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 来源9 Ways to Save Money and Stay Fit - Healthy Living - Healthcom
9 Ways to Save Money and Stay Fit By Amanda MacMillan

保持健康的9条省钱妙招 作者:Amanda MacMillan

Two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are to get in shape and save money. It’s unfortunate, then, that these two goals often seem to contradict each other. After all, it costs money to join a gym, to eat healthy, and to buy fitness gear, and these so-called luxuries are often the first to go when pennies get pinched.


But taking care of yourself will only save you money in the long run, so it’s important to find ways to stay active and healthy even when you may not be able to afford top-notch training or first-class fitness clubs. Here are nine easy ways to get started without breaking your budget.


1. Join now


If you do have enough money in your budget to pay for a gym membership, act now to take advantage of New Year’s savings. Many fitness clubs slash their membership rates in January to draw in people who make weight-loss resolutions; for example, the Los Angeles Times reported this week that the upscale SportsClub/LA recently invited past members to restart their membership at a savings of almost $1,000. Other chains offering reduced rates for the new year include Bally Total Fitness, Curves, and Gold’s Gym. Paying a whole year’s dues up front, instead of month per month, may also save you money—but only if you’re sure not to give up or cancel your membership.

如果你有足够的加入体育馆会员的预算,那么利用新年的储蓄立即行动起来。许多减肥俱乐部都会在一月份大幅度折扣以吸引那些在新年下了减肥决心的人;举个例子来说,洛杉矶时报报道说,这周,高级运动俱乐部最近邀请他们的老会员以节省1000刀的价格重新加入会籍。其他像Bally Total Fitness, Curves, and Gold’s Gym等连锁店在新年也有很大的折扣。支付一整年的会费而不是一个月一个月的支付,也会节省你的钱的,但是只有当你非常确定不会放弃或是取消自己的会籍。

2. Renegotiate your rate


If you’ve lost your job and relied on a cheaper corporate gym rate, talk to your membership coordinators and see if it’s possible to keep the same rate, rather than paying full price; fitness clubs are also hurting from the economic crisis and may be more willing to give you a discount rather than lose you as a customer. You may also find that you’re eligible for discounts at a gym by being active in other community organizations, such as food co-ops or volunteer groups, or through your insurance plan. If you’re hurting for cash, ask about limited membership options for less expensive rates, which may limit the hours or areas of the gym you can use. One Gold’s Gym in Green Brook, N.J., for example, is offering a free 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday membership for the month of January to people who have recently been laid off, BusinessWire recently reported.

如果你失业了,需要一个大的体育馆折扣,去和你的会籍顾问谈谈,看看是不是还可以享受同样的折扣,而不是付全款;健身俱乐部也会受经济危机的影响,与其失去你这个顾客,他们更愿意给你更大的优惠。你可能还会发现,如果你在其他的社会团体(比如粮食合作社、志愿者团体)很活跃或是通过你的保险计划,你会很符合健身房的折扣条件。如果你现金不足,可以有选择地享受会员权利来减少花费,比如通过限制在健身房的时间和可以利用的区域。BusinessWire最近报道,位于Green Brook的一家Gold’s Gym,对那些最近被解雇的会员,一月份的礼拜一到礼拜五,上午8点到下午3点免费健身。

3. Bike to work


If you’re close enough to ride a bicycle to your job instead of driving or taking public transportation, you may save in more ways than one. Spending less on gas or train and bus fare is an advantage, of course, but some employers are actually starting to reward bike riders with monetary reimbursements as well. In 2007, Google began giving free bikes and helmets to its employees, and since then several other companies have begun to follow suit, providing various forms of compensation for those who pedal to work. And we may soon see more widespread rewards: Last year’s Energy Improvement and Extension Act, which went into effect on January 1, 2009, makes it legal for cycling commuters to apply for a $20 per month reimbursement. Visit BikeLeague.org’s FAQ page for more information.


4. Modernize your home gym


Strength-training at home no longer requires a huge, bulky weight-lifting contraption that costs thousands of dollars and takes over your living room. Today’s home fitness equipment is portable, storable, and best of all, affordable. Hot this season is the Iron Gym ($30 online and in retail and fitness stores), an as-seen-on-TV gadget that becomes a pull-up bar when secured in a doorway, a push-up and dips bar when used on the floor, and an ab toner when used with the attachable arm straps. For a slightly higher price, you can get the higher-tech GoFit Gravity Bar ($100), which also includes resistance bands that let you work your legs and lower body, along with a training DVD and laminated exercise booklet. Pair these workouts with an outdoor walk or run and you’ll take care of both your cardio and strength-training needs without setting foot in a real gym.

在家进行力量训练,不再需要一个庞大的、笨重的,造价不菲并占用很多空间的举重的装置。今天的家庭健身器材都很轻便、益储存,更好的是,可以负担得起。本季最热是一个在电视上见过的小玩意儿Iron Gym(在线、零售、健身商店30刀),固定在门口是一个拉棒,在地板上使用时是拉降棒,连接上臂带就是一个ab toner。价钱稍贵一点,有比较高科技的GoFit Gravity Bar(100刀),它也有阻带可以让你运动你的腿和下半身,除此以外还有一片教学DVD和一本轻薄练习册。协同进行一些室外散步或跑步,可以使你不须踏足真正的健身房,就很好的顾到你的心脏机能和体能训练的需要。

5. Lay off your personal trainer


If you’ve had the luxury of investing in a personal trainer for the last several months or years, you may find that your individual sessions will have to be the first thing to go when money gets tight. But instead of letting go of this valuable guidance completely, ask about group sessions that might make training more affordable. You might also turn to virtual coach programs such as PlusOneActive.com, active video games such as Wii Fit (which contains a personal trainer program), or computerized gadgets that can track your heart rate, daily number of steps, or calories burned.

如果之前巨额花费拥有一个私人教练,那么手头儿紧的时候,改为个人训练将会是你第一时间考虑的事情。不过,放弃这些有价值的指导,取而代之,参加询问团体小组会议可以是锻炼更便宜。你或许也会转向虚拟教练项目比如PlusOneActive.com,诸如Wii Fit的有活力的视频游戏(它包含私人教练程式),还有一些电脑上的小工具,比如跟踪你的心率,记录每天的步数,还有消耗的卡路里数。

6. Join a fund-raising team


It always helps to have a concrete goal when trying to get in shape, and signing up for an organized run, walk, or triathlon is one of the best ways to stay focused. Entry fees and transportation can be expensive, but often you can sign up with nonprofit organizations that cover your event-related costs (and provide free training sessions and advice from experienced coaches) as long as you raise the required amount of money for their cause. Chances are you’ll be responsible for producing a good chunk of cash, but people will be more willing to help if they know their tax-deductible contribution is going toward a good cause. Some of the larger organizations that coordinate athletic fund-raising include the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the March of Dimes, Autism Speaks, and the American Heart Association.

当试图保持体形时,它总是会帮助你坚定目标,注册一个跑步、散步、或三项全能的组织是很好的坚持的方式之一。入会费和交通费会很贵,但是你可以选择会包含其他相关费用(免费提供培训班和免费获得经验丰富的教练的建议)的非营利性组织,只要你筹到他们需要的下限的数额。你可能会对筹集一大笔钱责任重大,但是如果人们知道他们的免税贡献是为了一个好的事情,他们更愿意提供帮助。一些较大的协同运动的募资的组织包括Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the March of Dimes, Autism Speaks, and the American Heart Association。

7. Let the Internet do your bargain hunting


Thrifty online shoppers know that you can often get great deals without the hassle of crowded malls and pushy salespeople—if you know when and where to look. Sign up at ShopItToMe.com/running and they’ll email you when workout clothes or shoes in your size go on sale at various sites all over the Web.


8. Consolidate your goals


The social networking site 5k5k.org is a free online program designed to get people in shape to run a 5K while saving or paying off $5,000. The site’s members (about 100 as of this week) share stories and help to motivate each other toward these long-term goals, while its founder—a fourth-grade teacher and former U.S. marine—checks in often with helpful tips and blog posts.


9. Know when to splurge and when to save


A good pair of walking or running shoes, an easy-to-use heart-rate monitor, or a portable MP3 player will be a valuable investment if you know that you’ll use them often, but a lot of fitness products are pricey just because of the name brand, or contain high-tech features that will only get in your way. Don’t be afraid to check retail stores like Target and Wal-Mart for basic lightweight, breathable workout apparel, or secondhand sports stores for fitness equipment. Do your research ahead of time, talk to experienced salespeople, and know exactly what you need—and beware of anyone trying to sell you something with more expensive bells and whistles. Here’s a great primer on what’s worth spending and what’s worth saving.

一双好的走路或跑步鞋、一个好用的心率测试器、或者一个便携的MP3都是很值得的投资,如果你明白你会经常使用他们的话。但是,很多的健身产品价格昂贵,只是因为大品牌或者有一些高科技的功能特征。不要害怕去零售商店(Target 、Wal-Mart)购买质轻透气的运动服装,或者到二手体育用品店购买一些健身器材。提前调研,和经验丰富的店员聊天,明确你的需求---当心那些试图向你推销带有特色的昂贵的东西。下面是一个关于“什么值得消费,什么值得保存”的很棒的入门书。

So far this year, I’ve signed up for a triathlon that would have cost more than $300 for registration, for just a $75 Team in Training initiation fee and a pledge that I’ll raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. My boyfriend discontinued his out-of-the way and seldom-used gym membership after he tested out the GoFit Gravity bar and some cold-weather running gear I got him for Christmas. We’ve cooked up some delicious healthy meals for less than $10. And I’ve even found that working out in the morning keeps me more awake in the afternoon—and less likely to rely on the caffeine-and-calorie-packed $4 drinks that I otherwise crave from Starbucks. I have a feeling that staying fit is going to help save me money all year—and whenever it does, I’ll keep you posted.

今年到目前为止,我已经仅仅花费75刀入会训练启动费和会为白血病和淋巴瘤协会筹钱的承诺,就注册了原本至少需要花费300刀注册的铁人三项。我的男朋友在测试了我圣诞节送他的GoFit Gravity bar和cold-weather running gear后,开始经常去健身房。我们用不到10刀就可以烧出美味又健康的饭菜。我甚至发现早晨出去走走可以使我下午保持清醒,并且较少依赖我之前选择的星巴克的4刀的咖啡因饮料了。我有一个感觉----保持健美一整年都可以帮助我省钱,每每这样,我都会与大家分享的。