
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/07 10:05:01

  1,More importantly,it gives decision -markers quick access to detailed ,real -time information about operations and market performance.              更重要的是,它使决策者能够快速获得第一时间的详细信息,及时了解经营活动和市场运作动态。
  2,Once all this information is flowing,employees can quickly evaluate their decisions and continually refine both strategy and operations.           一旦所有这些信息畅通无阻,员工们便可以对决策正确与否迅速做出判断,并不断调整修正策略和经营手段。
  3,Organisational controls becomes a dynamic system rather than a static monitoring system.           公司管理变为动态的系统,而不是静态的监控系统。

  4,He wants to reduce the company’s operationg costs.           他想减少公司运营费用。

  5,The manager wants to offer employees alternative work styles.           经理想给员工提供不同的工作模式。
  6,How has your company structure changed?           你公司的结构是如何改变的?
  7,what has been the most important change in BT’S company culture?           BT公司文化中,最重要的改变是什么?
  8,The employees now demand more varied work.
           时下,员工需要更多多样化的工作。   9,The working atmosphere is more co-operative.           工作的气氛更为和谐。
  10, The staff have become far more goal-oriented.              员工变得更加为目标而努力。