
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 04:35:39

A:Todd, you seem to know a thing or two about math.Can you help me ?

B:I will try .What"s the trouble ?


A:Oh,It"s these calculus problems that my teacher assigned for homework.I can"t make any sense out of them ,can you ?


B:I"m an old hand at math.let me see.The function of two plus three equals two times ten divided by four to the sixth power ,and ...mmm...It"s Greek to me!


A:I guess the"old hand "is a little out of practice.


B:Well,if neither of us can figure out the answer,then ten to one it's the teacher who made the mistake!


解析:1know a thing or two about

英文解释:be knowlegeble about sth/be master of donging sth /be good at


e.g My mather knows a thing or two about stock market.

make any sense out of

英文解释:understand /figure out


an old hand 老手,行家

反义:an green hand 新手,初学者

类比:insider  知情人,局内人outsider,问外汉,局外人

4It"s Greek to me!

英文解释: be imcomprehensive




例Greek gift 神秘,贵重的礼物

out of practice.

英文解释:having lost one"s former skills or konwledge because of not doing



 6ten to one


单词注释 calculus 微积分

     function 函数

     the sixth power 六次方



A:Why did you ask to talk to me privately?Are you going to let me in on some big secret?


B:Yes,but you have to promise to keep it under your hat.


A:I promise.


B:Well,I got a line on a new production technique that could really increase our production output.


A:How expensive would it be ?


B:It would require a lot of capital at first,but if we could get the jump on our competition,in a year or so ,we  would be really sitting pretty.


A:It sounds promising,but if it"s so hush-hush,why are you telling me about it?


B: Well,I really need your help.Are you interested?


A:Sure,tell me more.





1 let me in on

英文释义:let sb in on sth =permit sb to share in



2 keep it under your hat. 

英文释义:keep sth under your hat =keep secret

中文释义: 保密

3 got a line on

英文释义:get a line on=obtain information about sth


        *注意,这里不要用get the information,因为get a line on the information or obtain the information.都有通过努力或各种办法渠道得到来之不易的消息,信息.而get只是简单的得到.

4 get the jump on

英文释义:start sth in advance of another


be sitting pretty

英文释义:in a fortunate and enviable(另人羡慕的,嫉妒的) position



6 hush-hush(adj.)

hush 相当于汉语中的"嘘",就是安静一点的意思,秘密都是小声说的,所以hush-hush引申为谨慎的,保守秘密的意思.



ps: privately= in private 私底下的

      private school 私立学校

     public school  公立学校

     key school     重点学校