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January 2006
Sat 10:58 am
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Sky News Offbeat: Weird News From Around The World
‘Ban Iran From World Cup‘ CallThe Iranian football team should be banned from this year‘s World Cup because of Tehran‘s nuclear programme, a leading British politician...Italians Prefer To Cheat Than Over-EatGluttony is a deadlier sin than lust, say most Italians.The pizza-loving population feel more guilty about over-eating than they do about...
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Sources: Airstrike may have killed Bin Laden‘s No. 2A CIA airstrike on a building in Pakistan may have killed Osama bin Laden‘s most trusted aide, sources told CNN Friday. There has been no...Chavez attacks U.S. block on warplane dealRead full story for latest details.
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BBC News | World | UK Edition
Bush urges Iran nuclear diplomacyUS President George Bush says he wants to resolve the Iranian nuclear crisis through peaceful means.Europe ‘complicit over CIA jails‘A Swiss investigator is "certain" the CIA ran secret prisons in Europe and accuses its governments of complicity.
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Savage Chickens
Friday the 13thFor more chickens in goalie masks, see Halloween or Do the Mash . [Technorati tags: Cartoons , Chickens , Friday the 13th , ...

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