
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 00:53:05
财政纪律 financial and economic discipline
财政年度 fiscal year
财政收入 fiscal revenue
财政税收 revenue tax;fiscal levy;fiscal taxation;financial taxation
财政、信贷双紧方针 policy of tightening control over expenditure and credit
才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies
财产性收入 property income
踩高跷 Stilt walk
(手机)彩铃 polyphonic ringtone
采煤沉陷区 sinkholes in coal mining areas
彩排 dress rehearsal
彩票;刮刮卡 scratchcard
彩屏 color screen
财团 consortium (Manchester City are likely to cancel the contracts of their trio of Thai players following a takeover by a United Arab Emirates consortium, the club's representative said Thursday. 曼城俱乐部驻泰国代表16日说,随着俱乐部被阿联酋财团收购,此前俱乐部和3名泰国球员签订的合同可能被废除。)
财务丑闻 accounting scandal
彩信 multimedia message
财政性科技投入 government investment in science and technology
财政支持 financial support
参拜靖国神社 visit to the Yasukuni war shrine
惨淡经营 work hard and carefully to keep one's business going
参股 equity participation. (Insiders say Huiyuan will give up overall sales but get funding through feasible ways such as equity participation.行业人士估计汇源不会再次选择整体出售,参股等方式更加可行。)
参股公司 joint -stock company
参股者 equity participant
残疾人特奥会 The Special Olympic Games for the disabled
餐巾纸 napkin