
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/06/03 10:49:32


     * Lech Kaczyński, the President of Poland(总统)


     * Maria Kaczyńska, the first lady(第一夫人)
     * Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last President of the Polish government-in-exile(当年波兰流亡政府总统)
     * Jerzy Szmajdziński, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm(下议员副议长)
     * W?adys?aw Stasiak, Chief of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland(总统办公室主任)
     * Aleksander Szczyg?o, head of the National Security Bureau(国家安全局局长)
     * Pawe? Wypych, Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland(总统办公室国务秘书?)
     * Mariusz Handzlik, Undersecretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland(总统办公室国务副秘书?次长?)
     * Andrzej Kremer, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs(副外长)
     * General Franciszek G?gor, Chief of the Polish Army General Staff(波军总参谋长)
     * Andrzej Przewo?nik, Secretary-General of Rada Ochrony Pami?ci Walk i M?czeństwa(未知)
     * Grzegorz Dolniak, member of the Sejm(下院议员)
     * Przemys?aw Gosiewski, member of the Sejm(下院议员)
     * Zbigniew Wassermann, member of the Sejm(下院议员)
     * Janusz Kochanowski, Polish Ombudsman(监察员?有点类似于中国监察部长)
     * S?awomir Skrzypek, President of the National Bank of Poland(央行行长)
     * Janusz Kurtyka, Historian and president of the Institute of National Remembrance(历史学家和国家记忆院主席,该机构主要调查纳粹和共产党的罪行)
     * Bishop Tadeusz P?oski, Polish Military Bishop (2004)(军内主教?)
     * Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka(曾任副首相)
    Gen. Gagor, The Supreme Commander of the Polish Armed Forces (e: actually he is there)(武装部队最高司令)
    Gen. Bronislaw KWIATKOWSKI, The Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces (武装部队执行司令?)
    Gen. Andrzej BLASIK, The Commander of the Polish Air Force (空军司令)
    Gen. Tadeusz BUK, The Commander of the Polish Ground Forces (陆军司令)
    Gen. dyw. Wodzimierz POTASISKI , The Commander of the Polish Special Forces (特种部队司令)
    Admiral Andrzej KARWETA, The Commander of the Polish Navy (海军司令)


    Gen. Kazimierz GILARSKI, The Commander of the Capital of Warsaw Army (华沙首都卫戍部队司令)