【大清选辑】 National Geographic 之风光美图(3)(图) - 顶顶华闻

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【大清选辑】 National Geographic 之风光美图(3)(图)

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Okavango Delta, Botswana, 1997
Photograph by Chris Johns
"Hunting at dusk, adults and pups trot across a floodplain during the Okavango Delta‘s September dry season. Youngsters four months and older do their best to follow the pack, but older dogs sometimes hide tired pups in the brush, safe from lions, and return for them later."

(Text and photograph from "Africa‘s Wild Dogs," May 1999, National Geographic magazine)
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase().indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;‘ type=image src="http://lava.nationalgeographic.com/pod/pictures/lg_wallpaper/06459_50016.jpg">

Florida, 1996
Photograph by George Grall
"A bottom plodder by nature, a startled common snapper coaxes grace from its heavy, muscled body as it swims across a Florida pond. A saw-toothed tail and large head distinguish the reclusive Chelydra serpentine, or ‘snakelike swamp thing.‘"

(Text and photograph from "Unmasking the Snapping Turtle," March 1999, National Geographic magazine)

Petra, Jordan, 1998
Photograph by Annie Griffiths Belt
"A subtle palette radiates from Nabataean tombs east of the city center. Scattered over 400 square miles [1,035 square kilometers], Petra includes dozens of such enclaves."
(Text and photograph from "Petra: An Ancient City of Stone," December 1998, National Geographic magazine)
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase().indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;‘ type=image src="http://lava.nationalgeographic.com/pod/pictures/lg_wallpaper/NGM1998_12p130-1.jpg">

Yukon Territory, Canada, 1997
Photograph by Robert Clark
"Where glaciers meet mountains in Canada‘s Yukon Territory, some peaks jut from the ice like islands in a frozen sea. These crags, called nunataks, may appear barren, but biologist David Hik, the skier at far right, has discovered that collectively they harbor hundreds of species, from delicate alpine forget-me-nots to foraging mammals."

(Text and photograph from "Nunataks: Icebound Islands of Life," December 1998, National Geographic magazine)

0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase().indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;‘ type=image src="http://lava.nationalgeographic.com/pod/pictures/lg_wallpaper/NGM199812_60-1.jpg">

Along the Indian River, Dominica, 1996
Photograph by Michael Melford
A bois mang tree grows along the banks of the Indian River. With a life span of 150 years, these 100-foot- (30-meter-) tall trees are supported by sinewy, buttressed roots that wind in and amongst themselves. The roots don‘t just support the riverbank, they are the riverbank, making the ground beyond look like a wall-to-wall carpet of wooden eels.

(Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Dominica: The Caribbean‘s ‘Nature Island‘," June 1997, National Geographic magazine)
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase().indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;‘ type=image src="http://lava.nationalgeographic.com/pod/pictures/lg_wallpaper/T0488_5.jpg">

Mount Edziza Provincial Park, Canada, 2005
Photograph by Kevin Burke
A hiker slogs uphill through the Spectrum Range at volcanic Mount Edziza Provincial Park in northwest British Columbia. With less than 300 visitors annually, grizzly sightings are much more likely than hiker sightings.

Read the photographer‘s full caption.

(This photograph by Kevin Burke of Montrose, California, was a runner-up in the second round of Adventure magazine‘s Action Photography Contest. See the other winners >>)

Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, 1998
Photograph by Gordon Wiltsie
Hidden on a spur of land ominously labeled Remote Peninsula, the sheer, blank wall of Great Sail Peak is reflected in a pool of icy water. With an elevation of 5,300 feet [1,615 meters], the massive granite wall took four experienced climbers three weeks to climb. Taking a break to wait out dangerous weather, the crew bolted their tents to the wall and made a hanging camp.

(Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Hitting the Wall: First Ascent of a Baffin Island Peak," January 1999, National Geographic magazine)
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase().indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;‘ type=image src="http://lava.nationalgeographic.com/pod/pictures/lg_wallpaper/06554_59.jpg">

Nosy Be Island, Madagascar, 1967
Photograph by Luis Marden
A simple sailboat rests on the shore of Nosy Be, a small island off the northwest coast of Madagascar. Known for its fragrant and luxurious exports, Nosy Be produces essence of ylang-ylang, the basis of most fine perfumes, and dried vanilla beans, seed pods from the yellow-green vanilla orchid that blooms in the morning and lasts only one day.

(Text adapted from and photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Madagascar: Island at the End of the Earth," October 1967, National Geographic magazine)
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase().indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;‘ type=image src="http://lava.nationalgeographic.com/pod/pictures/lg_wallpaper/01080_124.jpg">

Tanzania, 1997
Photograph by Daniel R. Westergren
Twilight descends on Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro. Although Kilimanjaro is located just 200 miles [322 kilometers] south of the equator, the combination of sun angle, thin atmosphere, and extreme elevation means that its upper slopes experience "summer every day and winter every night."

Ténéré desert, Niger, 1997
Photograph by George Steinmetz
"Mushroom cloud of stone erupts in the Ténéré desert, remnant of its watery past. This pedestal rock began as a mass of pebbly sandstone. Its sculptors were cycles of hot and cold, wet and dry, as well as blowing sand, which caused the sloughing off of shards scattered at the base."

(Text and photograph from "Journey to the Heart of the Sahara," March 1999, National Geographic magazine)
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase().indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;‘ type=image src="http://lava.nationalgeographic.com/pod/pictures/lg_wallpaper/NGM1999_03p21.jpg">
(July 10, 2006)

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