
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 11:50:23
昨天,发哥组织了一次让人愉快得不能再愉快的教研组活动。学校请来了《学生双语报》的主编刘鹰来为我们上了一节英语课。授课内容是随意指定的,讲的是必修四Module 5的课文阅读。听完课以后遍体舒畅、耳目一新。以前也学了很多的教学理论,但一直迷惑怎样应用于实践。而刘大师在场,许多教学中的疑惑都被他轻松点破,仿佛若干年前得到了一本武功心法,琢磨多年却不知道怎样能练出惊世武功来,而突然来了一位大侠,比划了几下,就茅塞顿开呀~!现将听课所得所感整理记录下来。
Detail 1  Did you preview the words and text?  (Only one student raised his hand)
Detail 2. A brief introduction of the reading content and a mini-discussion over the topic
Detail 3 Ask students to read the contents in the small box SILENTLY and urge them to finish the paragraph within 2 minutes. (Some students could hardly get down to their reading at once. )
分析:用box里面的内容就可以非常简单非常小成本的作为本节课的warming-up 环节,激发学生的阅读兴趣。相比诸多公开课煞费苦心的准备所谓新颖的图片音像资料等作为导课部分,这个方法更符合教学实际,大师手法~!
Detail 4. After the students have finished the small box, Liu raised some key-word questions to think about. 1) Who; 2) What; 3) when; 4) where. Then he asked the students to answer the questions in KEY WORDS. (most of the students made mistakes in finding out the real center of the description.) Who: Peter Hessler What: Boat trip (most students wrote: teach English) When: 1997. Where: Yangtze River. (Because the students took the topic wrongly, they also make mistakes in answering WHEN & WHERE)
Detail 5. Question: Could they really go to anywhere they wished? ( most students felt puzzled at this question, but one girl stood up and argued with him whether they could go to Taiwan or Tibet at that time. This argument aroused others’ interest.)
分析:这是一个无中生有的问题,是一个open question,没有所谓的正确答案。虽然没有任何教学作用,刘老师故意在这步设计了这个问题,却大大吸引了学生的注意力并激发了学生的思考兴趣。
Detail 6. Encourage the students to challenge their teacher.
Detail 7 Raise three question for the students to think about while they are reading.
Question One: Why did they go to Yangtze River instead of Shanghai or Beijing?
Question Two: What did they see on the trip?
Question Three: How did they feel about the trip?
At the same time, Mr Liu raised three requirements of reading.
1.      Don’t focus on the new words. Don’t look up the dictionary. When I say “read”, I don’t mean any dictionary.
2.      You never learn English without thinking.
3.      No sound. When I say read, please close your mouth and shut up.
分析:真正现实的阅读一定是有生词出现的障碍阅读,应该培养学生怎样越过生词障碍成功完成阅读任务。阅读能力包括一项很重要的指标,即阅读速度。出生朗读没有太大的现实意义,而且严重影响了学生的阅读速度。朗读及发音练习应该放在听力课上去完成,应该结合Everyday English 的教学内容进行指导和培训。学生的听力和口语提高是自身强化练习的结果,想要通过50多人40分钟的大班教学来给学生带来口语方面的改善提高本身就是一种难以实现的奢望。同时需要思考,这群学生学习英语的最终目的是什么? 大多数不会有与foreigner面对面交流的机会,他们更多需要的是阅读书面材料的能力与写作表达的能力,因此高中教学应该是reading-centered,以阅读教学来带动一切语言知识能力的传授。
Detail 8. Encourage pair-work and group-work.
Detail 9. After the students have finished the reading of the text, Liu asked them to write down the answers to the three questions in SENTENCES with their own language. To make sure each student follow the instruction, he told them that he would collect their papers when they finished. ( most students didn’t hurry writing their papers until they heard the last sentence.)
Detail 10 Ask the students to cover Activity 3 INDIVIDUALLY. Easy questions go an easy way. Then, ask the students to compare their answers with their partners. “If you have different answers, raise your hand. And do class-wide investigation. Ask the students to offer explanations to their choice. FOCUS ON REASONING ( students got excited in this period and were active and brave to handle the questions with great confidence.)
Detail 11. For question ONE, it is in fact a thinking trap. Students cannot find direct answers in the text. (most of the students made up awkward answers, but there is one girl who wrote honestly, “ I cannot find enough direction information. I guess it is convenient for them to go there.” This intrigue the whole class’s thinking interests.
Detail 12. For Question Two, Mr. Liu illustrates two different answers from the students through the projector.
Answer 1: They say the Jianyou boat, bamboo rafts, the white pagoda and so on.
Answer 2: The sun was shining brightly as we sailed downstream through a hilly region. Men rode bamboo rafts along the river’s edg and coal boats went past.
Liu asked the following questions for the students to think about:
1)     Which answer do you prefer?
2)     Vote for either of the answers.
3)     Ask students to state their reason.
Liu’s explanation: They can be both good answers. But it depends on what kind of writing you are doing. If you are doing a report or a diary, you want to be all-inclusive and collect all the information in your writing, though it might somewhat sound boring or too brief. But if you went to Beijing and watched an Olympic Game, which descriptive way you would like to choose to impress your friends and family? Of course the latter one.
分析:重要而又精彩的阅读思维训练与写作训练,课堂再一次高潮迭起。刘大侠指出:我们现行的教学课本最缺乏两种知识内容:一是真正意义的language learning which can only be taught in well-classified categories and word chunks.;二是思维训练。苏苏平时的教学自认为language learning这部分自己总结的还不错,教学思路也还很清楚顺畅,但第二个思维训练则是少之又少几乎没有了,此处严重缺陷,必须向刘大师认真学习!!!
Detail 13. Hmwk One: Is this article more about what they see or more about what they feel? Write in no less than five sentences to express your idea.
Detail 14. For Question Three, Liu raised more questions to narrow down the topic.
1)     Can you see their feelings in their writing?
2)     “That sounded fine to me. We just had to show our passports and…” What does this sentence mean?
(Explanation: As a foreigner, it is usually not that easy to travel around in China then. And this time, showing a passport is just a minor problem. They are really happy that there is no other extra trouble. )
3)     “Every rock looked like a person or animal. Every stream that joined the great river carried its legends, every hill was heavy with the past.” How did he feel about the trip here?
(Mr. Liu led the students to read these sentences aloud this time cuz they are really beautifully written sentences and are worth that much attention. )
Detail 15. Hmwk TWO: Find other sentences that describe the writer’s feeling.
Hmwk Three: Underline these words in the text: 1) be mainly for; 2) sounded fined to me; 3) dock (n./ v.); 4) the Gorges narrows ; 5) have two more left; 6) there was so much history; 7) carry its legend; 8) be heavy with the past;9) the flag was blowing
1.      真正的阅读是障碍阅读
2.      我们的高中英语教学应该是reading-centered, 应该是由阅读教学来带动一切语言能力培养和思维训练的教学
3.      pronunciation的教学应该放在listening和Everyday English的环节中去进行,而关键是要打通耳朵。应该先听会,然后才会说。而我们的学生往往刚一听到声音就急于去自己发音练习。就好比你学一首歌,是不是听到第一遍的时候就要去张嘴学唱?不是的。我们一定是先听了好多遍,在心中有数了以后才能唱好它。 So, shut up and listen.
4.      Big No No
5.      我们常说“听说读写”,其实这里面有一个顺序错误。实际教学中应该把说的环节拿掉,原因有二,一是大部分学生今后不需要这个能力,二是我们现实并不具备训练口语的教学条件。
6.      You never learn English without thinking.
7.      对于课本里面的brainless的练习,我们应该大胆删除。甚至是一些课文。
8.      Warming-up完全可以小成本取得理想效果,不必大手笔铺垫。
9.      设计智力陷阱,激发思维积极性
10. 要注意课堂的起伏节奏。
11. 备课只是想出一个rough way。更需要注重课堂的随机应变。
12. 挤掉口头活动时间。
13. 不应按照词语在课文中的出现顺序来讲,而应该是合理分类(按照时态、从句、介词、搭配、同义词辨析等),一遍一遍的过筛子。但是要注意,a single and simple focus each time.
14. 学生在学习的过程中过于关注what I don’t know / what is new. 而往往却忽略了what I know / what is easy.
15.  learn language through reading
16. successful scientist 并不等于一个great scientist
17. Get the problems done along the way. Don’t expect too heavy a revision.
18. Language goes like a circle.
19. 关于语法教学:
1)Please teach grammar in Chinese.
2)Study grammar through comparison between Chinese and English.
3)You DONOT create a sentence to explain grammar items.
4)Give a passage and underline the sentences which has the tense that you are going to teach.
5)Give simple grammar explanation. Don’t go too far into the details.
6)Continuous repetition in the modules thereafter.