
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/13 02:16:08



品牌一:Erno Laszlo

Hydra Therphy Skin Vitality Treatment 水疗再生冰白面膜 



    VII源于奥地利著名医生Dr.Vill Victor家族,是少数成功的将皮肤科知识与美容结合到接近完美的医师之一,并研发出一种能“返老还童”的神奇配方,而约瑟芬(拿破仑的妻子)就是它的第一位受益人。 Dr.Stanley Cohen(诺贝尔化学奖获得者)发现的EGF生长因子的灵感也是来源于此。它有着百年历史与古老配方,低调、内敛,颇具神秘色彩,同时它还是一个专业的眼部护理品牌,
VII O2M™ Oxygen Eye Mask 夜间氧眼贴 


品牌三:Living Nature

Extra Hydrating Toning Gel 特强补水凝胶


    由雅诗兰黛集团创始人雅诗兰黛夫人之孙——威廉•兰黛(William Lauder)先生创立,隶属于全球最大高档化妆品集团雅诗兰黛集团,是一个崇尚天然、讲求功效的高效天然护肤及化妆品牌,其产品均源于天然植物资源、有机植物成分以及100%纯天然植物理疗精油。
Modern Friction 白米焕肤霜
    以天然白米为主要成份,能去除肌肤老旧角质,改善肌肤质素,减淡幼纹和色斑。维他命C 对抗游离基,使肌肤保持青春。

品牌五:Dr. Larhrib

Eye area rejuvenating cream 
    100%的纯黄瓜精华,富含丰富的矿物质、维生素、抗氧化剂等多种成分,镇定舒缓眼部肌肤。 Bioskinup® Contour 、Eyeseryl® 这两种活性成分,有效的改善皱纹、眼睛浮肿、黑眼圈等问题。同时天然的海洋海藻精华,能为肌肤带来持久的水润。


Classics Review ----an inventory of star products
   Many people think that the cognition of skin care brands starts from the brand itself, which actually is not the fact. Plenty of facts prove that the establishment of a classic brand originally comes from the customers’ recognition for the star product brand. Products that prevail among the people can best attract customers’ interest, which is also the most crucial step to build brand values and orientation. A star product is a favorite for not only consumers but also brands. Some skin care brands’ star products are listed as follows. Let’s review the classics!

The first brand: Erno Laszlo

   Doctor Erno Laszlo, not only an accepted chief dermatologist but also the first person to combine dermatologic and the concept of skin care, promotes “extracting essence from plants that accelerating metabolism and exfoliating dull horns to rejuvenate skin”.That is, to protect skin with skin cares that are made from natural plants.  
Star product----
   Hydra Therphy Skin Vitality Treatment
   Unique dual-layered skin protection system helps to accelerate metabolism, invigorate cells, and reduce wrinkles and dry lines. Special formulation of soft membrane and whitening can not only be highly active in hydrating, replenishing and locking up water, but also can make skin translucent and bright.  

The second brand: VII

   VII was created by the family of Dr.Vill Victor, a famous Austrian doctor who is one of the few physicians that successfully combined the knowledge of dermatology and cosmetology. He created a magic fomula that can “renew one’s youth”, whose first beneficiary was Josephine (Napoleon’s wife). This fomula also gave rise to the inspiration of EGF discovered by Dr.Stanley Cohen (winner of Nobel Chemistry prize). VII owns a hundred years’ history and an ancient fomula. Low-profiled, internalized and mysterious, it is a professional eye care brand.
Star product----
VII O2M™ Oxygen Eye Mask
   Highly blending ancient fomula with modern technology, VII O2M™ Oxygen Eye Mask has added special ingredients to itself while inherits VII’s history. It can not only rejuvenate the cells and stimulate them to absorb oxygen themselves, but also invigorate the skin, reducing fine lines around eyes, eliminating dark circles and puffy eyes. Dual active moisturizing factors infuse cells with abundant water, bringing constant moist to eyes.  

The third brand: Living Nature

   Aimed at “zero pollution”, the product contains Manuka honey enzymes and Manuk essential oil collected from remote rainforests and jungles in New Zealand.It is labelled as fully natural organic skincare product.All products can be stored for 2 years if they are sealed, if not, they have to be uesd up within half an year.
Star product----
   Extra Hydrating Toning Gel
   Manuka honey is an ingredient highly effective in moisturizing and reducing large pores. Sundrops oil, enriched in linolenate, helps to replenish fatty acids for skin, bringing special radiance to your complexion.

The fourth brand: Origins

   William Lauder, grandson of Estee Lauder ‘s founder Mrs Estee Lauder , originated  the brand Origins. It subordinates to the Estee Lauder Group, which is the largest top grade cosmetics group in the world. Origins embraces natural and effective skin cares and cosmetics. Its products all come from natural plants, organic plants and 100% plants physiotherapy oil.
Star product----
    Modern Friction

   With natural rice as its main ingredient, it can exfoliate dull horns, retexturize the skin and fade fine lines and spots. Vitamin C resists free radical, helping to maintain your youth.

The fifth brand: Dr. Larhrib

Based on his rich knowledge in dermatology and medicine,doctor Larhrib created an intelligent skin care range with the natural ingredients including fruits, vegetables and pants. The brand is characterized by selecting fruits and vegetables with different effects, replacing the water in skin care products with 100% juice, thus infusing rich natural nutrients into skin care products to deal with various skin problems.
Star product----
    Eye area rejuvenating cream
   100% cucumber extracts, enriched in mineral substances, vitamins, antioxidants, etc., calm and relieve the skin in ocular region. Active ingredients Bioskinup® Contour and Eyeseryl® effectively reduce wrinkles, puffy eyes and dark circles. Simultaneously, natural seaweed essence brings constant moist to the skin.