
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 05:29:14


格罗兹尼(Грозный)是俄罗斯联邦车臣共和国首府。这座城市由伊凡雷帝(Иван Грозный)亲自命名,取“雷帝”二字。格罗兹尼是在1818年俄罗斯帝国军队建立的格罗兹尼城堡的基础上发展起来的。俄罗斯北高加索石油城,车臣-印古什自治共和国首府。人口39.3万(1985)。1818年建为要塞, 1870年建市。十九世纪末罗斯托夫至巴库的铁路建成后,随石油开发而迅速兴起。格罗兹尼石油区的中心。工业以石油采炼、化工及石油机械制造为主。两座炼油厂的原油年加工能力约1400万吨。有石油学院和石油天然气科研机构。有输油管道通里海西岸的马哈奇卡拉等地。    

既然“格罗兹尼”在当地方言里就是“可怕和残酷”的意思,那么,这个车臣的首府早已注定将成为嗜血之城。1818年才建立的格罗兹尼城,是按照作战要塞来设计的,城内堡垒密如蛛网,易守难攻。所以,这里爆发的两次巷战,堪称越战后最血腥的战役。1994年后,它因“让俄罗斯军队战栗”而闻名于世。  早在1994年,格罗兹尼就要了上千俄罗斯士兵的命。据说,杀进格市的一个千余人的作战团仅剩下一名军官和10名士兵活着离开;进入市区的26辆俄军坦克被车臣武装击毁了20辆;俄军的120辆装甲车也损失了102辆;车臣武装甚至将俄军死尸垒成沙包当作街头碉堡——死去的士兵丧失了最后的尊严。5年后,俄罗斯阵亡士兵的尸体再次被污辱。2000年1月24日是第二次格罗兹尼巷战最惨烈的一天。俄军尸横遍野。天特别冷,尸体都没有腐烂,车臣武装踏着它们前进。
引自 百度百科:http://baike.baidu.com/view/422785.htm

A Trip To Grozny, Chechnya

We thought it might be interesting to visit Grozny city of today and look how it has changed after the war. It turned out that the city was totally restored and it doesn’t remind much of the hard time it had to go through.战后的格罗兹尼已经完全恢复,看着这些街道和建筑完全无法和这座城市曾经经历的艰难时期联系起来。


There are no exchange offices in Grozny but there are many money changers who always offer favorable rate.


The main mosque of the city


It’s the largest mosque in Russia and Europe.


It was opened on 17, October, 2008 during the forum “Islam - religion of peace and creation”. Its construction began in 2006 with the assistance of Turkey. The mosque’s minarets are the haghest in Russia, but the height of the cupola is 3 meters less than those in Kazan and St. Petersburg. Besides, it is more spacious than the mosque of Makhachkala.该清真寺正式启用于2008年10月17日当时正值举办和平与创新的宗教伊斯兰论坛期间,这座清真寺动工于2006年是通过土耳其的贷款建造的。清真寺的尖塔高度是俄罗斯最高的,但是其圆顶高度比喀山和圣彼得堡的清真寺要低上三米。此外它比马哈奇卡拉[俄西南部港市](位于里海西岸)的清真寺宽阔。


Outside and inside walls are decorated with rarest marble - travertine, and the interior is beautified with white marble that is quarried on the island of Marmara Adasi in the Sea of Marmara.清真寺内外都被精美的石材装饰。


There are lots of FSB officers in Grozny.

Only unarmed people may enter the mosque.只有没有武器的人才能进入清真寺


The main cupola of the mosque

The mosque was painted by Turkish masters, the mosque will keep its colors for the nearest 50 years. Patterns and texts have been written with pure gold spatter. 

There are 36 chandeliers in the mosque. Their making took some tons of bronze, 2,5kg of pure gold and more than a million of various details. The chandeliers have a Chechen ornament. 

Studying the Koran

The usable area of the mosque is 5000 m2, height of the minarets - 62 m, the total area of the Islamic center - 14 hectares. 

Saint Michael the Archangel Cathedral in Grozny格罗兹尼圣天使大教堂


The cathedral was founded in the end of the XIX century, it was seriously damaged during the Chechen conflict, however it was restored and opened in 2006.大教堂建于19世纪,曾被毁于车臣内战,后被重新修复并于2006年重开。


Fewer and fewer people come here …

It’s the only one cathedral in Chechnya except for a chapel in some village.除了一些村里的小礼拜堂外这座大教堂是车臣仅存的教堂了。


The Sunzha riverSunzha河

The Grozny City complex - the 1st construction stage consists of 8 buildings but they plan to build 50 of them.混杂的建筑风格。


A view from the City’s towers.

Today about 7000 Russians live in Grozny and theydon’t complain about persecution.如今有7000左右的俄国人生活在格罗兹尼,还算生活平静。


The worst curse in Chechnya: “let the fireplace go out in this house.”

Only Chechen women have to cover their heads.

A Chechen man may marry a woman of any nationality but a Chechen woman should marry only a Chechen man.车臣男子可以找任何种族的女人为妻,但是车臣妇女只能嫁给车臣人。


“ISLAM” taxi

Police may ask you to show your documents in any moment.警察可能会随时要求你出示证件。


“Heart of Chechnya” LTD. Nice.

Another peculiarity - many cars with flashers, and much noice in the streets…

However some unrestored districts can also be found.

Sasha helps to dismantle houses, he’s paid about 33 USD a day…



Only recently this woman and three other families lived in a demolished house. She moved to another abandoned during the war but not demolished house, however, she hasn’t been given any documents.这个老太和另外三个家人生活在这些废弃的危房中,并随着拆迁的过程,不断的搬家,她没有任何证明材料是个黑户。


Sasha doesn’t plan to leave this place.

Schoolchildren. Traditionally adults do not pay much attention to problems, feelings and emotions of kids.学童们,传统来说,成年人不怎么在意他们的心理感受。


A man is showing the foundation of his house. He’s been given 11550 USD for its restoration  but he spent this money for education of his three sons, however, he plans to restore the house anyway.老头,指着自家的宅基地,他得到了11550美元的补助,但是他把这些钱花在了三个儿子的教育上(有远见),当然,房子他还是准备建的。


Some people still live in demolished houses …

A new school, girls wear kerchiefs of different colors depending on the grade.一间新学校,你可以通过小妞们戴的头巾颜色区分她们的年级。


“Moscow-Grozny” Train

Guests are always warmly welcomed in Chechen houses, it’s a good tradition.格罗兹尼人总是那么热情好客,这是一种传统。


Taxi in the city - about 3 USD, through the call service it costs about 3,7 USD. Each day a taxi-driver should give 22USD to his firm.出租车业,一般起步价3美元,如果是通过呼叫中心的话,3.7美元,每天司机要给出租公司上交22美元。


666 USD - is an average monthly salary of a taxi-driver.出租司机月薪666美元


“Berkat” market.

“If you don’t act like a man, don’t sprout a moustache!” Those who have a moustache should follow three prohibitions: not to cry with grief, not laugh with joy, never escape in case of any threat.

Someone hasn’t paid a rental and all the pavilion has been closed. A guard is explaining: nobody will work till one doesn’t pay.市场保安在给不掏租金的商户做工作。