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首届中美英语、网络与教育国际论坛最新通知(2009年9月) 星期一, 九月 21, 2009, 03:24 AM
作者: Administrator  首届中美英语、网络与教育论坛将于2009年10月16日-10月18日在浙江越秀外国语学院举行,我们诚挚邀请您的出席。




10月15日(星期四)-- 全天报到

9:45—10:00 大会合影
10:10—12:00 大会发言(2人)
14:00—16:00 分组讨论
16:20—18:00 大会发言(2人)

14:00—16:00 分组发言



  (4)联系方式:浙江省绍兴市越城区会稽路428号 邮编:312000

顺颂 研安


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论文提交截稿日期说明 Clarification on Submission Deadline 星期一, 五月 4, 2009, 03:21 AM
作者: AdministratorDear all,

This is to inform you that those who failed to submit their abstracts by 30/04/2009 can still submit their full texts by 30/06/2009.

Note, also, that abstracts submitted before 30/04/2009 can expect to be reviewed by 30/05/2009.

Should you have any queries, please contact Mr Chen LI via stevenlichen@gmail.com

Best regards,
Conference Committee

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提交论文须知 Guidelines for Paper Submission 星期三, 三月 11, 2009, 04:03 AM
作者: Administrator注意:“提交论文登录 (participant)” 这个链接在4月30日前同时承担了提交论文摘要的功能。

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Guidelines for preparing submissions for the Conference Proceedings 星期日, 三月 8, 2009, 05:12 AM
作者: Administrator
Guidelines for preparing submissions for the Conference Proceedings

Download the Sample Paper

Production of proceedings
A printed version of the proceedings will be produced for distribution at the conference. You are therefore asked to submit an electronic version of your submission to xxxxxx Please send the electronic version in Microsoft Word 2000 or higher.

Format and style
Submissions must be written in English, single-spaced and use Times New Roman 11 point font. Please submit your paper with one-inch margins on all sides Submissions should be prepared following the APA general style (5th edition) with the exception that italic should be used rather than underlining. Following are examples of the page layout, title, and heading style that should be used.

Figures and diagrams
If your submission contains graphic material, please ensure that you place it properly in the electronic version in a commonly used format (.jpeg) with a quality effects. The paper will be not used if the graphics are not readable or in good format. 

Cover page
The cover page should include the following information: a) full contact details for all authors: name, institution, address, e-mail, phone, fax; 

Page limits and numbering
Those who are presenting papers are allowed five pages in the proceedings, those presenting as Keynotes are allowed six pages in the proceedings, and those presenting roundtables (Small group) allowed four pages. If your submission exceeds the limit it will be required to change or edited to fit the space allowed. Do not number the pages.

Title should be Centered, Bold, 14-point Type with Important Words Capitalized
[Note: all other text should be in 11 point type including headings]

Author’s name centered
Author’s institution centered

Keywords: list 3-5 keywords

Abstract: provide an abstract of 25-50 words that presents the essence or purpose of your paper. This abstract should be indented 1/2 inch (1.25 cm) from both left and right margins.

Main Headings should be Centered, Bold, Uppercase and Lowercase
[leave one blank line above the main headings and begin the text immediately below the heading]

Second Level Headings should be Flush Left, Italic, Uppercase and Lowercase

Third level headings should be indented, italic, lowercase, and end with a period. The text of the section should then begin immediately after the period.

APA style
When citing references from the text, APA style is generally in the form (Fenwick, 1999; Mojab, 2003). If specific page numbers are cited, the reference would be (Mirchandani, 1997, p. 34). Multiple author citations are generally in the form (Butterwick, Fenwick, & Mojab, 2003). If the author’s name is used in the sentence, the form would be: “Thomas (1996) studied adult learners in….” Papers and roundtables MUST include a bibliography following APA style (i.e., you may not say “to be handed out at presentation” or “partial listing”).

Proofreading & printing
It is the author’s responsibility to carefully proofread their submission. The Proceedings’

Editor reserves the right to correct obvious errors and to make other changes related to the consistency and quality of the proceedings. Any submission that has not been carefully proofread or that deviates substantially from these guidelines will be returned to the author for correction and may not accept to be used in the published Proceedings. All submissions for the Proceedings MUST be received by ….. Send your paper as an email attached document to: xxxxxxxx

Registering for the conference 
All those presenting at the conference will be expected to register in advance. A preliminary program and registration materials will be available on the XXXXX website …

Authors are to ensure the accuracy of their papers. The conference organisers and the publisher accept no responsibility for statements made by authors either in written papers or in presentations.

Where relevant, authors are to ensure that the contents of their papers are cleared for publication, e.g. by their employer, their client, the funding organisation and/or the copyright owner of any material which is reproduced. The paper has to be original and first submission.

Authors need to sign copyright transfer form with the publisher.


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首届中国英语、网络与教育国际论坛论文格式要求 星期日, 三月 8, 2009, 05:05 AM
作者: Administrator下载论文样例

1. 论文要求英文,4000-6000字,限制在5页以内(不需要给页面编码),提交电子稿到网站:www.sinousa-fewe.org,使用Microsoft Word 2000或更高版本;

2. 论文的书写顺序是:标题、作者姓名、作者单位、摘要、关键词、引言、正文、结论、参考文献。另外在论文封面单页上书写完整的联系信息:姓名,单位,地址,e-mail,电话和传真;

3. 论文中如有附图、附表,请以常用的.jpg格式附于论文的适当位置。


1. 专著、书籍:
[1] Zhang, W. Y. (Ed.) (2003). Global perspectives: philosophy and practice in Distance Education, Beijing: China Central Radio & Television University Press. 
[2 ]Lowery, G. & Stover, T. (2001). Managing projects with Microsoft Project 2000. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 

注:“Ed.” 或“Eds.”的意思是主编的书,如果只有一位主编,用“Ed.”,如果是两位或以上主编,则用“Eds.”.

[1] Kember,D.(2001).Orientations to enrolment of part-time students: A classification system based upon students’ perceived lifelong learning. Higher Education Research & Development, Vol. 20, No. 3, 265-280. 

[ 2 ] Kernis, M. H., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T. (1993). There's more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, No. 65, 1190-1204

[3] 李东进.消费者搜寻信息努力与影响因素实证研究.《南开管理评论》.2001,4:P23.

3. 书中的章节或论文集的文章:
[1]Zhang, W. Y. & Kirk, P. (2002). A profile of online education in selected open universities in Asia. In D. Murphy, N. M. Shin, & W. Y. Zhang (Eds.), Advancing online learning in Asia, p 1-15. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong Press. 


4. 电子期刊的文章 
Zhang, W. Y., Niu, J. & Jiang, G. Z. (2002). Web-Based education at conventional universities in China: a case study, International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning: Vol. 2, No. 2. Retrieved on 15 October 2002. < http://www.icaap.org/iuicode?>

5. 专利:[格式]序号 专利申请者 专利题名 专利国别(或地区) 专利号 出版日期
[1] Larsen C E, Trip R, Johnson C R. Methods for Procedures Related to the Electrophysiology of the heart. US Patent 5 529 067.1995-01-25
[2] XXX.XXXXXXXXX.中国.XXXXXX.2005-05-12.

6. 报纸: [格式]序号 责任者 题目 报纸名 出版日期(版次)
[1] Specter R B. CFCs may be destroyed by natural process. Washington Post, 1989-08-07. (Sect A: 2)
[2] XXX.XXXXXXXXX.人民日报.2007-05-03(第5版)

7. 科技报告: [格式] 序号 责任者 报告题目 报告号 出版地 出版者 出版年
[1] Gough P S. Theoretical Modeling of the Interior Ballistics of the Electrothermal Gun. AD-A268583, 1993
[2] 中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC).中国互联网发展报告(2005).HS-17833.北京:人民邮电出版社.2007.


1.字体:Times New Roman
2.字号:除论文标题字号14,其它文本字号 11

摘要:要求25- 50个单词的摘要阐述论文的主旨或者是目的。摘要要求左右页边距1/2英寸(1.25cm)。



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