
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/09/30 00:25:38
Additional recommended readings are available throughout the WebCT units.
Library Support
1.         Recent issues of the following journals related to distance education are available at the Zimmerman Library. The journals are:
·        The American Journal of Distance Education (Published in U.S.A.)
·    Journal of Distance Education (Published in Canada)
·    Distance Education: An International Journal (Published in Australia)
·    Open Learning (Published in U.K.)
·    The British Journal of Educational Technology (Published in U.K.)
·    Educational Technology Research and Development (ETRD) (Published in USA)
·    Malaysian Online Journal of Instructional Technology (Published in Malaysia)
·    International Journal of Educational Telecommunications (Published in U.S.A.)
·    Journal of Computing in Higher Education (Published in U.S.A.)
2.      The Zimmerman Library has a collection of books on distance education. The Zimmerman Library card catalog can be accessed electronically. It is recommended that students learn how to use electronic resources available through the library. The librarians at Zimmerman Library are very happy to help you. http://elibrary.unm.edu/articles/databasesindexes.php
Online Resources
Several Web sites and online articles are available to support further research on topics covered in this class. Some of these online resources are listed as optional reading in the agenda. The following are recommended:
1.         The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. A refereed online journal, which published its first issue in 2000. Several articles from this journal are optional reading for this class and are listed in the agenda.
URL: http://www.irrodl.org/
2.         The Distance Education Clearinghouse is a Web site providing a range of information about distance education and related resources maintained by the University of Wisconsin-Extension.
URL: http://www.uwex.edu/disted/home.html
3.         The International Center for Distance Learning database (ICDL Database) is maintained by the British Open University.
URL: http://icdl.open.ac.uk/
4.         Internet-based bibliography by The American Center for the Study of Distance Education is useful.
URL: www.ed.psu.edu/acsde/annbib/annbib.asp
5.         The Journal of Interactive Media in Education, located athttp://www-jime.open.ac.uk/ will be an interesting source of additional information for distance educators.
6.         The United States Distance Learning Association provides national leadership in the field of distance learning; advocates and promotes the use of distance learning; provides current information on distance learning, and represents the distance learning community before government policy and regulatory bodies.
URL: http://www.usdla.org/html/aboutUs/home.htm
7.         It is highly recommended that students subscribe to DEOS-L, the Distance Education Online Symposium moderated by the AmericanCenter for the Study of Distance Education at PennsylvaniaState University, and DEOSNEWS, the online chronicle. To get subscription information, go to:
URL: http://www.ed.psu.edu/acsde/deos/deos.asp
DEOS-L is free, and there is a subscription fee of $12 for DEOSNEWS. DEOS-L Archives are located at:
URL: http://lists.psu.edu/archives/deos-l.html
Computer Support
UNM provides students with access to the Internet and World Wide Web. If you do not have an account on the UNM system, please create one as you will need this account to access WebCT and other programs used in this class. Students can use the computer labs at the following locations to access the Internet and the WWW:
1.         The College of Education Technology Center (TEC) and the labs located in the basement of the Student Services Building. You need to create your own account in order to use the computers in the TEC. Bring your Student ID to set up these accounts.
2.         The computer labs maintained by UNM’s ITS (formerly known as Computer Information Resources and Technology (CIRT) Department at the CIRT Building, Johnson Center, Dane Smith Hall, and Student Union. The lab assistants at the CIRT computer labs will assist you with questions regarding the Internet and the WWW. The Help Desk at ITS (277-4848) can also respond to your questions regarding setting up an account, accessing the Internet and WWW from home, troubleshooting your equipment, etc.
3.         CIRT offers a variety of free, non-credit short courses on how to access Internet resources and how to use other computer programs supported by UNM. The Zimmerman Library offers free, non-credit short courses on how to use the Internet to access library resources and various databases. Early registration is advised for these courses.
4.         WebCT Support is available in several locations and formats. There is a Help menu on the WebCT Home Page; there is a WebCT Tutorial within our course; WebCT Technical Support at 505.277.7490 or webct@unm.edu.
NOTE: Qualified students with disabilities needing appropriate academic adjustments should contact the instructor as soon as possible to ensure your needs are met in a timely manner.