看人家被"敲诈"时的动作 - 外贸案例 - 福步外贸论坛(FOB Business For...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 06:01:50


2009年8月8日(周六),接到客户电话,电话中客户说上次出的500公斤某个产品(价值大概6000美金)有质量问题,客户发现外观,还有某个分析指标明显超标.作为一个资深的外贸业务员,听到这个都意味着什么:质量投诉.我马上告诉客户我需要一个客户的正式传真,表明货物质量有问题,以便向工厂反映实际情况. 说明下工厂是国内比较大的,而且我们有着多年的合作,出现这样的低级问题我第一反应是挺惊讶的.但客户我们也有多年的合作,而且现在基本上是货发到客户一个月以后才收钱的.客户也是值得信赖的.

在我电话中明确表示我将打电话询问工厂的时候,客户却说”小问题,不用通知工厂的”, You should exchange it, we think. Please check. You do not need to contact manufacturer for the time being. 并且要求我和工厂搞搞关系,下次能给点优惠的价格. 这也很理解,毕竟处理起质量问题来确是挺麻烦的.没多想,很客气的回了客户意见,我们不久将和工厂一起协商下.

8月12日(周三), 接到客户的邮件,如下,大致内容是某个指标超标,外观颗粒大小,水份都不对.
Our customer received 500kgs and had simple test. When they compare Iron content, it seem to be about more 10ppm.Particle size is smaller and Moisture is higher than one of last year. Our customer want to ship back and exchange it.

For your reference, last shipment 1000kgs have more 1ppm Fe content, our customer think. So you ship other company's product they think.

收到邮件不久,就接到客户电话,客户说他的最终用户要马上将货退回来,一刻也不等了,这批货客户怀疑我们不是从这家工厂拿的,而是同其他工厂调的货 (好像我们赚了多少黑心钱一样), 并且明确的说退回需要多少费用云云,大概1000美金费用,而且还要费很多时间,而且暗示可以折扣一下,我说折扣多少,他说你看看退回需要这么多费用….等等,言下之意我们起码要差不多的钱退给他算了了事.我告诉客户我需要和工厂协调,无法立即给他回复. 客户很生气….并且质疑我们为什么没有对产品进行检验.

Business is business, and we have no intention to cheat you and ship another products and told you it's from XXX, we have contracts with factory on file and we must show to them if problem happed. We do have factory audits for first time cooperation since April, 2009 as required by ISO certification, and we admit that we didn't check the quality everytime for factory like XXX as they are approved factory, no blacklist in our ISO file.


I am sorry we must have your formal message and then negotiate with the factory, and I was trying to tell the factory last week but you told me it's not necessary, and actually we can take the quality lost but it shouldn't be 100% beard by us. If in such circumstance, we should be in very difficult situation.

XXX is a famous factory, and they must take the lost from the stupid mistakes. Pls see attachment for the original COA from them. One mistakes from us that our clerk should send you the wrong COA. Pls compare the label on the drum and the batch number, and we must claim from the factory.

Regret I can't made a decision right now, we should follow the claim steps as required by ISO which we should pass at the end of August.

遗憾客户得理不饶人,马上回复Lot No. in label is 090725. 但是工厂分析证上显示却是090785。 汗!马上和工厂确认唛头上的批号和分析证上批号是否一致,工厂质量部某位小姐小心翼翼的问“是不是有问题”。经过约半小时的确认,最终工厂说批号一致,才缓了口气。。。同志们,我从开始到事情完美解决我都没有和工厂说“你们质量是不是有问题啊?”, 为什么?你是解决问题的,尽量不要给别人制造问题,所以你要以超人的眼光去分析客户话的真伪。

于是回复客户:Factory claimed the lot on Drum and on COA is the same, that is 090785, Can you please do me the favor and send some picture. We understand that it will waste some of your time. If you think necessary, we can ask factory issue such a certificate.你拍照片吧,我要证据,呵呵。

终于13日客户回邮件:Yesterday we visited warehouse and checked batch number. The batch number on drum is 090785. Factory is correct.客户的意图我相信大家应该看得很明显了。。。。


我马上邮件Pls understand that we now have all written procedures for all the process, and I can't give you a right idea what I can do, all must follow our company policy for the benefits of ours and yours. Hope you could understand. 虽然我没有启动我们的ISO客户投诉程序,毕竟这又要麻烦质量控制部的小猪先生和管理部的老王了。但是还是得吓唬下客户吧,谁让你居心不良呢。。。小猪先生还是很负责的,刀怎么也得用在韧上面是把。。。(小猪同志可以哼哼了)

然而今天14日,客户却邮件说这个问题先一点点解决,并且再发500公斤:We should ship it back right now. Please ship another 500kgs immediately. 说退就退?没有正式的分析指标(不合格的)小猪同志不可能批的!马上回复:Pls I just need an internal certificate from customer indiacting the purity content, no need from offical 3rd party to claim with factory QA, please help us. I am sure factory can accept an immediately shipment of another and reply the 500kgs. 客户不是嫌去第三方检测机构麻烦吗?没必要!你们内部的就行了!管理部老王发话了,只要有客户检测的分析证证明不符合客户指标,马上再发一批,不等退了!还不够意思?这服务,钢钢的。。。

很遗憾,客户还很磨叽:Customer need products now. You should exchnge right now. We are tied up this problem for more 3 days. We can not share more time due to small problems.

该发威了:I just negotiated with factory, Their and our QA has filed the complaints,so they must make everything clear if we want to further get materials from them. You know, they can't ship another batch but leave the problems there to receive futher complaints. We have paid them already, we can't take risks and buy another batch. Hope you could understand。工厂的质量部和我们的质量部都提出客户投诉申请了,这是小事情么?没解决前怎么能再发呢。找个借口说我们已经付工厂钱了,这个问题没解决前,我们怎么敢再买新货呢。。。。呵呵,激将一把,你吓我我也就吓你下,以后不跟你做了!不就是匡钱嘛,绕那么大弯子干什么么?上个月欧洲客户因为危险品标识我们有些误解,贴错了,眉头没皱下就陪了客户3万。。。上上周发到越南的几百公斤货,做FOB的,但是到客户那边4桶标签掉了,客户不接收要求退货,我们真的没义务的,毕竟是货代的问题,但还是二话没说,退!换!.....唉,看来现在都不容易啊。。。。为了点小钱硬说我们质量有问题。。。

You may misunderstand that we want to solve only small problems(small money).
We called to say you would consider this business future before shipment.

This market is very big.

Because of small problem(demage of only USD1/kg or USD2/kg ), you make this business difficult.
The reason we have called in spite of big tel. cost is because we think to make customer convenient.
We can ship it back easily. However the reason we did not is because we want to reduce your demage and we expect big business in the future.
Now it only delayed. It is the worst.
Wuhan will not solve this problem. Now they do not have any demage.
It is only your demage. Factory is trying to skip only you.
Please do not misunderstand us.
Please cool down and find what is the best way.
The worst is to delay.
We hope your prompt decision.

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