
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 09:00:03
来源Astronomy photographer of the year 2010 | Art and design | guardiancouk
A selection of entries from this year's competition, held at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. See here for details

2010年天文摄影师大赛(Astronomy photographer of the year 2010)已经在格林威治皇家天文台(Royal Observatory in Greenwich)拉开帷幕,以下照片是从参赛作品中精选出来的,欲知详情,请点击此处

A Perfect Circle, Dhruv Arvind Paranjpye (India, aged 14). A solar eclipse photographed in India in 2009. The light around the edge of the circle is the sun's atmosphere, or corona, only visible during an eclipse. The photographer has used the dark clouds to act as a filter. Winner, young astronomy photographer 2010

完美的圆环,来自于德鲁弗·阿温德·帕拉杰伊(Dhruv Arvind Paranjpye:印度,14岁)。这张2009年的日食照片拍摄于印度,圆环边缘的亮光是太阳的大气,即日冕(corona),日冕是日全食时唯一可见的部分,摄影师将乌云当作滤光片拍下了这张神奇的照片。它是2010年天文摄影师大赛少年组的冠军。

Photograph: Dhruv Arvind Paranjpye/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Dhruv Arvind Paranjpye/英国国家航海博物馆

Solstice Full Moon Over Sounion. Entry by Anthony Ayiomamitis.

至日时在苏尼翁(Sounion)升起的满月,来自于安东尼·爱奥玛米迪斯(Anthony Ayiomamitis)的参赛作品。

Photograph: Anthony Ayiomamitis/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Anthony Ayiomamitis/英国国家航海博物馆

Whisper of the Wind. Entry by Dave Brosha.

风的低语,来自于戴夫·布罗沙(Dave Brosha)的参赛作品。

Photograph: Dave Brosha/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Dave Brosha/英国国家航海博物馆

Surrounded by Space. Entry by Fredrik Broms

被星空包围,来自于弗里德里克·布鲁姆斯(Fredrik Broms)的参赛作品。

Photograph: Fredrik Broms/National Maritime Musuem

照片来源:Fredrik Broms/英国国家航海博物馆

The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), Ken Mackintosh (UK). Drawn together by gravity, two galaxies interact. Eventually the smaller galaxy will be torn apart or swallowed by the larger one - a process that will take millions of years. Winner of best newcomer

涡状星系(Whirlpool Galaxy:M51),来自于肯·麦金托什(Ken Mackintosh)。在引力的作用下,两个星系彼此影响,最后较小的星系将被较大星系撕裂或吞食下去——这一过程需要花费上百万年的时间。这张照片是2010年天文摄影师大赛最佳新手组的冠军。

Photograph: Ken Mackintosh/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Ken Mackintosh/英国国家航海博物馆

The Sword and the Rose (Orion's Sword and M42). Entry by Marcus Davies

刀剑和玫瑰(猎户之剑和M42星云),来自于马库斯·戴维斯(Marcus Davies)的参赛作品。

Photograph: Marcus Davies/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Marcus Davies/英国国家航海博物馆

Primal Wonder. Entry by Larry Andreasen

原始奇迹,来自于拉里·安德里森(Larry Andreasen)的参赛作品。

Photograph: Larry Andreasen/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Larry Andreasen/英国国家航海博物馆

Orion Deep Wide Field, Rogelio Bernal Andreo California, US, 10 June 2010. A panorama of a section of the constellation of Orion, including the three famous stars of the belt, the Horsehead nebula and the Orion nebula. Winner of the deep space prize

猎户座的深空区域,罗格里奥·伯纳尔·安德列奥2010年6月10日拍摄于加利福尼亚。这张照片展示了猎户座某个截面的全景图,其中包括著名的猎户座腰带星、马头星云(Horsehead nebula)和猎户星云(Orion nebula)。它是2010年天文摄影师大赛外太空组的冠军。

Photograph: Rogelio Bernal Andreo /National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Rogelio Bernal Andreo/英国国家航海博物馆

Siberian Totality, Anthony Ayiomamitis (Greece). Taken during a total eclipse of the sun, this image reveals the faint solar corona usually hidden by the photosphere. The long streamers and prominences show the sun's activity beyond the surface, reaching out into the solar system. Winner of the Our Solar System award

西伯利亚日全食,来自于希腊摄影师安东尼·爱奥玛米迪斯(Anthony Ayiomamitis)。这张照片为我们展示了炫目的太阳日冕,在通常情况下,日冕都被来自光球层的强光遮蔽了。长长的流纹和日珥显示太阳活动已经冲出表面,深入了太阳系。它是2010年天文摄影师大赛太阳系组的冠军。

Photograph: Anthony Ayiomamitis /National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Anthony Ayiomamitis/英国国家航海博物馆

Photon Worshippers, Steve Christenson, 23 December 2009. For a few weeks every year the setting sun is in the correct position to shine directly through this portal in a large rock formation at Pfeiffer beach in Big Sur, California. People and space award winner

光之崇拜者,斯蒂夫·克里斯滕森(Steve Christenson)拍摄于2009年12月23日。在加州的大南方岬(Big Sur),每一年中都有几个礼拜,夕阳西下时的光芒会直接穿过位于菲佛海滩(Pfeiffer beach)一块大岩层上的开口。这张照片是是2010年天文摄影师大赛人与太空组的冠军。

Photograph: Steve Christenson/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Steve Christenson/英国国家航海博物馆

Blazing Bristlecone, Tom Lowe, White Mountains, California, 14 August 2009. An ancient bristlecone pine stands before the Milky Way as a meteor streaks the sky. The lighting effect on the tree in the foreground was actually caused by accident when the photographer was setting his equipment up. Overall winner of the astronomy photographer of the year award, and winner of the earth and space prize

星光下的狐尾松(bristlecone),汤姆·罗伊2009年8月14日拍摄于加利福尼亚的怀特山(White Mountains)中。银河横亘在夜空之中,不时有流星划过天际,一棵古老的狐尾松屹立在大地之上。树干上的光照效果是摄影师在调试设备时引发的意外。这张照片是2010年天文摄影师大赛年度总冠军,同时也是地球与太空组的分冠军。

Photograph: Tom Lowe/National Maritime Museum

照片来源:Tom Lowe/英国国家航海博物馆






