
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 01:14:43
1、省略 if 的虚拟条件句中
Had I known what was going to happen,I would never have left her alone.如果我当时知道可能发生的事的话,我就不会撇下她一个人在那里了。
Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world.没有空气和水,世界上就不会有生命。
2、在以 so(肯定)和 neither, nor(否定)的句子中
He didn’t fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future. 他不怕新想法,也不怕未来。
I’ve had some good ideas, so have other men. 我有些新的想法,别人也会有啊。
Distrust can be contagious, but so can trust. 不信任有传染力,同样信任也具有传染力。
3、当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,如never, little, often, not only, not until, hardly, scarcely, seldom, no sooner ... than …, in no way, at no time, under no circumstances, by no means, in no case.,采用部分倒装。
Little does he care about money. 他很少关心钱。
Not until recently did I know what he had done. 直到最近我才知道他所做的事。
4、句首状语由 only+副词,only+介词短语,only+状语分词时
Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. 直到昨天他才发现表丢了。
Only in our country can science serve the interests of the people. 只有在我们国家科学才能服务于人民的利益。
Still greater contributions should we make to our socialist construction. 我们应该为社会主义建设作出更大的贡献。
Useful chemical fertilizer can we make from the waste liquid.从废弃液体中我们能提取有用的化学肥料。
a. 以as 引出的让步状语从句
Poor as he was, he was honest. 他尽管贫穷,但很诚实。
Poor as I am, it is beneath me to steal. 我虽然穷,还不屑于去偷。
Much as I admire him as a writer, I don’t like him as a man. 他作为作家我虽然敬慕他,但作为人我不喜欢他。
Try as he may, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.尽管他很努力,然而其工作却不令人满意。
b. 连词不位于句首的某些让步从句(把动词原形置于句首)
Object though you may, they will go on as usual. 尽管你反对,他们仍然我行我素。
c. 在某些相当于让步从句的固定结构中,动词置于句首
Be it right or wrong, we’ll still go. 无论对错,我一如既往。
d. 在 so ... that 的结构中, so 位于句首
So fast does the light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.光传播的很快我们无法测量其速度。
So loudly did he speak that he was heard upstairs. 他说话的声音很高连楼上的人都听得见。
So astonished was he that he could scarcely contain himself for joy.他如此吃惊竟然控制不住自己的喜悦之情。