China's vice president writes to, encourages migrant children

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 06:05:00
Recently Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping wrote back to children in the Qingpu middle school for children of migrant workers, encouraging them to become successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
"Having seen your healthy and happy study life and the positive state of mind, I'm as pleased as your parents." Children of migrant workers who study in Xujing Town Democratic School, Qingpu District, Shanghai, received a reply letter from Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping recently.
"As youth have lofty aspirations, the country is hopeful. I hope you study hard, improve abilities, love the collectivity, get united, brave, honest, happy and develop in an all-round way and strive to become the successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics," Xi cordially encouraged the children in the letter.
The Xujing Town Democratic School is a school for children of migrant workers. On May 31, 2007, Xi Jinping came to the school to see the children when he was CPC party secretary of Shanghai city and encouraged the children to study hard, to live up to the expectations of the parents and the nation, to make more contributions to society, to repay the kindness of the Party and country and repay parents for their upbringing.
Xi Jinping's words have been encouraging children to study hard all the time. In May of this year, the children who are going to go up into grade three of junior high school wrote a letter to Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, in which they reported their study and life situation.
The children said in the letter: "Books room has been enriched with more books, desks, chairs and the blackboards in the classrooms are gradually being replaced by new ones. Our learning environment is much better." The children thank for the social concern and supports, saying "we will bear in mind the kind expectations for all, and are determined to become useful persons."
"It's unbelievable the children really received a reply from the Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping," said Zhang Congjin who was Principal of Xujing Town Democratic School.
This reply is a great encouragement for the children and school staff members, and it reflects the Party and government's concern for the children of migrant workers, he said.
He told the reporter that this school for children of migrant workers will become a private school at the beginning of the new school year, the students of migrant workers can received a free compulsory education there as same as the local students.
Zhang said that the school has got much support from the government since its establishment. Every summer vacation, the government helps to repair school buildings, gradually replace desks and chairs. The town also sent senior teachers from the public schools as supervisors to guide the school's teaching and administration. And the District Bureau of Education has not forgotten to invite the school's teachers to participate in teacher training.
We must work hard and make great efforts to train qualified successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, added Zhang.
By People's Daily Online, August 19, 2010, translated by Yan Meng
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