mac os x 10.4.1 tiger x86 on vmware 5

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Mac OS X 10.4.1 Tiger x86 on VMWare 5 and Native byxplOde
(Credits to PearPC community, Prasys, Fr3DBr, OSx86 Project)
This is the most simple guide to installing Mac OS x86, it looks longer because its very simple if you can browse the internet and check e-mail you can do this! I made this guide so that more people are able to do this without asking 100 questions during the process by following other guides. This will work on ANY x86 cpu with SSE2 or SSE3 and here is aScreenshot (on VMWare) and aVideo (from native install) on Amd Athlon 64 3200+ oc‘d to 3800+, Asus A8N Sli Deluxe, 1gb ocz ram. The Instructions in green are for Native installation on your computer and blue for VMWare installation. So for native installation follow everything except blue and for VMware follow everything except green, just to make things clear. The reason VMWare is required for native installation because it is the only way we can move the content from PearPC Installation HD Image to the actual physical Hard Disk. Warning: If you choose to install it native on your computer, there are less chances of it working since every computer is different and this OS is intended for one specific OS so I recommend installing it on VMWare first. After VMWare Installation you can install Darwin on Physical HD using VMWare and just proceed to Step#9 5th command in white color.
Before you begin:
- Make sure you have a SSE2 or SSE3 capable cpu, download this Tool to find out -=>CPU-Z . If you only have SSE2 and not SSE3 then only x86 binarys will work because for ppc binarys you need Rosetta which requires SSE3. It is still worth installing since everything included in the OS works except for iTunes and DVD Player.
- You need Windows XP and around 12gb of free space / A spare IDE hard disk with at least 4gb space (SATA are not known to work with native installation)
You also need:VMWare 5 -UltraISO (v7.6.1.1125) (Patches) -PearPC -HD Image
and also: Darwin 8.01Mirror1,Mirror2,Mirror3 (#3 requiresAppleID-its free) (rename this Darwin file‘s extension to .iso instead of .iso.gz after downloading)
1) Unzip and edit ppc.cfg file in notepad and edit the first few things like it says in there and unzip the HD Image, it will unzip and become 3gb and put it in folder PPC, the one you just extracted.
2) Get a hold of Mac OS Tiger x86 Developer Kit Install DVD I assume you have the actual DVD (obtained legally) and a .dmg file for it and this is why you will need to install UltraISO to convert it. After installing go to Tools > Convert and select Standard ISO and convert it. If ISO format does not work later on use .img format.
3) After configuring ppc.cfg and checking it again, right click on ppc.exe and click "Create Shortcut" then right click in that shortcut and in the Target box at the end type this after ppc.exe: ppc.cfg then press OK and double click it to open. Select the CD Rom boot option (probably 2) then go through setup and make sure you do not select Developer tools, printer drivers and fonts so that you can fit in the 3gb image. Finish the install after reboot, open shortcut to ppc.exe again and finish the installation until you boot properly to the desktop and then just shut it down.
4) Install VMWare 5 and create a new (File > New > Virtual Machine) and select these options ( Custom > New > Other for both > Select ram size you want > Bridged Networking > Buslogic > New Virtual Disk > IDE > 4.0Gb and check Allocate Space Now and Finish Use a physical hard disk > Select which Disk you want to use (if you don‘t know which is which, right click on My Computer, click Manage, click Disk Management and check there) also make sure you use the entire disk that‘s why it must be a spare HD > select filename> Finish ). Now in the Devices section double click on CD-ROM (IDE 1:0) so you can edit it and check Use ISO Image and use the Darwin ISO file (make sure you rename it to .iso) then press ok.
5) To Install Darwin Press green Play icon on the top, after you see big VMWARE logo press Escape and select CD-ROM to boot from it. Now wait until it asks you to select things and select them like this:
1 to install it on first HD > 2 to partition the HD manually > y to initialize the partition table > Type the commands below:
auto hfs
Then just type Y or Yes and follow through until it gives you an error and reboots, when it does press Escape and select CD-ROM again and do the following:
1 to install it on first HD
3 to use the existing partitions
Then press Y or Yes again and follow through and finish the installation. After the installation select reboot and before it starts press Stop icon on the top in VMWare.
6) Now double click on CD-ROM (IDE 1:0) and select Stuff.iso included in and press ok then start your VMWare by pressing Play icon, let it boot then enter the login as root and then your password and type the following commands (watch carefully for spaces):
cd ../..
mkdir mnt
mkdir stuff
mount -t cd9660 /dev/disk2s0 /mnt (if this gives an error try disk1s0 or disk3s0)
cd mnt
ls (make sure you see CoreGraphics, ditto, oah750d)
cp -RLv CoreGraphics /stuff/ (only copy this if you do not have SSE3 capable cpu, this applies to this ONE command only, all the ones below are required no matter what)
cp -RLv ditto /stuff/
cp -RLv oah750d /stuff/
After these steps type reboot and click on Stop icon before it boots again.
7) Now remember the HD Image you had before in PearPC, move that to where you have your VMWare 4.0Gb HD Image. Look for the file with name of the VMWare HD Image not the 4.0Gb one but the 1Kb one, I named mine Tiger and the file is called Tiger.vmdk. Now make a copy of this file and change its filename to anything not too long. Edit that file in notepad and change only ONE line that looks like
RW 8388608 FLAT "Tiger-flat.vmdk" 0
change this to
RW 6290928 FLAT "Tiger.img" 0 (if you did not use the 3gb Image from this site then instead of 6290928, use (size of hd image in bytes) divided by (512)
Make sure that if yours is not called Tiger.img you put that in there. Then save that file and go back in VMWare.
8) Now double click on CD-ROM (IDE 1:0) and select the Darwin ISO again and press OK. Then click on "Edit Virtual Machine Settings" and click on Hard Disk and click Add at the bottom (click Next > Hard Disk > Use existing virtual disk > Select the new .vmdk you made few mins ago > Finish). Now go start VMWare again by pressing Play icon and let it boot and login to your root password.
9) At the command line type the following commands (watch carefully for spaces):
(Please note that all references made to "Untitled" below has a small chance of being different, type "cd ../.." > "cd Volume" > "ls" and find out what yours is called. There should be two in there, one is your Darwin, which is what you put while installing Darwin and the other should be either Untitled or something else. If it is not Untitled then replace all future references to Untitled with that, and they are colored grey so you remember)
cd ../..
cd stuff
cp -RLv oah750d /Volumes/Untitled/usr/libexec/oah
(The following ONE command is not required if you have a SSE3 capable cpu, but all the ones below that are required no matter what)
cp -RLv CoreGraphics /Volumes/Untitled/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/
mount -t cd9660 /dev/disk2s0 /mnt (if this gives an error try disk1s0 or disk3s0)
cp -RLv /mnt/System/Library/Extensions/ApplePS2Controller.kext /Volumes/Untitled/System/Library/Extensions
cp -RLv /Volumes/Untitled/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
./ditto -rsrc /Volumes/Untitled /
cd ..
DiskUtil repairPermissions /
mv /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb.bad
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone (do not worry if this gives you an error)
Now everything is done and after reboot it should work properly. Before you reboot, make sure you make that spare HD your main one so you can boot from it. Enjoy! If theres any probleme-mail me or talk to me #OSx86.xplode also join #OSx86 (which is the main channel).
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