The new route of human smuggling misery

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/05 12:47:02
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2010-10-10 16:59
Illegal immigrants stopped from entering the UK after they were found by UK Border Agency officers hiding in a lorry of crisps
When Brussels detectives raided the flats at Halvemaanstraat 22 they were shocked at what they discovered.
The address looked ordinary enough for a backstreet in a poor district of Brussels, if shabby. But upstairs, inside a single one-bedroom flat, 24 illegal immigrants were waiting in squalour for the moment they would be taken on the final stage of their long journey to England.
The men, all from the Punjab region of India, were locked indoors and brought cheap supermarket food once a day. Some had been living there for months. If they complained about their conditions, they were beaten.
The immigrants were a human commodity; each had been charged €20,000 (£17,350) to make the long journey via Moscow and Italy. From Brussels they were taken to giant lorry parks on the outskirts, where they would be hidden in vehicles for the clandestine journey through the Channel Tunnel.
Detectives believe it was the biggest and best organised gang to ever smuggle immigrants through Belgian territory.
"This was an organisation that without doubt smuggled thousands of people. They were extremely violent," prosecutor Tim de Wolf told The Sunday Telegraph.
Belgian officials believe a series of trials now concluding in Brussels has shed light on a ruthless criminal underworld which had developed a new route for sending huge numbers of illegal immigrants from India to Britain. Since the closure of the holding camp at Sangatte, near Calais, and a more general crackdown on would-be immigrants to Britain around the Channel ports, people smugglers have relocated to big cities like Brussels and Paris.
The man who led the Brussels gang, Jagdish Kumar, 23, masterminded the business for at least three years. He was jailed for 10 years, one of the longest sentences ever handed out for people smuggling by a Belgian court.
Details emerged at the trials of Kumar, and 21 other Indians convicted alongside him, of a sophisticated, well-organised, and extremely vicious organisation.
"People often think this is a fairly clean business, without victims," Mr de Wolf said. "It is not. We know of 10 stabbings in the lorry parks connected to this gang, and there were almost certainly more."
At least two of the immigrants died as the gang tried to smuggle them into Britain - one asphyxiated in the back of a lorry which never got beyond Calais, another was knifed by a rival gang.
When detectives launched raids to arrest the gang they were astonished to find a total of 164 illegal immigrants in safe houses across Brussels, all waiting to be smuggled. A further 50 were in a building used as a Sikh temple in the suburb of Vilvoorde.
Kumar admitted to being involved in smuggling 150 individuals, but detectives believe the true number was much higher.
"We estimated that 150 Indians per night were being sneaked into lorries by this gang and others to go to England," said Chief Inspector Patrick Van Bossuyt, the detective who was in charge of the investigation. "Some would have been found and arrested, but most probably got across. And the smuggling is still going on today."
Indians who wanted to work illegally in Britain contacted travel agents working for Kumar's gang in the Punjab, who arranged for them to fly to Moscow with forged visas. From there they came to Belgium by land, crossing borders illegally on a tortuous route through Ukraine, Hungary, Slovenia, and down to Italy, where some laboured in market gardens for a time, paying off part of their "fare".
"Britain remains a destination of choice, and India has many takers," Judge David Moeremans told the Brussels court when he sentenced the gang.
In Brussels, the immigrants would live in of the flats the gang used - one was so cramped they were forced to sleep in the sitting position.
Heidi De Pauw, a social worker who helped some of those discovered in the police raids, said: "To the traffickers, the immigrants are not human beings. They have to pay a lot of money, they are locked up for days with little food, and often they have to work illegally.
"If anyone complains about their papers, or how much they have to pay, violence is used against them."
She said that Britain was the lure. "They speak English, they have family there, and they think it is the land of milk and honey where they will earn a lot of money. When they leave India, they have no idea how dangerous or unpleasant the journey is going to be."
For the last stage of their journey, the Punjabis would either walk or take a tram to lorry parks on the busy E40 motorway, just outside Brussels, where many vehicles make a last stop before the last stage of their journey to Britain.
Court documents seen by The Sunday Telegraph reveal that for this final stage of the journey there were two "classes" of travel. They were charged €5,000 to be placed on a lorry with a driver who was working for the gang, where the chance of success was higher.
Or they would pay €1,500 to be sneaked on to a truck - meaning a higher risk of discovery and the danger that they might become trapped and eventually suffocate.
To gain access to the trucks, Kumar had to pay a second gang of notoriously violent Iraqi Kurds who "controlled" the lorry parks. Detectives found that he paid the Kurds around €8,000 per month for access, paying a further €500 per head for the Kurds to smuggle each immigrant into the backs of lorries.
Disputes between the Indian gang and the Kurds were common, and usually settled by knife fights.
Kumar is believed to have sent hundreds of thousands of euros back to Punjab, though police are still not sure exactly where his family home was.
Kumar's business was so complicated that detectives took two years to disentangle all the financial relationships between the network of Punjabis, many of whom had themselves been illegal immigrants before becoming traffickers.
The families of immigrants in India paid the gang thousands of euros for forged documents.
Some of the illegal immigrants were persuaded to give evidence against the gang and are currently living under protection in Belgium. They were too afraid to speak to The Sunday Telegraph.
Belgian authorities believe the convictions were a major blow against people smuggling gangs.
But the more than 200 illegal immigrants who were seized in the dawn police raids were not put off for long. After being briefly detained they were released with a written order to leave Belgium within five days, but Chf Insp Van Bossuyt doubted they would return home. "They don't have passports, so the Indian government won't take them. I
should think they are all in England now."
Extraordinarily, Kumar is also now a free man too. A few months after his conviction, his lawyers persuaded the court to release him on appeal, and he returned to India.
"It is good that this violent gang of smugglers has been sent to jail," said Ms De Pauw. "But we will need many more such successes to stop human trafficking."