一个美国外教的诚挚来信——给正在读大学的朋友们 | 心灵鸡汤 - 英语广场 - Power...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/05 08:17:05


管理提醒: 本帖被 rob 执行加亮操作(2010-05-31)

但是很多人不喜欢他,因为他作业多,要求严格。然而我们上大学究竟是为了什么呢?学习还是娱乐?套用Jerry的话:You are paying much money for your education. You are away from your families. Why do you not care about your discipline?

把这封邮件和大家分享一下,hope it helps

Dear class

Please forgive me for my short temper this week. It has been 12 weeks I have been telling and asking you to email me so I can keep you up to date with my emails to you. But many have not done so. I have been telling you and asking you to reduce your homework filesizes but many have not done so. This makes me upset as your teacher.

I try very hard to deliver the very best to each one of you. My job is to give each one of you 110% of my knowledge and experience. I spend a lot of time preparing each lecture for you so you can grow and learn.

I see many sleep in my class. I see many reading their other books in my class. I see many SMS on their mobiles in my class. I see many leave my class after the first meeting. I see many do not participate in my class when I ask questions. So, class, I wonder about you. Why are you in my class? Why are you coming to a university? What is your purpose? What is your goal? What is your reason? From what I see, I do not see many who are dedicated to their families and to their self to study hard and have the discipline necessary to change theri life in the future. I also see many talking in my class. Why do you do these things?

I respect you. But when I see you do these things, it tells me you do not respect me. Not only respecting me, but simply respecting yourself. You are paying much money for your education. You are away from your families. Why do you not care about your discipline?

Forgive me for being harsh, I just care about you so much I just see so many who do not care about themselves. This makes me feel very bad inside. I try very hard to help each and everyone. But I see many who do not care. I am sorry to talk like this to you, but I am hoping you will realize that someone really cares for you and about you and really loves you enough to tell you the truth about you. I want for each of you to be the success you dream about.

Jesus loves you all

professor jerry