Youth federations: Chinese youth have vitality, will lead country's future

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Youth federations: Chinese youth have vitality, will lead country's future

15:21, August 27, 2010      

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Chinese youth, as a group that is constantly the subject of public debate, are always the focus of both good and bad reports from the media.

In some reports, the post-80s and post-90s generations are viewed as little emperors. They are criticized as a generation characterized by selfishness and indolence — a generation lacking life goals. In others, they are praised as "the nest generation" of love, possessing vitality and a global outlook.

However, the members with All-China Youth Federation (ACYF) and All-China Students Federation (ACSF) said that this generation of Chinese is always full of enthusiasm and energy and does not lack social responsibility.

"We believe that we will bring the country to a brilliant future," the delegates said at the plenum of the 11th national committee of ACYF and the 25th national congress of ACSF held in Beijing from Aug. 24 to Aug. 26.

Founded on May 4, 1949, the ACYF safeguards the legitimate rights of Chinese young people and organizes social activities. And the 91-year-old ACSF is a joint organization of the nation's 100,000 students unions, involving more than 80 million college and middle school students.

About 2,000 delegates, including members from the ACYF, composed of young people from all walks of life and members from the ACSF, representing middle school and college students from across China, are attending the congress.

By Zhao Chenyan, People's Daily OnlineRelated Reading
  • China's national organizations for youth and students hold congress

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