.
D) It was encouraging.
1. 【选B】原文重现 1996.6
40天攻克大学英语四级——听力 40天攻克大学英语四级——核心词汇 40天攻克大学英语四级——作文与翻译 40天攻克大学英语四级——模拟试题五套题 40天攻克大学英语四级——阅读·简答 40天攻克大学英语四级——核心词汇1 大学英语四级2006年听力试题 英语四级听力40条常考 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(1)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(2)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(3)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(4)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(5)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(6)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(7)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(8)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(9)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(10)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(11)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(12)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(13)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(15)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(17)-大学英语四级考试-青年人 2010年大学英语四级考试词汇:10天攻克词汇堡垒(18)-大学英语四级考试-青年人