China's Filtering Software Contains Pirated Code ”绿坝”涉嫌技术侵权?

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/04 18:18:59
China's Filtering Software Contains Pirated Code
PUBLISHED: 2009-06-15
导读:自7月1日起,中国所有新电脑必须强行安装"绿坝"过滤软件。正当网上对此热议纷纷,美国软件公司Solid Oak又指出,该软件的部分程式码是从该公司产品的程式原码中盗取,公司计划向法庭申请禁制令(injunction)。
The "Green Dam" filtering software that the Chinese government is reportedly requiring for all PCs sold there contains pirated code, a U.S. software manufacturer claimed on June 12.
CyberSitter开发商Solid Oak软件公司指出,绿坝用户界面的外观和体验抄袭了CyberSitter。
Solid Oak Software, the developer of CyberSitter, claims that the look and feel of the GUI used by Green Dam mimics the style of CyberSitter.
According to a study by the University of Michigan, the software uses blacklists compiled by CyberSitter, dating back to 2006. An encrypted news bulletin, which dates back to 2004, was also accidentally included.
Solid Oak创办人米尔本表示,他曾收到一封匿名邮件,邮件称“绿坝”软件抄袭了Solid Oak的代码。
Solid Oak’s Milburn said that he had received an anonymous email alerting the company that Green Dam was using Solid Oak code.
"From the stuff they’ve posted, I’m 100 percent certain they’re using our proprietary code," Milburn said, "We’re still trying to do the detective work here."
According to Milburn, the company spent Friday trying to determine what its options were, and what avenues it could pursue to try and prevent its code from being misused. "We haven’t had any opportunity to explore our options," Milburn said. "At the very minimum, I believe we would pursue some sort of injunction."
米尔本提到,Solid Oak代码被盗用已经不止一次。早在20世纪90年代,就有黑客通过逆向工程破解用来阻止未成年人浏览色情内容的CyberSitter程序。
This isn’t the first time Solid Oak’s code has been stolen, Milburn said. In the late 1990s, hackers reverse-engineered CyberSitter, which prevents underage children from accessing pornography or other adult content, to allow users to access such content.
Solid Oak和CyberSitter曾因其对互联网的内容审查而被广为诟病。“这也是我们不想和绿坝有所牵连的原因”,米尔本说。
The hackers, as well as other detractors, have previously accused Solid Oak and CyberSitter of censoring the Internet. "That’s why we don’t want to be associated with it," Milburn said of Green Dam.
另外,由于数百万中国电脑用户可能会到Solid Oak进行升级更新,这将会大大增加公司的带宽支出。
Moreover, potentially millions of Chinese PC users could hit Solid Oak’s servers for updates, causing them huge fees for the additional bandwidth costs the company would be charged for.
One obvious solution to the problem would be to block access to China, a move that would also cut off a number of American schools in China, that use the software as a legitimate means of preventing children from accessing the adult content. Some organizations with satellite offices in Singapore, Korea, or other South Asian countries might also be affected.
"They’re using it legitimately, and we don’t want to turn off the entire continent," Milburn said.
(Translator & Editor: sylvie AND 小胡)
filtering software 过滤软件
Green Dam 绿坝
mimic 模仿
blacklist 黑名单
date back to 追溯到
accidentally 偶然地
anonymous 匿名的
proprietary 专利的,所有权
injunction 禁制令
bandwidth 频带宽度
legitimate 合法的,正当的