Packet Filtering with IPSec

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Should I take this tutorial?
This tutorial is about using the IP Security (IPSec) feature of IBM‘s AIX operating system to implement packet filtering for TCP/IP networks. If you are an administrator of RS/6000 systems, and those systems are connected to a publicly accessible network, packet filtering can help reduce the system‘s network "footprint", and can provide an additional layer of security for your systems, whether a firewall is in place or if all networked computers are directly connected to the Internet.
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the concepts of TCP/IP networking and IP addressing. After completing this tutorial, the reader will have an understanding of the steps necessary to install and configure IP Security and define filter rules for limiting access to network services.
Though the basic concepts of IP Security and tunneling are touched upon, they are not explored in detail with this tutorial. For more information about these concepts, the reader is directed to the References and resources section.
About the examples
This tutorial is based on the features and software provided with AIX 4.3.3 and AIX 5.1. Though the examples presented within were tested on an RS/6000 running AIX 4.3.3 Maintenance Level 8, the commands, filesets and procedures are identical in both operating system versions.
It is assumed in this tutorial that the IPSec packet filtering will be implemented on a host or hosts directly connected to the Internet, without an intervening firewall or other network-based security mechanism. If this is not the case in the reader‘s environment, be sure to carefully read the official documentation, listed in the References and resources section. For all environments, the IBM documentation is the definitive source for information about the commands, procedures, and software components involved in AIX IP Security.
Also, IPv4 is used exclusively throughout the examples presented within this tutorial, though IPSec is fully supported (and, in fact, designed for) IPv6 network architectures. Again, refer to the official documentation for any differences in the implementation of IPSec with IPv6 networks.
What is IPSec?
IP Security, known commonly as IPSec, is a protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), designed to provide "end-to-end" cryptographically-based security for IP network connections. Though not yet an official standard, compatible IPSec implementations are available for almost all modern operating systems. Inclusion of IPSec is required in every IPv6 implementation, and it has been designed to work equally well with the more common IPv4 system currently in use by most public and private networks.
All IP Security implementations include a common set of protocols and tools to enable interoperatability between different platforms, and provide the following three benefits:
Authentication: proof that the identity of the host on the other end of the connection is valid and correct. Integrity Checking: assurance that no data sent over the network connection was modified in transit. Encryption: the rendering of network communications indecipherable to anyone who might intercept the transmitted data.
IPSec implementations also include a method of restricting connections to various services, based on their origin and destination. This feature, often present in firewall devices, is known as packet filtering.
What is packet filtering?
All packets on an IP network originate from an IP address and a port, and are destined for another IP address and port. A packet filter is a physical or virtual device that sits between the endpoints of a connection and determines whether the packet should be permitted to continue to its destination.
That decision is made by comparing various attributes of the packet to rules that are defined by the administrator of the packet filter. Those attributes include (but are not limited to) source address and subnet, source port, destination address and subnet, destination port, protocol, direction of the connection, and fragmentation of the packet.
Packet filtering is often a included as a feature in firewalls and routers. In these devices, packets can not only be permitted or refused based on their characteristics, but also routed to different destinations. The packet filtering functionality in AIX (as well as many other host-based packet filters) does not have this feature: the only choices available are to either refuse to route the packet, or to let it continue to its destination.
Installation and Initial Configuration
Installing the IP Security pieces
The software components needed to implement IPSec are included with AIX on the base installation media. To determine if the required filesets are installed, run the command:
lslpp -L ‘*ipsec*‘
The output from that command should contain the following filesets:
Fileset Level State Description
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C IP Security Messages - U.S.
English C IP Security Key Management C IP Security C IP Security WebSM
If any of the above filesets are missing, install them from the AIX 4.3.3 installation media.
One additional piece of software is required: the bos.crypto fileset, found on the AIX 4.3.3 Bonus Pack. The name of this fileset may differ, depending on the country. To determine if this fileset is installed on the system, run the command:
lslpp -L ‘bos.crypto*‘
and look for output similar to:
Fileset Level State Description
bos.crypto C 40 Bit Encryption for IP
bos.crypto-priv C Triple DES Encryption for IP
bos.crypto-wt C 56 bit Encryption for IP
Security Set up IPSec logging
The IP Security software uses syslog to process messages and errors that it generates. Messages are sent to syslogd at the local4 facility. It is a good idea to setup logging of these messages before activating IPSec, to make troubleshooting easier.
To have syslogd write all messages received at the local4 facility to the logfile /var/adm/ipsec.log, add the following line to the /etc/syslog.conf file:
local4.debug /var/adm/ipsec.log
Create the empty log file by running the command touch /var/adm/ipsec.log, and then make syslogd aware of the changes to its configuration by running the command refresh -s syslogd.
Activating the IPSec Device
Before activating the IPSec modules, it is important to make sure that there are no filters already defined that might cause the system to refuse connections upon activation. These filters might have been left on the system by a previous IPSec installation. To prevent problems, run the command lsfilt -v4, and examine the output.
There should be three "rules" displayed: these rules are predefined by the operating system, and cannot be deleted. Ensure that the "Rule action" field is not set to "deny", or all network connections may be abruptly terminated upon activation of the IPSec device. If items are listed that are not one of the three predefined rules, they should be removed by executing the command rmfilt -n all -v4 .
To load the IPSec extensions and activate the device, use the SMIT fastpath "ips4_start" to get to the appropriate panel, and select the options as detailed in the following table:
Start IP Security [Now and After Reboot] Select when the IP Security extensions are to be loaded. The choices are "Now and After Reboot" or "After Reboot".
Deny All Non_Secure IP Packets [no] If this option is set to "yes", the default filter rule will be configured to DENY, and all connections that are not specifically permitted by a filter rule will be refused. If set to "no", the default rule will be configured to PERMIT all traffic.
After doing the above SMIT action, the activation of the IP Security device can be confirmed by running the command:
lsdev -Cc ipsecipsec_v4 Available IP Version 4 Security ExtensionFilter rule types
There are three types of filter rules in the AIX implementation of IP Security:
Predefined filter rules are created by AIX, and cannot be deleted or deactivated, though certain characteristics (such as logging) can be altered. This type of rule includes, among others, the "all traffic" filter.
Dynamic filter rules are also created by AIX, and are used with IKE tunnels. This type of rule will not be discussed further in this tutorial.
Static filter rules are created by the system administrator, and are the type to be used for defining access control. Static filter rules will be used in the implementation of the concepts presented in this tutorial.
Listing active filter rules
Each filter rule (predefined or static) contains eighteen fields, or attributes. There are two output formats available when displaying filter rules: a short form with one line for each rule, and a long form, displaying a line (with label) for each option in the rule. To display all of the currently active filter rules in the short form, run the command:
lsfilt -a -v4 -O1 *** Dynamic filter placement rule for IKE tunnels *** no2 permit yes all any 0 any 0 both both no all packets 0 all
To retrieve the same information in the more verbose, detailed format, omit the "-O" flag:
lsfilt -a -v4
Beginning of IPv4 filter rules.
Rule 1:
*** Dynamic filter placement rule for IKE tunnels ***
Logging control : no
Rule 2:
Rule action : permit
Source Address :
Source Mask :
Destination Address :
Destination Mask :
Source Routing : yes
Protocol : all
Source Port : any 0
Destination Port : any 0
Scope : both
Direction : both
Logging control : no
Fragment control : all packets
Tunnel ID number : 0
Interface : all
Auto-Generated : no
End of IPv4 filter rules.Dissecting a filter rule
To understand the different attributes that make up a single filter rule, the filter presented in the previous panel is broken down here:
Rule 2:   The number of the rule indicates its order. Packets are checked against the rules in order, and when a match is found, remaining rules are skipped.
Rule action : permit This attribute declares the action to be taken when an IP packet matches the other attributes of the rule. The value may be either "permit" or "deny".
Source Address : The "Source Address" and "Source Mask" attributes are compared to those in the IP packet for a possible match. A value of "" indicates all possible IP addresses.
Source Mask :
Destination Address : The "Destination Address" and "Destination Mask" attributes are compared to those in the IP packet for a possible match. A value of "" matches all possible IP addresses; this is useful in controlling connections to systems that have multiple IP addresses.
Destination Mask :
Source Routing : yes For incoming IP packets only, setting this field to "yes" will allow this rule to match a source routed packet if all of the other attributes match.
Protocol : all The protocol setting in this rule is compared to that in the IP packet for a possible match. Values include: "all", "tcp", "tcp/ack", "udp", and "icmp".
Source Port : any 0 The "Source Port" attribute is compared to that of the packet for a possible match. A value of "0" or "any" matches all values.
Destination Port : any 0 The "Destination Port" attribute is compared to that of the packet for a possible match. A value of "0" or "any" matches all values.
Scope : both Also referred to as "routing", this attribute specifies whether the rule will apply to forwarded packets, local packets, or both.
Direction : both This attribute specifies whether the rule will apply to incoming packets, outgoing packets, or both.
Logging control : no This attribute specifies whether a log entry will be sent to syslogd when this rule is matched.
Fragment control : all packets The "Fragment control" attribute specifies whether this rule will apply to whole packets, fragment headers, fragments only, no fragments, or all packets.
Tunnel ID number : 0 Specifies the IPSec tunnel through which the packet should be directed. When tunnels are not in use (as in this tutorial), the value of this attribute should be "0".
Interface : all "Interface" specifies the interface on which this rule applies. A value of "all" matches all interfaces.
Auto-Generated : no Indicates whether this rule is "dynamic" (value of yes), "predefined" or "static" (value of no).
Defining the rules
Setting up filters
Filters can be defined via the SMIT panel at the fastpath ips4_add_filter or via the command line, using the genfilt command. The SMIT method presents a screen similar to the table in the previous section. To create the filter "by hand", the following flags to the genfilt command are used to specify the attributes of the filter rule:
-v The IP version to which this filter applies. Valid values are "4" and "6"
-n The filter ID, or number: The new rule will be added before the number specified with this flag. If not specified, the rule will be added to the end of the filter rules table.
-a The "action" of the rule: valid values are "P" (permit) and "D" (deny)
-s The source address: Specify either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IP address of the host or network to which this rule will apply. The value "" specifies all IP addresses.
-m The source subnet mask: This will be used with the source address in determining whether this filter rule matches. The value "" specifies all subnet masks.
-d The destination address: Specify either the FQDN or the IP address of the interface for which incoming packets should be matched against. The value "" specifies all IP addresses on the system.
-M The destination subnet mask: This will be used with the destination address in determining whether this filter rule matches. The value "" specifies all subnet masks.
-g Specifies whether this rule applies to source routed packets. Valid values are "Y" (yes) and "N" (no).
-c Protocol: Specify the protocols which will be matched by this filter rule. Valid values are "udp", "icmp", "tcp", "tcp/ack", and "all".
-o Source port/ICMP operation: This is the comparison operator that will be used in matching the source port of the packet to this rule. Valid values are "lt" (less than), "le" (less than or equal to), "gt" (greater than), "ge" (greater than or equal to), "eq" (equal), "neq" (not equal), or "any".
-p Source port/ICMP type: This value will be compared to the source port of the packet for possible matches.
-O Destination port/ICMP operation: This is the comparison operator that will be used in matching the destination port of the packet to this rule. Valid values are the same as for the "-o" flag.
-P Destination port/ICMP type: This value will be compared to the destination port of the packet for possible matches.
-r Routing/Scope: Specifies whether the rule will apply to forwarded packets (R), packets destined or originated from the local host (L), or both (B).
-w Direction: Specifies whether the rule will apply to incoming packets (I), outgoing packets (O), or both (B).
-l Logging: Specifies that an entry to syslog will be sent for packets that match this rule. Valid values are "Y" (yes) and "N" (no).
-f Fragmentation control: Specifies whether the rule will apply to fragment headers and unfragmented packets (H), fragment headers and fragments only (O), unfragmented packets only (N), or all packets (Y).
-i Interface: specifies the interface on which this filter rule applies. Valid values are the logical names of interfaces (en0, tr0, lo0, etc.) or "all" for all interfaces.
Defining a filter does not make it active; enabling a filter is a separate step via the SMIT fastpath ips4_upd_filter or with the mkfilt command. To activate the defined filter rule, issue the command:
mkfilt -v4 -u
To deactivate the filter rules (leaving them in the defined state), issue the command:
mkfilt -v4 -d
Example #1: Logging all traffic
As a simple example, the following steps will add a rule to the filter table that does no blocking, but writes a log entry for each incoming IP packet. For this example, the command-line method will be used.
Execute the following command to add the rule to the filter table: genfilt -v 4 -a P -s -m -d -M -c all -o any -O any -w I -l Y -i all
Filter rule 3 for IPv4 has been added successfully.
The details of the filter can be checked for accuracy by running the command:
lsfilt -v4 -n3
Rule 3:
Rule action : permit
Source Address :
Source Mask :
Destination Address :
Destination Mask :
Source Routing : yes
Protocol : all
Source Port : any 0
Destination Port : any 0
Scope : both
Direction : inbound
Logging control : yes
Fragment control : all packets
Tunnel ID number : 0
Interface : all
Auto-Generated : no
Activate the rule by running the command:
mkfilt -v4 -u
Then, activate logging with the command:
mkfilt -v4 -g start
Note that the above rule will generate a tremendous amount of log messages, as each incoming packet will be recorded.
To stop the logging, issue the command :
mkfilt -v4 -g stop
Remove the newly created rule from the filter by running the command:
rmfilt -v4 -n3
Reload the set of active rules by again running the command:
mkfilt -v4 -u
Example #2: Restrict the FTP service to a single host
In this example, the AIX server will be providing file transfer protocol (ftp) service, via the standard ftpd application, but access to that service will be restricted to a single host with the IP address of Attempts to connect to the ftp server from other addresses will be denied as if ftpd was not available. All configuration will be performed through SMIT for this example.
When implementing a policy that provides access to a service by some hosts and denies access to other hosts, a pair of rules must be defined. Connections are checked against the filter rule table until a match is found, so it is important to ensure that the "PERMIT" rule is higher in that table (i.e., has a lower number) than the "DENY" rule.
Enter the SMIT fastpath ips4_add_filter to go directly to the Add an IP Security Filter Rule screen, and enter the values listed below in bold text:
Rule Action permit
IP Source Address
IP Source Mask
IP Destination Address
IP Destination Mask
Apply to Source Routing (PERMIT/inbound only) yes
Protocol tcp
Source Port / ICMP Type Operation any
Source Port Number / ICMP Type 0
Destination Port / ICMP Code Operation eq
Destination Port Number / ICMP Type 21
Routing both
Direction inbound
Log Control yes
Fragmentation Control all packets
Tunnel ID 0
Interface en0
Press "Enter" to execute the SMIT action, and after the command completes, press "F3" to return to the previous screen.
Select Add an IP Security Filter Rule from the menu, and create the second rule with the values listed below in bold text:
Rule Action deny
IP Source Address
IP Source Mask
IP Destination Address
IP Destination Mask
Apply to Source Routing (PERMIT/inbound only) yes
Protocol tcp
Source Port / ICMP Type Operation any
Source Port Number / ICMP Type 0
Destination Port / ICMP Code Operation eq
Destination Port Number / ICMP Type 21
Routing both
Direction inbound
Log Control no
Fragmentation Control all packets
Tunnel ID 0
Interface en0
Again press "Enter" to execute the SMIT action, and after the command completes, press F3 to return to the previous screen.
Select List IP Security Filter Rules from the menu. The output from the command should appear similar to:
1 permit no udp eq 4001 eq 4001 both both no all packets 0 all
2 *** Dynamic filter placement rule for IKE tunnels *** no
3 permit yes tcp any 0 eq 21 both inbound yes all packets 0 en0
4 deny yes all any 0 eq 21 both inbound no all packets 0 en0
0 permit yes all any 0 any 0 both both no all packets 0 all
Press F3 twice to go to the Advanced IP Security Configuration menu and select the menu item Activate/Update/Deactivate IP Security Filter Rule (or exit SMIT and go to the SMIT fastpath ips4_upd_filter). Select Activate / Update from the following menu. There should be nothing displayed on stdout when the command completes.
If the logging of successful FTP connections is desired, again press F3 twice, and select from the menu the item Start/Stop IP Security Filter Rule Log, and then Start Filter Logging.
Example #3: Restricting services to the local network
In this example, access to the "exec", "login", and "shell" services will be restricted to the organization‘s network, which is the Class B network 172.44/16. The following table details the ports and daemons used to provide those services:
exec 512/tcp /usr/sbin/rexecd (via inetd)
login 513/tcp /usr/sbin/rlogind (via inetd)
shell 514/tcp /usr/sbin/rshd (via inetd)
In essence, access to the TCP ports 512-514 will be allowed from the local network, but denied to all other addresses.
Create the following three filters to permit access to the above services from the network 172.44/16 (meaning, an IP address of with a subnet mask of genfilt -v 4 -a P -s -m -d -M -g Y -c tcp -o any -p 0 -O eq -P 512 -r B -w I -l N -f Y -i all genfilt -v 4 -a P -s -m -d -M -g Y -c tcp -o any -p 0 -O eq -P 513 -r B -w I -l N -f Y -i all genfilt -v 4 -a P -s -m -d -M -g Y -c tcp -o any -p 0 -O eq -P 514 -r B -w I -l N -f Y -i all
Next, create the following two filters to deny access to the above services from all addresses: genfilt -v 4 -a D -s -m -d -M -g Y -c tcp -o any -p 0 -O eq -P 512 -r B -w I -l N -f Y -i all genfilt -v 4 -a D -s -m -d -M -g Y -c tcp -o any -p 0 -O eq -P 513 -r B -w I -l N -f Y -i all genfilt -v 4 -a D -s -m -d -M -g Y -c tcp -o any -p 0 -O eq -P 514 -r B -w I -l N -f Y -i all
Activate the rules by running the command:
mkfilt -v4 -u
The pros and cons of IPSec packet filtering
Packet filtering via the IP Security features of AIX gives system administrators a powerful and flexible tool for controlling the network services provided by their RS/6000 systems. Its inclusion and integration into the base operating system helps make deployment and configuration straightforward. By inserting the decision of allowing or denying connections at the IP level, access control can be applied to any network application, without modification, and a system offering a large number of services can have its public "footprint" dramatically reduced.
There are several "cons" to IPSec packet filtering, though. A slight, but measurable reduction in performance may be observed, depending on the speed of the network interface, the complexity of the filter rule table, and the amount of network traffic to and from the system. For larger networks, it might be easier to implement a consistent policy using a dedicated firewall or router with packet filtering capabilities. Unless the RS/6000 is itself serving as a router, it is not possible to use IPSec packet filtering to redirect connections based upon their attributes; this function is better handled by dedicated hardware and/or software.
Further topics for exploration
The tutorial presented above explores only one feature available through the IPSec tools provided with AIX. IP Security encompasses much more than packet filtering: Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and tunnels can provide end-to-end encryption of all communications between individual hosts or entire networks.
Filtering of network traffic is a useful, but small part of system security; its implementation should be seen as one part a comprehensive security policy. It is important to address all aspects of system security from both remote and local connections. A single weakness in one part of infrastructure could lead to a compromise of the organization‘s entire network.
References and resources
The definitive documentation for the AIX IP Security features is the System Management Guide: Communications and Networks, Chapter 4, available online at .
Additional information about the IPSec standard, including mailing lists, Internet-Drafts, and Requests for Comments documents, can be found at the the home page of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) IP Security working group: .
Packet filtering implementations are available for a variety of UNIX and other operating systems.IP Filter (ipf) is a popular package, available for Solaris, FreeBSD, and other UNIX systems. With Linux, packet filter functionality is built into the kernel, and is configured using theiptables tool.
IBM offers a number of Redbooks on the subject of networking with AIX. Of particular interest are the publications:
TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview
A Comprehensive Guide to Virtual Private Networks, Volume I: IBM Firewall, Server and Client Solutions
Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Edition, published by O‘Reilly, is an excellent guide to the workings of firewalls and packet filters, and contains a wealth of information for security conscious administrators.
Securing AIX Network Services is another tutorial available from theIBM eServer Developer Domain. This tutorial provides an understanding of the network service provided in AIX, and the security implications of each service.
About the author
Sandor W. Sklar is a Unix Systems Administrator at Stanford University, in Northern California. The author invites questions and feedback about this tutorial