is ready for例句

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 13:01:22
1.It is ready for tomorrow. 这是为明天准备的。收藏指正 2.Mother is ready for supper now. 妈妈正在为晚饭作准备。收藏指正 3.Your order is ready for delivery. 你订购的货物可随时交付.收藏指正 4.This book is ready for publication. 这本书已准备好, 随时可以出版。收藏指正 5.He is ready for the trip. 他已准备好去旅行。收藏指正 6.The contract is ready for signature. 合同准备好签字。收藏指正 7.The book is ready for publication 这本书已准备好随时出版。收藏指正 8.The letter is ready for posting. 信已写好,可以寄走了。收藏指正 9.Everything is ready for the excursion. 游览旅行的一切事宜均已准备就绪。收藏指正 10.The book is completed and is ready for printing. 这本书已脱稿, 即可付印。收藏指正 11.The letter is ready for the post. 这信可以寄出了。收藏指正 12.The new house is ready for occupation. 新屋可以居住了。收藏指正 13.When can the contract is ready for signature? 请问合同什么时候能签字?收藏指正 14.His antobiography, or memoir, is ready for publication. 他的自传,也就是回忆录,即可出版了.收藏指正 15.His autobiography , or rather memoirs , is ready for publication . 他的自传,或者说是回忆录,即刻就要出版。收藏指正 16.get ready; she is ready to resign; the bridge is ready to collapse; I am ready to work; ready for action; ready for use; the soup will be ready in a minute; ready to learn to read. 准备好;她准备辞职;桥快塌了;我准备工作;准备行动;准备使用;汤马上就好;准备好学着读。收藏指正 17.The space shuttle Atlantis is ready for its big trip. 阿特兰提斯航天飞机已经做好准备开始一次盛大的旅行。收藏指正 18.Is Paula ready for school? 波拉准备好去上学了吗?收藏指正 19.Everything is ready now for the party 宴会的准备工作现在都已就绪。收藏指正 20.Everything is ready now for the journey. 外出旅游的一切都已准备妥当。收藏指正