
来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/10/06 23:50:55

  Poker是继"五张梭哈"之后流行世界的最新玩法,很多大赌场都有专门的扑克俱乐部(Poker Club)现在网络上有很多扑克俱乐部,经常还有一些世界大赛,它是所有赌戏中最斗智,斗勇,斗胆的,也是真正能让你找到赌神感觉的赌戏,但玩家大多都是欧美人,中国人较少,主要是因为国人对它的玩法和策略还不甚了解,它主要有如下几种:
1,吉哈斯(TEXAS HOLD'EM又称得克撒斯梭哈),手中赢面较大的牌是AA或AK等
吉哈斯现还有别的玩法:超级吉哈斯(SUPER TEXAS HOLD'EM)和双吉哈斯(DOUB TEXAS HOLD'EM)
2,奥马哈(OMAHA)又分两种一种是奥马哈海(OMAHA HIGH),即只比大,赢面较大的牌是AAKK或AKQJ.一种是奥马哈海搂(OMAHA HIGH-LOW),既比大也比小,所谓LOW是指8以下5张不成对的小牌,如2,3,4,6,8或A,2,3,4,5等,赢面较大的牌是AA22或AK23
奥马哈海搂(OMAHA HIGH-LOW)还有一变种:五张奥马哈海搂
3,七张(7 CARD STUD),也分"海"和"海搂"两种,"海"手中赢面较大的牌是AAA或JQK一色,"海搂"手中赢面较大的牌是AA2或234等,
关于策略稍后在谈,我写这篇文章的目的想抛砖引玉,望喜欢Poker的朋友都参与进来,教流经验和感受,共同提高,希望在不久的将来能成立中国人自己的Poker俱乐部,中国人自己的Poker网站,更希望在世界Poker大赛上中国人能拿冠军,成为真正的赌神.让我们共同努力吧! POKER高级篇--LUCK SUCKS(kobex03翻译)

By John Vorhaus



这篇系列很长,这里面我会告诉你为什么在单对单的SITNGO中需要工具,以及重新重新考虑很多基本POKER技术和策略.它需要你把这种比赛看成是一盘棋,而不仅仅是POKER游戏,享受它,HEAD'S UP的比赛有不同层次的思维,这需要我们把他们拿出来一一分类,分析,理解.



1,你害怕玩HEADS UP
2. 你不应该害怕.


也许你在人比较少的比赛中吃亏,或者在一对一的比赛中觉得,对方,那个流氓,恶棍,总是让你犯错误,本应该RAISE 却只是CALL,该CALL的时候却FOLD掉了,如此这般.你就会回想起在十人游戏中的安全,十人桌的大量的筹码(似乎都属于你的),并希望能够公平的分享自己的运气,从此一直凭运气玩POKER.

为什么你不应该害怕:你的新手时代已经过去.在线你已经有大约7千亿手数的经验.你已经对RAISE和RERAISE不再烦恼,胜负不再看得那么重.你已经提高了技术,在游戏中发挥智力.这时候你发现最让你尴尬的是运气离你而去.举个例子,当你在十人桌PREFLOP AA,因为爆发一场战争,(BET,RAISE),但最后却发现自己被一些看起来很愚蠢的TURN,RAISE 击败.



你肯定会问,我怎么知道?很简单的推理:事实上是,你能够来到这个网站,让自己找到这些文章本事就表示你受到的教育更高,也可以使你受的教育更加完善,比一般的你的对手就要好多了.即使是在大学生的ONLINE POKER玩家,(比一般的人应该聪明)他们都不知道自己在做什么,也很少花时间去学习.








P.S .写这个贴刚好在BJ大起大落,心态不稳定,想试着平静下来.高级篇的文章会继续的译下来,请多多指教,尤其某些POKER术语,翻译起来很头痛,有时候找不到一个合适的词去搭配,很痛苦.


I don't like luck. I don't like it when the other guy gets it, but then again, I don't much like having to rely on it myself. Poker, it's always seemed to me, would be pure bliss if only luck didn't enter into it at all. Of course we know that this can never be because it's luck that keeps the, uhm... "weaker-minded enthusiasts" coming back for more. Still, I could never help thinking that poker would be perfect if I could take the luck out of it, while leaving the appearance of luck in place.

Then I discovered one-on-one online Texas hold'em tournaments, and I'm here to tell you that these sitngo beauties are a skilled player's paradise. They don't utterly remove luck from the equation, but they minimize it greatly, and if you follow the steps I outline in this series of articles, you can minimize it even more.

It's gonna be a long series, and I'll tell you why: because playing one-on-one requires a retooling and a rethinking of many or most of your basic poker strategies. It requires that you think of the contest more like a chess match than a poker game, and appreciate that, like chess, heads-up tournaments have levels and layers of thought which will take some time to sort through, analyze, and understand.

But that's okay, 'cause I'm on a year's contract and you, well, you've got all the time in the world.

Let me start you off with a couple of shocking revelations:

WHY YOU'RE AFRAID: Your fear of playing one-on-one goes back to your earliest days in poker when most of the people you played against were, in fact, a whole lot better than you. Being less skilled than your foes, you found safety in numbers. You played hit-to-win poker, looking to call along into volume pots and win lots of chips when the cards made you an offer you couldn't refuse.

Maybe you dabbled in short-handed games or one-on-one contests and found that the other guy - that rapscallion! - always seemed to have you leaning the wrong way, calling when you should raise, folding when you should call, what-have-you. So you retreated to the safety of your ten-handed ring game, your volume pots, and what you hoped would be your fair share of the luck. And there you've stayed, stuck. Stuck in luck.

WHY YOU SHOULDN'T BE AFRAID: Your rookie days were a long time ago. You've played about six zillion hands of online poker since then. You've stopped fretting over raises and reraises, wins and losses. You've got your feet under you and your head in the game. Now you find the thing that frustrates you most is when the luck goes against you... when you pick up pocket aces in a ten-handed ring game, go to war against a full complement of Cally Wallies, and get called down (and beaten) by some ridiculous cheese.

Leave the cheese! Go play one-on-one. In that circumstance you don't have to beat a whole table full of foes. You only have to beat one guy, and guess what?

He's not as smart as you!

How do I know? Simple deduction: The fact that you found your way to this site and this article self-selects you as being more educated, and more dedicated to your education, than your average Joe foe. Even among the universe of online poker players (a generally smarter universe than the common population) there are people who don't really know what they're doing and never bother to learn.

If you can get heads-up against one of these under-prepared knuckleheads, he's practically a lock to give his money to you.

And you can! You can get heads-up against bad players a lot in one-on-one sitngos because the very format of the thing appeals greatly to a certain type of undereducated poker player: the action junkie who wants to be involved in every single hand.

Is every one-on-one player a bad player? Of course not. But if more than half of them are (and I contend that many more than half of them are) you should be able to win more than your share of one-on-one clashes, just by dint of your superior knowledge and skill.

But let's not stop there. Let's not content ourselves with beating bad players heads up. Let's have strategies for beating the good ones too. And let's go into the exercise with an air of supreme arrogance! Let's take it as given that we're going to dominate and crush every single foe who dares to take us on.
If you feel that this sort of arrogance is unwarranted, don't worry; you'll soon have the tools to back up your superiority complex. You'll soon have everything you need to sit down opposite anyone and by degrees strip his luck away.

And then he'll be standing there naked, with nothing but inferior skill on his side.

And then you're gonna pick him clean.