[珍闻] 12最具创意再生雕塑

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 10:02:09
 12 Most Creative Recycled Sculptures‏ 12最具创意再生雕塑

Robert Bradford creates these life-size and larger-than-life sculptures of humans and animals from discarded plastic items, mainly toys but also other colourful plastic bits and pieces, such as combs and buttons, brushes and parts of clothes pegs. 罗伯特布拉德福德创建这些实物大小和大于生命雕塑人类和动物的废弃塑料项目,主要是玩具但还有其他色彩缤纷的塑料边角料如梳子和按钮,画笔,衣服配件,钉。 In 2002, he started to consider his children's forgotten toys as parts of something bigger. 2002年,他开始考虑的东西大部份孩子的遗忘的玩具。 Some of the sculptures contain pieces from up to 3,000 toys and are sold for US$19,000. 该雕塑的一些包含最多3000件玩具和美国销售为19,000元。

Artist Stuart Murdoch replicated the Clifton Suspension Bridge using recycled Coke cans. 艺术家斯图尔特默多克复制的克利夫顿吊桥使用循环可乐罐。 No word yet if anyone has tried to cross the bridge. 但如果没有词人曾试图过桥。

"Broken Family" by Anthony Haywood, uses all the household waste to construct an elephant. “断裂”的安东尼海伍德家庭,使用所有的家居废物构造一个大象。

It's a giant skull made from recycled kitchen utensils. 这是一个巨大的头骨从回收厨房用具的。 The sculpture was crafted by Indian artist Subodh Gupta. 雕塑是由印度艺术家制作苏博德古普塔。

Sculpture made from recycled watches and clocks, by Michael Roberts. 回收的钟表迈克尔罗伯茨,使雕塑。

London Zoo's Recycled Sculpture exhibit showcases 20 works, like this plastic bag sculpture of a polar bear. 伦敦动物园的再生雕塑作品展览展示20,这样的北极熊塑料袋雕塑。

Korean artist Jean Shin created this sculpture "Sound Wave" (2007) out of melted vinyl records to connote "the inevitable waves of technology that render each successive generation of recordable media obsolete." 韩国艺术家让新创建的这个雕塑“声波”(2007)融化的乙烯基记录内涵“的技术是不可避免的浪潮使每一个过时的记录媒体连续的一代。” Her sculpture and others made from recycled materials are part of The Museum of Art and Design's exhibit "Second Lives: Remixing the Ordinary." 她的雕塑和回收材料制成的另一些部分的艺术博物馆和设计展览的“第二次生命:混搭的普通。”

Artist Nick Sayers created this piece above called “To Live”, a shelter created from scrap real estate signs designed to create a statement about homelessness and sustainable building. 艺术家尼克塞耶斯创造了这个上述所谓的“我要活下去”,一块遮挡废料房地产旨在建立一个关于无家可归和可持续建筑的声明创建的迹象。 Nick's recycled art is on display at The Lightbox in Woking, Surrey until January 2009. 尼克的再生艺术是在渥金,萨里灯箱直到2009年1月展出。

Water Bird sculpture at the London Wetlands Centre. 水鸟雕塑在伦敦湿地中心。 Recycled from ITV Fixers Plastic Bag. 从ITV的扎再生塑料袋。

The world of art is buzzing with new ideas for recycling products. 艺术的世界里挤满了回收产品的新思路。 The latest addition to this is the Wood And Wire Bird created from scraps of iron, cotton striping, shoe strings, wood, aluminum, glass and paper. 最新增加这是木材和电线鸟从铁废料产生,棉花条带,鞋字符串,木材,铝,玻璃和纸张。 This magnificent piece of art is the brainchild of Alabama Chanin, and is available for $735. 这个宏伟的艺术作品是阿拉巴马州查宁心血结晶,并为735元发售。

Another sculpture made from vinyl records. 从唱片另一项雕塑。

He's seven meters tall and weighs three metric tons. 他身高7米重3吨。 He is WEEE Man! 他是WEEE指令人! This sculpture stands at the Eden Project in Cornwall, after his debut at the South Bank in London. 这个雕塑位于康沃尔郡的伊甸园计划后,他在伦敦南岸首次亮相。 The British Royal Society of Arts had WEEE Man built out of discarded electronic components and household appliances to symbolize how much of this material each person contributes to environmental waste. 英国皇家艺术学会建立了WEEE指令曼废弃电子元件家用电器象征了这种材料如何每个人对环境的贡献很大浪费。