
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 15:21:02
Welcome to Autism Abbreviations 101

Autism and Abbreviations….They were made for each other. You get a diagnosis, learn the definition of autism, how to spell it and start to feel like you have a handle on things...until you sit in on your first IEP meeting. Suddenly you are finding yourself struggling to crack the secret code of abbreviations. Here is a list of abbreviations commonly (or not so commonly) used in the special-ed world. This list should prove to be helpful for the beginner and experienced. I provided abbreviations from both the professionals and the parents, after all it is only fair that we share information with each other.

-Cheryl Kelley, POACH’D, BS, DAHM, TOAST.

For the Professionals

ASD—Autism Spectrum Disorders or Autism Society of Delaware (We grabbed it first!)

ABA—Applied Behavior Analysis

APE—Adapted Physical Education

BMP—Behavior Management Protocol

FAPE—Free and Appropriate Public Education

IDEA—Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEP—Individualized Education Program

LD—Learning Disabled

LRE—Least Restrictive Environment

MR—Mentally Retarded

OT—Occupational Therapy

PECS—Picture Exchange Communication System

OCD—Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

PT—Physical Training

SIB—Self Injurious Behavior

SIT—Sensory Integration Therapy

TEACCH—Treatment and Education of Autism and Related Communication and Handicapped Children


ASA—Autism Society of America

ASD—Autism Society of Delaware

LDAF—Lower Delaware Autism Foundation

DAP—Delaware Autism Program



For the Parents

BS—Biohazard Specialist

PBJ—Peanut Butter and Jelly

CARE—Children w/Autism are Really Exhausting

PH.D.—Poor Humor Department

SPT—Shredded Paper Therapy (This also includes books, bills, photos and wall paper that is currently on the wall)

NIMC—Not In My Car! (This normally is used in conjunction with the PBJ or SPT)

WATSMDA? — Why Are There So Many Darn Abbreviations?




DAHM—Does Anyone Hear Me? (This is often used in in unison with TTYS—Talking To Yourself)

OCD—Overly Creative Dysfunction

PONT—Parent’s of the Neuro-typical (Not to be confused with a Muggle)

REINFORCEMENT—Respite worker, tickets to the theatre and reservations at a swanky restaurant (very controversial form of therapy—please seek professional advice before trying)

POACH’D—Parents Of Autistic Children

TOAST—Totally Outrageous Autistic Spectrum Temperment. (I.e. You are “TOAST” if you are at the mall and run out of gummy bears)