PD Editorial: SEZs to break new path of scientific developmentpp

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PD Editorial: SEZs to break new path of scientific development

15:38, September 06, 2010      

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China's special economic zones (SEZ) are breaking a new path of scientific development, says the People's Daily, the leading and most influential national newspaper in China, in a front-paged Monday editorial to mark the 30 birthday of the Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou SEZs in Guangdong province, south China, and the Xiamen SEZ in east China's Fujian province. Its detailed extracts read as follows:

When China's reform and opening-up was initiated 30 years ago, the Shenzhen and other SEZs opened a test bed for the nation's reform, opening-up and modernization drive and started the exciting, fiery years in which people launched the pioneering project. In the past three decades, these SEZs, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, have set a splendid chapter for pioneering and forging ahead, created a miracle in the world history of industrialization, urbanization and modernization, and contributed historically to China's reform, opening-up and modernization program.

The practice of the SEZs has given an eloquent proof that the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the only road to success for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. With a special mission entrusted since its birth to explore into the path for the reform and opening up and the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the SEZs have in the past three decades held high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and took the road of socialism steadfastly and scored one feat after another and proclaimed clearly to the people worldwide the strong vitality of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The practice of SEZs fully proves the truth that only the reform and opening policy can develop China, develop socialism and develop Marxism. In the past 30 years, they, through breaking through or traversing any individual, single-item reform to press ahead for the all-round advancement and doing reforms from the economic domain to the political, cultural, social and other realms, took the lead to set up and improve the socialist market economic setup and operation mechanism, and to import from overseas the advanced technologies and managerial experience, and to "walk outward" boldly to make use of the global market and global resources, and so they instilled their own development with an unceasing, inexhaustible power.

Historic immense changes made in the SEZs over the past three decades depend solely on the national reform and opening policy and, China's "modernization vessel" could not brave the wind and waves without the national policy of reform and opening-up its socialism modernization.

The practice of Shenzhen and other SEZs has fully proved the truth that "development is the overriding principle" and scientific development is the fundamental way for building a better-off society and attaining modernization in a comprehensive way.

With its annual GDP going up by 25.8 percent over the last three decades, Shenzhen has emerged as a great modern city from a small border county, and this fact itself has optimized what China has achieved and the road for its development. During the three-decade period, the SEZs have moved from the process of introducing only individual enterprises owned exclusively by foreign investors to developing new, high technologies on their own and proceeding to embark on their own road of "independent innovation" and, from taking the lead to develop further and coordinate growth, they are now unfolding bright prospects for scientific development.

A period of three decades is a historical unit, and it is also the new historical beginning. For China, the reform and opening up is a long-term historical task and, for the special economic zones, they still shoulder the mission to be first to experiment and try them out. The SEZs today are definitely to make the re-start and re-orientation and take trails again.

"Shenzhen's important experience is daring," said late senior leader Deng Xiaoping, who was the architect of China's reform and opening up. Today, as far as the Shenzhen and other SEZs are concerned, their responsibility and mission are still around, and their confidence and courage remain. By carrying forward the courage "to be daring to be among the first in the world" and performing with a great deal of guts to "break through an encirclement after blood fighting", they are sure to speed up their new re-orientation, new development and new leap forward, and to open a new path of scientific development, so as to guide the new currents and perform exceedingly well with their new flying colors.

By People's Daily Online
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