
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 04:24:53
1、 以星座为话题作自我介绍
I’m an Aries. Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troublesome followers. Half true. I’m definitely a troublesome. follower. (我是牧羊座的。 牧羊座的人据说是很有胆识的领导人物,但同时也是很会惹麻烦的部属。说对了一半,我的确是个麻烦的部属。)
I’m a Leo. Some good Leo traits are: broad-minded, loving, faithful. Bad traits are: bossy, patronizing. I’m a typical Leo. I’m faithful but patronizing. 6park.com
2、I’m a person of principle. I do NOT compromise. Because I don’t smoke , I do NOT wear a T-shirt with a Marlboro logo, even if somebody gives one to me free.
I’m a great salesman. I could sell a knockoff Windows 2000 to Bill Gates.
我是一个很棒的推销员,我能把盗版的Windows 2000卖给比尔*盖茨。
3、I love shopping! My mom(friends) says, I should become a legislator ‘cause I bring so many bills into the house.
我酷爱买东西!所以我妈(朋友)说我应该当国会议员的。因为,我把那么多的bill(账单/请愿书/法案)带进了the house(家里/议院)。
Good monring. It\‘s a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is Philip Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative.
My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Business. For five years now, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for magic kitchen Supplies.
Action Appliances is a forward-looking company. I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S. Thus you are going to need aggressive, take-charge sales representatives. At magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S market share by 25%. This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products.
A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity. I look forward to becoming part of the Action team. Thank you.
早安,很高兴能在这儿跟各位介绍自己;我是Philip Wong,来此应征海外业务代表。
其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备You‘ll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview.
The first thing to realize is that the question, "Tell me about yourself," provides you with a great chance to promote your strong points. This is particularly important when applying for a job that is different from what you have done in the past. You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that can be used in the new job.
你可以选择三个重点来介绍自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your less obvious, but important skills. Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention. 你可以介绍自己是:
Problem solver 解决问题能手
Creative thinker 充满创意
Accurate 小心谨慎
People person 与人相处融洽
Team player 合群
Organized 组织力高
This doesn‘t mean that you just say, "I‘m a great problem solver." Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job. 事例比自我夸耀更能说明问题。
What you actually say, in terms of the words you use, is something that you have to decide. You need to create an answer that sounds natural and, at the same time, interesting. 背答案估计没有人愿意听。The way to determine whether your answer is natural is simply by writing a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud. When you do this, you‘ll probably spot things that you have to change.
Here are some final things to think about when answering the question "Tell me about yourself."
Mention major awards or accomplishments that relate to your career;
Promote your strengths, but do not mention any of your weaknesses;
Try to be funny if you can, but don‘t force it;
Summarize your career and education, but don‘t recite a list;
Don‘t start with your date of birth;
Avoid information that is not career-related. The fact that you own a dog won‘t get you a job
Always answer this question
Try to sound natural
Relax and enjoy yourself!