when you are old

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 06:34:11
  when you are old  与水木年华的一生有你有着异曲同工之妙!
    人生最幸福的事就是在年轻时可以遇见自己的真爱,即使他并不高大,并不帅气,即使他不是你曾经幻想中的白马王子,只要彼此相爱着就已经足够!或许当真正的爱情来到我们身边时,我们根本就没有时间去考虑很多,那也好,就这样,简简单单的跟着自己的感觉走下去吧,相信自己,也相信他,相信会给彼此带来幸福!人生最最幸福的事就是纵然白发苍苍,仍可以手牵手,相互依偎着,彼此温暖着,一起过着平凡却相爱的日子,一起走过人生的最后一个阶段!!然后当人生的帷幕落下时,我们可以幸福的说:我没有遗憾,我拥有过,珍惜过,也曾深深地爱过! when you are old and gray and full of sleep and nodding by the fire , take down this book , and slowly read , and dream of the soft look  your eyes had once , of their shadows deep how many loved youe moments of glad  grace  and loved your beauty with love false or true  but one  man  loved the pilgrim soul in you and loved the sorrow of youe changing face  and bending dowm beside the glowing bars  murmur , a little sadly , how love fled  and paced upon the mountains overhead  and hid his face amid a crow of stars