
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 15:54:53
原文作者:Shawn Campbell
1999年9月的时候,Brett Tabke在WebmasterWorld论坛写过一篇《26步达到一天15000》。现在已有很多不同,该考虑一个新的“26步计划”献给2006年的站长们了。一些旧的技巧仍然适用(比如,每天写出新内容),但一些已经不再适用(向搜索引擎提交已经不是必要步骤),我们这次就要告诉你什么该做什么不必做。你可能已经了解,要带来流量不是那么容易——要辛苦的劳动、抉择,是件体力活。所以,如果你已经准备好,那就卷起袖子,照着这简单的26步,一年之内,你会得到足够的流量,让你忙到不停歇。
H) 站点优化
I) 通站连接
通站连接是指在每一页面都相同的连接。 它们帮助新到访者不至于迷路。 有时它们在页面左侧,有时在顶部以小块出现。有时它们也会在页面底部。确保你的每个页面都有老式风格的通站连接。我通常在页面顶部放上小块式,在底部放上文字式。看什么方式最适合你用了。
J) 标头
K) 站点地图
L) 内容
M) 优化有度
N) 竞争分析
O) 提交
1,Dmoz.org和Yahoo(本地的,比如Yahoo.co.uk, Yahoo.ca等等,如果可以的话)
P) 博客
注册Google AdWords与Yahoo SearchMarketing。花一些钱做广告吸引人们到你的网站上来,也可以用它来塑造品牌。PPC会为你的网站固带来固定的客流,当然也会给你的潜在客户更多深入了解的机会。你并不必须做到No.1,甚至不必须做到No.5……只要保证你的广告在你的关键词下面排在搜索结果的第一页就行,注意广告的花费要合理。
- 你的访客来自哪里?
- 他们用哪些搜索引擎?
- 他们查询什么字、词组?
- 你网站上的哪些页面被访问得最多?
- 你网站上的入口页面是哪些?
- 退出页面呢?
- 访客按照怎样的路径浏览你的网站?
- 用最受欢迎的页面鼓励访客过来,为你创造价值。
- 调整你认为最合适的浏览路径。
- 弄明白为何他们从那些退出页面退出。
然后,根据访客来访所用的关键词,细微的调整你的关键词设置。如果你的目标词是“greenwidgets”,而你的访客通过搜寻“green leather widgets”找到你,那你就应该开始创造一个“leatherwidgets”的内容了。
X)RSS feeds
RSS (Real Simple Syndication或Rich Site Summary)正成为因特网营销者的有力工具。你可以又简单又快速的给网站添加新内容。文章的feed时常更新,所以你可以跟你的访客(以及搜索引擎)他们需要的东西——新鲜内容!你可以用RSS来推广任何新内容,比如新的页面、文章、blog、新闻稿,等等。
Shawn Campbell是电子商务的活跃分子,参与创立了Red Carpet Web Promotion,Inc.。从1998年起,他就致力于研究和开发市场策略,达到在搜索引擎中的显著效果。Shawn是搜索引擎优化(SEO)领域的先驱之一。
The A to Z Guide to Getting Website Traffic
By Shawn Campbell
In September of 1999, Brett Tabke wrote "26 Steps to 15k a Day" in theWebmaster World forum. A lot has changed since then, and now is thetime to consider a new 26-step plan that meets the current needs ofwebmasters in 2006. Some of the old ones still apply (writing newcontent everyday, for example), and some don‘t (submitting to thesearch engines is no longer necessary), and we‘re here to tell youwhich is which! As you probably already know, bringing in traffic isnot easy - it takes hard work, determination and lots of elbow grease.So if you‘re ready, roll up your sleeves and follow these 26 simplesteps, and within just one year you will generate enough traffic tokeep you busy for a long, long time!
A) Keyword Research
Before you do anything else, use a keyword research tool and do anextensive job researching the right keyphrases to use for your site.What keyphrases are your direct competitors using? Are there anykeyphrases that create a potential for market entry? Are there any thatyou can put a spin on and create a whole new niche with?
B) Domain Name
If you want to brand your company name, then choose a domain name that reflects it. If your company is Kawunga, then get www.kawunga.com. If it‘s taken, then get www.kawungawidgets.com. No dashes, and no more than two words in the domain if appropriate.
C) Avoid the Sandbox
Buy your domain name early, as soon as you have chosen your keyphrasesand your company name. Get it hosted right away and put up a quick onepage site saying a little about who you are, what you sell, and thatthere will be more to come soon. Make sure it gets crawled by Googleand Yahoo (either submit it or link to it from another site).
D) Create Content
Create over 30 pages of real, original content on your site. This will give the spiders something to chew on. It will also give you more opportunities to been seen in the search engine results for a wide variety of keyphrases.
E) Site Design
Use the "Keep It Simple" principle. Employ an external CSS file, cleanup any Java Scripts by referring to them off the page in an externalfile, don‘t use frames, use flash the way you would an image, and nomatter what, do not create a flash site. Do not offer a busy site withlots of bells and whistles to your visitors. Keep things nice andsimple. Make it easy for them to find what they are looking for andthey‘ll have no reason to look anywhere else.
F) Page Size
The less kilobytes your page uses, the better - especially for the home page. Optimize your images and make sure the page loads quickly. Most people and businesses in the Western world may have high speed, but cell phones and other countries might not. If your site loads slowly, you may have already lost your visitor before they‘ve even had a chance to browse around.
G) Usability
Make sure that your site follows good usability rules. Remember that people spend more time on other sites, so don‘t violate design conventions. Don‘t use PDF files for online reading. Change the colours for visited links, and use good headers. Look up usability for more tips and tricks, it will be worth your while.
H) On Site Optimization
Use the keyphrase you have chosen in your title (most important), yourheaders (when appropriate), and within the text. Make sure that yourpage/content is ABOUT your keyphrase. If you are selling widgets, thanwrite about widgets. Don‘t just stick the word widgets into the text.
I) Globals
Globals are the links that remain the same on every page. They are thereference for new visitors to keep them from getting lost. Sometimesthey are on the left of the page, sometimes they consist of tabs at thetop. Often they are in the footer of the page as well. Make sure thatyou have an old style text version of your globals on every page. Iusually create tabs at the top, and put the text versions in the footerat the bottom of the page. Find out what works best for you.
J) Headers
Use bold headers. On the Internet, people scan they don‘t read. Soinitially, all they will see are the headers. If your headers don‘taddress their concerns, they won‘t stick around long enough to readyour content. Use appropriate keyphrases when you can.
K) Site Map
Build a site map with a link to each of your pages. Keep it up to date. This will allow the spiders to get to every page. Put a text link to the site map on the main pages.
L) Content
Add a page every 2-3 days: 200-500 words. Create original content, don‘t copy others. The more original and useful it is, the more people will read it, link to it, and most importantly of all - like it enough to keep coming back for more.
M) White Hat Only
Stay away from black hat optimizing techniques. Black hat optimizationconsists of using any method to get higher rankings that the searchengines would disapprove of, such as keyword stuffing, doorway pages,invisible text, cloaking and more. Stick to white hat methods forlong-term success. People who use black hat optimization are usuallythere for the short-term, such as in porn, gambling, and Viagra markets(just look at your email spam for more black hat markets). These blackhat industry sites are usually around just long enough to make a quickbuck.
N) Competition Analysis
Who is linking to your competition? Use Yahoo‘s "link:" service to see the back links of your competition. For example, type in "link:http://www.yourdomain.com" into Yahoo search without the quotes). Try to get links from the same sites as your direct competitors. Better yet, see if you can replace them!
O) Submit
Submit to five groups of directories:
1. Dmoz.org and Yahoo (local, such as Yahoo.co.uk, or Yahoo.ca, etc... if you can).
2. Find directories in your field and get into them. Pay if you must, but only if the price is reasonable.
3. Local directories that relate to your country or region.
4. Any other directories that would be appropriate.
5. If you are targeting the local market, make sure that you are in the Yellow Pages and Superpages (because search engines use these listings to power local searches)
P) Blog
Start a blog about your industry and write a new entry at least once aweek. Allow your visitors to comment or, better yet, write their ownentries. This will create even more content on your site and will keeppeople coming back regularly to see what is new.
About The Author
Shawn Campbell is an enthusiastic player in the ecommerce marketplace, and co-founded Red Carpet Web Promotion, Inc.. He has been researching and developing marketing strategies to achieve more prominent listings in search engine results since 1998. Shawn is one of the earliest pioneers in the search engine optimization field.