China to battle storms following heat wave

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China to battle storms following heat wave

08:02, July 09, 2010      

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Local authorities in central and southwest China were put on alert Thursday to fight heavy storms and floods -- termed to be the worst in a decade in some regions -- just as days-long heat wave that had scorched large areas across the country ended.

The National Meteorological Center Thursday evening raised the storm alert to "orange", one step below the highest rating on a four-color scale.

It said heavy rains had started to pound central Hubei and Anhui provinces since Thursday and heavy rainfall was predicted in at least ten provinces and region in central and southwest China in the next 24 hours.

In Hubei, one person was killed after floods hit three counties and a city in the province' s north, affecting 500,000 residents and submerging parts of the areas in one-meter deep water, provincial disaster relief authorities said.

More than 27,370 hectares of farmland were flooded, 242 houses collapsed and at least 10,157 residents were evacuated from flooded homes, the disaster relief office of Hubei Provincial Civil Affairs Bureau said.

In neighboring Anhui, the provincial government called an emergency meeting Thursday night to discuss plans to counter damage from what officials said might be the worst storm to hit parts of Anhui in a decade.

Zhai Wuquan, head of Anhui provincial weather forecast bureau, said the intensified heavy rainfall from July 8 to 11 might cause floods in cities and mudflows and landslides in mountainous areas.

Anhui officials said a part of the Yangtze River that flows through the province is brimming with water. The water level of the Wan River had gone about one meter above the warning line. Dikes that have been under great pressure might also burst amidst heavy rainfall.

This follows a heat wave last week that had scorched large parts of China, breaking heat records -- including a 50-year record in Beijing -- and pushing up air-conditioner sales and electricity consumption in cities.

Weather forecast authorities said soon after the rain brought relief from heat, storms are about to strike.

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