
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 08:58:19

Energy giant BP has been accused of hiding key data needed to investigate the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.


BP said Transocean's allegations are misguided and misleading

Transocean, the company that owned the oil rig, alleged that BP is refusing to hand over information it needs about the explosion.

The claim is made in a letter from one of Transocean's lawyers sent to members of President Barack Obama's cabinet.

BP rejected the allegation(主张,断言) , saying the letter contained "misguided(被误导的) and misleading assertions".

Nevertheless, the claim risks piling further pressure on BP, which has born the brunt of political and public criticism for the disaster on 20 April which killed 11 workers and caused the worst oil spill(漏油,浮油) in US history.

In the letter, Steven L Roberts, lawyer for Transocean, writes: "BP has continued to demonstrate its unwillingness, if not outright(完全地,彻底地) refusal, to deliver even the most basic information to Transocean.

"This is troubling, both in light of BP's frequently stated public commitment to openness and a fair investigation and because it appears that BP is withholding evidence in an attempt to prevent any other entity other than BP from investigating," he wrote.

According to a report by the AFP news agency, the letter was sent to members of Mr Obama's team and leading Members of Congress.

Transocean is facing 249 lawsuits for damages over the disaster. The company has asked a court to limit its liabilities(负债,债务) to $27m (£17.3m), saying it was not responsible.


In a statement, BP said it was "unequivocal(明确的) and steadfast(坚定的) " in its commitment to discover why the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded.

"We are disappointed that Transocean has opted to write a letter with so many misguided and misleading assertions, including the assertion that BP is 'withholding evidence'" on the explosion and spill.

"We have been at the forefront of co-operating with various investigations commissioned by the US government and others into the causes of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy," BP said. 摘自英文阅读网