圖書館分類綱目表(Table of the 1000 Sections)

来源:百度文库 编辑:神马文学网 时间:2024/07/07 13:39:13
檔案資料夾分類綱目表(Table of the 1000 Sections)
 圖書館分類基本大綱Main Classes 000 總類Generalities [特藏、叢書、群經入此]100 哲學類Philosophy200 宗教類Religion
300 科學類Sciences
400 應用科學類Applied sciences
500 社會科學類Social sciences
600-中國史地類History and Geography
700 世界史地類History and Geography[傳記、文物考古入此]800 語言文學類Linguistics and Literature[新聞學入此]900 藝術類Arts


000 特藏Special collections
001 善本Rare books
002 稿本Manuscripts
003 精鈔本Fine transcript;舊鈔本 ;Old transcript
004 紀念文庫Memorial collections
005 中山文庫 Sun Yat-Sen collections
006 指定文庫Specific collections
007 鄉土文庫Native land collections
008 學位論文;送審論文 Thesis;Dissertation to be examined
009 禁書Banned books
010 目錄學總論 Bibliography:general
011 圖書學Bibliology
012 總目錄General catalogs
013 國家書目National bibliography
014 特種書目Bibliographies of special books
015 其他特種目錄Other special catalogs
016 專科目錄Bibliographies of special subjects
017 個人目錄Bibliographies of individuals
018 藏書目錄Catalog of collections
019 讀書法Reading
020 圖書資訊學總論Library and information science:general
021 圖書館建築;圖書館設備Library building;Library equipment
022 圖書館管理Library management
023 圖書館業務Library affairs
024 各類圖書館;特殊圖書館Various libraries;Special libraries
025 專門圖書館Specific libraries
026 普通圖書館;公共圖書館General libraries;Public libraries
027 檔案學;檔案館Archives science;Archives
028 資訊處理Information processing;資訊事業;Information business
029 私家藏書Store of private books
030 國學總論Sinology:general
031 古籍源流Origin and development of ancient books
032 古籍讀法及研究 Ancient books:guided reading and research
033-037 各國漢學研究Sinology studies of different countries
038 漢學會議Sinology conference
039 漢學家傳記Biography of sinologists
040 類書總論;百科全書總論Encyclopedia:general
041 分類類書Classification encyclopedia
042 摘錦類書Select encyclopedia
043 韻目類書Rhythm encyclopedia
044 歲時類書Chronology encyclopedia
046 常識手冊Practical information handbook
047 青少年百科全書;兒童百科全書Teenager's encyclopedia;Children's encyclopedia
049 各國百科全書Different countries encyclopedia
050 連續性出版品;普通期刊Serial publications;Gereral periodicals
051 學術期刊Academic journal
052 調查研究報告Investigation and research report
053 機關雜誌Organization magazine
054 娛樂雜誌Entertainment magazine
055 婦女雜誌;家庭雜誌Ladies' magazine;Family magazine
056 青少年雜誌;兒童雜誌Teenager's magazine;Children's magazine
057 普通畫報General illustrated magazine
058 普通年鑑General yearbook
059 普通報紙General newspaper
060 普通會社總論General organization:general
061 國際性普通會社International general organization
062 中國普通會社China general organization
063-067 各國普通會社General organization of different countries
068 基金會Foundation
069 博物館學Museology
070 普通論叢General collected essays
071 雜考Researches
072 雜說Notes
074 雜品Reviews
075 雜纂Collections
077 西學雜論Western miscllanea
078 現代論叢Essays
079 各國論叢Different countries essays
080 普通叢書General series
081 明以前叢書Book series before Ming Dynasty
082 清代叢書;近代叢書Book series:Ching Dynasty;Book series:modern
083 民國叢書;現代叢書Book series:Republic of China;Book series:contemporary
084 輯逸叢書The missing collections
085 各國叢書Book series:different countries
086 郡邑叢書Book series:domestic regions
087 翻譯叢書;西學叢書Translated book series;Western book series
088 族姓叢書Book series:family names
089 自著叢書Books of individual writers
090 經學總論Chinese classics:general
091 群經合刻General series of Chinese classics
092 群經注疏箋釋(附本文)
093 群經注疏箋釋(不附本文)
094 群經名物典制
095 群經表譜圖說
096 群經文字音義
097 讖緯總錄
098 群經總義合刻
099 石經Chinese classics carved on stones
090 經學通論Chinese classics:general
091 易經The Book of Changes
092 書經The Book of History
093 詩經The Book of Poetry
094 禮The Book of Rites
095 春秋The Spring and Autumn Annals
096 孝經The Book of Mencius
097 四書The Four Books
098 群經總義Annotations of collected Chinese classics
099 小學及樂經Classic of Music

 100 哲學總論Philosoply:general
101 哲學理論Philosophy theory
103 哲學教育及研究Philosophy education and research
104 哲學辭典Philosophy dictionary
105 哲學期刊Philosophy periodicals
106 哲學團體Philosophy organizations
107 哲學論文集Collection of philosophy essays
108 哲學叢書Philosophy book series
109 哲學史History of philosophy
110 思想、學術概說Overview of thought;Overview of learning
112 中國思想、學術Chinese thought;Chinese learning
113 東方思想、學術Eastern thought;Eastern learning
114 西洋思想、學術Western thought;Western learning
118 知識的區分Division of knowledge
119 人文學The Humanities
120 中國哲學總論Chinese philosophy:general
121 先秦哲學Ancient(per-Chin)philosophy
122 漢代哲學Philosophy of the Han Dynasty
123 魏晉六朝哲學Philosophy of the Wei, Tsin, and Six Dynasties
124 唐代哲學Philosophy of the Tang Dynasty
125 宋元哲學Philosophy of the Sung and Yuan Dynasties
126 明代哲學Philosophy of the Ming Dynasty
127 清代哲學Philosophy of the Ching Dynasty
128 現代哲學Modern philosophy
130 東方哲學總論Oriental philosophy:general
131 日本哲學Japanese philosophy
132 韓國哲學Korean philosophy
133 猶太哲學Jewish philosophy
134 阿拉伯哲學Arabian philosophy
135 波斯哲學Persian philosophy
136 中東各國哲學Middle east philosophy
137 印度哲學India philosophy
138 東南亞各國哲學Southeast Asia philosophy
140 西洋哲學總論Western philosophy:general
141 古代哲學Ancient philosophy
142 中世哲學Medieval philosophy
143 近世哲學Modern western philosophy
144 英國哲學British philosophy
145 美國哲學American philosophy
146 法國哲學French philosophy
147 德奧哲學German and Austrian philosophy
148 義大利哲學Italian philosophy
149 其他西洋各國哲學Other western philosophy
150 邏輯總論Logic:general
151 演繹邏輯Deductive logic
152 歸納邏輯Inductive logic
153 科學方法論Methodology of science
154 辯證邏輯Dialectical logic
155 模態邏輯Modal logic
156 數理邏輯Mathematical logic
157 概率Probability
158 專業邏輯Specialty logic
159 邏輯各論Logical topics
160 形上學總論Metaphysics:general
161 知識論Epistemology
162 方法論Methodology
163 宇宙論Cosmology
164 本體論Ontology
165 價值論Value
166 真理論Theory of truth
168 宇宙論問題各論Cosmology problem topics
169 存有論問題各論Ontology problem topics
170 心理學總論Psychology:general
171 心理學研究方法Psychology research methods
172 生理心理學Physiological psychology
173 一般心理General psychology
174 比較心理學Comparative psychology
175 離常心理學;超心理學Abnormal psychology;Parapsychology
176 心理學各論Special treatises on psychoology
177 應用心理學Applied psychology
178 臨床心理學Clinical psychology
179 心理計量;心理測量Psychometrics;Psychological measurement
180 美學總論Esthetics:general
181 美意識Beauty consciousness
182 美與感覺Beauty and perception
183 美之形式Forms of beauty
184 美之內容Contents of beauty
185 審美情感Aesthetic feelings
186 審美判斷Aesthetic judgment
188 各派美學Aesthetic factions
190 倫理學總論Ethics:general
191 倫理學理論Ethics theory
192 個人倫理;修身Individual ethics
193 家庭倫理Family ethics
194 性倫理;婚姻Sexual ethics;Marriage
195 社會倫理Social ethics
196 國家倫理State ethics
197 生命倫理學Bioethics
198 職業倫理Professional and occupational ethics
199 道德各論Moral topics
200 宗教總論Religion:general
201 宗教政策Religion policy
203 宗教教育及研究Religious education and research
204 宗教辭典Religion dictionary
205 宗教期刊Religion periodicals
206 宗教團體Religious organizations
207 宗教論文集Collection of religious essays
208 宗教叢書Religious book series
209 宗教史Religious history
210 宗教學總論Science of religion:general
211 宗教經驗Religious experience
212 宗教倫理道德Religious ethics(moral)
213 宗教行為及組織Religious behavior and organization
214 宗教與文化Religion and culture
215 原始宗教Primitive religions
216 宗教觀念與思想Concept and thoughts in religion
217 宗教交流Religion interchange
218 各宗教比較論;比較宗教學Comparative religion
219 宗教思想史;宗教學史History of religion thoughts;History of religious studies
220 佛教總論Buddhism:general
221 經及其釋Scriptures and its interpretation
222 論及其釋Abhidharma and its interpretation
223 律及其釋Vinaya and its interpretation
224 佛教儀制;佛教文藝Buddhist rituals;Buddhist literature and art
225 佛教佈教及信仰生活Buddhist missions, belief and live
226 佛教宗派Buddhist sects
227 寺院Temple
228 佛教史地History and geography of Buddhism
229 佛教傳記Buddhism:biography
230 道教總論Taoism:general
231 道藏Taozang(Taoist canon)
233 道教規律Taoist rules and regulations
234 道教儀式Taoist rituals
235 道教修鍊Taoist cultivation and refinement
236 道教宗派Taoist sects
237 道觀及道教組織Taoist temples and organization
238 道教史History of Taoism
239 道教傳記Taoism:biography
240 基督教總論Christianity:general
241 聖經Bible
242 神學;教義學Christian theology;Christian doctrinal theology
243 教義文獻Doctrines works
244 實際神學;儀式Practical theology;Ceremony
245 教牧學Pastoral theology
246 宗派Denominations and sects of Christian Church
247 教會;社會神學Church;Social theology
248 基督教史History of Christianity
249 基督教傳記Christian biography
250 伊斯蘭教總論Islam:general
251 伊斯蘭教經典Islamic classics
252 伊斯蘭教論疏Islamic abhidharma
253 伊斯蘭教規律Islamic law
254 伊斯蘭教儀式Islamic rituals
255 伊斯蘭教佈教Islamic missions
256 伊斯蘭教宗派Islamic sects
257 伊斯蘭教教會及組織Islamic church and organization
258 伊斯蘭教史History of Islam
259 伊斯蘭教傳記Islam:biography
260 猶太教總論Judaism:general
261 猶太教經典Talmud
262 猶太教教義Jewish doctrines
263 猶太教規律Jewish rules and regulations
264 猶太教儀式Jewish rituals
265 猶太教佈教Jewish missions
266 猶太教宗派Jewish sects
267 猶太教教會及組織Synagogues and Judaismic organization
268 猶太教史History of Judaism
269 猶太教傳記Jewish biography
270 其他宗教Other religions
271 中國其他宗教Other religions in China
272 祠祀Worship
273 日本神道Shinto
274 婆羅門教;印度教Brahmanism;Hinduism
275 祅教Zoroastrianism
276 其他東方諸宗教Other eastern religions
277 希臘羅馬之宗教Greek and Roman religions
278 條頓系及北歐之宗教Teutonic and nordic religions
279 其他Others
280 神話總論Mythology:general
282 中國神話Chinese mythology
283-287 各國神話Mythology of different countries
283 亞洲各國神話Asian mythology
284 西洋各國神話Western mythology
290 術數總論Astrology:general
291 陰陽五行Yin-Yang and Five Elements
292 占卜Divination
293 命相Fortune tellers
294 堪輿Geomancy
295 巫術Witchcraft
296 通靈術;心靈術Spirit speak;Mind control
297 異象奇聞;奇蹟Paranormal phenomena;Miracle
298 迷信;禁忌Superstitions:Taboos
299 各國迷信禁忌Superstition and taboo in different countries

 300 科學總論Sciences:general
301 科學理論Science theory
302 科學參考工具Science reference tools
303 科學教育及研究Science education and research
304 科學辭典Science dictionary
305 科學期刊Science periodicals
306 科學團體Science organizations
307 科學論文集Collection of science essays
308 科學叢書Science book series
309 科學史History of science
310 數學總論Mathematics:general
311 初等數學Elementary mathematics
312 電腦科學Computer science
313 代數Algebra
314 數學分析Analysis
315 拓樸學Topology
316 幾何Geometry
318 數值分析Numerical analysis
319 應用數學;機率Applied mathematics;Probabilities
320 天文學總論Astronomy:general
321 理論天文學Theoretical astronomy
322 實用天文學Practical astronomy
323 天體;天象Celestial body;Phenomena
324 天文地理學;大地天文學Astronomical geography
325 月球Moon
326 太空科學Space science
327 歲時;曆法;應用天文學Chronology;Calendars;Applied astronomy
328 氣象學Meteorology
330 物理學總論Physics:general
331 理論物理學Theoretical physics
332 力學Mechanics
333 物質Matter
334 聲學;聲音Sound;Acostics
335 熱學Thermology
336 光;光學Optics
337 電學;電子學Electricity;Electronics
338 磁學Magnetism
339 現代物理Modern physics
340 化學總論Chemistry:general
341 分析化學Analytical chemistry
342 儀器分析化學Instrumental analysis chemistry
343 高分子化學Polymer chemistry
345 無機化學Inorganic chemistry
346 有機化學Organic chemistry
347 化學實驗及設備Chemistry experiment &equipment
348 物理化學Physical chemistry
349 材料化學Material chemistry
350 地球科學總論;地質學總論Earth Science:general;Geology:general
351 自然地理Natural geography
352 歷史地質學Historical geology
353 固態地球科學Solid earth science
354 動力地質學Dynamic geology
355 經濟地質學Economic geology
356 地質調查Regional geology
357 礦物學Mineralogy
358 岩石學Petrology
359 古生物學Paleontology
360 生物科學總論Biological science:general
361 普通生物學General biology
362 演化論Evolution
363 遺傳學Genetics; Heredity
364 細胞論Cytology;Cell biology
365 經濟生物學Economic biology
366 生物分布;生物地理學Biogeography
367 生態學Ecology
368 生物技術Biotechnology
369 微生物學Microbiology
370 植物學總論Botany:general
371 植物形態學Plant morphology
373 植物生理學Plant physiology
374 植物生態學Plant ecology
375 植物分類學Plant taxonomy
376 經濟植物學Economic botany
377 種子植物Seed plants
378 孢子植物Spore plants
379 菌藻植物門Thallophyta
380 動物學總論Zoology:general
381 動物形態學Animal morphology
382 動物解剖學Animal anatomy
383 動物生理學Animal physiology
384 經濟動物學Ecomomic zoology
385 動物分佈;動物地理學Geographic distribution of animals
386 無脊椎動物Invertebrates
387 節肢動物門;緩步動物門;舌形動物門Arthropoda;Tardigrada;Linguatulida
388 半索動物門;脊索動物門Hemuchordata;Chordata
389 哺乳綱Mammalia
390 人類學總論Anthropology:general
391 體質人類學Physical anthropology
392 人種學Races;Ethnology
394 人體解剖學Human anatomy
395 人體組織學;顯微解剖學Human histology;Microscopic anatomy
396 人體胚胎學Embryology
397 人體生理學Human physiology
398 各部生理Various physiologies
399 生物化學;醫化學Biochemistry;Medical chemistry
應用科學類Applied sciences
 400 應用科學總論Applied sciences:general
401 技術理論Technology theory
402 技術參考工具Technology reference tools
403 技術教育及研究Technology education and research
404 技術辭典Technology dictionary
406 技術團體Technology organizations
408 技術叢書Technology book series
409 技術史History of technology
410 醫藥總論Medical sciences:general
411 衛生學Hygiene
412 公共衛生Public health
413 中國醫學Chinese medicine
414 中藥學Materia medica
415 西醫學Western medicine
416 外科Surgery
417 婦產科;老幼科Obstetrics and gynecology;Children and elders
418 藥學;藥理學;治療學Pharmacy;Pharmacology;Therapeutics
419 醫院管理;醫事行政;護理Hospital administration;Medical affair management;Nursing
420 家政總論Home economics:general
421 家庭經濟;家庭管理Home economics;Home management
422 居住環境Living environment
423 衣飾;服裝Clothes and accessories;Clothes
425 美容Beauty culture
426 家庭手藝Domestic handicraft
427 飲食;烹飪Food;Cookery
428 育兒Child care
429 家庭衛生Domestic health
430 農業總論Agriculture: general
431 農業經濟Agricultural economics
433 農業氣象與災害Agrometeorology and disasters
434 農藝Agronomy
435 園藝Horticulture
436 森林Forest
437 畜牧與獸醫Husbandry and veterinary
438 魚業Fishery
439 農產加工Agriculture processing
440 工程學總論Engineering:general
441 土木工程;建築工程Civil engineering;Architecture engineering
442 道路工程;鐵路工程Road engineering;Railway engineering
443 水利工程Hydraulic engineering
444 船舶工程Naval architecture
445 市政工程;環境工程Municipal engineering;Environment engineering
446 機械工程Mechanical engineering
447 交通工具工程Transportation vehicle engineering
448 電機工程Electrical engineering
449 核子工程Nuclear engineering
450 礦冶總論Mining and metallurgy:general
451 礦業經濟Mining economy
452 探礦;採礦;選礦Prospect mineral deposits;Mining;Ore dressing
453 金屬礦Metal mine
454 冶金;合金Metallurgy;Alloy
456 煤礦Coal mine
457 石油礦;石油工業Petroleum mine;Petroleum industry
458-459 非金屬礦Nonmetal mine
460 化學工程Chemical engineering
461 化學藥品;化學工業Chemicals;Chemical industries
462 爆炸物;燃料;照明Explosives;Fuels;Illumination
463 食品化學工業;營養化學工業Food chemicals industries;Nutrition chemicals
464 矽酸鹽工業Silicic industries
465 染料;顏料;塗料Dyes;Pigment;Paint
466 油脂及界面活性劑工業Oils and surfactants industries
467 高分子化學工業Polymer chemical industries
468 電化學工業Electrochemical industries
469 其他化學工業Other chemical industries
470 製造總論Manufacture:general
471 精密機械工藝Precision instruments
472 金屬工藝Metal manufactures
473 石材工藝Stone material technology
474 木工藝;竹工藝Woodworking;Bamboo work
475 皮革工藝Leather industries
476 造紙工藝Pulp and paper industries
477 印刷工藝Printing technology
478 纖維工藝Fiber engineering
479 其他工藝Other technologies
480 商業總論Commerce:general
481 糧商業Food dealers
482 其他農產品業Other farm products industries
483 畜牧水產品業;飲食相關行業Industry of pasturage and aquatic products;Food and drink related industry
484 機械業;電機資訊業Machinery industry;Electrical and information industry
485 化學製品業Chemical products industry
486 礦產品業Minerals industry
487 製造品業Manufacturing
488 紡織品業Textile products industry
489 其他各種營業Other various business
490 商學總論Commercial science:general
491 商業地理Commercial geography
492 商政Commercial policy
493 商業實踐Commercial practice
494 企業管理Business management
495 會計Accounting
496 商品學;市場學;行銷管理Merchandise;Marketing;Marketing management
497 廣告Advertisement
498 商店Store
499 企業志;公司行號志Enterprise record;Company record
社會科學類Social sciences
 500 社會科學總論Social sciences:general
501 社會科學理論Social sciences theory
502 社會科學參考工具Social sciences reference tools
503 社會科學教育及研究Social sciences education and research
504 社會科學辭典Social sciences dictionary
505 社會科學期刊Social sciences periodicals
506 社會科學團體Social sciences organizations
507 社會科學論文集Collection of social sciences essays
508 社會科學叢書Social sciences book series
509 社會思想史History of social thought
510 統計學總論Statistics:general
511 統計學各論Essays on statistics
512 統計資料處理Statistics data processing
513 統計機關Statistical organizations
514 各國統計Statistics of different countries
515 人口統計Statistics of population
516 生命統計Vital statistics
517 國民所得統計Statistics of national income
518 應用統計學Applied statistics
519 各科統計Various classes of statistics
520 教育總論Education:general
521 教育心理學;教學;課程Educational psychology;Teaching;Curriculum
522 教師及師資培育Teachers & their trainings
523 初等教育Primary education
524 中等教育Secondary education
525 高等教育Higher education
526 教育行政Educational administration
527 學校管理School management
528 各種教育Various types of education
529 特殊人教育Education for special groups
530 禮俗總論Rite and custom:general
531 禮經The book of Rites
532 通禮Customs of life cycle
533 邦禮State rites
534 家禮Familt rites
535 民族學Ethnology
536 民族志Ethnography
537 原始文化Primitive culture
538 民俗學;各國風俗Folk-culture;Manners and customs
539 民謠;傳說Traditional lore;Folklore
540 社會學總論Sociology:general
541 社會學各論Essays on sociology
542 社會問題Social issues
543 社會調查報告;社會計劃Social investigation report;Social plan
544 家庭;族制Family and Kinship
545 社區;環境Communities;Environment
546 社會階層及組織Social stratification and associations
547 社會工作;社會福利Social work;Social welfare
548 社會救濟Social pathology and relief
549 社會改革論Social Reform Movements
550 經濟學總論Economics:general
551 經濟學各論Topics on economics
552 經濟史地Economic history and conditions
553 生產;企業;經濟政策Production;Enterprise;Economic policy
554 土地問題Land related
555 產業;工業Industries
556 勞工Labour
557 交通Communication
558 貿易Commerce; International trade(Foreign trade)
559 合作Cooperatives;Cooperation
560 財政學總論Finance:general
561 貨幣;金融Money;Finance
562 銀行Banks and banking
563 金融各論Finance topics
564 公共財政Public finance
565 各國財政狀況Financial situation of different countries
566 地方財政Local finance
567 租稅Tax and taxation
568 關稅Custom duties;Tariff
570 政治學總論Political science:general
571 政治學各論Essays on political science
572 比較政府Comparative governments
573 中國政治制度Chinese government
574 各國政治The governments of other countries
575 地方制度;地方自治Local system;Local autonomy
576 政黨Political parties
577 移民及殖民International migration and colonization
578 國際關係International relations
579 國際法International law
580 法律總論Law:general
581 憲法Constitutional law
582 中國法規彙編Collections of law, Codes and Statutes-China
583 各國法規Laws and repulations of other countries
584 民法Civil law
585 刑法Criminal law
586 訴訟法Procedure
587 商事法Commercial law
588 行政法Administrative law
589 司法制度Judicial system
590 軍事總論Military science:general
591 軍制Military system and service
592 兵法;作戰法Arts of war
593 軍事教育;軍事訓練Military education;Military training
594 軍需;後勤;軍人生活Military supplies;Logistics;Military life
595 軍事技術Military technology
596 陸軍Army
597 海軍Navy
598 空軍Airforces
599 國防;防務National defense;Defense
史地類History and geography
600 史地總論History and geography:general
601 史學Historical science
602 史學參考工具Historical science reference tools
603 史學教育及研究Historical science education and research
604 史學辭典Historical science dictionary
605 史學期刊Historical science periodicals
606 史學團體Historical science organizations
607 史學論文集Collection of historical science essays
608 史學叢書Historical science book series
609 地理學Geographical study
中國史地History and geography of China
610 中國通史General history of China
611 中國史學理論Chinese historical science theory
612 中國史學參考工具Chinese historical science reference tools
613 中國史學教育Chinese historical science education
614 中國史學辭典Chinese historical science dictionary
615 中國史學期刊Chinese historical science periodicals
616 中國史學團體Chinese historical science organizations
617 中國史學論文集Collection of Chinese historical science essays
618 中國史學叢書Chinese historical science book series
619 中國史研究 Chinese history studies
620 中國斷代史Chinese history by period
621 先秦Ancient(to 203 B.C.)
622 漢及三國Han, Three Kingdoms(202 B.C.-280 A.D.)
623 晉及南北朝Tsin, South-North Dynasties(265-588)
624 唐及五代T'ang, Five Dynasties(618-959)
625 宋及遼金元Sung, Liao, Chin, Yuan(960-1368)
626 明Ming(1368-1644)
627 清Ching(1644-1911)
628 民國The Republic of China(1912- )
629 中國方隅史Regional histories
630 中國文化史History of Chinese civilization
631 先秦文化史History of civilization:Ancient(to 203 B.C.)
632 漢及三國文化史History of civilization:Han,Three Kingdoms(202 B.C.-280A.D.)
633 晉及南北朝文化史History of civilization:Tsin,South-North Dynasties(265-588)
634 唐及五代文化史History of civilization:T'ang,Five Dynasties(618-959)
635 宋及遼金元文化史History of civilization:Sung,Liao, Chin, Yuan(960-1368)
636 明代文化史History of civilization:Ming(1368-1644)
637 清代文化史History of civilization:Ching(1644-1911)
638 現代文化史Contemporary history of civilization
639 中國民族史Ethnological history of China
640 中國外交史Diplomatic history of China
641 前代中國外交史Early diplomatic history of China(to 1912)
642 現代中國外交史Contemporary diplomatic history of China(1912- )
643 中國與亞洲China and Asia
644 中國與歐洲China and Europe
645 中國與美洲China and America
646 中國與非洲China and Africa
647 中國與大洋洲China and Oceania
648 中國與國際機構China and international organizations
649 中國各地方外交史Diplomatic history of China:localities, districts
650 中國史料Historical sources
651 詔令Edicts, decrees, etc.
652 奏議;公牘Memorials and official papers
653 起居注Emperor living records
654 實錄Veritable records
655 檔案Archival materials
656 族檔Family archives
657 公報Official gazettes
658 中國史料叢刊Library of Chinese historical sources
659 雜史料Sundry historical sources
660 中國地理總志Geography of China
661 先秦地理志Geography:Ancient(to 203B.C.)
662 漢及三國地理志Geography:Han, Three Kingdoms(202 B.C.-280 A.D.)
663 晉及南北朝地理志Geography:Tsin, South-North Dynasties(265-588)
664 唐及五代地理志Geography:T'ang, Five Dynasties(618-959)
665 宋及遼金元地理志Geography:Sung, Liao, Chin, Yuan(960-1368)
666 明代地理志Geography:Ming(1368-1644)
667 清代地理志Geography:Ching(1644-1911)
669 中國歷史地理Historical geography
670 中國地方志總論Local history
671 華北地區North China area
672 華中地區Central China area
673 華南地區South China area
674 東北地區Northeast China area
675 塞北地區North of the Great Wall
676 西部地區Western China area
680 中國地理類志Topicla topography
681 都城;疆域Capital city;National territory
682 水志Historical record of hydrology and watercourses
683 山志Historical record of mountains
684 名勝古蹟Famous, scenic and historic spots
685 人文地理Human geography
686 經濟地理Economic geography
687 人物Personage
689 雜記Random notes(type of literature)
690 中國遊記Chinese travels
 世界史地World history and geography
710 世界史地
World:general history and geography
711 世界通史World:general history
712 世界斷代史World:history by period
713 世界文化史World:history of civilizaon
714 世界外交史World:diplomatic history
715 世界史料World:historical sources
716 世界地理World:geography
717 世界區域志World:district history
718 世界地理類志World:topicla topography
719 世界遊記Articles on world journey
720 海洋志總論Oceans and seas:general
721 太平洋Pacific Ocean
722 北太平洋North Pacific Ocean
723 南太平洋South Pacific Ocean
724 印度洋Indian Ocean
725 大西洋Atlantic Ocean
726 地中海Mediterranean Sea
727 北極海Arctic Ocean
728 南極海Antarctic Sea
729 航海記彙編Voyages
730 亞洲史地總論Asia history and geography:general
731 日本Japan(Nihon, Nippon)
732 韓國Korea
733 臺灣Taiwan
734 中亞Central Asia
735 中東Middle East
736 西南亞Southwest Asia
737 南亞;印度South Asia;India
738 東南亞Southeast Asia
739 馬來群島Malay Archipelagoes
740 歐洲史地總論Europe history and geography:general
741 英國British Isles
742 法國France
743 德國Germany
744 中歐Central Europe
745 義大利Italy
746 伊比利半島及諸小國Iberian Peninsula and adjacent countries
747 北歐Northern Europe
748 俄羅斯Russia
749 東南歐Southeast Europe
750 美洲史地總論Americas history and geography:general
751 北美洲North America
752 美國U.S.A.
753 加拿大Canada
754 拉丁美洲Latin America
755 中美諸國Central American Countries
756 南美洲South America
757-759 南美各國South American Countries
760 非洲史地總論Africa history and geography:general
761 埃及Egypt
762 衣索匹亞Ethiopia
763 撒哈拉Sahara
764 中非Central Africa
765 東非East Africa
766 西非West Africa
767 西北非洲Barbary States
768 南部非洲South Africa
769 非洲屬島Africa island territories
770 大洋洲總論Oceania:general
771 澳大利亞Australia
772 紐西蘭New Zealand
774 太平洋諸島嶼Pacific Islands
775 美拉尼西亞Melanesia
776 密克羅尼西亞Micronesia
777 玻里尼西亞Polynesia
778 北極Arctic
779 南極洲Antarctic
780 傳記總論Biography:general
781 世界傳記General biography
782 中國傳記Chinese biography
783 亞洲傳記Asia biography
784 歐洲傳記Europe biography
785 美洲傳記Americas biography
786 非洲傳記Africa biography
787 大洋洲傳記Oceania biography
789 譜系Heraldry
790 文物考古總論Antiquities & archaeology:general
791 文物彙考;金石志Antiquities collections;Record of sculpture in metal and stone
792 甲骨Oracle bones
793 金屬器物Metals, bronzes
794 石Stone
795 古書畫;古文書Painting, calligraphy and documents
796 磚瓦陶及雜器Terra cotta
797 中國古物志Record of Chinese antiquities
798 各國古物志Record of other countries antiquities
799 史前文物考古Prehistoric archaeology
語言文學類Linguistics and literature
800 語言學總論Linguistics:general
801 比較語言學Comparative philology;Linguistics
802 漢語Chinese languages;Mandarin
803 東方語言Oriental languages
804 印歐語系Indo-Aryan languages
805 日耳曼語族Germanic languages
806 斯拉夫語族Slavic languages
807 其他語系Other languages
808 美洲、非洲、大洋洲諸語言Languages of America, Africa,Oceania
809 人為語Artificial language
810 文學總論Literature:general
811 寫作;翻譯;演講Literary writing;Translation;Speech
812 文藝創作及批評Literature and criticism
813 世界文學總集World literature:general collections
815 各種文學Various literatures
819 比較文學Comparative literature
820 中國文學總論Chinese literature:general
821 中國詩論Chinese poetics
822 辭賦論Antithetic prose discussion
823 詞論;詞話Lyric discussion
824 中國戲曲論Chinese drama discussion
825 中國散文論;語體文論;新文學論
Chinese prose discussion;Spoken style writings discussion;New literature discussion
826 中國雜文學論Chinese miscellaneous literature discussion
827 中國小說論Chinese fiction discussion
829 中國文學批評史History of Chinese literary criticism
830 中國文學總集Chinese literature:general collections
831 中國詩總集Chinese poems:general collections
832 辭賦總集Antithetic prose:general collections
833 詞總集Lyric:general collections
834 中國戲曲總集Chinese opera:general collections
835 中國散文總集Chinese prose:general collections
836 中國國文課本Chinese literature textbook
837 中國語體文總集Chinese spoken style writings:general collections
838 婦女作品總集Female works:general collections
839 中國各地藝文總集Chinese regional arts and literature:general collections
840 中國文學別集Chinese literature:indivisual works
842 漢及三國別集The Han-Dynasty and The Three Kingdoms:indivisual works
843 晉及南北朝別集The Tsin Dynasty and The South-North Dynasties:indivisual works
844 唐及五代別集The Tang Dynasty and The Five Dynasties:indivisual works
845 宋及遼金元別集The Sung Dynasty, The King Dynasty and The Yuan-Dynasty:indivisual works
846 明代別集The Ming Dynasty:indivisual works
847 清代別集The Ching Dynasty:indivisual works
848 現代別集Contemporary:indivisual works
850 各地方文學;各民族文學;各體文學Various Chinese literature
851 中國詩Chinese poetry
852 詞Lyrics
853 曲Chinese opera
854 劇本Script;Libretto
855 散文;隨筆;日記Prose;Ramble;Diaries
856 函牘及雜著Letters and miscellanies
857 小說Fictions
858 民間文學;俗文學Folk literature;Popupar literatiure
859 中國兒童文學Chinese children's literature
860 東方文學總論Oriental literature:general
861 日本文學Japanese literature
862 韓國文學Korean literature
863 臺灣文學Taiwanese literature
864 中東文學Middle East literature
865 阿拉伯文學Arabian literature
866 伊朗文學Iranian literature
867 印度文學Indian literature
868 東南亞文學Southeast Asian literature
869 其他亞洲各國文學Other Asian countries literatures
870 西洋文學總論Western literature:general
871 古代西洋文學Classical literature
872 近代西洋文學Modern western literature
873 英國文學English literature
874 美國文學American literature
875 德國文學German literature
876 法國文學French literature
877 義大利文學Italian literature
878 西班牙文學Spanish literature
879 葡萄牙文學Portuguese literature
880 俄國文學Russian literature
881 北歐各國文學Nordic literatures
882 中歐各國文學Central European literatures
883 東歐各國文學Eastern European literatures
885 美洲各國文學Literatures of America
886 非洲各國文學African literatures
887 大洋洲各國文學Oceania literature
889 西洋小說Western fiction
890 新聞學總論Journalism:general
891 新聞政策;新聞法規Press policy;Press law
892 組織和管理Organization and management
893 新聞編輯及報導News editing and reporting
894 新聞業務;新聞經營Press affairs;Press management
895 新聞採訪及新聞寫作News gathering and writing
896 通訊社News agency
897 各種新聞媒體Mass media
898 中國新聞事業Chinese journalism
899 各國新聞事業Other countries journalism
900 藝術總論Arts:general
901 藝術理論Art theory
902 藝術圖譜Art illustrative plates
903 藝術教育及研究Arts education and research
904 藝術辭典Arts dictionary
905 藝術期刊Arts periodicals
906 藝術團體Arts organizations
907 藝術論文集Collection of arts essays
908 藝術叢書Arts book series
909 藝術史History of arts
910 音樂總論Music:general
911 音樂理論Music theory
912 合奏及樂團Ensemble and music group
913 聲樂;歌曲Vocal music;Songs
914 舞蹈音樂Dance music
915 戲劇音樂Dramatic music
916 絃樂String instruments
917 鍵盤樂器;敲擊樂器;電子與電腦樂器Keyboard instruments;Percussion instruments;Electronic and computer
918 管樂Wind instruments
919 民族音樂Ethnic music
920 建築藝術總論Architecture:general
921 建築藝術設計Architectual design
922 中國建築Chinese architecture
923 各國建築Other countries architecture
924 宮殿;城廓Palaces;Castles
925 道路;橋樑Roads;Bridges
926 公共建築Public architecture
927 宗教建築;陵墓Religious architecture;Mausoleum
928 民屋;住宅House;Residence
929 景觀建築Landscape architecture
930 雕塑總論Sculpture:general
931 篆刻;刻印Seals
932 雕塑材料及技法Sculpture:media and skills
933 木雕Wood carving
934 石雕Stone carving
935 金屬雕刻Metal carving
936 玉雕;象牙雕及其他Jade carving;Ivory carving and others
937 版畫Engraving
938 陶瓷雕塑;雕漆Ceramic sculpture;Carved lacquer ware
939 塑造Mold
940 繪畫總論Drawing & painting:general
941 中國書畫Chinese calligraphy and painting
942 書法Calligraphy
943 法帖;拓本Model of calligraphy for practice;Rubbings
944 中國畫Traditional Chinese painting
945 中國畫冊Album of traditional Chinese painting
946 東洋畫Oriental painting
947 西洋繪畫Western painting
948 各種西洋畫法Various western painting techniques
949 西洋畫各派Western painting factions
950 攝影總論Photography:general
951 攝影器材設備Photographic equipment
952 攝影技術Cameral techniques
953 專題攝影技術Subject photography techniques
954 特殊攝影技術Special photography techniques
955 攝影術之應用Application of photography
956 電腦藝術Computer art
957 專題攝影集Photo albums-by subject
958 普通攝影集Collections of photographs
959 攝影業;攝影師Photography;Photographer
960 應用美術總論Decorative arts
961 圖案Pattern
962 裝飾文字Decorating lettering
963 色彩及配色Color and color matching(color scheme)
964 工業美術Industrial arts
966 織品服飾工藝美術Arts and crafts of fabric costume and accessories
967 室內裝飾Interior decoration
968 玻璃及金屬工藝美術Arts and crafts of glass and metal
969 民間工藝美術Folk arts and crafts
970 技藝總論Arts and crafts:general
971 花藝;插花Floral arts
972 紙藝Paper arts
973 香道Incense-burning ceremony
974 茶藝;茶道Tea ceremony
976 舞蹈;跳舞Dancing
980 戲劇總論Theatre:general
981 劇場藝術Theatre arts
982 中國戲劇Chinese theatre
983 東洋戲劇Oriental theatre
984 西洋戲劇Western theatre
985 學校戲劇School drama
986 偶戲Puppet theatre
987 電影Motion pictures;Movies
989 其他各種戲劇Other various theatres
990 遊藝及休閒活動總論Recreation and leisure:general
991 公共娛樂Popular entertainment
992 旅遊;觀光Travel
993 戶外活動Outdoor games
994 水上運動Water sports
995 室內遊戲Indoor games
996 兒童遊戲Children's games
997 智力遊戲Games of skill
998 博戲Gambling games of chances
999 業餘遊玩;民俗藝術Hobbies;Folk arts