China steps up research on administration reform //China welcomes international aid to quake relief:

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 06:23:12
China steps up research on administration reform
State Councilor Ma Kai Sunday called for improved academic research on administration reform to address problems in the administration structure hampering efforts to restructure.
Ma, also president of the Chinese Academy of Governance, made the remarks here Sunday at a conference to inaugurate a research society focused on administrative reform.
The Chinese administration system is plagued by problems such as government heavy-handedness, weak social management and deficient public services, Ma said.
He added that mechanisms overseeing administrative power are still immature.
"We still have a long way to go in the reform of the administrative system," Ma said, "Administrative reform plays a critical role in both economic and political restructuring."
Ma stressed the research society should build itself into an academic advisory body and a think-tank for administrative reform policies.
Source: Xinhua
China welcomes international aid to quake relief: FM spokeswoman
08:46, April 19, 2010      
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China welcomes and appreciates the international community's willingness to aid quake relief work in northwest China's Qinghai Province, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said on Sunday.
Jiang said the international community had extended condolences and expressed concerns about the relief work after a 7.1-magnitude quake struck the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu, Qinghai, early Wednesday, killing at least 1,706 people.
Some countries and organizations have expressed their willingness to offer assistance, which is a clear manifestation of their goodwill to China, Jiang said.
"Chinese government welcomes and sincerely appreciates their goodwill," she said, adding that the information for receiving donations has been published.
The spokeswoman said the Chinese government is sparing no effort in rescue and relief as more rescuers and relief materials are being sent to the quake zone.
"We believe the people affected by the earthquake will surely overcome the disaster and rebuild their home with concerted efforts of the Chinese people and the support of the international community," Jiang said.
Source: Xinhua
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