09-2010 : 英语技巧:对英语习语感到迷惑吗?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 14:19:11
在所有语言中,都有一些不能从字面上理解的表述:整个短语的意思与每个词单独的意思并不同。讲英语的人喜欢使用这些短语,或称之为“习语”。 我们从以下习语开始学习:

  • It’s beyond me,”即,“I don’t understand. ”(我不明白。)
  • “That came out of the blue!”即,“unexpectedly. ”(太意外了!)
  • “He dropped a bombshell yesterday, ”即,“he made an unexpected announcement. ”(他昨天作了一个意外声明。)
  • “The mind boggles, ”即,“that’s amazing! ”(太神奇了!)
  • “Finished by Monday? Ha! Pigs may fly! ”即,“that will never happen. ”(周一前完成?根本不可能!)
  • Seeing is believing, ”即,“you can only be sure when you’ve seen it. ”(眼见为实。)
  • “I was struck dumb when she arrived on time! ”即,“I was amazed. ”(我很惊讶她能按时到达。)


  • “We need to cover our bases, ”即,“we need to make sure we’re thoroughly prepared. ”(我们需要确保已做好充分准备。)
  • “Right, who wants to get the ball rolling? ”即,“who wants to be the first to speak? ”(好的,谁想第一个发言呢?)
  • “It’s all above board, ”即,“it’s being done legally. ”(事情正合法地进行。)
  • “We shouldn’t cut corners, ”即,“we shouldn’t try to do it cheaply. ”(我们不应只想节省成本。)
  • “We’re going to put it on ice for now, ”即,“postpone further action. ”(我们打算推迟进一步行动。)
  • “Let’s get down to brass tacks, ”即,“deal with the practical details. ”(让我们来处理一下实际细节。)
  • “We’ve clinched the deal! ”即,“reached an agreement. ”(我们已达成协议。)

  • “That will cost an arm and a leg! ”即,“it will be expensive. ”(那太贵了.)
  • “I’m afraid we’re in the red at the moment, ”即,“we’re making a financial loss. ”(目前我们处于亏损中。)
  • “They can’t pay, they’re broke, ”即,“they haven’t got any money at all. ”(他们根本一分钱还没得到。)
  • “We’ll break even, ”即,“our profits will equal our expenses. ” (我们将收支平衡。)
  • “Let’s go for a ball park figure, ”即,“let’s work out a rough estimate. ”(让我们大体估计一下。)
  • “What the bottom line? ”即,“the final profit/loss; ”(最终的盈利/损失是多少?)也指:“the decisive point, i.e. what someone is really saying. ”(某个人真正的意思。)
  • “We were given a blank cheque, ”即,“we were told to do what we thought was best in the situation. ”(我们被告知在此情况下做我们所认为的最好的事。)

  • “He arrived in the nick of time, ”即,“he arrived in time to rescue the situation. ”(他及时到达,挽救了形势。)
  • “We’ve got up-to-the-minute information, ”即,“the most recent information. ”(我们已得到最新的信息。)
  • “He’s left the company for good, ”即,“permanently. ”(他永久离开了公司。)
  • A watched pot never boils”即,“if you’re impatient, things don’t happen. ”(心急吃不了热豆腐。)
  • “We’re working against the clock, ”即,“it’s a tight deadline. ”(时间太紧了。)

  • “He’s sitting on the fence, ”即,“he refuses to make a decision. ”(他拒绝做出决定。)
  • “He’s had a change of heart, ”即,“he’s changed his mind. ”(他已改变了主意。)
  • “They missed the boat, ”即,“they missed an opportunity. ”(他们错过了机会。)
  • “It’s six of one and half a dozen of the other, ”即,“it doesn’t make any difference. ”(半斤八两,没什么区别。)
  • “Let’s give it the green light, ”即,“permission to go ahead. ”(让我们大开绿灯吧。)
  • “The ball’s in your court, ”即,“it’s your turn to speak or act now. ”(现在该轮到你们采取行动了。)
  • “We’re going to fast track this project, ”即,“give it priority. ”(我们打算优先进行此项目。)
  • “It’s the lesser of two evils, ”即,“the better of two bad options. ”(两害相权取其轻者。)
  • “Have you weighed the pros and cons? ”即,“considered the advantages and disadvantages. ” (您权衡利弊了吗?)
  • “She took the bull by the horns, ”即,“she acted decisively. ”(她做事果断。)

  • “I think he’s the weakest link, ”即,“he might cause the project to fail. ”(我认为他是最薄弱的环节。)
  • “Your estimates are all over the shop, ”即,“they are in a mess. ”(您的估计很杂乱。)
  • “Will they be able to deliver the goods? ”即,“do what’s expected. ”(他们能够如期所愿吗?)
  • “Don’t worry, he knows the subject like the back of his hand, ”即,“he knows the subject very well. ”(不要着急,他对该课题非常了解。)
  • “He’d better get his act together, ”即,“deal with things more efficiently. ”(他最好能更高效地处理事情。)