
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 14:30:25
regardless  adv.不管怎样,无论如何
relevant a.有关的
rigid  a.笔直的;严格的
sacred   a.神的;神圣的
skeptical (BrE),skeptical (AmE) a.持怀疑态度的
sensitive   a.能理解(别人的感情和问题)的;易受伤害的,神经过敏的
stout   a.胖的;粗壮的
stubborn   a.固执的;执拗的
subjective  a.主观的
superb  a.极好的;杰出的
superior a. 职位更高的;更好的 n.上级
supreme  a.至高无上的;极度的
systematic  a.有系统的;有条理的
temporary  a.暂时的;短期的
tentative  a.不确定的;犹豫的;
theoretical a.(科学)理论的;假设的
unconditional  a.不加限制的;
unconscious  a.不省人事的;无意识的
universal  a.全体(做)的;普遍的
vacant a.(座位、房屋等)空的; (职位等)空缺的
1. He did not know that cows are ______ to Hindus.
Nothing is _______ to these wild youth. They respect nothing.
2. She’s gotten pretty ______ since you last saw her.
We need a couple of ______ young fellows to move the piano.
3. She was found alive but_______.
John has an _______ habit of tapping his fingers on the desk.
4. I knew you’d be too ________ to listen!
The Broncos provided ______ opposition throughout the whole game.
5. You get a lot of criticism but you just have to carry on _______.
Everyman has the right to live where he wants to, ______ of the colour of his skin.
6. His decision was completely ________ and did not take the wishes of the other members into consideration.
7. We’ve fixed a ________ date for the meeting.
His attempts to walk are still rather________.
8. I’ll report you to your________ officer.
Fletcher’s fitness and ________ technique brought him victory.
9. Many scientists remain _________ about the value of this research program.
10. The film was _________ to what was being discussed in class.
11. We must be _________ to the community’s needs.
Don’t be______ ----I wasn’t criticizing you.
12. The way they’ve collected their data is not very_______.
They have made a _______ attempt to ruin his reputation.
13. It required a _______ effort to stop myself from giving up.
The army remained _________ in the country after the war.
14. In our home, it is_____ rule to wash one’s hands before eating.
Betty’s finding it hard to keep to the school’s ______ rules.
15.The Allies declared they would accept nothing less than _______ surrender(投降).
16. A lot of work now is __________ or part-time.
The council have placed us in__________ accommodation.
17. Only a few apartments were still ________.
The part of a newspaper in which jobs are advertised is often called ‘situation _________’.
18. Equality between men and women in their society is still only _________.
19. There was _________ agreement on the issue of sex education.
War causes _________ misery.
1. He had no respect for things _______the devoted Christian.
A. sacred for   B. sacred to    C. supreme to   D. supreme for
2. Some people act _______what will happen afterwards.
A. relevant to    B. relevant of   C. regardless     D. regardless of
3. Bill’s never done anything wrong, so I guess my dislike of him is purely ______.
A. subject      B. subjective      C. sensitive    D. stubborn
4. We took _____quarters until the house was ready.
A. temporary   B. relevant    C. superior    D. optional
5. The car comes with a heater but air conditioning is ______.
A. unconditional   B. optional   C. vacant   D. systematic
6. We have made a ______offer----we shall confirm it as soon as possible.
A. temporary    B. skeptical     C. universal    D. tentative
1.sacred; sacred    2. stout ;stout    3.unconscious; unconscious   4.stubborn; stubborn
5. regardless; regardless    6. subjective    7. tentative; tentative   8.superior; superior
9. sceptical    10.relevant    11.sensitive; sensitive    12.sytematic; systematic
13.supreme; supreme    14. rigid; rigid    15.unconditional   16.temporary; temporary
17.vacant; vacant     18. theoretical     19. universal; universal
【重点练习】1~6 BDBAB D