GOOGLE OS [no!?] gOS下载 - 藏宝阁 - 哎哟爱娱乐社区 QQ空间代码...

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/08 23:49:09

GOOGLE OS [no!?] gOS下载

如果你是Ubuntu的用户,同时又是google众多web应用的爱好者,这下有福了,集成了google一系列web application的操作系统gOS一定适合你,gOS内核基于最新推出的Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy gibbon,集成的google产品包括GMail、Google Canlendar、Google Docs and Speadsheets、Google Maps、Blogger、Google News、Youtube,另外还集成了其他web产品,如Facebook、Wikipedia、Meebo。
有意思的是该系统并非google的产品,而且gOS也并非一种官方linux发行版,确切说它是台湾Everex公司生产的199美元”Green gPC”笔记本(Everex Green gPC TC2502)的组成部分。

主板+CPU+google操作系统 仅售447元!

概念性Google操作系统设计为基于Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon 上的概念性 Google 操作系统(Operating System)。虽然没有使用一般的 GNOME 桌面环境而是选择的Enlightenment E17桌面系统来侧重其绿色Google 界面风格。



gOS提供简单的方式去访问Google 服务,比如YoutTube、Google 产品搜索、Google 日历和 Google 地图。同样只需要点击一下也可以访问其他网络服务,如Wikipedia(维基百科) 和 Facebook。


About gOS

Based in Los Angeles.
An alternative operating system for the masses

Our idea is to be a simple, user friendly, beautiful desktop for normal people.
Out of the box, just works!
We're creating an OS ecosystem that is complete. We come with all the software you need to browse the web, email, instant message... play movies, music, and connect to iPods... create and edit documents, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, images... out of the box. Plug and play!
Bring on Google and other wonderful applications
We recommend Google for just about everything... Gmail, Gtalk, Calendar, Maps, Docs and Spreadsheets, and more. We'd like to welcome you to the idea that Google already is your "operating system."
Open source and other values
We thank the Ubuntu 7.10 community and Enlightenment community for their contribution to gOS and the world. Our dedicated team and passionate community of volunteers are commited to bringing our alternative OS to the masses... so people everywhere can enjoy a third, more affordable and attractive choice when shopping for a computer. To get ahead of ourselves, we're saying goodbye to closed software and the digital divide.