译言网 | 权力归于人民:“检察审查会”震撼日本

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 12:33:17



于2010-08-10 22:46:37翻译 | 已有631人浏览


Tags:日本 | 检察审查会
In Japan, prosecutors have long stood as symbols of absolute authority. Their decisions on whether to indict someone have mostly been unappealable. Meanwhile, a vote to indict someone in Japan is tantamount to a conviction –  more than 99% of those indicted ultimately receive guilty verdicts.


But all that’s starting to change, thanks to a decision made last year by the Japanese government to give court-appointed citizens’ panels the power to examine prosecutors’ decisions. The grand-jury-like panels now have the power to overrule prosecutors. Click here for the WSJ story, by Yuka Hayashi.

但日本政府去年决定将审查检察官决定的权力赋予法院指定的检察审查会。由于这一决定,所有这些都正在发生变化。如今审查会就像大陪审团,有了否决检察官决定的大权。点击此处阅读林由佳(Yuka Hayashi)为华尔街日报撰写的报道。

Hayashi writes that the new panel system came into effect in May of last year, but received attention only in the past few months when it started to deliver highly influential rulings. The cases included a campaign-fund scandal involving Ichiro Ozawa, a senior ruling-party member and one of the most powerful politicians in decades, and a major train accident where the roles of railway executives were questioned.


The 11-member citizens’ panels were created in the late 1940s by the U.S.-led occupational government to provide checks and balances to prosecutors. The model was the grand-jury system in the U.S.


The panel’s original mandate was to examine prosecutors’ decisions, but its decisions weren’t binding and were routinely ignored by the prosecutors. So, the panels worked in obscurity for decades.


Under the new system, the ordinary citizen has more clout. A panel looks only at cases where prosecutors have decided not to indict someone, not where they have already moved to indict. But a panel can force an indictment after two consecutive rulings by ordering a court-appointed lawyer to file one, bypassing prosecutors.


The case involving Ozawa is particularly controversial because the panel’s decisions could lead to an indictment and effectively end his career. A decision is expected as early as September. Prosecutors twice decided not to indict him. The panel’s decision in April forced them to reopen the probe.


The citizens’ panels gained strength during the effort to curb the power of the legal bureaucracy and give ordinary citizens more say. Last year, Japan introduced a jury system for the first time in major criminal cases. That followed a change in the bar-exam system that helped increase the number of lawyers in the country.
