欧林:神性意志与神性显化 - 天上瑜伽 昆仑史话 天时先兆 整体导航 http://top...

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  查看个人资料  更多选项 7月1日, 下午2时01分 发件人:"leg...@gmail.com" 日期:Sat, 30 Jun 2007 23:01:15 -0700当地时间:2007年7月1日(星期日) 下午2时01分主题:欧林:神性意志与神性显化回复 | 答复作者 | 转发 | 打印 | 单个帖子 | 显示原始邮件 | 报告此帖 | 查找此作者的帖子 欧林:神性意志与神性显化/译者:舞舞
Orin's Transforming with Divine Will Series
Are You Ready to Call Upon Divine Will?
If you choose to call Divine Will into your life, to unfold the divine
blueprint of your life, and to connect with your Divine Self, ask
yourself if you are ready to:
1. Own your power, love and honor yourself and your path, and be your
true, authentic self?
2. Expand your vision and see the larger picture of your life?
3. Become more magnetic to your higher good and to all you need?
4. Live in a higher level of light and to see all that the light
5. Surrender your personality pictures of what you think you need, and
to open to all the gifts your soul and Divine Self have for you?
6. Release struggle, limitations, obstacles, and conflicts, and to
experience more peace and harmony?
7. Open to the new? Are you willing to let go of lesser desires and
attachments, and open to new patterns, relationships, situations, and
circumstances that reflect the divine blueprint of your life?
8. Do you want to expand your consciousness, have new awareness and
perceptions, and step onto a higher path?
If you are ready for these, you will enjoy the Divine Will courses on
the following pages.

Setting Your Intention
If you want the transformation offered by Divine Will, take a moment
to set your intention for this to happen. Make a decision right now to
bring every area of your life into greater alignment with the divine
blueprint of this area. Setting your intention is the first and most
powerful step to making it happen.
What Is Divine Manifesting?
Divine Manifesting is not about compromising; it is about creating a
life you love, with satisfying relationships, pleasurable activities,
and joyful work. It involves drawing beneficial forms and
circumstances into your life, creating a life of joy, love, harmony,
peace, inspiration, wholeness, and freedom.
You are always manifesting, in every moment, with every choice and
decision you make, with every reaction, thought, and feeling, and with
every desire you set into motion.
Divine Manifesting starts when you consciously call upon and contact
your Divine Self. With Divine Manifesting, your Divine Self is
expressing Itself through all the forms and circumstances in your
life. You create based on the vision and inspiration of your Divine
To become a master of manifesting your inner inspiration, you need to
find the inner space from which all Divine Manifesting work is done-a
center of illumination and stillness, of contact with the highest of
worlds, and the stillness of Consciousness Itself. You can use the
process of contacting your Divine Self on page 9 to assist you in
reaching this space of stillness.
From this space, your Divine Self pours Its light into your heart
center, which becomes like a magnet that draws to you opportunities
and makes you magnetically attractive to favorable conditions, forms,
and circumstances.
The light pouring through your heart center from your Divine Self,
contacted in the stillness, can repel all hindering, imprisoning
energies and forms. It brings order, organization, and Its rhythm into
your life. It reveals new aspects of beauty, and allows you to move
forward into the light and out of stuck places.
With Divine Manifesting, you create with precision the forms and
structures in your life that are beautiful, stable, reflect Divine
Will, and that perfectly serve their purpose. There is an effortless
flow of drawing in, creating, bringing to fruition, and then letting
go without attachment of what you have created, opening to the next
new forms. With Divine Manifesting, you find the opportunity for joy,
aliveness, beauty, and blessings that each moment offers. You
surrender your expectations, let go of pushing and trying to make
things happen, and open to all that is being offered to you in every
You trust that whatever you need will be provided when you need it.
You know your Divine Self is always reaching out to you with Its many
gifts of consciousness and providing you with everything you need in
every moment-all the guidance, understanding, peace, grace, and the
power to clear all distracting energies.
When you manifest as your Divine Self, you live in harmony with the
universe. You make choices in every moment that put you on an upward
spiral, that add to your energy and sense of aliveness.
You create an environment that supports you. You do those things that
call to your heart, live the dreams within you, and know with
certainty that you can create the life you want. You have the
strength, courage, and trust in your inner vision to sustain it and
bring it about.
You do not need to tolerate forms and circumstances that do not serve
you! You do not need to feel trapped, to live a daily life you do not
enjoy, to sacrifice peace and happiness, or to accept less than you
really want and deserve.
Start now to become a master of manifesting through calling upon and
opening to all your Divine Self has for you. It is this Self that is
the authority by which all energy is set into motion and directed to
all good results.

Divine Manifesting with the Seven Divine Wills Putting It Into
Greetings from Orin! What follows is a journey to assist you in
connecting with all 7 qualities of Divine Will for Divine Manifesting.
This exercise will introduce you to the 7 Great Ones who radiate
Divine Will in the three audio albums in Orin's Divine Will series.

These 7 Great Ones are radiant beings of light who embody and transmit
Divine Will and many other energies to all life, offering a path to
enlightenment, to Self-Realization. They work with many masters,
beings of light, and the angelic kingdom, so as you call upon them,
you are also calling upon the assistance of all the beings who work
with them.
You can start right now to experience Divine Manifesting so that all
the forms, relationships, and circumstances in your life bring you
joy, peace, love, abundance, and all good things.
Find a comfortable position, relax, and take a deep breath in. Feel
your soul's light all around you. In this light, picture coming into
view a Great One who transmits Divine Power and Will. This energy
helps release all energies that veil the light of your Divine Self. It
initiates expansions of consciousness that bring about new, higher
forms, relationships, and circumstances.
This Great One is opening you up to experience the power within you,
the power of your soul and Divine Self to release all obstacles,
imprisoning forms, thoughts, beliefs, and anything that hides your
inner light and power.
Open to receive this new consciousness that leads to initiation and
the ability to live in more light. You are opening to new qualities of
fearlessness, strength, and courage. Sense the powerful light of your
Divine Self shining through you like a pillar of light within the
center of your being, a sun in your heart.
Imagine coming into view is a second Great One who transmits Divine
Love. This is energy that allows you to know your unity with all life,
to be patient, compassionate, kind, and forgiving of yourself and
The energy from this Being assists you in having the spiritual vision
of your Divine Self, so you can see in the light of Oneness. You can
view the bigger picture of whatever you look at. This love makes you
magnetic to all you need to fulfill your purpose.
Open now and receive energy from this Great One so you can better
experience compassion, love, patience, and to know your oneness with
all life. Your spiritual vision is expanding. You are becoming more
magnetic as you open to this energy, drawing everything you need to
With your inner eyes, picture a third Great One coming into your
awareness who embodies creative intelligence and divine purpose. This
Great One assists you in accessing the all-knowing wisdom of your
Divine Self. You can receive answers and creative solutions to
accomplish your goals and purposes in alignment with the divine plan
of your life, in the most efficient and effective way.
Receive transmissions from this Great One, and open to your unlimited
potential and to new possibilities for your life. Let a new idea,
decision, plan, or an action to take, come into your mind as you
receive these transmissions.
With your inner eyes, sense a fourth Great One who radiates Harmony.
This is the harmony that brings to an end battles, conflict, and
limitations. Receive this energy of harmony that allows you to better
hear your intuition, the still, small, quiet voice of your Divine
Observe as a fifth Great One comes into view who links your mind with
your higher mind and the Universal Mind so you can have illumined
thoughts that guide you to right action and to liberation from all
imprisoning forms and circumstances. Connect with this Great One and
imagine standing in the light of truth and the Real with your mind
linked with the Universal Mind. Feel all illusions and misperceptions
dissolving in this light. You can receive insights and revelations.
Think about an area of your life in this light and notice how your
thoughts about it change.
Imagine a sixth Great One now coming into your mind's eye. Open to
receive transmissions from this Great One that aids you in releasing
doubts, fears, lesser desires, and attachments that pull you away from
your Divine Self, so you can receive all the rewards that this
connection brings. Any energies that veil the light of your Divine
Self are dissipating, as if a fog is lifting all around you, revealing
the greatest light within you that you have ever been aware of. Open
to know and manifest the ideals of your Divine Self, for these always
bring you joy, freedom, and love. Feel the radiance of your
consciousness moving out like a sun, lighting and clearing the way.
With your inner eyes, picture a seventh Great One coming into your
awareness. This Being makes it possible to more perfectly create the
divine blueprint in all that you manifest. To assist you in
manifesting, this Being offers you the gift of the Transmuting Flame
to clear your body, emotions, and mind of anything that creates
negative conditions for you. Let this Flame burn through all obstacles
to your evolution, freeing you from lifetimes of accumulated debris
and lesser energies, freeing you to go forward.
What is left is the pure divine blueprint that is ready to manifest
and appear in every area of your life. Trust that your Divine Self
will bring you the perfect forms, in the right time, and in the best
possible way. In the light of this Great One, open to the strength,
perseverance, self-reliance, steadfastness, care in details, and
precision in creating form that your Divine Self offers you.
Sense all 7 Great Ones as if you are in the center of a seven-pointed
star. Your inner light is brilliant, expanded, and radiant. Become
aware of the courage, confidence, and strength you have within you to
move forward, to release all obstacles and limitations. Sense your
unity with all life and the love that draws to you all you need. Feel
the purpose and wisdom of your Divine Self flowing through you,
guiding you in this and every moment. Experience the peace of your
Divine Self, the inner stillness.
Let an area to work on come to mind. Bring this area into the light of
your Divine Self and all the seven Great Ones you are now aware of.
Imagine that everything about this area is coming into resonance with
this space. This is all that is required to bring any area into
resonance with your Divine Self and to better bring about the divine
blueprint of anything you think about.
You have begun the process of Divine Manifesting. Every time you
attune with the Great Ones you expand your consciousness and are able
to claim more of the joy, love, harmony, wisdom, spiritual power,
vision, abundance, and all of the qualities of your Divine Self as
yours. You can relax, knowing that you are receiving all that you need
in every moment.

What Is the Higher Self, Soul and Divine Self?
Orin refers to your soul as the part of you that is the link between
your personality and your Divine Self. Your soul is light and Its
personality is pure love. Orin refers to the source of your being, the
essence of you and your soul, as your spirit or Divine Self. Orin's
book, Soul Love, has much more information about your soul and
When your personality is fully integrated and able to express your
soul's light and the light of your Divine Self, Orin calls this being
your higher self or being your authentic self.
Your Divine Self is the core of your being, the "I". It is the Self
that is beyond change, permanent, immortal, and invincible. It is
endless and beginningless, birthless and deathless. It is
Consciousness Itself.
Your soul is an intermediary between you and your Divine Self until
such time as you are able to directly experience and realize the
Divine Self as who you are. It is the light of your soul that reveals
the light of spirit, of your Divine Self. The light of your Divine
Self, of spirit within, is at a different octave of light than the
light of your soul.
What is spirit, your Divine Self? It is the divine essence of your
being, the source of all light and life within you. Your Divine Self
is omnipresent (everywhere at once), omnipotent (all powerful), and
omniscient (all-knowing). It is eternal, infinite being, love, and
wisdom. It is the Self that is free from all attachments and beyond
all action; it is constant, unchanging, and indestructible.
It is the Self that is the observer, is the witness of the activities
of mind, but not identified with them. All descriptions of Divine Self
are inadequate; the Self is best known through a direct experience of
It and cannot be known through the rational mind.
Why Contact Your Divine Self?
As you open to your Divine Self, you can receive Its guidance, peace,
harmony, and illuminating light. As you embrace the energies sent to
you by your Divine Self, you can come to a state of rest within
yourself where your mind is quiet. You can turn away from the
distractions of the physical world, and restore yourself in the light,
love, and power of this eternal Self.
Through this Self, you can play in the world of all potential and
manifest your highest path. This Self will reveal the illusions,
desires, and attachments that keep you trapped in a lower vibration
and on a lesser path. You gain a greater ability to recognize
limiting, disharmonious, and restricting energies and forms. Not only
will It reveal these limitations; contact with this Self will enable
you to have the power, wisdom, and vision to release these energies.
Your Divine Self always has your higher good in mind. It is guiding
you in every moment to the best possible life of abundance, loving
relationships, peace, harmony, joy, and beauty.
Your Divine Self is always trying to reach you, to send you the power,
illumination, love, and wisdom to break free from all imprisoning
forms, thoughts, feelings, and situations, and to draw higher forms,
thoughts, feelings, and situations into your life.
Your Divine Self is all powerful. As you contact and align more fully
with this Self, you gain more power and ability to send away negative
energies, and to know that nothing-no thoughts, beliefs, energies,
people, or situations in your life can have power over you, the true
Self. Your Divine Self is wise wise; It knows all, and is always
showing you an easier, better, more joyful way to live.
Your Divine Self is able to break through the limitations of your
personality and concepts, and open you to new ways of living and
being. Connecting with this Self brings a sense of flow, of moving
with the current, and of being on an upward spiral.
Take a moment to get quiet and ask this Self to send you an idea,
blessing, wisdom, or answer. Any sincere and earnest call made to the
Self will always invoke Its response.
Contacting Your Divine Self
What follows is a process to deepen your connection to your Divine
Self. One step is to link with your soul first. If you have not
consciously connected with your soul, use the process "Blending with
Your Soul" in this newsletter, as it is your soul's light that reveals
the light of your Divine Self.
There are many doorways to your Divine Self. One doorway is through
silence. Sit quietly, let go of any thoughts, and imagine that you are
the infinite intelligence looking out through your eyes. Sense the "I"
within you that is always present, throughout all states of
Ask this Self to draw you into Itself, into the silence. If you would
like, ask for guidance, an insight, a new solution as you enter into
the silence that is the doorway to the Self. Let your mind come
completely to rest. Even if just for a moment, allow there to be no
thought, just inner stillness. In this moment your Divine Self can
impart to you as much of Its wisdom, power, and love that you can
receive. Notice what new thoughts you have afterward. The more you do
this, the more power, love, wisdom, guidance, abundance, vision, and
mastery of the material plane you will have.
Receiving Insights, Revelations, and Transformative Thoughts
Why Connect with Star Energies?
Sanaya's Story of the Millennium Albums
Over 10 years ago, Orin began drawing my attention to the energy
coming from several important star constellations. He told me that
these cosmic forces were major energies that play upon the earth and
upon all life constantly, and that by aligning with them I could
transform my consciousness, more easily find the path to Self-
Realization, and greatly expand my ability to assist others through
our work together.
The star energies that Orin had me focus on included making a triangle
with three major star systems: the seven stars of the Great Bear, to
align with Divine Will; Sirius, to align with divine love, freedom,
and initiation; and the seven sisters of the Pleiades, so all the
forms I create will more perfectly reflect the divinity within. Over
and over, Orin had me connect with all three of these star systems.
Orin also asked that I link with the Pole star of direction to guide
my life and others home, to the Divine Self. I had already spent years
working with the Solar Light, also called the "Heart of the Sun," and
with the Spiritual Sun, the "Light of all Lights".
The light of the Spiritual Sun is the underlying foundation for all of
Orin's work. Orin broadcasts this energy throughout all of his
journeys, whether or not he calls it out. You are guided to work with
the Spiritual Sun throughout the Millennium Journeys, as well as in
many of the Divine Will journeys.
These star energies and the waves of light they radiate are becoming
more intensely felt. (See the article on page 16 about these times of
transformation.) By attuning to these star energies, you are drawing
in energy that is the source of earth and societal changes. With this
alignment you can better create forms and circumstances that express
your inner light. You can be in the right place at the right time. You
can find your path of enlightenment, and make the journey "home".
You can expand your consciousness beyond anything you have imagined
possible, and be in harmony with the universe and with all life. As
you harmonize with and use these star forces, you can live in harmony
with the universe, with the Oneness, and your life can work in magical
These star energies awaken your higher energy centers, increase your
vision, assist you in developing more awareness of the beings of
light, the angelic and devic kingdoms, and allow you to become an even
greater source of light for others.
Big Dipper located in the constellation of the Great Bear, the stars
are seen as the embodiment of the Great Ones who radiate Divine Will
to humanity. Orin feels that Divine Will energies are so important for
you to know that he has created a series of courses for you to align
with Divine Will. You will touch upon Divine Will in the Millennium
Volumes, and explore it in great depth in Orin's Divine Will
Sirius It is known as the "Dog Star," and as the star of liberation,
love, freedom, and initiation. Sirius strongly influences events on
the earth plane. It is the magnetic energy that comes from Sirius that
changes the earth's magnetism and creates pole shifts. You can work
with the Sirius energy to stay clear and balanced, to have an open
heart, to free yourself from negative energies, and to be magnetic to
all you need to fulfill your purpose.
Pleiades: The seven stars of the Pleiades, sometimes called the "seven
sisters," are found in the neck of the Bull, in the constellation of
Taurus. These are related to the seven stars in the Big Dipper. The
energies coming from Pleiades are part of the intelligence aspect of
the universe, and influence the form side of manifestation. You can
work with these energies so that everything you manifest will be the
highest possible embodiment of the seed of divinity within it.
Pole Star: The two stars on the outside portion of the cup of the Big
Dipper point to the Pole star, known as the star of Direction. It is
currently Polaris, found in the Little Bear. It brings humanity back
to its originating source. You can focus on this star energy so you
can always know the true goal, that of Self-Realization, and find it
in the most efficient, effective possible way.
Spiritual Sun: This is the "light of all lights." It is the light of
unity, coherence, and synthesis. When you "see" in the light of the
Spiritual Sun, you can see the oneness of all life, and know your
connection to it. When the Spiritual Sun arises in the center of your
being, within your heart, then pain, struggle, and suffering is
dissolved. You can contact the Spiritual Sun to illuminate the "veil
of unknowingness" that separates you from your Divine Self, for in the
light of the Sun the veil disappears. You can then see in this light
the one absolute Reality that pervades and illumines all life.
Solar Light, Heart of the Sun, Divine Love. This is the "soul" of the
Sun, just as the Spiritual Sun is the "spirit or one life" that is the
source of life of the Sun. It is connected with the seven rays, the
consciousness, magnetism, and vitality of life itself.
Receiving Insights, Revelations, and Transformative Thoughts
Why Connect with Star Energies?
Sanaya's Story of the Millennium Albums
Over 10 years ago, Orin began drawing my attention to the energy
coming from several important star constellations. He told me that
these cosmic forces were major energies that play upon the earth and
upon all life constantly, and that by aligning with them I could
transform my consciousness, more easily find the path to Self-
Realization, and greatly expand my ability to assist others through
our work together.
The star energies that Orin had me focus on included making a triangle
with three major star systems: the seven stars of the Great Bear, to
align with Divine Will; Sirius, to align with divine love, freedom,
and initiation; and the seven sisters of the Pleiades, so all the
forms I create will more perfectly reflect the divinity within. Over
and over, Orin had me connect with all three of these star systems.
Orin also asked that I link with the Pole star of direction to guide
my life and others home, to the Divine Self. I had already spent years
working with the Solar Light, also called the "Heart of the Sun," and
with the Spiritual Sun, the "Light of all Lights".
The light of the Spiritual Sun is the underlying foundation for all of
Orin's work. Orin broadcasts this energy throughout all of his
journeys, whether or not he calls it out. You are guided to work with
the Spiritual Sun throughout the Millennium Journeys, as well as in
many of the Divine Will journeys.
These star energies and the waves of light they radiate are becoming
more intensely felt. (See the article on page 16 about these times of
transformation.) By attuning to these star energies, you are drawing
in energy that is the source of earth and societal changes. With this
alignment you can better create forms and circumstances that express
your inner light. You can be in the right place at the right time. You
can find your path of enlightenment, and make the journey "home".
You can expand your consciousness beyond anything you have imagined
possible, and be in harmony with the universe and with all life. As
you harmonize with and use these star forces, you can live in harmony
with the universe, with the Oneness, and your life can work in magical
These star energies awaken your higher energy centers, increase your
vision, assist you in developing more awareness of the beings of
light, the angelic and devic kingdoms, and allow you to become an even
greater source of light for others.
Big Dipper located in the constellation of the Great Bear, the stars
are seen as the embodiment of the Great Ones who radiate Divine Will
to humanity. Orin feels that Divine Will energies are so important for
you to know that he has created a series of courses for you to align
with Divine Will. You will touch upon Divine Will in the Millennium
Volumes, and explore it in great depth in Orin's Divine Will
Sirius It is known as the "Dog Star," and as the star of liberation,
love, freedom, and initiation. Sirius strongly influences events on
the earth plane. It is the magnetic energy that comes from Sirius that
changes the earth's magnetism and creates pole shifts. You can work
with the Sirius energy to stay clear and balanced, to have an open
heart, to free yourself from negative energies, and to be magnetic to
all you need to fulfill your purpose.
Pleiades: The seven stars of the Pleiades, sometimes called the "seven
sisters," are found in the neck of the Bull, in the constellation of
Taurus. These are related to the seven stars in the Big Dipper. The
energies coming from Pleiades are part of the intelligence aspect of
the universe, and influence the form side of manifestation. You can
work with these energies so that everything you manifest will be the
highest possible embodiment of the seed of divinity within it.
Pole Star: The two stars on the outside portion of the cup of the Big
Dipper point to the Pole star, known as the star of Direction. It is
currently Polaris, found in the Little Bear. It brings humanity back
to its originating source. You can focus on this star energy so you
can always know the true goal, that of Self-Realization, and find it
in the most efficient, effective possible way.
Spiritual Sun: This is the "light of all lights." It is the light of
unity, coherence, and synthesis. When you "see" in the light of the
Spiritual Sun, you can see the oneness of all life, and know your
connection to it. When the Spiritual Sun arises in the center of your
being, within your heart, then pain, struggle, and suffering is
dissolved. You can contact the Spiritual Sun to illuminate the "veil
of unknowingness" that separates you from your Divine Self, for in the
light of the Sun the veil disappears. You can then see in this light
the one absolute Reality that pervades and illumines all life.
Solar Light, Heart of the Sun, Divine Love. This is the "soul" of the
Sun, just as the Spiritual Sun is the "spirit or one life" that is the
source of life of the Sun. It is connected with the seven rays, the
consciousness, magnetism, and vitality of life itself.